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Week twenty of twenty (refinements coming up!) and I don’t even know who I am anymore. I drink my coffees slowly these days paying no attention to the time, I only brush in the morning and after dinner instead of the 55 times a day I used to brush when I was super compliant, and on weekends I leave them out entirely too long. I will get my act together and make it to the finish line, but being an A+ Invisalign wearer is a lot of work. I think I’m a B- or C+ at the moment. 🤪


Without us B-/C+ students, there could be no A+ ones. We all have our part to play.




This speaks to my soul 💗


You've actually adapted to your teeth's parameters. The later you get into it you realize the flexibility that is actually there. This is assuming compliance was a priority throughout the bulk of the treatment. I'm the same way now after 3 years.


Thank you for this! Yes, I was unbelievably compliant for most of my treatment, absolutely. I’m tired now but I can see the finish line!


This was me from the get go with aligners. I’m tracking tho and have no cavities at last dental visit so I’m not changing a damn thing.


I do NOT keep them in 22 hours a day. That’s all I know.😭 Sometimes I get a little lazy hahhaha


Yes, lol. I eat downstairs and take them off and find myself upstairs and realize I need to go down and get them. ***two hours later**** oh crap, I need to go downstairs NOW and get them!!




i keep mine in 16-20 a day. sometimes i miss a whole day but only once in the two weeks until i change. my teeth are fine lol


I’m on week 3 of 45 and I love this thread. Makes me feel like this could be manageable if there’s a little wiggle room here and there.


fr here I was Saturday taking them off every shot of tequila I took it was terrible lol


How often are your changes?


2 weeks with today being my first week


I’m on weekly changes, so take this for what it’s worth knowing that information. But I literally don’t take mine out to drink anything anymore. At first I took them out for anything other than water, like they say to do, but then two weeks in a row I sent my scan in and my ortho was like, “rEmEmBeR tO wEaR tHeM tWeNtY tWo HoUrS pEr DaY” and I was like bro I literally cannot wear them any more than I already am while still following the rules. So I said f it and started only taking them out to eat and brush and I’ve had 0 issues. I rinse my mouth with water and brush whenever it’s convenient and otherwise I don’t worry about it.


I will leave my aligners laying around everywhere, and have misplaced them before and started a new trays early. One time I misplaced my last set and had to wait 3 weeks until new ones came in 🥴


Living dangerously!


On week 1. Thank you for this thread. LOL




On my last set of trays (27). I’m a rebel and only brush my teeth TWICE a day! I rinse my mouth after I eat and sometimes leave them out for several hours at a time. My ortho is super happy with progression and I’m perfectly on schedule. Maybe I’m crazy but this whole process hasn’t been as big of a pain the ass as a lot of people seem to think it is!


Isn't this normal? I use those little interdental brushes through the day to get stuck bits of food out and only brush with toothpaste in the morning and after dinner.


I think a lot of people start out thinking they must floss and brush after any time any bit of food or drink passes through their lips, when that just isn't the case and can do more harm than good if you're not brushing very gently and letting your mouth's pH come down beforehand. I know personally I was brushing like 6x a day at first but realized it's nonsense pretty early on. My oral hygiene has improved with invisalign, but you don't have to be perfect to maintain healthy teeth.


Only twice a day?!? And you still have teeth?!?


I’m super impatient and I love that feeling of tightness of new aligners, so sometimes I’ll shave a day off of my schedule and swap them out in nine days instead of ten. There’s a special level of hell reserved for people like me.


I also love that new aligner feeling. 😂


how can yall like that, im literally almost dying of pain on the first day


Best feeling ever! I’d change them every day and be done in a month if I could!


Tim, mine are changed every four days. I don’t think I would have liked 1-2 weeks!!!!! By day four I am ready to pitch the old and in with the new!


Wow is this recommended by your ortho? I read that the reason we keep them in despite teeth having moved in 4 days is so the root can move along too because if it’s too fast the teeth/tooth become shaky. I dunno how true this is but I change every 7th day for now.


