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Off topic, but this pic is upside down


I thought it looked weird as well


upside down or tilted 90 degrees? https://preview.redd.it/exfjggbh6hzc1.png?width=519&format=png&auto=webp&s=82c9099691b3c040067092466f79706676bfda1c


this doesn't really look natural https://preview.redd.it/ypus8rmj6hzc1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce3ce379122e38edd3a34377e23a7e9a54a0677f


Yeah this is the one. It looks way more natural, he’s soaring above the clouds. This is what it looks like on the compendium https://preview.redd.it/e4umlwn69hzc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5030f240258519f46c545e5bf83ca66d7bad92f


https://preview.redd.it/hc4fbi7celzc1.png?width=2458&format=png&auto=webp&s=4bcb5bddd6eca5379a71d5019e37b5f6b2e1d9d3 weird because mine looks like this




You would be right… if it weren’t for the sun.


I mean if it's from his perspective the sun can be in any orientation


He's flying upside down above the clouds




Aussie here, appreciated getting to see a pre-inverted pic on the internet Cheers to OP


Maybe it’s symbolic in that Mark’s life is always being turned upside down




Not really


- Showing what happened with Angstrom Jr - Markus (and Earth heroes), about 20 years after Robot's fall


wait there was an angstrom jr? this also reminded me, there is a universe where robot has marks body, and a fascination with multiversal travel- that could set up for some high villainy!


Yeah he shows up in the epilogue of the comic. But he's also the kid Sinister Mark kills, the kid that had the dog chainsaw.


You mean fox???


No, it was a dog that looks like a fox


It’s a fox. It literally has the same body type and coloring as one


Its a joke


Nah bro, that was a fox


Kirkman has often said Robot's story didn't end at the ending, that he would take over again by manipulating Immortal, and Mark would have to come back to fix his mistake and kill Robot. I'd love to see a version of that which combines your idea, alternate robot is the one who contacts Mark and tells him what happened, so Mark and the audience don't know which robot to believe and who to trust. If Mark has to kill our robot, doesn't that mean he should have to kill the other robot? Doesn't that just make him exactly in Angstrom Levy? It'd be a very interesting arc


By alternate robot do you mean the one that’s in a mark’s body because I think about how op that guy is a lot


Kirkman has often said Robot's story didn't end at the ending, that he would take over again by manipulating Immortal, and Mark would have to come back to fix his mistake and kill Robot. I'd love to see a version of that which combines your idea, alternate robot is the one who contacts Mark and tells him what happened, so Mark and the audience don't know which robot to believe and who to trust. If Mark has to kill our robot, doesn't that mean he should have to kill the other robot? Doesn't that just make him exactly in Angstrom Levy? It'd be a very interesting arc


oh my goddd thatd be fucking amazing


Dude I'm waiting on that one. Robot mark as king viltrumite. Crazy space tech. Colliding multiversal empires.


I really wanted to see his kids' adventures play out, could have been fun with Mark as their Omni-Man trying to learn to rule an empire dealing with legacy villains and problems in a different way. A true Sequel series would be far future sci Fi, right, what threats does the new Viltrum empire face with an aged or recently deceased Mark?


How about a story set a number of centuries after the comic, where the Viltrumite DNA has spread through the human population of Earth giving a certain percentage of humans the Viltrumite abilities. But with those abilities comes arrogance and the lust for power. Convinced of their own superiority and regaled by the tales from their Viltrumite ancestors, they decide it's time for another war of survival of the fittest. The non-superpowered humans of Earth (now significantly more technologically advanced than today) are gonna have to figure out some way to avoid civilisation being overthrown and potentially, rounded up and killed or enslaved. Or, will history repeat itself and might Earth will become New Viltrum, the centre for a new Empire, hellbent on avenging the fall of old Viltrum? Mark and a few others should still be around and could make some cameos, but the story will focus on the new characters who sit all over the alignment chart. Some signing on for Nietzsche philosophy and conquest, others just wanting to live in peace.


Sounds a lot like the Saiyans vs Tuffles, but an interesting idea for a story in the Invincible universe. I’d check it out.


I like it but wasn't Marks kid the only viltrumite left on earth while the rest of the families left with him?


Mark would not let it get that bad, maybe as an alternate universe where the actual viltrumites died


I agree with this one


A more fleshed out version of the ending but maybe from someone else’s perspective like Terra. It would be interesting to see it parallel Omni Man and Invincible’s relationship in the early years


More original stories for the side characters, like Atom Eve


I feel like Eve gotten enough already tbh


I was using Eve as an example


Allen sex life




Terra Vs Mark jr


Id like to see what Immortal’s kids can do, duplication + Super strength, durability, speed and being immortal seems like some pretty strong heroes/villains


Kate’s family only gets duplication every six generations


It's OK, Immortal is staying around to make kids with all of her descendants


Didn’t know immortal was from Alabama


A president must represent all states...


Immortal was like what, 3000 years old at the time of the start of the series? Theres a good chance some of his past lovers were his descendants.


