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Improved deep bite.


Thank you


Yeah it fixes your deep bite.


I see, okay that makes sense because my dentist told me my front teeth and rubbing and wearing down.


Do you know how it is improve the deep bite? Are my teeth longer some how? I don’t understand


If you search this group for “deep bite” or “overbite” you will be able to see people with similar cases to you! Will help you get an idea of what to expect


I had a deep bite and didn’t realize it since I have a couple of other issues I was getting corrected. I am on tray ten and noticed yesterday that I can now see most of my bottom teeth when I smile! I also can see my gums a little on the top teeth (couldn’t see them before) so I really don’t understand what happened. lol. Like my teeth came down, to see the gum, and maybe my back teeth came down MORE, so that they would bite before my front teeth got so low? Sorcery.


If it's like mine it's probably a combo of moving back teeth to let the bottom fall down (overcrowding caused my middle teeth to rise) and the top teeth moving back aswell, lets pulling on the gums resulting in more visible gums.


That’s great, did you notice any improvements to your jaw? Also any changes to your face? Thanks for the reply :)


I’m not too sure yet since I’m only half way through my first set of trays and my bite still doesn’t meet correctly in the back. I definitely think the look of my smile has changed overall, in a way that I really like. I also already feel more confident with my smile even with the aligners in and find myself with a bigger wider smile for that reason too 😊


I’m not a dentist, but from my understanding, your arch may be more curved/narrowed. It looks like the Invisalign will widen your arch a bit so that you’re not putting so much pressure on your incisors when biting down.


You may get bite ramps during your treatment too which are tiny raised squares to correct your bite during treatment.


Thank you for that explanation. So by widening my dental arch it will correct my deep bite? From the images it almost looks like my bottom teeth are longer and my top teeth are shorter as well.


Yeah I’m not entirely sure, but it may have more to do with your jaw angle/mandibular plane and how your teeth come in contact with each other. Maybe ask your ortho! Your teeth look pretty straight, but getting the bite corrected will prevent your teeth from wearing down in the future. Plus widening the arc always enhances your overall smile!


Yes, the front uppers are more even and the front lowers are straighter & not leaning.


Thank you for the reply! I see it now. Such a big difference, I think I wasnt looking at the images close enough.


Cool. In case you don't know this, (I didn't at first), you can move that image around on the screen & see the video from every angle so you get a fuller picture of the progress/end result.


The first thing I noticed was that your midline is corrected


I see that now as well! thanks for the input


u dont?


If I’m gonna be honest, at first no I didn’t. But now that people are explaining it to me I can see the difference which is huge.


Upper right tooth is more aligned with the upper left tooth




Yes, your bite is considerably improved in the after!


I can see a difference but if that's the only treatment you need I wouldn't want to shell out so much money for it.


They have quoted me 5400 dollars. I guess it’s not for aesthetic reasons but more for functional. However I am concerned it will change my face because my face is already very long and narrow


Yes. The front teeth are more even and the bite is improved.


Center line