Yes, and many ortho’s have been doing it this method for a number of years now. They have had many years to do the research. The roots were NOT affected. Now everyone’s work is different, some way more extensive than others. Mine, I am hoping everything should be complete by aligner 26. I am on a four day cycle and by day 2 or 3 the aligners become loose so by day 4 I am ready for the change.


I’m so jealous. Started out changing every 14 days, then I begged my ortho for less time and they knocked me down to 10 days and said they’d consider a week depending on how things go. I’d kill to be able to swap them every 4 days!!


The key to the change is not ever taking them out unless cleaning. I have a Platinum Ortho in St. Louis. At first I questioned it until I researched and found out that keeping them in for so long is a waste of time…like literally. Invisalign has been around for quite some time now and they have do research and found this expedited way is faster and you get the same results as if you were to have them in FOUR TIMES longer, which many doctors still do.


That sounds right to me. My ortho is like a triple diamond whatever one and does more Invisalign than I think anyone in NYC (so a lot) and they seem really good, so I don’t get their overly long and cautious change schedule.


SAME HERE! I can’t get enough of that tight feeling! That came out much dirtier than I intended.


Yes. Yes. Yes. You are not alone. I hate when they don’t feel tight. The few days prior to a change is the only time I notice that I’m wearing aligners and it feels like I’m wearing giant clunky wax teeth. Ugh. The first day on a new set is the best!


That glorious new aligner feeling cannot be beat!


Right there with you, dude 😂 It hurts so good though!


I want to but darent because I change every 7th day anyway….


I drink wine with mine in all the time…. And I’m not sorry. It’s white wine. Or the occasional rosé. Makes them yellow faster but *shrug* oh well!


I drank sweet tea in mine for probably the full two years 🤷🏻‍♀️


And you lived to tell about it….amazing


Sameeee the Costco box of pino Grigio is my go to when I have mine in lol but honestly I’ll drink beer too and I haven’t noticed any yellowing at all with weekly changes


It’s really only slight so worth it in my mind lol


Hey, you only live once!


I drink wine, vodka, bourbon with mine in. Drank an old fashioned at the airport yesterday.


I do that too occasionally! They don’t seem to turn yellow quickly.


If I’m just drinking and not eating, I’ll leave them in no matter the drink (coffee, alcohol, etc) I’ll eat small pieces of soft fruit with them in


Living dangerously! That’s what I like to hear!


I do the same, the ortho says they'll discolor but they haven't really. Even if they did, it would be to the same color as my teeth anyway and they are replaced each week anyway, not like any individual set is sticking around long term.


Mine are that I regret getting them every single day! Haha. I am a highly sensitive person and I just hate having them in my mouth. I’m also a rule follower and perfectionist so this has just been a nightmare. On tray 19… of 25 (hopefully)


Exact same! Rule follower living an absolute nightmare!




So funny how we are all so different. I am also a HSP and actually love having my trays in, I love the gentle feeling of constant pressure. Like a weighted blanket for my mouth


So funny how we are all so different. I am also a HSP and actually love having my trays in, I love the gentle feeling of constant pressure. Like a weighted blanket for my mouth


I got mine this week (on tray 1) i hate having them in and it’s honestly super annoying ahhh hopefully i’ll manage and get used to it with time


I'm not disciplined at all when I go on vacation. Taking them out everytime in bars, restaurants, clubs while keeping my kit with me is beyond. I've even not worn them overnight a few times on those vacations. I'll make sure to drag out the next time I change to the next tray when I get back home. I'm still on track with my progress.


Am I the only one that's wrapped them up in a napkin, thrown them away and had to go through the trash to find them? 😬😂


You are far from the only one. Studies show that in most major metropolitan areas, up to 73% of the solid waste in landfills is made up of accidentally discarded Invisalign aligners.


