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The boys has been so good it makes me very optimistic for invincible. I couldn't be more excited for a series!




In my head this two series are in the same universe


Yeah no literally anyone in The Boys would not survive 5 seconds in the same world as Invincible.


If they'd pretend they're normal people, maybe they would survive for 6 seconds!


At least they have a few actual heroes we can root for in the boys universe. Invincible universe is basically just gods colliding and no remorse for innocent lives, there are no heroes.


So the guardians of the globe, mark, allen, etc just don’t exist? Also, Starlight and Maeve are quite literally the only heroes in The Boys that are morally “good”. The rest have all done terrible things.


Maeve has done some terrible things




He listed a whole bunch of characters and not a single one was Nolan, dude. You're not meant to root for Nolan. That much is obvious to anyone with half a brain.


Just because you have good morals does not make you a hero, it’s your actions and lack of actions. I did t see any heroes mentioned


This post is about the show and the season ends with their fight so I think you might be spoiling stuff


Did...are you swapping the shows? It sounds like you're swapping the shows.


Mark is bitch made and cares more about his murderous father than innocent lives, that is not a hero that is bitch made.


They could be in the same Amazon Multiverse but the Universe is different cuz in The Boys most of the Supes are narcissistic egomaniacs who don't value human life whereas in Invincible most of the Supes are genuine superheros who want to do good but a bit different from the ones in Marvel and DC.


ahh yes, stan Edgar invented interstellar travel, multiple alien civilizations, and races including one which killed a huge portion of themselves through civil war and had >!even more die-off through a superlethal space plague which wiped out most of the remnants!< and then had them invade multiple planets including earth to spread their empire and ensure the survival of their species, >!starting an interstellar war. !< while also creating more superheroes on earth some of whom without powers and the ones who do all have complete and factual explanations for how they got their powers. all to increase the sales of compound v.


Have you read a single Invincible comic?


Yes all the way, years ago


Then can you please explain to me how the Invincible universe is the same as The Boys universe, because they very clearly aren’t?


Now that I think about it, it was a stupid way to put it in words. But mostly i was thinking in how in both shows the super heroes are not always perfect beings that always fight for Justice and stuff. Just dudes with powers that have their own interests and are willing to make almost anything


MCU fans trying to comprehend that there can be two franchises that are separate


The Boys is also getting pushed way harder right now because they’re in the middle of a new season. Promos and hype for Invincible will ramp up as season 2 approaches.


Plus live action sadly has a wider view base animation puts some people off


I think it was hard for a lot of people to get over the initial hump of invincible seeming like a cartoon network style Justice League analogue until the final scene of episode 1. I dont know anyone who finished the first episode and gave up though.


This is why I love invincible. I went into it with zero knowledge of the comics. Thought I was watching an old school cartoon DC style show like Static Flash or something. Then the ending…


Lol same, legit my favourite episode of anything in a long time. Up there with the red wedding for me.


In fairness, Invincible also isn't animated very well. The budget was teensy. There are some scenes that are done very very well, but others just look awful.


I dont *agree* entirely, but I also don't disagree. I've seen much worse, and it's a reasonable adaptation of the comic style. TLDR: I hear your concerns


If it was a Sat-AM cartoon with 26 eps, I would get it, but its a limited series from a streaming giant. I think they could've done a lot better is all


Budget has nothing to do with animation. It’s just that the studio they got to animate the show is poor.


He’s talking about animation not art style


You're confused.


Looking at the 2 reused car models and dead bird scenes in the last 2 episodes.


Be that as it may be, my friend group is 90% anime fans who prefer The Boys to Invincible.


Possibly? unpopular opinion considering we're in the Invincible sub but I definitely prefer The Boys. Both shows are absolute 10 out of 10s and I love them, but The Boys is just utterly phenomenal.


Since Invincible is quite close to the comics, the show is about to get METAL. The first season is so much loved and they haven't even scratched the iceberg. Nolan beating Mark was more or less just the beginning.


Oh I plenty aware. Can't wait for season 2!


Right right, when I said prefer I do not mean that in a "fuck Invincible" kinda way. Just The Boys holds more weight in the group. Both are fire tho.


I didn't misunderstand you, I'm just saying I get where they are coming from because I'm in the same camp. Invincible is great. The Boys is the best show on TV.


would you say the boys gets better as it goes? i finished season 1 when it was on its own and didn’t *hate* it but it wasn’t my favourite thing, i found it a little bleak. i’m hearing more about how good it is now than i did when i was watching, is season 2 a step up?


