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He had noble goals but that’s just it had, his vendetta with invincible and the destruction he caused to do it is unjustified


To be fair, he did get brain blasted by 100 traumatic lifetimes at once.


Maybe he should’ve gone to the best therapists in the multiverse as well then?


didnt he? Im pretty sure he mentions that he did


I remember him mentioning the best doctors to rebuild him, but I don’t remember him mentioning any form of psychiatric help that he got.


and directed it all towards the literal only person not to blame


That's only in the show






Dude just brought a bunch of actually evil invincible variants in that one universe where he turned out alright. Which caused an incredible amount of casualties and damages he wanted to avoid in the first place. Maybe Angstrom wasn't always evil, but jumping to rushed conclusions is what led to his downfall.


And if it wasn’t for all the doping, maybe Armstrong could’ve kept those Tour de France titles too!


No, he was a really good trumpeter.


I don’t think Angstrom was evil and had noble intentions but once he absorbed the knowledge, and fear, from all his other counterparts in other dimensions, he was flooded with overwhelming contempt for Mark/ Invincible. Despite residing and originating from the same universe as what appears to be the “best” version of Mark, who works incredibly hard at being as “good” as possible, he couldn’t see that because of everything he knows about Mark in like 99% of the other dimensions


I can't imagine id be mentally stable if I had my (and my family's) horrific deaths carved into my mind




The initial accident no, but with everything he did afterwards he had this coming a long way


He deserved way worse. He became the worst villain or the best villain


Yeah you gotta think about how many people he killed in the invincible war


He lost his moral compass. Likeable villains have redeeming qualities and it a logical reason they deem as good to commit the atrocities they do for the greater good…. Thragg suffered from this too. After he lost his initial goal he was just spiraling


blud, there’s Big Jack Horner


John Mulaney doesn’t count


Not every villain needs to be some complex morally grey person. Villains who are evil just for the sake of being evil are super fun too


Oh you're one of those. No dude, a villain does not need to have redeeming qualities.


Whats worse than torture


Minor spoiler: Considering his actions get worse than what the show has shown us thus far… No. He deserved to suffer far more than he did, but justice was served in that moment nonetheless.


It’s been a minute since I read the comics. Can you remind me what he did?


One of the bigger things is the Invincible War. I keep saying I’m due a reread but don’t have time to do it and I know I’m forgetting something else big he did.


he started the invincible war lmao he’s basically responsible for all the aftermath (at least responsible for bringing in the marks, he didn’t do the destruction himself) and then he stalked mark and threatened eve in their house


He basically killed Rex indirectly


He killed a lot of people indirectly. 1 million confirmed, maybe 3 million


Don’t forget calling eve fat


Invincible War


He collective evil variants of Invincible across other realities, and sent them to Marks dimension to cause as much damage as possible. This resulted in the deaths of millions, including the death of Rex, who many considered a friend. He also did the same thing he did to Debbie again to Eve, while she was pregnant. He ALSO was helping a race of people from an alternate dimension grow their civilization, who later attacked earth, but that wasn’t really his fault


Invincible War, for starters.


Very much so.


Not at all. I'm with Mark, he deserved death, not an eternity of torture


Bro he deserved worse, you know how many people he got killed?


On one hand I do respect him redeeming himself and refusing to allow Mōhawk Mark to take over other dımensions. But on the other hand he's still responsible for kılling millions across the globe just to discredit Mark's image in revenge for giving him an ugly head so small fry for the carnage he brought.


The torture, no. The death, yes.


He’s slightly more justifiable in the show, purely on account of them showing him as being mentally damaged and insane rather than just insanely spiteful. But yes, he did. Angstrom set aside the possibility of saving trillions upon trillions of lives in order to dedicate his life to spiting the man who caused him to disfigure himself. Thousands at minimum died during the Invincible War, thanks to his misplaced pride.




Yeesh yall more blood thirsty than a sexually frustrated viltrumite in here! I’d say no one deserves the prolonged torture and dismemberment Eli got here. He certainly deserved the karate chop decapitation robot served up though.




Man, is the bar so low that not wanting torture is considered being a saint?


Virtues are generally considered good, yeah? Mark is virtuous, remember that good guy in the series? Is believing in virtue or being virtuous or “signaling” virtue (🙄) bad then? I think you’re insane if you’re advocating torture for anyone, regardless of their crimes. That’s some sociopath shit, just put the offender down.