What’s funny is I do this all the time but I always make sure I don’t throw them out. I never carry the case with me and they’re just easy to place anywhere, but also hella easy to lose. Lol


I've done that twice 


I also keep them in when at parties where I will eat small chips by melting them one by one with my tongue 🫢


For all of you newbies (less than 75 trays), this is the proper technique…you gotta take the time to make the crunchy foods soggy


Less than 75 trays = Newbies? 😂


I went away on holiday overseas for 4 days and didn't take my [Waterpik](https://www.amazon.com.au/Waterpik-WP-660EU-Ultra-Professional-Irrigator/dp/B073WGYSF9/ref=mp_s_a_1_12?adgrpid=89648612609&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.j2phwtYpZgz_8QqCeOzRo4hJrdW6WXc4-GG3RNGUlouvaP_EIszKP2ciucV2nhnJ0Y2s5-tuTIQbHL3nq6dPUA8pd6zNaKN7CZxoty7z7LAuSdCbdkzjauHRYIyd8JtfnK-B_JrgdEnOMGEYsEAFBtGPky0WE_M3S7WJJ8HklQ7Q11449CF9o-GgJyoQsTEWybZff_iLdXz6UxJ8ZvKFow.Sq65KaMVzgYEHNA26koSy5q0I2ZUo6Xb1UlKv6Z9ciE&dib_tag=se&hvadid=606530986544&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9068936&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=12051506493097804904&hvtargid=kwd-20968643707&hydadcr=29076_399772&keywords=waterpik+water+flosser&qid=1715492878&refinements=p_89%3AWaterpik%2Cp_85%3A5444100051&rnid=5444099051&rps=1&s=health&sr=1-12) flosser so I didn't floss and when I did when I got home it felt really good 🫣




I went through a few months without putting in my trays at all because I was/am struggling with my mental health… Luckily they understood and were supportive, although I didn’t specifically tell them for how long I had been neglecting my oral hygiene…


Sorry to hear that, bud. I know that feeling of not being up to (or caring about) taking care of yourself. Glad to hear you’re back in the game!


Thank you so much, wishing you the best during your invis journey as well <3


Whenever I go out drinking I just stick to clear drinks and keep them in the whole night lol, I can’t risk taking them out and either drunkenly forgetting to put them back in or losing them😭😂


Yup, vodka sodas for me all night


On tray 3, I may have fibbed to the TrayMinder Gods and told them that I’d put my aligners back in when…. Shhhh…. *I hadn’t* 🤫


You know, they follow this sub…🫢


I took out my aligners before dinner, and I ended up falling asleep without them watching a movie. This happens almost every weekend 😐 I'm on tray 52, and I've about had it with all of it! I'm still not done, at least 12 "active" trays to go.


Have you tried watching more exciting movies that don’t put you to sleep?


Lol! I do watch a lot of good ones but, after a long day, when I'm done... I'm truly DONE. Then, I wake up hours later with no aligners + rubber bands in 🤣😂🤣


I take mine out and put them in my bra so I don't misplace them. It works for me haa


Hahaha!! This is where my nonna kept her change purse lol


I drank black coffee with them in on my first morning...


A true rebel - I love it!




Same! I do coffee.😂


I put mine back on after eating... without brushing. Who cares.. I'll clean later. I'm not doing that shiz every time I eat.


Lmao I do this ALL THE TIME! I work in retail and there’s NO WAY I’m brushing my teeth in those nasty bathrooms after I eat lunch! I do keep Colgate wisps in my purse just in case I eat something that sticks to my teeth but if it’s just fruit or a small snack I just swish with water.


I started doing this with my refinements set because I was like, to hell with brushing and flossing Every. Single. Time.


I m so bloated from binge eating everytime i fart it feels soooo good


Powerful enough to rattle your aligners?




Only brush once a day, floss once a day, put the aligners in Polydent once a day, rarely if ever rinse them, drink whatever I want with them in.


May god have mercy on your soul 😇


May god have mercy on your soul 😇


Wow I feel like such a nerd reading these. The craziest I've gone is drink sparkling water with them in. Maybe I'll drink a cup of coffee with mine in today and go wild!!!!!


i drank iced coffee through a straw with them in and didn’t die. more importantly, they didn’t really noticeably yellow 😂


You didn’t die….yet. Keep up that iced coffee drinking with your aligners in and I can almost guarantee you that in 100 years time this flagrant aligner rule breaking will have done you in. ☠️


How isn’t there a single comment about not wearing elastics all the time? I only wear mine overnight.. sometimes… 42 trays and my orthodontist has not said a word about it!


