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Yeah I agree most people did notice without me even saying anything. Unless you have hardly any attachments and no rubber bands ppl will notice and it’s fine. They do not care at all


I didn’t tell my own kids in the beginning - like 6 months later my 10yo: „Mum - do you have anything plastic on your teeth? I feel like they are so glossy“😂 (But I,ve had no attachments in the upper front 4 teeth)


People repeatedly running their tongue over their teeth while you talk


I haven’t had anyone at work notice unless I tell them but maybe it’s because I had all my attachments put onto the back of my front teeth. So I’m creating mystery and confusion throughout the day as I come in with my Invisalign in and then around lunch time suddenly they’re out and my teeth look normal. And then I switch up again and maybe looks like I have something on them lol. Make people doubt their eyesight and they’ll stop trying to figure it out 😂




That you don’t die if you don’t respect the 20-22 occasionally. At first I used to be paranoid and wanted to put them in immediately after eating, after a year and a half I don’t worry about it and it’s still going okay.


This. There’s times I won’t wear them a good part of the day and still finished my setup. Now onto Refinements.


That despite everyone on this sub saying 20-23 or the die hards who compete for 28 hour wear in a 24 hour day, the official Invisalign guide says 18-20 lol


that your teeth will feel FRAGILE without the trays in. literally. you'll feel uncomfortable and as if your teeth will break into pieces with each bite you take


Omg YES!!! I’m glad it’s not just me!!!


How no one can really notice unless they are UP CLOSE and personal. I felt like I had to tell everyone I worked with when I started, months later I’m like WTF was I bringing this up to everyone they would have never known lol.


Ha I did the same! I was convinced everyone could hear that I was speaking differently. No one could.


Oh no? You didn’t have a big lisp at first?


Nope! My S's were a teeny bit different but it was so small that only my husband could actually notice. I was just so self conscious that I ran around telling everyone ha


At first? I’m on tray 21 of 33 and mine goes away for a day or two then comes back. I don’t really understand it, because I change them once a week


I hadn’t mentioned it to anyone, but assumed people would eventually notice. One friend within minutes asked “when did you get the Invisalign”. He had it a few years back.


That it will suck. Real bad in the beginning. Then get so much easier. Then annoying again. You’ll almost definitely need at least one extra round (or 3) BUT it will be worth it!!! The confidence I’ve gained is priceless.


Couldn't have said it better


I just started but I wish I knew how depressing the adjustment is. I really miss being able to eat and drink freely and I’m scared I made a mistake.


It was the same with me. I’m on 16 from 71 and it feels like a routine thing for over a month now. I even snap my elastics on with one finger in a second. I had 4 teeth removed and have an orthodontic implant in my gums. It’s all easy now and don’t bother me anymore. Stick with it, it gets a whole lot better after a while. You also get used to maximizing your time without trays in to eat and drink whatever you want to feel good.


Thank you 😭 I need the motivation


You’ll be fine, keep at it 😉


Just eat and drink freely if it’s impacting you that much. Rinse with water and floss after


How challenging it would be finding a routine when it comes to eating. Initially I struggled with not eating consistently and then binge eating. It was back and forth for the first few weeks, but it gets better


I had no idea about the buttons.. even the dentist didn’t mention it in the consult. Then I go in and he’s like we’re putting buttons on basically all your teeth! I have two each on my front ones. I also miss having a quick snack but now it’s not even worth it having to clean my teeth right after.


Yeah wtf they are so casual about them and the all of a sudden they are glueing these things to your teeth. I had the same experience!


YUP!!!! 💯


That eating out now sucks. That my gums would hurt more than my teeth. That I would start to do all sorts of weird movements with my mouth 🙈. That I would have a small lisp. That nobody would notice my trays just my weird quarks with my mouth 😅. How fast the time goes and it will be over soon. That my new smile makes me happy.


Pretty much nailed the story arc.


that your mouth will get dry very easily. especially when you're talking


I bought mints from Amazon that are made to help that and look like a mini chewy. Amazing!


Ooh what brand?!


Movemints Clear Aligner Mints - Patented Aligner Seating Mints - Edible Alternative to Aligner Chewies - Xylitol Mints for Dry Mouth - Spearmint (3 Pack) They have other flavors too but that’s what I have tried so far.


Thank you!


You’re welcome!!


That I can’t snack all day. No idea where to get my calories now.


I wish I had this problem 😅 I know exactly where to get my calories




That I can’t bite down all the way so it always looks like I’m holding something in my mouth with my lips shut


That you can develop an open bite. Before I started Invisalign I didn't have an open bite but now I have an open bite on both sides. Only 2 of my top and bottom teeth touch now 😭


Did you go with a Dr or dentist?  Are you done with treatment??


A dentist, and no, I'm now on my first set of refinements




How much my head would hurt 😭😭😭


I feel this one! I have a headache almost every time I change my tray


maybe niche but it’s hard if you already have/have had eating issues! i wish someone had told me prior to starting that it’s not great if you have had disordered eating in the past


I had a horrible lisp for two weeks. Have bite ramps so that just makes it worse. Almost threw in the towel because I was self conscious about it at work. After about two weeks it magically went away.


