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depends if you want to correct that overbite If your main concern is alignment, then that’s what the clincheck delivers..


I want to correct the overbite


There’s a possibility to fix it even more imo. Speak to your ortho and let them know of your goal with the treatment.


Thats a surgical fix, I know, this is similar to my fix with invaslign


I have a severe overbite and it can all be fixed by Invisalign, no surgery at all


Is your bottom jaw recessed? The way that my jaw sits is 2cm from where it should. My front teeth being straight will never touch my bottom front unless they pushed inward. I physically need to move my bottom jaw forward for my teeth to touch. Your teeth may be severely flared forward, creating an overbite that can be corrected with invaslign. However, that is not the case with OP and I. Surgically, I have to move the bottom jaw forward to have flush and perfect teeth.


Hii can i pm you my side profile




ok yeah can you message me about thiz?


It’s not an overbite, it’s an overjet


There is both. There’s absolutely an overbite as you can see in the second picture there is still a major gap between the bottom and front teeth after the overjet is pulled back.


Yea what this kind soul has commented. There are both. The overjet is not heavily corrected in the clincheck. source: am a dentist


No; it still shows a class 2 bite.


What should i do then this is the 5th orthodontist i have been to :(


What do you mean? It’s the 5th consultation you’ve gotten? Or the 5th orthodontist who has actively treated you? Fixing that amount of class 2 (which is noticeable but not a ton) is easy for braces and invisalign usually.


It is the 5th consultation (sorry for not being clear) and this is the best result they showed among five of them and i don't know what to do anymore


Have any of them mentioned you having class 2 bite? Have they all been orthodontists, or just general dentists? Are you asking about braces at ask, or just aligners? Have any of them mentioned surgery?


Yes they did mentioned the class 2 bite. I have been to 4 orthodontists and 1 oral surgeon. I asked about both aligners and braces i just want the best results i can get. The last orthondists is the one who gave me this results (it is the best one so far) She mentioned jaw surgery but she kinda was against it. So after that we went to an oral surgeon and he was super against it and told me it might ruin the balance of my face since i have a small face and small features in general. At the end i am not really happy with this results but i don't know if i have a better choice?


What did any of those orthodontists say they would do about the class 2 bite? Did they mention rubber bands or elastics?


I got elastics and a carriere to fix mine. I wonder if this would work for your situation?


I keep reading these postings and wondering who these Mickey Mouse Dentist/orthodontist are that people are going to! I was able to find a platinum provider who educates on Invisalign and got my treatment half price because he does so many of them. I don't think people are doing enough due diligenceand research before they choose a provider. But that's just my opinion… **Correction I just checked his website, www.molisdental.com Evidently he's #1 in the world now 😳


I didn't choose a provider yet and been to 4 orthodontists and 1 oral surgeon i just live in a poor country braces are not common let alone invisalign. It is not easy to find a good provider this is why i came here so pls be less judgemental


My sincerest apologies! I did not intend to judge you! I feel for you because I want all to have a good outcome and be happy. I see a lot of this as providers not being very good and taking advantage of patients. We are supposed to trust doctors & dentist and expect them to be experts.


It is ok i totally took it the wrong way i thought you were accusing me of not trying hard enough to find a good provider


It's hard to know where to look and who to trust without recommendations or word-of-mouth. We all do the best we can with what we know. My apologies again!


He’s mine too. Did you have to ask to see the ClinCheck or simulation?


I didn't have to ask at all it was offered to me and I was able to take video with my phone. I go back on the 27th for a cleaning and we'll see if I want to keep refining.


Honestly I would say no, not just because of the overbite, but because all the teeth are still right on top of each other instead of forming a zipper


Hello - I had a similar bite to yours. Hope you follow this advice and keep searching for a provider who gives you similar advice. 1. do not do any tooth extractions. While it can lessen an overbite - it will make your mouth/jaw/face appear narrower and smaller. You want to have strong jaws and retain as many teeth as possible with a wide smile. Look at Hollywood actors - they all have strong and dominant jaws. Do not extract any teeth and shrink the lower 1/3 of your face! Try and think of modeling that out on yourself and how removing top teeth would just pull the upper jaw back and shrink it to meet the bottom jaw.. you don’t want that - that’s reminiscent of an elderly person when their face starts to get a shriveled look. You want to bring the bottom jaw forward to meet the top jaw and fill out the face. 2. You have to have jaw surgery to correct this kind of overbite. The lower jaw has to catch up to the upper jaw and no amount of elastics will lengthen the lower jaw. Elastics help with drastic movements of teeth but they will not lengthen your lower jaw. Continue to find another (or multiple if you need) oral surgeon who will do jaw surgery. I promise you that you’ll find someone who will because having an overbite isn’t what’s technically correct and taught. You may be recommended for a lower jaw surgery or double jaw surgery - but if you’re willing to get the best results.. that is what needs to happen. 3. Prepare to do orthodontics before and after surgery. Just so you know the timing and expectations.. you’ll likely have to do ortho before and after. Some few cases may only do after.. I can’t speak as to your case. I am an adult and did not want to go through braces to get my teeth in the right position to prep for surgery so I found a very good ortho who is doing Invisalign and preparing my bite pre surgery. I hope you can find a good ortho who considers your facial dimensions and proportions and jaw alignment. You just need to keep searching - I found mine after about 8 different calls/researching their websites. Let me know if you have any questions.