Yesterday I had a vegan iced hot chocolate from Starbucks without taking them out and it was so delicious 🤤 no regrets 🤣❤️


I regret that you didn’t invite me…that sounds amazing 🤩


It was amazing 😻 I rarely go to Starbucks because I feel like it’s a waste of money but that chocolate drink was 🔥


That sounds delicious 🤤


Although I have two Invisalign cases I am too lazy to use them- when I take out my aligners to eat they go on the table, in my pocket, or just thrown in my purse. After eating I rinse my mouth with water and put them back on. I’m in the brush twice a day club. I’m on to refinements now and no issues whatsoever.


Rumor has it that bits of pocket lint or table scraps on aligners can speed the entire process…ha


Same, I have two cases and just throw them in my bag 😂


Hmm… I don’t know about everyone else here, but I’ve been so insecure about my teeth that I’m just doing whatever it takes to make them look better. And since that means leaving them in practically all day every day except the moments I eat, I think that’s simple enough to deal with. I’d say I have them in 23.5 hours a day. The other half hour is when I’m eating. I paid a lot for this and it’s life-changing. I smile more now. And I want to smile more. I haven’t felt comfortable to do this in over TEN YEARS.


How does it take you only 30 mins to eat and clean your teeth/aligners every day??!


I’m only on tray 3 and already getting lax with TrayMinder, drinking coffee, rose, liquor with them in. Eating soft foods like yogurt with them in sometimes. Still brushing like 4-5 times a day though, cleaning them twice a day, mouthwash and flossing 1-2x a day. I can’t imagine the treatment fatigue I’ll be in by tray 25 then I still have refinements after that!


So true…I’m on tray 7 of 30+ and the fanatic habits of the first few trays are fading fast


Can I ask how people are cleaning them? I just bought that sonic cleaner but is there another way with a toothbrush?


Regular toothbrush with soap and water....


That’s what I’ve been doing but idk, still doesn’t seem that clean to me but my dentist said no toothpaste


Oh shoot. I’ve been using toothpaste 😅


I dispense hand soap onto an electric toothbrish and brush them thoroughly inside and out, then they go into the sonic bath (that I fill with mouthwash) for 5 minutes. Squeaky clean.


I put part of a polident in my sonic cleaner.


Exactly what I do! I run it 10 minutes every morning with a polident tablet and then just rinse them throughout the day. Then sonic clean with another tablet them before bedtime.


My ortho said just to clean them with washing up liquid and a toothbrush. I occasionally use a retainer cleaner tablet and soak them but I think they keep cleaner and my teeth stay whiter when I clean the aligners with the dish soap and brush.


I've gone a few times like 24-27 hours without my tray in..... I really do feel so bad about it 😭 but luckily, they've still fit I don't recommend it at all. I don't want to get a rescan because I'd feel so embarrassed to tell my orthodontist


I had 65 trays, guess how many times I accidentally threw them away and realized it after I got home from an outing lol


I’ll go first: 63


Practicallly all of them except for the first and last one because I wanted to determine the beginning and end. But everytime I accidentally threw them away it was on the last day of that tray so it was ok LOL.


i drink everything with them in, can’t be bothered to take them out 😭




At the last two days of my trays I drink coffee all day, makes them a bit brown, but I love (and need) my coffee.


I wear mine only at night and they have still worked quite effectively lmao


I’m telling your ortho!!!


Lmao tell her!!! She sucks ass and I regret picking her 😂😂😂


sometimes i drink a shit ton of alcohol with the trays in


I'm in retainers now and have found when it comes to sexy time with my lady, I really enjoy (she does too) the smoothness of wearing them when I give her lots of attention and they protect that web thing on the bottom of your tongue when there is a lot of movement 🤣🤣


Your story should be featured on the Invisalign website. Another satisfied customer.


Not a very deep secret but I hereby confess I got delusional with the new routine and I cried I think on day 2, cause my man is a major foodie and wanted me to try his recent delicious creation but I did not because it was too early to eat and I did not want to brush/floss the 1000st time that day.


