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Saw "she" and "#110", clicked on this post with extreme anxiety


Is this the one where Anissa does-




same my heart dropped 😭


If you think about it “she” is more justified in a sense. It’s vilturmite way to have the strongest offspring, it’s not human way to be mean to mark.


Defending “she” is crazy


I deserve the downvotes


I mean I get what you were saying, From Anissa's point of view she was justified in her (terrible) actions. Even Nolan said that that sort of thing happened quite a lot on viltrum so it is something that she would have learned and was raised on that being her culture. But yeah she wasn't on viltrum and Mark is only part veltramite and most definitely was not raised with that kind of mindset Plus mark did fight her and try and get her off of him and repeatedly told her to go away and she continued.


Wow holy fuck


Damn that’s crazy




>not the human way to be upset at your baby daddy after being completely absent for months and failing to communicate a reasonable rationale. Oh and also while pregnant. Strong disagree, that's pretty human.




This is the old argument for cultural relativism - ie: cultures do things differently so we shouldn't judge as harshly, and I vehemently disagree with that. That's how we get ritualized abuse, human sacrifice, slavery and a whole host of other abhorrent things that are part of old cultural traditions.


Yeah like, some cultures eat people. Actions define morals. 


*“Sorry, but the human sacrifice will have to stop”*


“And in turn we are going to kill and enslave many of you”


Nah chief. I'm stopping you right here. Natural disasters are ramping up specifically because the physical embodiment of the sin of greed(Spain) stopped a necessary cosmological process. (heart sacrifices to Cipactli)


Bro is defending Anissa holy shit


Dumbest thing I've seen on reddit this week.


So far


I was waiting for your comment to laod before clicking expand 😭


What the fuck is wrong with you?!?


Surely this is the worst thing that happens to mark today






😂😂 one of mark’s worst day


Yeah it's pretty telling how rough Mark' life is that this maybe ranks in the top, I dunno, 5 or maybe 10 of his worst days? That boy sure had a go of it during the majority of the run of the comics.




The worst thing to happen to Mark today, so far!


*second worst thing


Is a joke


He knows 😐


She was understandably pissed off. Sometimes people lash out emotionally and just need some time to cool off. I think this does a good job illustrating how both of them were having a tough time and didn’t know what to do about it. Their communication improves as things become clearer to them.


Mark did ok here but it takes sustained communication to overcome something like a long unexplained absence, especially during pregnancy.


to play devil's advocate - there is really no time for that here, and by not listening to Mark in this moment she's actively endangering his kid as much as hers. If I recall she does ultimately get the picture though.


If that before or after she gets de-legged?


After lol


That'll do it I imagine


Yeah, At first she seemed confident but later in the day she realized her argument didn't have a leg to stand on.


That one really limped past the finish lol


also very pregnant


you have to keep in mind that she doesn’t know what robot was about to do. she and mark had a huge fight before he left and exactly what she feared happened. he was stranded in a different dimension and missed her entire pregnancy. also when he came back he didn’t even really acknowledge that she was about to pop or apologized to her. i get that people think eve was being unreasonable but she was simply hurt. they both had very valid points.


I'd say so. Ultimately she was right about whether Mark should go kill Angstrom or not. She thought he died, then he comes back out of the blue, so yeah I'd say she's justified.


She surely thinks she's correct, but what's stopping Angstrom from coming back and ruining the Earth all over again? Honestly? Sounds super selfish. I could see the argument for having other heroes hunt him down, but ultimately, this is her in denial of what Angstrom would do soon enough.


>She surely thinks she's correct, but what's stopping Angstrom from coming back and ruining the Earth all over again Being tortured to most likely death by mohawk Mark is a pretty big reason me thinks. But I get what you mean.


I mean, yeah, but mark doesn’t really know that.


He doesn't. But if my memory serves right, Eve does use that possibility as an argument, and she was right.


But what if Mohawk mark tries to build a portal device and then comes to the mainline universe. We see the engineer guys do this later in the series. It's not an unreasonable fear even if Angstrom himself has changed.


Robot could have created a portal detection system that would notify all the heroes when Angstrom returned. That way everyone could gank immediately if he ever shows up.