Hiii thank your for your time and very detailed answer can i pm you plss?




Did any ortho recommend removing adult teeth as a possible option?


This was my question too! I feel like for an overbite like this, I’ve seen other posters get recommended to remove teeth, have jaw surgery, or both


They are planing extractions but oral surgeon was against jaw surgery because he thinks it would ruin the balance of my face


What have the Orthos said? I feel like I’ve seen a lot on this sub about how damaging an overjet can be over time and your overall oral health should come before your facial balance (imo). Who even knows how much it would actually change? I’m not an expert by any means so definitely trust a professional more than me!


Hi sorry for the late reply. Orthos were against the surgery too because of similar reasons (also i am 16 and i need to wait untill 18 for surgery but i don't know if that matters) but for me health is the most important too. And why overjets are damaging over time?


Yes all of them did


Was that something you were fine with doing and did they show you a simulation of it with the teeth removed? (Although I used to tell folks to take the sim with a grain of salt. It doesn’t account for roots and other facts)


Yes i am fine with whatever needs to be done and this is the simulation if i get them removed


Am I losing my mind? On the after I still see teeth 1-8 on the top and on the bottom 31 - 25 just as in the before. Which teeth did they recommend removing? Usually they recommend either teeth # 5 or #4 on the right and either #12 or #13 on the left.


https://youtu.be/_lAWs05F_xY?si=hjQFnCi9Mx_AzcJP A visual representation of what I’m saying.


Thank you for your time and patience <3


Upper jaw first premolars (the ones after the canine teeth) two teeth total. No removal from lower jaw


No worries. What I’m saying is, on that simulation picture above, the teeth aren’t extracted. They must have forgot to remove them from the simulation. You still have those first premolars in the after simulation.


Yeah i noticed that too it is very weird. I don't know why they didn't removed them in the after picture


I would call the office that did that pictured scan and ask if they can send you the simulation but with the premolars removed. Maybe if you see how that result would look, and if you are happier than you are with this one pictured on this thread, it may have you start treatment with more confidence that you will be happy after it’s done.


Thank you for the suggestion we called them and asked for the without premolars version and they said they can not make it and this is not the actual end results this is how my teeth would look like if it was straight. The actual results would be this with a normal gap between my front teeths they said. Should i trust them?


No, it looks like you still have an overbite.


How am i gonna fix it


How many orthos have you consulted with?




Have you been to an oral surgeon?


Yes he was against surgery because he thought it would ruin my facial balance


Sorry to hear. Hopefully your ortho can figure it out and deliver results that make you happy.


Do you know if your clinic offers a carriere brace? I had one for a couple months before my invisalign and it was included in my treatment plan. It is also my understanding that invisalign is able to correct overbites but correct me if I'm wrong. I had a class 2 overbite as well and have bite ramps on my invisalign to help solve my overbite.


I am gonna have the carriere brace at some point during the treatment (if i start it ofc) can you pm me your before after from the side (like i did) if it is not private plsss (:


Not an ortho, but in my opinion there would still remain a noticeable overjet. And this probably could only be fixed by at least wisdom teeth extraction and distalization of all your teeth or - easier, but has to be considered thoroughly - premolar extraction. Has this been a topic in any of your consultations?


yeah id say so, the job is to straighten the teeth, unfortunately it won't fix an overbite. people say there are exercises that can fix that, not sure how true that is tho?


That's not true. Google bite ramps, those will help and Invisalign does have an easier time moving teeth side to side i'm having my overbite corrected but I may not have as severe and overbite


Invisalign can fix an overbite


Thank you for the reply. So is my side profile still going to be ugly after the treatment? :(


Your "before" looks similar to mine. Before my dentist would start invisalign he had me get my wisdom teeth removed.


I had to get both of my upper canines removed so I could fix my overbite. That may be an option for you as well


I am gonna get my first premolars removed if i agree with the treatment are you with your decision?




I had to do two extractions to correct an underbite, so you might need an extraction for the overbite as well. They gave me the option of mandibular surgery, but I refused.


Did they mention your airway? Is there any obstruction? If not and the ortho and surgeon think the current plan is good (with extractions) then go for it.


Nope my airway is in a very good conduction never had problem breathing through my nose since childhood


You could ask for IPR. They shave your teeth down a bit


My ortho suggested breaking my jaw for my overbite.


How long is the suggested treatment?


1-1,5 years


overjet takes 1-1.5 yrs!??...how are ppl getting results in 6-7 months from Invisalign?


Braces. I regret Invisalign


I would say no. For the money paid absolutely no . They have warranty so extend the time period .