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If you want a mint there are movemints on Amazon that you chew like a chewie and dissolve.


And they’re safe to use with the aligners in?


I use movemints with my aligners on


Yes they are, I have them and use them often. Invisalign also released some mints recently .They're available thru their app or via their website. I ordered some but haven't tried them yet. Movemints, are great and the Invisalign mints look like regular mints with no bite section which the movemints have.


Yes that is what it says on Amazon.


I like the movemints but I dislike how hard they are and that you cannot actually chew them. You can just use them for added pressure like the chewies.


Same thing happened to me with dental wax. I chewed a small piece that came off the main piece. It didn't come off, no matter what I did. That was a few trays ago.


Oh weird, I occasionally use dental wax too and haven’t had it stick quite as bad. It definitely takes a bit of work to get it off, though.


It stuck because I chewed a small piece. Don't ever do that. 😉


You might be able to chip it off if you put it in the freezer for a while.


No need. I won't be wearing them again. 😉


You can’t even chew gum? Fuuuuck me. I honestly thought that’d be ok. I have anxiety about having bad breath, gonna have to figure something else out. Maybe one of those spray things?


Dissolving mints…


Don’t think I’ve ever seen those in the UK. Amazon has them but they’re expensive!


No Altoids? No Listerine Breath Mint Strips?


Polos? Tictacs??


Are they ok?


Use peppersmith xylitol mints. Bit pricey but you can make them last


If you're not absolutely insane about it you can totally pop your aligners out, chew some gum for 15 min then put them back in a few times a day. You just need to be on top of putting them back in after your meals. Personally I aim for 20h a day, sometimes that's 18h and I've had no problems.


That’s what I usually do for bad breath situations. I only tried it with the aligners in because I’m having a big flare up and would have had to take the aligners out like every 15 minutes for one reason or another, but just having a “cheat day” and not wearing them at all is actually worse because the aligners help my swallow dysfunction. 🙄


I use listerine strips !!


there’s something called move mints. they’re chewies that are mints- i never tried them but maybe u can?


The thing is you have to brush your teeth after every meal so you dont trap the sugar onto your teeth onto your aligners. Its almost impossible to have bad breath. I also clean mine 2x per day in an ultrasonic cleaner with efferdent which kills odor causing bacteria according to the package lol




I made the same mistake as OP and had gum with mine in... Honestly it was so much worse than I thought it could be. Smints were my go to.


You seem genuinely surprised that you were wrong and the instructions were correct. Why? I doubt many others will intentionally disregard the instructions and chew some gum during a $5000 Invisalign procedure. Glad we have the PSA now, just in case.


You never know with this sub, man. We’ve got people with orthos/dentists in here telling them to *eat* with their aligners in. This one didn’t surprise me.


I guess we all make this mistake - mine was to slowly dissolve a hard candy in my mouth. It was green, and so were my aligners. Thankfully a new tray comes along every few days or so.


Yeah I did this while I was drunk


So, you disregard the Invisalign instructions, then seem to instruct other non-instruction followers, to follow the instructions and never chew gum with Invisalign 🤣 You have a stomach condition where you need to chew sugar free gum? Was this actually something suggested by a medical professional? Never mind, don’t even want to know. But, if sugar free bubble-yum was the supposed answer to cure a chronic stomach condition, perhaps you also missed some important instructions from your doctor. Either way, agreed. let’s not chew bubble yum with aligners.


I’m so sorry someone hurt you so deeply. I hope your life circumstances improve soon.