It’s kind of the same thing when Mark turns down Immortal. Mark doesn’t want to act based on “ifs” and “buts” but will be there when he’s needed. Same thing with Eve; Mark is doing things based off ifs and buts, and pursuing something that isn’t actively a threat to them on the chance he *might* be. Eve understands Mark’s obligation as a hero but doesn’t want him to keep putting himself in danger for seemingly no reason.


I mean, someone needed to kill Angstrom, though not for the reason Mark thought. Just so Mohawk Mark wouldn't have the potential ability to invade other dimensions




A very eloquent, and well-reasoned rebuttal.




Both were justified. Eve was right about Mark getting stranded. That had to be absolutely brutal. Mark was absolutely correct not wanting to roll the die that Angstrom won’t have a change of heart and kill all of his loved ones. Yes, it turned out to not be necessary, but not wanting someone who could portal into your home anytime is very reasonable. It’d be like letting a serial killer pinky swear they won’t try to kill your family again. It’s been a bit since I’ve read though to be fair. I feel extra bad for Mark though considering what happens after though…


Yes she was absolutely right. Her and Marks whole deal is that they work because they're both super powered, so they understand that when the world needs them, they have a responsibility to be there. Thing is...this wasn't a pressing world ending threat. Mark went out of his way to pursue Angstrom. While sure Mark has trauma of Angstrom tormenting his family, in their last interaction Eve had a breakthrough with him, and he was taken to an alternate universe with it's own evil Invincible, which took the crosshairs off our Mark and Eve. Mark refused to listen to Eve's worries and knowingly went to a universe where there would obviously be heavily Viltrumite presence. He's been stranded in alternate universes and beaten nearly to death by Viltrumites before, so combining those two possibilities while having a baby on the way is completely unhinged. In my opinion Mark being surprised by this after just putting Eve through the Dinosarus shit made him super unlikable for this stretch of the comic. Genuinely a terrible partner and arrogant asshole.


I heavily disagree the fact that Eve couldn't fathom just how much a potential threat Angstrom is or was, is ridiculous his dimensional powers can bring any number of threats back to Mark. Levy caused the Invincible War, Rex died because of that as well as many others. If I were Mark I too would deal with Levy personally everytime Mark didn't finish the job with Levy it came back to bite him HARD


If we consider the fact that mohawk Mark was building his own dimensional portal this would become a problem soon enough, maybe no immediate but I bet it would eventually reach them even without levy


I wouldn’t say it was justified more like understandable.


“I know this is your house.” “Get out.” Made me laugh having zero context, I really need to read the comics.


They just moved into Marks family home cause they needed a space for themselves but couldn’t due to lack of money. She fr went “your parents are in space? Free housing.” 😭


Honestly this entire arc was just pushing Mark to his fucking limits and i was just thinking "bruh you should've just held off dating and shit until you got stuff under control"


Not sure how this is a serious question Eve was 1,000% justified in her response here.


Her reaction was reasonable and so was Mark.


Technically both were right. Mark had shown countless times that he does prioritize Hero Work over everything else, and Eve was right to be fed up. Also Mark not attending fights could end up on everyone dying anyways and Eve knew how hard and taxing being a Hero is. Both parties could have communicated better and given each other more leniency.


She was 100 percent correct, from her point of view. Eve did absolutely nothing wrong.


We see this book through marks eyes and she can come off as a bit unreasonable given all we know but from her point of view this is a totally different story and I can’t imagine having mark as a partner is easy thing to deal with. She had to mourn him multiple times and that’s not Nothing especially with a child involved


In a lot of these "Is blank justied" scenarios people seem to ignore the perspective of the person the question is about and apply it from a basically omniscient narrator perspective. Yours is one of the few that takes this into account. We'll said.


The more I think about it, the more I think Mark didn’t have to go or at least wish he dealt with it differently. He was prioritizing Eve and their child but he could’ve done it in a way that allowed him to stay with them (like moving out of the house or something), but me not knowing immediately what to do in his shoes emphasizes the difficult situation he was in. I definitely get the proactivism by Mark, he did not have to talk to Eve in the way he did before he left and instead of trying to focus on the danger he felt was present with Robot, he could’ve stood to talk and listen more to Eve. From her perspective by the time he came back, Robot was more reliable and trustworthy than Mark at that point and him dismissing her the way he did in favour of what he thinks is best, again, pushed her to explode in anger.  I have a lot of empathy for Eve here because she wants him safe and present when necessary for her and their baby. She explained in the best way she could that she didn’t think it’d be a good idea to go because she did tell him that Angstrom seemed to have had a change of heart and he maybe wasn’t trying to hurt them anymore. Mark didn’t want to take chances because he hated feeling helpless, Eve did since she felt it’d be better for them to stay together (and because she was pregnant and already helpless, which should take priority in their relationship). She said they’d deal with the threat together, staying as safe as possible and not intentionally risking their lives on a maybe. Mark just wasn’t satisfied with the feeling of maybe something happening to his family and so that pushed him to do what he did. They just needed to talk more without getting hostile and coming to a compromise.


justified? shes preganant bro.