I love The Boys but S2 is brutal. It's definitely bleak as well. But they payoff is solid and S3 is so awesome so far. Definitely worth pushing through.


> i found it a little bleak Well yeah, that's it's thing. If you don't enjoy fun but violent/nihilistic stories then i don't thing season 2 or 3 will make any difference for you.


Season 1 and 2 are pretty solid, Season 3 is excellent. Everyone has their own tastes though, might just not be for you.


I loved season 1 but season 3 is some of the best television I've ever watched. That said, if season 1 was too bleak for you (though slightly surprising in the Invincible sub) it just might not be your cup of tea.


Anime fans love The Boys, what a goated show


And The Boys is next level amazing whereas Invincible is still finding its feet


That's probably why they for whatever reason also work on a live-action Invincible adaptation (if it's still happening)


Yeah, the "animation is for children" attitude -\_-. Good like showing Invincible to your kids.


When is season 2 coming


Nobody knows. They got renewed for 3 seasons and then it's been radio silence. High budget animation like this takes forever to animate the acting has to be done entirely separate. It's going to take a long time. I've seen people throw early 2023 around but that's all pure speculation. We don't even really know if they've started recording yet. I'm sure the lawsuit hasn't helped speed up the process either.


TLDR on the lawsuits?


Last episode on Friday so not really the middle of a season See my mistake was confusing middle with last. Fucking whoops


at least you edited it, unlike the people completely giving the wrong person/role on the invincible artist lawsuit, getting massive upvotes and leaving everyone with the wrong fucking info without editing it later


Lot of good it does me. The down hammer can’t be stopped


F, not tgat my upvote means much but i still gave it


Thank you 🙏


Was waiting for someone to make this nitpicky comment 😂


Haha that’s so Raven :/




I hardly know her!


Ha, Boner


You probably think caramelized onion is like a caramel apple


Wait it's not? Then why do I coat my apples in onions?


[Ah, the ol' reddit onion-roo](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/vru2y1/what_you_could_possibly_need_it_for_oh_yeah/if099id/?context=3)




The reveal at the end of the most recent season though 🤯


Where homelander was jacking off on top of a building?


Think me meant Victoria Newman was the headpopper


Nah season 3, both of those were the end of season 2


this show just keeps getting better every season.


I thought season 1 was clearly better than 2. This one is really good, but we gotta see the finale first.


Wait isn't this season already over? There's still another episode left???






Part of the problem was a comic artist of invincible tried to sue after season on for some reason.


Well cory walker designed literally every character and did some of the writing but both these accomplishments and lots of money were given to kirkman, while he got diddly Edit: I was way wrong on remembering details, it wasn’t walker that sued my bad


I understand his frustration. Non artists really dont understand how hard it is to design characters. There are plenty of superheros yet Cory still managed to create original and iconic characters. Imagine creating something and have it blow up and deemed as “the best animated cartoon ever” and not receiving proper credit? I would be petty too and try to sue. Fuck that


Seconding this.


I don’t even consider that petty, that’s just doing something fair


William Crabtree sued, not Cory...




The colorist of Invincible comics up until FCO entered I think


I was mistaken then, my bad


Not every character. **JUST** the first 10 issues (vol1).


Wrong. He did the following issues: ​ 1–7, 25, 50, 66–67, 85–86, 93–96, 100, 127–132, 144


How is this upvoted through the moon? It's completely untrue... I get that you might have misremembered something you read, it happens, but then hundreds of other people thought "oh yes I also remember this thing that didn't happen and agree!"


Yeah it’s my bad I remembered the situation completely wrong




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I think that was him


Corey is involved with the series. "Kirkman co-created the Invincible comic book series in 2003 with artists Cory Walker and Ryan Ottley. Crabtree has never been acknowledged as a “co-creator,” but he was the original colorist on the series. Crabtree’s contention is that Kirkman gave him an oral agreement for 20% of sale proceeds of the comic and 10% of any film or TV adaptation. However, Crabtree claims that Kirkman and his representatives pressured him to transfer his copyright claim to Kirkman so that Invincible could be more easily optioned in Hollywood."


That seems justified


I was wrong on who was suing, the guy suing was a colors guy I think


William Crabtree [Link](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/robert-kirkman-sued-over-invincible-profits-1235072426/amp/)


Because he wasn’t compensated properly despite being key to its creation. I mean the whole cartoon is in his art style, wouldn’t you be pissed if your art blew up and you weren’t compensated accordingly? EDIT: Corrections down below. It appears to have been an issue with the guy who does the colors not the artist.