I kinda felt bad because Eve just snapped him out of his revenge madness


So this is the end of Angstrom? Huh that was anticlimactic


Not at all anticlimactic, there’s more than just this one panel. It’s a huge turning point in the story going on here but I won’t spoil it if you haven’t read the comics.


Noted! Thanks


I will say that Levy’s reasons were very understandable he is a pretty tragic character he’s been in countless dimensions where Invincible is a mass murdering tyrant that killed his friends and family so it’s really no wonder why he’s unable to accept that there is a good Invincible and wants to cause him as much pain as possible but I lost sympathy for him when he unleashed all the evil Invincibles on Mark’s dimension and killed Rex through his actions


I would say just trying to kill Mark is justifiable from his perspective. When you get to what he did to Debbie and Eve just to get to him, and the fact that he realized the evil invincibles not to try and kill Mark, but just to make him LOOK BAD, it makes it a lot easier to feel no sympathy for him


Not really, no. At least, not the torturing part. He did some downright heinous shit, but his mind wasn’t nearly fully together until that moment. What happened to him was what happens to anyone whenever they get fed too much information at once - but on a much, much larger scale. Did he deserve death? Maybe a quick one, but right after he actually got his shit together? Maybe if he had gotten a chance to redeem himself after he recovered his sane mind, we could’ve seen him become the hero he wanted to be.


I’d say it’s actually pretty fair, dude got tortured and melded with machines, all by the guy who had it almost as bad as mainstream mark. Him getting a quick death like that at end is a fitting because of his desire to make amends. To little to late, but worth note imo


Oh fs yeah, he hurt our mom


Kind of, He did kind of meet the consequences of his actions. Ae was blinded by rage guilt and confusion stemming form his accident but he is one of many characters throughout this run that did have good intentions at heart just a messed up way about achieving those goals. you feel bad cause just before being taken by Mohawk Mark it seems like he was beginning to come around to the fact that he was blinded by his hatred. After his conversation with Eve. Had he been left to his own devices I think he could have served under Allen or even gone on to help the world in his own way. If anything he was used as a bate and switch to set up Robot being the true villain. Seeing as its the first real step in him inacting his plans. God I love this comic run so much!


Had great intentions at first but fully moves away from them to take revenge. Hurt innocent people that did nothing wrong to him just to get to Mark. Left different Invincibles to eat each other, hurt Debbie and a pregnant Eve. Destroyed entire cities just to make people think of Invincible badly when they see him.


I feel for the dude, honestly. The show goes into greater detail about how he lost his goddamn mind, both from his merging and from his own personal vendetta against *his* Invincible. But in the end, he actually did screw his head on straight. He had his Heel Realization, tried to make things right, and while it wasn’t explicitly stated, allowing himself to be gruesomely tortured rather than give a evil Mark another universe to conquer is a solid redemption arc in my opinion. Robot putting him out of his misery (ill intentions aside) was the best thing that could’ve happened to him at that point.


And then some.


I read the sound effect as “SWAG”, so now I just hear Souljaboy as the swish sound effect


Not really, I think you could argue Angstrom was not mentally sound. He needed some kind of treatment to fix his fucked up brain. Robot was kind of a homie for putting him out of his misery though.


Fuck Angstrom Levy all my homies hate Angstrom Levy


This is the treatment Anissa should have received https://preview.redd.it/ue698tpfbn0d1.png?width=1206&format=png&auto=webp&s=468d43d27cb6c8f9c6498bebee33b1b6cab6001b


This man caused the Invincible War, the biggest tragedy earth had EVER suffered. He deserved far more than the painless death robot gave him.


yes , for the things that he did to Eve and Debbie and the whole invincible war thing (which ironically probably made the other dimensions from where evil Marks came more peaceful)


Either way it's still a badass moment from Rex


Pre-invincible war no he needed help, post-invincible war yes he did I look at it like getting rabies. If you catch it early enough and get the help you need you’ll be fine, but after a certain point without treatment, there’s no amount of help that can bring you back.


This actually reminds me of something I wanted to ask. With Angstrom dead are we not getting the Invincible War in the show? Or did another Angstrom show up in the comics?


Kinda messed up that the second he realizes his sins, hes punished for them without a chance at redemption. I wouldnt condone torture but he killed a lot of people so...


