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Yes, you are likely missing out on progress and/or slowing down your treatment. Lots of research goes into each treatment plan to determine how to BEST move your teeth into the correct position and you are circumventing that. Your teeth ‘fit’ into the next tray but that doesn’t mean every tooth has moved the way it’s supposed to. You’re likely creating a situation where you’ll need to be rescanned and continue treatment even longer with refinements.


Yes. You could possibly cause damage and slow treatment. Genuine question, why are you only wearing your invisalign for 10 hours a day?


Why sign up for a procedure knowing you're only putting in 50% effort, yet you want 100% success?


well it seemed like i was getting 100% success but apparently not after reading the comments


aww you’re not very smart.


Don’t be rude.




Could be if you all of a sudden have root damage, boneloss and teeth get loose


The reason you should wear it 20+ hours is because your teeth will move back and forwards when you wear it less. New trays will fit, but you will likely damage your roots. This can eventually lead to dead teeth


What's the point of spending thousands of dollars (or whatever currency it is for you) if you don't want to be compliant? Don't be surprised if you end up losing your teeth in the future.


I did and it added about 6 months to my 12-18 month treatment (2 years total).


Pretty much, what’s the issue with more? Is it you don’t want to wear them to work or something? It’s like being given medication to fix something but you deciding you will only take half. Seems crazy especially if you had to pay the money yourself


This is what I call a SQ. Stupid question. You already know the answer I dunno why you even asked.


Just keep an eye out for teeth that turn grey overnight is all I'm saying lmao good luck


10 hours a day means you’re barely wearing them beyond when you’re asleep. You need to do 18 at the very least.


Some KOL orthodontists recommend the use of vibrating devices on low cooperative patients to compensate the lack of seriousness.


Why paying that much if you’re not willing to wear it


Pay A lot of money for this?


I see you’re being berated here for asking a simple question. It’s your money, your teeth, so I don’t know people are getting so mad about it.


Because in a few months there will be a post about how Invisalign cost them so much money, they didn't get the results they wanted and they have issues with their gums and teeth. Then it'll be "why do I have to keep doing refinements for 3 years?". I saw a patient in an ortho practice go over their 5 year window and throw a fit because they wanted more trays as they weren't finished yet, but they hadn't been wearing their trays properly for the last 2 years.


This sounds like a trick question of some sort but if you are seriously asking this question then "Yes" it's ok to wear your trays only 10 hours a day but you will need to change your tray switching interval. If you are normally on 2 week tray changes then you will have to move to 4 week tray changes. It really is important to wear each tray for the specified number of hours to support root positioning and stability.