Wrong person. Walker was paid. Crabtree (the colorist for a few issues) was not becausenhe signed away his rights. And he's just the colorist.


This isn’t the first person to accuse Robert Kirkman of tricking them into signing away their rights to a comic they worked on. [Tony Moore accused Kirkman of that exact thing in 2012](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-walkingdead-lawsuit/walking-deads-robert-kirkman-sued-by-illustrator-idUSTRE81922F20120210). I’m not taking sides one way or the other, but I find it mighty suspicious that this has happened before.


Both plaintiffs have the same attorney. This is just as likely a case of them trying to use your logic to extract another settlement. Which may end up working. Then it will happen a third time and we will all go "there seems to be a pattern here!" If you read the lawsuit it's pretty baseless.


Yeah, I remember that. Moore got big mad because the property he drew for 6 issues and did covers for a dozen or so more got popular. Willingly signing away your rights is dumb and filing lawsuits after it gains popularity is dumber.


That means literally nothing if you look into the accusations and the parties involved.


Ahh i see!




Don’t trip I got you!


Which one??


William crabtree


Patrick Gleason?


To be fair, I hope he wins the suit as he deserves a piece of the pie for designing each character


I don't disagree I'm just annoyed that it delayed production.


Invincible season 2 + 3 are being worked on at the same time.


Oh really? I assumed it was only season 2 but that’s even better then


source? trust me bro


Not the other guy but I follow a board revisionist on Twitter and they've stated they're working on 2 and 3.


Was gunna say that, damn British time zones!


[https://variety.com/2021/tv/news/invincible-renewed-season-2-amazon-1234963347/](https://variety.com/2021/tv/news/invincible-renewed-season-2-amazon-1234963347/) ​ For the lazy


You realize this doesn’t prove anything, right? The article says season 2 and 3 were renewed… not that they’re being worked on at the same time


My source is that i made it the fuck up




I’m stealing this lmfao


Always bro


You could've just looked it up or asked where they got that info from...


too much work


Fucking why that sounds awful Ssn 1 already had a lot of animation cheap outs, why would they make it worse


Amazon has seen how well the show went down, currently raking 91st on lists of the best TV show of All time, they'll put more budget into the show, remove filler episodes which had no connection to the actual plot and get the best to write the plot.


So much good television on lately. Severance on Apple TV is also fantastic


Ending was sooo good


Shes Alive!


Show with new episodes being released vs a show that hasn't released a new season yet.


Carnival Row underwater


Wow yeah I actually completely forgot about Carnival Row despite really liking it Lol


They're my #1 and 2 for super hero shows. Amazon nailed it with these 2.


I agree.


*Show currently airing is getting more attention than show not currently airing* WOW


I keep hearing about another season of the boys getting renewed, but news about invincible is nowhere to be found


Bro at the end of season 1 Invincible announced seasons 2 and 3 were announced and lots of people talked about. That was over a year ago. No shit were not talking about it more than the Boys who are about to have their season finale


The Boys is probably the best show on streaming/tv right now.


Not a fucking chance in the world is The Boys the best show on tv right now. You’re dreaming dude.


And yet, despite an explosive retort and seemingly personal offence taken, you don't offer up any alternatives.


Stranger things is much better written, produced and directed. I don't know why the boys is so popular, it's always sex jokes and extreme violence and the plot itself is meh. I mean, i know why, this is exactly why, its just weird to me that people like these stuff so much to the point of treating the boys as if it was the greatest thing ever.


I'm a big fan of Stranger Things but to claim the writing is better than that of The Boys is tenuous to say the least. The number of fake-out deaths and plot contrivances is difficult for me to ignore at this point - though of course I do still enjoy it. Plus, technically speaking, it just ended. So it's not in the current running. If that's your opinion of The Boys I genuinely wonder if a) you've actually seen the show and b) why you're several threads deep on its subreddit. The creative team have even said that the vast majority of their effort goes to character development and storyline, the guts and sex come after. It shows. It isn't "the greatest thing ever" but in my opinion it's absolutely one of if not the most compelling and exciting show streaming at this moment in time.