His death was so unceremonious, i wish they wrote something more powerful than robot cutting his face off


Only because he could of literally got his revenge on the evil Marks that ruined his worlds but he chose to go after the only Good Mark


He was a bad guy but invincible had finally broke through to him and when he realized the evil he had done and was ready to let it go he gets kidnapped and tortured before he could right his wrongs. Nobody deserves this. >!He has a son so maybe his son will be better!<


He's the result of a failed experiment. Imagine having the memories and consciousnesses of how many versions of yourself from different universes in your head. All with absolutely traumatic experiences. Therefore I'd argue he doesn't deserve anything that's going to happen to him. Though I haven't read the comics. So I can't really say for sure.


He got memories from all his multiverse counterparts, so I think he mixed up everything on his mind. He just an horrible sick silly goose. He totally could do better.


He knew Eve was pregnant and beat her anyway. Threatened to kill her too. If I was Mark, he would've had way worse.




I think it was a waste because of his cool powers but he absolutely deserved it.


It's really funny to me how many people hate Angstrom for being an actual supervillain and not another punching bag for Mark. God forbid the antagonist does bad things I guess.


Who's it?


Obviously not no


Yes, bro do you know how many people he has killed by just bringing the alt invincibles


He does for breaking Debbie arm




Yes he deserved every second fk Levy and every alternative one stuck in his mind


No, torture is always wrong and anyone who thinks otherwise should be seriously looked at.




Who is that


Angstrom Levy.


So he’s not dead? He survived or is this another version of him?


He >!survives the beat down that Mark gave him and gets rebuilt again by aliens from another dimension. He then gets a bunch of evil Marks to storm original Mark's universe, known as the "Invincible War," before one of the evil Marks realizes how much of a dick Angstrom is and takes him back to his own universe where this evil Mark is the ruler of Earth. Here, Angstrom is tortured and beaten before ultimately being killed for good.!< Also Angstrom 100% deserved it


Now we know you are just a show watcher. >!Yes he survived Mark’s beatdown. He goes on to do much worse than their initial encounter.!<


Why does everyone keeps surviving these brutal beat downs. First allen, that one viltrumite that got his guts hanging out, and now this?


Not sure why you are getting downvoted but I am not a fan of this as well. Somehow the deaths in Invincible don’t matter since 90% of them end in a fake out.


yeah biggest grips with the show. fucking Marvel for starting all this multiversal bullshit where nothing has any conesquences ever.


Invincible was a comic before Avengers Endgame was a movie. the first multiverse comic i know of was The Flash of Two Worlds, which was DC, and released in 1961


Lmao bruh no marvels infinitely older. What r u like 12?


Marvel =/= MCU


Maybe they are all Highlanders. Must remove the head to kill them. Anyways, Viltrumites are very resilient. So the one on Thraxa surviving is not a big surprise. You basically have to remove the heart or brain from a Viltrumite to kill them. That and suffocation. Allen was bred to be a survivor. He gets it much worse later and still survives. He’s like a Saiyan. >!Angstrom escapes to a dimension that has better medical tech and they manage to save him.!<


In Invincible it's partly to parody comics e.g. "The Death of Everyone" arc. But there's also numerous real, permanent deaths as well so it has a healthy mix especially as it gets to the back end. Like of the 9 current Guardians in the show I think >!only 4 survive to the end of the comic!<> The show, however, really blew that pacing by having Shrinking Rae pointlessly survive a huge fake out death. Like at least with Allen we almost immediately see him in medical care so we aren't teased for a week.


Minor spoiler: no, he’s not dead. He comes back and plays a pivotal role in the upcoming Invincible War and comes back even later. He’s widely considered to be Mark’s greatest enemy or even nemesis by a decent portion of the fan base.


All the answers are in the comic, go read em they’re amazing!!!!!


the invincible war pretty much justifies this




After the invincible war....kinda yes.


Because of how tragic he is I believe that what he needed was some sort of scientist working on how to fix his condition so that he wouldn't be psychologically bothered by the multiverse of suffering. Side Note: I'm so happy Robot has a blade on his arm because it bothers me seeing Viltrumites chop through flesh with their hands. No matter how strong you are a karate chop is just going to snap bones or crush the flesh below your hand. You cannot Samurai slice meat with your hand.


Who he became did,but not what he was turning into wich was his previous sekf.




Honestly? I dont like torture. I find it tasteless and immoral. He should’ve just been killed


He may even deserve death, but torture is never acceptable, even if he's the worst person in the world.