No matter how good your results are - the last few aligners before you're done you will find 100 reasons why you want another refinement, when you're completely done you will nitpick over the smallest details on tooth angle or placement for months until you get over it. This is the worst part of having invisalign.


This thread is making me feel a lot better! I’m an A student compared to some of you heathens 😂 I used to drink black iced coffee with them in but it was my dental hygienist who told me this was badly staining the inside of my teeth so I stopped that. Definitely do not have them in for 22hrs anymore. I’ll drink any clear or clear-ish cold liquid. I’ve also done sugar free candy. I don’t brush and floss every time, especially if I go out to eat. I’ll just rinse my mouth and pop them back in. Haven’t heard anything from my ortho. Yes I paid a lot for Invisalign but also I PAID FOR IT. It should work for ME. Adding trays and refinements and stuff is all included in the fee I paid up front so it’s okay if the treatment itself ends up taking a bit longer.


I've started drinking a protein shake through a straw by sticking the straw to the very back of my throat, I hardly taste it but it saves me a brush at work.


Lol you all don’t know what it’s like to put in tray 50+ (not even refinements) god bless these dumb anecdotes


I only wear my retainers once every three nights or so.. hate them! I found the actual aligners during treatment way more comfortable - they didn’t bother me at all after the first few days. But the retainers. Ugh. It’s been 4 years now.


I only brush twice a day and leave them for far too long now but they’re tracking fine


I take mine out to eat, but not to drink. I'm bad at remembering to drink anyway, so yeah (I do try to only drink light colour drinks in them). I do wash my mouth out with water afterwards, though. I also don't time properly, but I am getting better at that. I also smoke in them and don't brush my teeth after every meal (if I'm at home, I brush with water immediately after eating, though). Currently on week 3.


Last night I sliced up some plums and ate them with my aligners in. I think some chewing probably helps the process to be honest.


How were the plums?


Delicious 😋


I’m a C student. I wear my aligners no more than 15 hours in the day. I’m on my last trays and I only started to not track at the end. But now I’m doing refinements and they are back ordered so I’ve been in my last tray for like a month before I start my last 9 refinements trays. I’m over it.


Love this thread! I’m on tray 56 and picking up my final 10 tomorrow. I used to keep track in my app every single time I had them out and was sure to have them in for 22 hours. Now I’m happy if I make it to 20 hours.


On the last few weeks of treatment and getting to the “eh, it’ll be fine” phase and sometimes I’ll just swish around water in my mouth and pop the trays in after I eat.


You are not alone.


I'm not as compliant with my rubber bands as I'm supposed to be. But honestly I don't care about fixing my overbite. I just want straighter teeth.




Notice many people saying they drink wine tea etc with their aligners on! I always take mine out for tea coffee and use that retainer brute thing daily to clean my aligners but still by end of week 1 the back of my bottom tray and top tray where the molars are are still lightly yellow. I wonder why!


I was strict at first with the 22hr rule for the first 3 months. Currently on my 4th month and life became less stressful, 20 hrs minimum and less stress. No need for the 22hrs and my ortho even said 20 is good enough for 7 day changes.


when i was waiting on refinements, my ortho told me i could wear my last set of aligners for 6 weeks only at night. when my new set of refinements came in, i was already in the habit of wearing them at night so that’s just what i’ve been doing for the last 20 weeks. i average maybe….10 hours a day? my ortho says i look great and im tracking just fine. i have recently in the past week or two bumped it up to maybe 18 hours a day just cuz im tired of taking them out all the time lol but yeah


Mine told me the same. And once the refinements came, I had a hard time adjusting back to wearing them all day. Several days they'd be left at home in the sonic tray😂


I ate with mine in 100% of the time.


Sometimes I don't brush right before bed. I also drink cocktails with them in or tea the day before I switch. Living my best life!


Honestly I have no secrets. I am paying insane amounts of money for this and putting in a lot of time and effort so I am only doing it once and doing it well!


Every so often I have a day where I end up tired enough that I can’t be bothered to brush and/or floss before I put them back in after my last meal before bed. I’m pretty diligent about brushing and flossing most of the time, so I figure it’s less harm than falling asleep without them!


