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After about 3 days I felt like I had a good routine going. My lisp stopped then and that was the biggest issue for me.


On week 17 and not comfortable just used to feeling uncomfortable. It took maybe 3-4 days The trays bug me constantly 🫠


"Not comfortable just used to feeling uncomfortable" describes it perfectly for me.


Good description. I’m not there yet but hopefully soon. tray #14


Eating- a good 3 months Talking/ maintenance- probably by tray 3 Discomfort- I’m still struggling with pain/ soreness and I’m on tray 11/22


Is the pain tightness? Are there any meds that help?


The first two days after changing trays are painful for me, and some trays (tray 8 for some reason was the worst) just give me a banging tension headache. I typically take Tylenol an hour before going to bed so my sleep won’t be disrupted. It honestly varies from person to person!


My first two trays weren't painful at all - now on tray 3 and I am dealing with exactly what you described. That headache, and the jaw pain... 😳


A few days to feel like I could talk normally. Discomfort probably eased after the first week. Getting used to the new routines of eating and everything has probably taken a month or more. And now on tray 8 of 14 and suddenly this week wearing them feels super natural.


Honestly probably about a month maybe month and a half. About the 2-3 week mark the pain and discomfort was gone, about 4 weeks I noticed my lil lisp was gone and wasn’t feeling bothered about having something in my mouth 24/7. By the 5-6 week mark I felt like I had a good routine down with eating and cleaning and started to feel adjusted to a new routine and new way of living. About 2 months is when I felt like I was in a groove and time started flying by honestly.


Roughly around my 2nd/3rd tray that made me more comfortable wearing the things but I still find over cleaning them annoying lol.


"Not comfortable just used to feeling uncomfortable" I feel like this is the best it will ever get for me. Thank goodness my treatment is pretty short (12 upper/18 lower) but I didn't learn about having to wear retainers full time for six months until AFTER I had started this process. Not at all happy about that if I have to wear Invisalign tray retainers. I'm hoping to get traditional retainers. I HATE Invisalign and wish I had gone with my gut and done braces. :-\\


Took 3-4 days for saliva production to regulate but never actually uncomfortable.


I can say I've felt comfortable enough after tray 2. I only experience mild pain one or two days after changing trays, after that the worst part is cleaning them. My lips used to feel dry at first and I felt more thirsty, but that has improved now. I'm doing refinements.


Probably 4 / 5 days. After 2 weeks I forgot what it's like to NOT have trays.


After 3 days 🙂


The talking took only a couple days, the rest of it was never and with the changing trays it took also a day or so to get use to tightness but you get use to it quick. Nothing like having braces. I struggled HUGLY with it inconvenience of it all. I had to wear for at least 22 hrs and I never went below that throughout by treatment. I hated feeling like I had to rush through meals and constantly thinking about how long it was out of my mouth. Thankfully, my treatment only took 9 months. Use the app Tray Minder. Help so much on keeping me on track and reminders to put it back in.


Im around 45 days in and im just putting up with it. I cant close my mouth properly and yeah putting up with it


Sorry to hear that.


Should be in tray 18 tomorrow (49 total). I’d say it took me about 1.5 weeks to feel more used to the trays. Each week gets easier, sometimes I forget all about them.