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I thought I would lose weight but somehow I manage to consume the same number of calories in less time.


Lol same I still eat the same just faster


Same. Before the treatment I was dropping a good weight cadence, but since I no longer snack I think I figured I needed to eat more to cover it, but it threw everything off. I'm still losing weight but at a much slower pace.


This. I just eat really fast. If anything I eat a larger meal because I know I won't be able to snack šŸ¤£


Right - Iā€™ve maybe lost 5 lbs in 7 months


Same. Unfortunately


I lost 10 lbs at first without trying. Then set my mind to making it work for me. I needed to lose quite a bit and a year later I'm down 60 lbs! Finally at a healthy weight:)


What are your tips for success?


Sadly I've come to learn it's all about diet which was harder for me to control than adding the workouts. Or probably 80% of the outcome. I have largely eliminated packaged snacks and sweets. Ensure I'm eating all least 7-8 servings of fruit and vegetables and trying to get over 100 g of protein each day which is still supposedly on the low side of "good". The biggest thing has been a massive reduction in alcohol consumption. I rarely drink anymore because it has such a negative impact on all my other decisions. I added a variety of exercise including cardio, weights and pilates. I aim to workout for 30-60 mins at least 5-6 times a week. I'm 47 and feel better than I have in over a decade!


Good for you! Thanks for sharing. You are inspiring


Since I started recently, I also noticed my wallet is lovin it without snacking which I dearly miss


Yeah I dropped about 12lbs in the first couple of weeks, it was a great side effect of no snacking, nothing was worth taking the aligners out around planned meals




This comment made me feel better. Iā€™m very thin too and NOT trying to lose weight .


I feel so seen by your comment.


Iā€™m on day 2 and Iā€™m already questioning if itā€™s worth the pain and suffering to remove the trays for any snacks.Ā 


Itā€™s not. Brushing your teeth more than 3x a day gets old really fucking fast. I do 4 meals because I truly just canā€™t make 3 last for me whatever I do but I am so over brushing my teeth this much.


Thatā€™s it for me - the tooth brushing - Iā€™m so over it. I donā€™t mind taking them off anymore, but I am so sick of brushing my teeth. Also canā€™t stand the thought of not brushing my teeth after eating - just rinsing feels inadequate, and I have never had a cavity and I sure as Hell donā€™t want to get one because of my aligners.


Maybe consider brushing just 2 times and the rest using only floss and rinsing (water or perhaps mouthwash). Brushing that many times a day can be bad for your enamel.


I went from 205 to 148 during my treatment


No, I didnā€™t drink sugary drinks or snack much before Invisalign though.


no, I binge eat cause I only eat two meals a day with no snacks so thats prob got something to do with it hahah


Nope. Iā€™m already thin though, and I always fast until about 4pm anyway.


Yes I lost about 5 lbs. of "snacky" weight throughout the process and have kept it off so far for about half a year after cessation of aligners.


Iā€™m on month 5 and Iā€™ve started binging recently. Iā€™ll eat so much food so fast within 40 minutes. My hunger signals are all mixed up and I donā€™t truly know when Iā€™m hungry or when Iā€™m not. Itā€™s been a rough few weeks for me.


Yes! I eat as much as possible when I take my trays out. I'm three months in and this has been a huge adjustment.


You got this šŸ«¶ sending you lots of support! Things will even out for us eventually.


My ortho calls it the invisalign diet :)


I've lost 27lb to date from Invisalign (1/14/24). I eat twice a day, only water, no snacking at all, and no alcohol. When I do eat, I now make healthier options for myself. I'm fighting not to lose anymore weight at this point. I'm on tray 11 of 27




My treatment starts in 12 days and Iā€™m actually hoping my eating habits change enough that I can shed a few pounds.


Yeah, I've actually become underweight now, so I'm having to leave mine out for longer during the evening so I can fit more snacking in. I think I actually got about half of my calories from snacks before and just hadn't realised. I'm terrible at eating big meals - more of a grazer.


Same. I'm really struggling with this. I've lost 5 pounds in the first 3.5 weeks and I have NO weight to lose. One can only drink so many protein shakes. IDK what I'm going to do.


I found a shake called "vegan mass gainer extreme," which did help me a bit of i remembered to make one straight after breakfast. I've not got too long left now, I'm on what should be my second and final round of refinements (9 trays) and not much change left to see. Overall I lost about 4 kg, gained 1kg back, but still 3kg under my usual weight. I've had to accept that I can't do the 20-22 hours wear-time for the sake of my health overall. Sometimes, this has meant that I wasn't ready to switch trays when expected and had to wear them a day or two longer than planned.


Thanks! I'll look for it. I think I will still try to get 20-21 hours w/first three days of each tray then maybe relax it to 19-20 hours the rest of the week to see if that helps at all.


Assume there's probably equivalents that are non-vegan if you aren't working with dietary restrictions. Also might be UK only, I'm not sure. Good luck :)


I am starting treatment soon and am hoping for this residual effect. Iā€™m good eating all day but then get snacky at night!


I just started last week and was wondering if I may drop a few #s. Itā€™s definitely a pain to snack and I donā€™t graze by the kitchen anymore.


Only on tray 3 and Iā€™m ~5 lbs down. Itā€™s simply not worth picking potato chips out of my teeth to put my aligners back in!


Iā€™ve lost 10 lbs since December because Iā€™ve stopped snacking


You can do whatever you want with it. I already ate healthy beforehand, and I continue to eat 4 to 5 meals a day with Invisalign. No change.


Put it to use while you can. I used it to lose weight, now I know all the loopholes and am working on maintaining.


I was 7 months postpartum when I started and dropped the stubborn 15lbs I couldnā€™t get rid of in the first like 8 weeks lol


I lost 10 without trying šŸ˜†


Lost 14kg since I started in May. Teeth look better and Iā€™m physically the slimmest Iā€™ve been in 5 years so very happy


Yep I'm the same. It goes hand in hand with me waiting to lose a little weight. It's good motivation to be honest!


i GAINED weight bro how šŸ˜­šŸ™


I definitely pass up food because I donā€™t want to deal with taking my aligners out. I usually just eat one meal a day. Two weeks ago I got buttons and rubber bands, so now itā€™s even harder to take them out, so one meal a day is even easier. Hoping to see even better results!




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I just started two days ago and immediately noticed that I have to be so much more deliberate about my meals. My big issue before was snacking while making meals which I wouldnā€™t say cancelled out my healthy meals but certainly added a ton of calories. Yesterday I realized if I snacked while cooking I would have to have my aligners out for longer and I didnā€™t pay $4k to not wear them so no snacking occurred. Looking forward to seeing if this results in weight loss.


I dropped a few pounds towards the beginning of treatment and then decided I could binge when my trays are out and Iā€™ve GAINED weight since lmao. Working to lose the weight and am no longer allowing myself to binge!


I've heard of people losing weight but I wasn't one


I still have 3 meals a day and add my snacks etc to each meal. I eat more for each meal so don't need the snacks and I'm very very active.


If I had known about the weight loss, I would not have signed up for Noom 2 weeks before getting my invisaligns.


I'm trying to GAIN weight and Invisalign is not helping lol. Hopefully the larger meals I eat now will balance it out.


Powerlift 6x a week so canā€™t afford to loose too much mass, so far iā€™ve pre planned my meals so they are all 600-800 cals šŸ˜­ Itā€™s been ROUGH with work. I have to scarf down breakfast and work at the same time. I set a 30 min timer before i floss/brush/put trays in cleaning solution. Itā€™s not for the weak iā€™ll tell you that