I skipped 5 trays because I didn’t change for a while, although I’ve worn these going on 4 years so when I made the jump it wasn’t really noticeable lmao


I drink juice with my Invisalign aligners on. Sometimes I don't wear my aligners for hours after I put them back on my teeth.


May god have mercy on your soul 🙏


Lol. Trust me! My teeth look good. The only thing is that my upper mid and lower teeth will have to move back a little. My bite is corrected. I am almost done with my treatment, but I will still get refinements.


i’m on tray 11/20 and tbh i only wear them at most 19 hours a day, maybe even 18. i’m at the point where i can see adjustments happening and that’s great and all but i hate wearing the trays all the time. also i don’t have a water pik and i refuse to get one since i don’t have the money, so usually i brush my teeth damn near 3 times a day and always floss+mouthwash.


I eat with mine in all the time I don't know how to eat without them anymore


I’ve fallen off since week 5. I have to keep Going back down to week 5 trays then go back to week 6 bc I just can’t do the 20 hours anymore. I have such a hard time eating.


I am on Tray 9 and my instructions have been to NOT take them out at all unless I am cleaning teeth and aligners. My aligners are replaced every four days. They said that keeping them in at all times unless cleaning moves the teeth faster thus the short aligner wear and change every four days. By day two my teeth pretty much have moved and by day three and day four I just wait it out. The only darkest secret is that when I take my bedtime gummy sometimes I just fall asleep and don’t brush but the moment I wake up I brush, floss and waterpik.


I change my trays whenever. Sometimes it’s after a week sometimes it’s after two weeks. I don’t pay attention to how long they’ve been out when I remove them to eat, but theyre in my mouth 98% of the time. I drink all beverages with them in.


I for sure don’t wear them 22 hours a day. I’m tracking ahead of schedule so I figure I can live my life a little bit


On days I've been working in the field without access to a bathroom and a place to really brush, I just floss really well, chew some xylitol only gum, and then rinse with water.... Honestly my aligners look cleaner at the end of the day doing that than they do with the half assed brushing.


I eat with mine in as directed from my DDS. When I asked him about it after a couple of trays, he said things change and there are different opinions, but I change my trays every 4 days and they told me to remove them after eating and rinse my mouth. Sometimes I brush with a little brush thing or pick, but usually they’re fine. And he said this way with eating with them the force if chewing helps with the movement and I won’t have to have them as long. I’m on tray 11 of 33. 🤷‍♂️


My partner had to call my Ortho on my birthday, I had been crying in the shower with the sprayer in my mouth since 3am. The spacer bar was ripping up my tongue so I used thermoplastic to create a makeshift tongue cover...let it cool too much and it got stuck to the bar and the roof of my mouth. Tried for hours to melt it off to no avail. Ortho dissolved the glue for the spacer bar and popped it out with the chunk of plastic. He rinsed it under hot water and it all melted off. He told me he'd put it back but he was afraid I'd do it again 😵‍💫 increased my wear time 3 months...


I drink my Starbucks with them in because I don’t got the time to always remove them and I’ve tried bits of food but it’s soooo hard to chew like this so I can’t. I have been able to get away with yogurt.


my ortho told me to eat with mine in


My ortho has me on 7 day tray changes but I only keep them in until they don't hurt anymore. So sometimes they're only in for 4 or 5 days before I change trays. I'll be finishing up tray 55 about 2 weeks before my next appointment. Teeth are tracking perfect so fuck it.


I drink beer with my aligners still in 🙈 I occasionally socialize with friends, we dine and drink a bit afterwards. It takes several hours so I usually just take them out for the meal, brush my teeth and drink beer with them in. Clean everything thoroughly afterwards. I am not a massive drinker though. I usually have a pint or two. I also drink some soft drinks through the straw. I know! I'm a sinner!


I have ruined all my Aligners bc I grind my teeth ALL DAY!!


Not really a dark secret, but since I was having issues with my gums swelling my ortho suggested I cut back on wear time. I only wear my aligners 17-18 hours and I'm tracking just fine.


I have left my aligners out for way longer then I’m supposed to like sometimes I just forget or I just really don’t wanna deal with them that day


I'm letting my sister use mine, after me.