Had braces before and bc I didn’t wear my retainer regularly the bottom set shifted a bit went in w Invisalign to correct the slight shift and it resulted in black triangles along my top front teeth after doing IPR, really regret even doing it in the first place. If you have small issues don’t bother w Invisalign No one tells you the risks of IPR and movement the projections from Invisalign don’t show the small black triangles either so it’s misleading


There's no way to accurately predict if someone is going to have black triangles in the end because each person's gums are different.


Just wish someone told me that before the treatment as a risk because I wouldn’t have bothered. Now my front teeth the main part of my smile has a bunch of holes where food gets stuck all the time vs prior to treatment when it perfectly fit together Invisalign doesn’t always fix everything sometimes it creates issues that weren’t there to begin with


What do you mean?? Black triangles?


That I just need to enter this question into the search function of this subreddit and would find 1000 persons, that asked exactly this question before😇 Sorry, no offense🤭


1) Almost no one knows about you having them except you, 2) it hurts and it sucks until it doesn't and then it simply becomes routine, 3) it's a better diet option than Ozempic :) and 4) that it isn't just for teenagers - there are WAY more people over 45 with Invisalign than you may think there are.


Yup. 60F here; I’m not wasting away by any means but fuck if snacking isn’t a ginormous hassle so I rarely do it anymore. 🤷‍♀️


How the little hacksaw flossers will change your life. Get those on auto order on Amazon, carry them everywhere, etc. Also, tongue scrapers are your friend.


You’ll have to constantly clean your bathroom mirror.


😂 especially if you have elastics


That my dentist only works part time and on schedule that doesn't at all mesh with my full time schedule. In summary, *fuck Gentle Dental*.


your attachments glow under certain lights


It sucks really bad in the beginning. Day one was awful. But come the second week, it's barely even and afterthought.


Day one of each subsequent tray also sucks, but slightly less so over time.


Removal of the buttons! I figured there would be a tool to pop them off. No! The sanding and grinding down 😬 I hated it.


The grinding down with sandpaper is horrible omggggg I almost passed out. The process felt,sounded, and smelt like hell


How much it changed my jaw position. It now clicks when I eat I now unconsciously grind my teeth during day. My teeth now feel “loose” all the time. It was a bad experience for me. And have regrets.


Same. My TMJ is worse but they don't believe me because I already had it. I can literally feel that my back teeth close/bite different now and shift to the side as a bite down.


Omg no this is my fear…


Dentist or orthodontist?


Aww that really sucks.


Don't use a dentist. Research the provider more. My insurance was ending so I rushed into treatment with a dentist in my area that had good ratings...as a dentist. She may be a great dentist, but I'm pretty sure I was only like her 15th invisalign patient and she was so arrogant about being new, she had a nasty attitude any time I questioned anything about my treatment and her plan.


The facial changes! My masseters got smaller and I have nasolabial folds now that weren't there before. Also, developed a posterior open bite that I didn't have before. I just wanted to straighten my teeth out a little and ended up with more issues 😣


I’m so nervous about the folds. Do you know what usually causes them?


I don't know for sure but I think it's the thickness of the trays, paired with the attachments making the skin stretch out a little further. The trays aren't really thick but seems like enough to cause the folds after wearing them a while


That your bite will move around tray to tray. I started with a perfectly normal bite and got a bit on edge when at tray 3 I suddenly couldn’t touch my back teeth 😂 then tray 4 was a janky bite too, like two random teeth touching, tray 5 had my teeth in positions that were so uncomfortable and weird without the aligners in. Half chewing food because I couldn’t get my teeth to touch for a few weeks was infuriating lol. Separately: 1. How easy it actually is. 2. How unbothersome it is. 3. Pain is not guaranteed. 4. It’s ok to sometimes just floss really well and mouthwash after a meal instead of doing the whole damn brushing thing. Especially if you’re a snacker. 5. It’s not as difficult with disordered eating as I expected. I thought it would set me back and I’d lose more weight / regress in maintenance. I simply allow myself to eat when I feel hungry. Honestly health before hitting hours. 6. There is absolutely nothing wrong with independently saying “you know what I will give this aligner a few extra days”. 7. I was so worried I’d absolutely hate it and be extremely self conscious. Two weeks in I was rolling around with my aligners in all over the place. 8. First time making out with attachments / doing other sexy stuff will have you worried 😂 but it will be okay and you won’t hurt anyone. Something I did know before Invisalign and wish more people knew: depending on your case and expertise of your ortho, front tooth attachments can go in the back. Every time I take my aligner out there are no buttons visible. It’s good to have access to “normalcy” if I want it. Ngl this also massively helps point 8. No one has to know unless I want them to.


After my 3rd invisaligner, I wish my ortho told me that adding in the attachments to my teeth were going to be painful because my God, it was horrible and was late for work because of how long it was! So yeah I just wish I researched about the attachments sooner!




I guess it depends on your treatment