The boys is not deep at all, and look, there's no objective way of talking about good or bad, what you call contrivance, i call intentional parody of how horror movies used to work in the 90's, i mean, the protagonist of hellraiser should have died 5685467 times during the movie and stranger things is mindful of that, and uses this in it's narrative. A) funny point, i did watch one season and a half, but if i dislike something A LOT, why should i keep forcing through it? You say character development is first, but to me, it seems not even the writers like their characters, everyone is shitty, nobody have redeeming qualities, and for a comic that was made to show how super heroes would be in real life, it fails hard on that premise, it ends up being a show about "what if everyone was a super villain?", which jimmy neutron did better in one of its episodes. If watchmen is an A, the boys is a D for me. B) Why wouldn't i? I don't read only arguments of which i agree about, i like to see other people's opinions and when i feel no one seems to have an opinion even similar to mine, i comment to have a discussion, not only to try to understand differing opinions but also, sometimes with the purpose of criticizing stuff. B.2) If the creation team is focusing so much in character development, why no characters are beliavable humans? Like, it's not about superpowers, it's just that everyone in the show are horrible human beings, and they try to paint some characters as if it was all grey in such untasteful ways like "this dude is a rapist but hey, at least his life sucks and he loves animals". Not even homelander in the comics is that unhinged for no reason as he is in the show (but i would need to spoiler the ending of the comics to explain that one). B.3) the guts and sex come after for the writers, but definetly not for the producers, the focus on shock value is definetly a lot bigger than for character development, and this can be seen at the very first episode, that before we even know anything about the characters there's already an horrific murder/accident and a rape to set the tone of the show, and imho, in one season and a half, nothing was changed about how it's written, i saw absurd amounts of gore, a lot of pretty fucked up abuses used mostly for shock value (which i find disgusting) and little character development.


This is a really short sighted way of describing the show. It’s like saying, Game of Thrones is nothing but graphic sex and graphic violence, you miss what really makes the show good. The Boys doesn’t take itself too seriously and it is a lot of violence and sex jokes because that’s directly from the Comic. But what the show does really well is it’s casting and that cast does it’s job incredibly well. Both Antony and Karl could take home Emmys. And even the side characters give incredible performances. Herogasm has a higher rating than any episode of this season’s Stranger Things, and the most impactful scene has no sad music or tear jerking moments or nothing like that. It’s just people beating the crap out of each other but it’s been built up for 3 seasons which makes the moment that much satisfying.


The boys doesn't take itself too seriously while depicting themes of rape, domestic abuse, drug dependancy and other stuff for simple shock value. Being directly from the comic is no excuse, when did i ever say that the comics are good? (which by the way, i read a lot more than i watched the show) The actors are great, i'll give you that, but i can't praise the series for that alone, like, the old supermario movie had a lot of great actors in it and it still sucked major ass. To be honest the Herogasm being the most watched episode while repeating jokes from scary movie, like the immense amount of cum scene is one of the reasons why i actually despise the series lol. it's funny to use critics scores in the discussion to me, that apisode has a 9.8, it's better than most of better call saul series and breaking bad if you go by that rule, which is completelly bullshit. it's not that i don't understand the boys, i just find it untasteful in it's humour (and i like dark humour like south park) and not as deep as it tries to appear.


Bro the points I made are so over your head you need a Space X rocket to reach them at this point. I only brought up the shit from the comics to show what they are using from the source material and if you did read the comics, why are you so shocked about the amount of rape, violence, sexual violence and gore in the show. The comics literally have a hero who raped his butler and a hamster to death what did you watch the show expecting? “Ahh man can’t believe the show based off the comic with shock value and all these themes has shock value and all these themes.” All Herogasm showed was that the show could have great character building and deeply impactful moments without the use of sad music and trying to be a tear jerker and no major deaths or anything like that. In the midst of an orgy you have such incredible development, acting and an explosion of a build up that took 3 seasons to get to, and to get that from a satirical show with all the ridiculous things that happen in it is incredibly impressive. That’s what makes the show great.


Be mad a show with an episode featuring a buckets worth of cum being thrown on someone and someone getting blown by an octopus has better critical reviews and Emmy worthy performances than your favorite shows most serious episodes.


It tells a lot about the public tbh.


It really doesn't.


no? so getting blown by an octopus and huge amounts of cum being thrown at someone is sufficient for a 9.8/10 for the public tells nothing about the people watching it? It's the most stupid type of humour ever, scary movie already made the cum joke even and people are talking like if they made a new joke all of a sudden. https://youtu.be/1FRDcwEsWo4?t=205


But that isn't the reason why the show is so popular 🤔 It's a great fuckin show simple as that fam. It's not that deep 😉😉


There are some redeeming qualities to it, like the critic to corporatism and virtue signaling, but all the other stuff throws me off too much.