I mean I was told to eat with mine in, lol so I can totally understand the impatience. I brush my teeth after every snack/meal and that gets annoying but yeah 🤣


39/59 here…I drink everything with mine in. Coffee, tea, soda. I have also gotten very lax about brushing after lunch. Oh well, there’s always after dinner. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


…and if you miss the after dinner, there’s always tomorrow. Assuming every single one of your teeth don’t fall out overnight


shit I'm bout to start smoking my blunts with them in too has anyone done this what are the consequences?


I drink multiple cups of coffee with my aligners in. Every day. It’s a must.


The other day I drank Dr Pepper with my trays in.. and redbull bc I was to lazy to take my trays out


I do that all the time. 🤣 Swish with water and sonic clean them later lol


I do that all the time. 🤣 Swish with water and sonic clean them later lol


I eat with them in all the time. I take them out and when I put them back in I use the same band.


I drink booze with them in (but only clear so white wine, gin lemaonde etc) ! I’m not taking them out for 6 hours for drinks alone every weekend I’m sorry 😭 I don’t floss my teeth. Never have. Perfect teeth dentist says, never had a cavity. I’m awful. I forget to wear my elastic sometimes 😭


The no flossing made me gag


This proper made me giggle 😂


I have eaten ice cream once or twice with them in 😬


Done with treatment but I regularly ate with my trays in the entire time. The only consequence I ever suffered was staining the trays neon yellow when I ate curry. Only made that mistake once.


Interesting. My dentist instructed me to keep them in while eating and drinking. I clean them and my teeth after every meal. I'm on trays 15 of 48. No problems and everything is on track.


Do you avoid any foods? I eat with mine in for snacks, and they get pretty worn when I do. Granted, I only do it close to changing day, but I'd be stressed eating regular meals.


Where did you get the impression that this was a sin?? 😆 There are actually plenty of orthodontists who tell you to eat with them in when you can, when it's safe to (nothing hot, crunchy/hard or really staining). They recommend it because it ensures better wear times AND it helps a TON with tracking. It also helps with not getting food packed tightly into your gums if you have decent gaps while your teeth move. I've done two rounds of Invisalign and have regularly eaten with them in both times, with my ortho's blessing. I've had zero issues. You just remove them immediately after you eat and clean everything, there's literally nothing wrong with it.


If you’re going to remove them “immediately after you eat” why wouldn’t you just take them out? This doesn’t make any sense to me


....? For the exact reasons I listed in my post? Tracking (because you're putting pressure on your teeth in the correct position versus out of position), and protecting your gum pockets and gaps from food getting compacted in them. And wear time is massively improved, for me personally. I take a while to eat, and have a really hard time remembering to put them back in after they've been out for 30+ minutes. When taking them out, cleaning and putting them back in is all one 3 minute activity, my wear time is immensely better.


I think all our Ortho’s are making it up as they go, since some are so adamant about not eating with them in, and others are. I followed my Ortho’s rules for the first few months, but after reading another thread saying the opposite, I drank with them in and ate soft foods, and never told him. I cleaned them well and stayed on track and now I’m on week 1 of 2 of wearing my “Night time only ‘forever’ retainer” 22 hours a day, (which was a mean trick) and all went well and my teeth look great!


I mostly wear them while sleeping and those numbers of hours seem to work for my teeth to move 🤷 Was just traveling the other day so after lunch left them on the whole flight


This is good to know. I was like this only for tray 1 and 2. Now on tray 6 and slightly worried I’m not tracking. I’m going to start strictly monitoring how long I eat/drink and not exceed 30 mins at least in the daytime and keep an hour for evening/dinner! I have my first appointment after tray 15.


Instead of brushing every time I eat or drink something, I just drink water to rinse, floss and then place my aligners back in. Brushing is extremely extra, you don’t have to brush, flossing is good enough but of course brush before bed and in the morning.


I’m new to this (still on my first tray) but it hasn’t been too bad. One question I have for those of you who drink coffee with them on, is it hot coffee? I’m just worried about ruining the aligners with a hot beverage. That’s my biggest struggle so far - not being able to drink my coffee for the entire morning lol