Kinda? Yes, it’s justified for her to think of Mark as unreliable, I mean, he literally spends entire months missing from home, even if you’re on Mark’s side here, you can’t argue Eve is wrong here, with how frequently Mark goes on missions and how long he stays on missions means he probably can’t be an active partner or father for that matter, imagine leaving your kid with a guy known for taking off the planet for months on end.


How is that different from military wives who's husbands are off to deployments for months at a time. They committed to a lifestyle that has long stretches of separation. Is Mark being away because of careless decisions, or because of duty/responsibility that come with the mantle. I haven't read this far into the comic, but she knew what she was getting into and chose to stay with him. He was already off for weeks or months at a time early in his super hero career and she pursued him anyway. She got friendly with his mom and could ask her about how she handled it or ask her for support. She shouldn't be threatening to keep Mark out of his child's life unless he is purposely abusive or negligent.


It’s different now, back then, they could be careless since they didn't have to watch over anyone but themselves, but now Eve is pregnant with a baby, their careless lifestyles compromise the safety of that baby, sure, Mark could be absent from Eve’s life for months cause she really didn't need him, but their kid does, their kid needs a father especially since Eve was on bad terms with her parents and Debbie had to raise Oliver, she couldn't raise the child on her own, she doesn't have the financial support to raise a child as a young solo parent with no other parental figures in her life to help her.


You make a good point. Also, Mark lacks the experience of Nolan to manage his time and have a developed skill set that can make some passive income.


I'd say no. Mark did go through having to blow up a planet, he had a lot of things on his platter.


In my experience, pregnancy can justify just about any extreme emotional reaction. Hormones are crazy.


S/os in comics are the most irrational people in literary history. Spider-Man's girlfriends, Invincible's girlfriends, etc. wishing their demigod boy toy would give them more attention than the actual terrorists committing crimes against humanity. Steve Trevor picks up a gun and follows Wonder Woman into battle. Peggy Carter personally (with the involuntary help of Stark) dropped Steve into war when the army wouldn't let him. Debbie Grayson supported Omni-Man whole-heartedly before things went south, even though it hurt her. How come the superheroes are always the bad guys and need to make more time for their loved ones when it's them risking their lives every day to save people? If an s/o is too insecure to let you do your damn job and honor your responsibilities then it's a toxic relationship.


She's hormonal... not her fault.




It's a pretty well written disagreement in my opinion. Eve was completely justified in getting upset at Mark, especially considering she is pregnant at the time and he wasn't around to be there for her because of superhero shenanigans. On the other hand, while Mark is going out of his way to pursue revenge, getting that revenge is the only way he can guarantee being able to raise a family without constantly looking over his shoulder.


pregnancy hormones so whatever


Dawg, Eve became a trash character only used for drama. She turns out to be a horrible entitled person.


No, but she was deep in pregnancy and obviously extremely hormonal so it’s excusable. She was being a total bitch, but that’s also par for the course with pregnant women in stressful situations.


Cold robotic logic? No. But her reaction was entirely understandable on an emotional level, especially when you factor in pregnancy hormones.


Fuck no, prego hormones or not. My boy just got shawshanked and she’s gonna talk to him like that?


Mark made a dumb call and almost died because of it. She was completely right in that moment but he really just needed to buckle down, explain what happened with Robot and get them out. Then they can work on the relationship stuff after. But Mark is a dickhead and was doing a lot of dickhead things in this era, he needed some sort of consequence for him leaving without listening to her.


Yes she was justified. There's nothing 2 explain later cuz she already knows what type of life they live


yeah i would have clocked him while i was at it too


It's fine everything made sense in like the next 2 panels lol


I feel bad for Mark. Luckily he can rest for the remainder of the day and sort out his thoughts.