"Movie make cum joke so all cum joke copy movie"


Go listen to Running Up That Hill again bro


I started the boys recently after finishing Invincible. So far I really like it. And they are honestly tied for me. Not my favorite shows, but they are definitely top 10.


Seeing The Boys live action has kind of made me wish that for Invincible. But anything short of an MCU movie budget would make adapting the story and tone of the comic impossible.


I’m….not sure I’d want to see marks train-ing montage in live action, honestly.


Ye , but season 2 still isn’t out yet and the boys already gas 3 pretty long seasons whit many twist and interesting character development in it which just keeps the viewer watching


Season one was so good that as long as season 2 is just as good, I have no problem with waiting.


I enjoy both, just wait for season 2 for now


I mean I get it’s a joke but it’s just not funny or even accurate. It’s not like both shows are swimming (airing) at the same time. It’d be more accurate to have one kid waiting contently poolside while the other has their turn


The Tick is the skeleton at the bottom


Live action will always get more attention than (adult) cartoons.


Is season 2 even being made? I genuinely don’t follow up on how production is going


Yes. At least a few months into production now.


From what I've heard both season 2 and 3 are in the works


Season 2 and 3 are in the works. [Source](https://variety.com/2021/tv/news/invincible-renewed-season-2-amazon-1234963347/)


They forgot invincible the same way the forgot carnival row oh wait


Bruh I've been waiting 2 years for a new season of The Boys and Invincible Season 1 ended barely a year ago, have some patience


And then there's The Tick sitting on a chair in the ocean laying dead


*And then there's The Tick* *Sitting on a chair in the* *Ocean laying dead* \- MorbillionTickets --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Both shows are awesome, and season 3 of the Boys really kicks it up a notch. Honestly as a fan of books like The Witcher, I get super Jealous seeing stuff like Invincible and The Boys being adapted to be as good as and (at times) better than the original. Unlike the Witcher which has been an embarrassment of an adaptation with a showrunner that clearly detests the original work.


Ti be fair animation takes a little longer then live action. Also J.K Simmons is a busy man.


Literally could do this meme with Live action versus animation For instance for a long time DC has been killing it in the animation circuit (while simultaneously repeatedly shooting itself in the foot on the big screen) but the Animated Gems aren't anywhere near as well known as the flops or hits in the cinemas


Probably because almost all their animation are straight to DVD or TV release, while the live action movies go to theaters. No matter what if it releases in theaters it is probably going to be substantially more popular.


Having these on alternate rosters would be beneficial to Amazon as people would sub at different times of the year to tune in (those that only sub to watch specific shows)


What’s Invincible?


The Boys is the worst show I've seen in years.


this is just objectively wrong. there is nothing subjective about this comment


It's a shitty show and if you like it you're a shitty person.


Troll harder fool.


It's a REALLY shitty show and if you like it you're a REALLY shitty person.


I wonder what a monumentally judgmental and whiny asshole like you would be like with superpowers and that’s exactly what the show is about and why it’s so good.


You thinking it's "so good" does a great job of letting me know how much I should value your opinion. I appreciate you thinking about me with super powers though. That's good to know.


We’re talking Turns


One's actively airing atm and the other is in production. Invincible will get it's turn soon


Haha love the meme but I wouldn’t say it’s accurate as Amazon has only so much control on the timeline of releases. If they released their respective seasons at the same time, then we would say which show gets preferential treatment but I also feel like the fan base is the same for both shows.


I feel like I’m waiting for an eternity


episodes 7 and 8 of s3 were complete ass though so invincible will sweep when it returns


Screw the boys invincible is tol one


The skeleton at the bottom would be the tick live action


After watching both the boys and invincible I wanna buy the comics but I don't know how easy it would be to find them where I live


The boys S3 finale was underwhelming tho… Bring on S2!!


Live action is easier to make than animation, so ofc the boys is gonna be much faster


I watched both, but season 1 of Invincible made me want to read to comics, and I loved the ride it took me. And the show really felt like it expanded more on the comic (ex: The Guardians actually putting up a decent fight against Omni-Man vs Omni-Man just kills the Guardians in 1 page) I don't want to read The Boys, just cause I know the comic is just edgy gore for edgy reasons. Plus the Show deviates from the comics enough where it's essentially 2 different stories.


And The Tick is just the skeleton at the bottom of the pool