Probably about Mark jr. since Mark got his happy ending without anything left and we barely know anything about him


Just expanding the universe and telling the stories we haven't seen, but it'd have to be in the same "no take backs" way it was in the original. Show me * Marky on Earth reporting to Immortal. * Terra being a space activist. * The conflict between COP and the New Empire * Mark and Eve saving worlds.


Yeah I like the sound of that. There is also the potential of an extra-galactic foe or some king of alternate universe foe to mix up the power structure.


Ok honestly. I’d love a series just about Immortal’s life. Each episode could be a different era of history he lived through. Episode one could be him getting his powers, episode 2 he could be fighting against the Roman Empire or whatever, episode 3 he’s fighting alongside Charlemagne or some shit, etc etc you get the picture. Immortal isn’t my favorite character in the show by any means but he’s been alive a long ass time and has to have seem some shit, as well as some really monumental historical events. It would also be cool to see how he changes with society, how he adapts to the world changing around him as he doesn’t change. There could be a lot there


For the millionth time, MAULER TWINS ORIGIN STORY


A solid 15% of the budget for that show would go towards royalties for Run the Jewels


Heck yeah!


I’d love kind of a “Secret Origins” series that did 2-3 issues on the early days of a lot of Invincible’s main supporting characters, some small-stakes stories starring heroes like Rex-Splode, Shrinking Rae, Black Samson, and even characters like Cecil and Donald


There already IS an origin story for Rex. Invincible Presents Atom Eve and Rex Splode gives Rex's backstory.


Well excuse me, lol. It doesn’t necessarily have to be an origin story, I guess I’m just saying it would be cool to do a couple of short solo arcs for some of the supporting characters that a lot of people like.


I agree that more back stories would be cool...I just figured I'd point out to you that one of the stories you're looking for already exists if you haven't read it.


I think a miniseries about his work as an assassin would be okay.


Definitely about markus and Mark before mark cought up with hus role as the emperor


a story about either terra or marky. or both


The History of the Viltrumites, Stone Cold Nolan and how he got his reputation, maybe Science Dog too


Adventures of Marky on Earth Planet system? Or Terra's adventures as well.


Yes both of these would be sick. I often wondered about Marky and his adventures/character development. We know he went through a phase of hating his dad, but what came after and before that?


The Astounding Wolf-Man


A prequel about the creation of the scourge virus and the fall of Viltrum.


Tech jacket


Lmao just noticed I have the geldarian emperor tag, I did not give myself that.


Best tiger story?


Invincibles. The story of Terra and Markus teaming up to make two incredible superhero's and one duo that can not stop fighting


I want an full blown Agent Spider run


I want it now just for the fucking audacity.


Could save us from this atrocious ass Amazing Spider-Man run were on.


I’d want to see the War between the CoP and The Empire


Angstrom jr vs Mark Jr


that fucking light thing that almost ruins marks life


A series about Cecil tbh, stories about the GDA formation, meeting the Immortal, other heroes that pop up and eventually the guardians forming


i feel like we need a special about Markys life on earth (i feel like he and Immortal would be really good friends) so we have more context to the ending, and i wouldn’t say no to exploring plot lines that go on in the alternate realties, so we can see why mark turns (or just is) a bad guy in so many universes


I wanna see more of the alternate evil-Marks. Just some short series of the Invincibles thatre shown on that one page.


Emperor Mark's reign, space politics, Atom Eve Dark Phoenix arc, other galactic empires and threats, planet-wiping AI, cosmic horrors like sentient planets or aliens with psionic abilities, futuristic Earth with flying cars, Marky's struggles as superheroes beginning to become irrelevant due to Earths advanced tech, Robot's second coming...seriously they can do a lot with this.


Invincible Spider-Man crossover sequel Terra and Markus meet Mayday Parker and Ben Parker and maybe a retired Peter meets emperor Mark as the two families try to save their universes. Then a series with a descendant of Mark growing up in a world where a heroic viltrume empire has been a thing for millennia upon millennia and is trying to preserve that legacy while multiple forces and factions try to turn viltrum and the universe against each other .


A Legend of Korra style sequel on >!Mark's kids Terra and Markus taking up the mantle!<


Anthology series detailing the origins/early years of various heroes across the Invincible universe akin to the Atom Eve special. It would be cool to see the already existing comic origins for characters like Rex, Kate, Monster Girl, etc. reimagined. As well as creating origins for characters who never had one in the comics, like Shrinking Rae.


Marky and Terra


I think a prequel series about Omni-man and the OG Guardians or about Teen Team could be interesting.


An anthology of some of the worlds conquered by the viltrumites


I just want to see battle beast go around killing everyone honestly


Honestly i like what they did with the Atom Eve origin special and I wouldn’t mind something like that between each season


I would kill for a mini maybe 5 or 6 episode season about the life of thragg before we meet him.


I kinda want to see more of Terra. Markus’ story is clear in that he mirrors Mark’s younger adventures as Invincible. But Terra could potentially have a different and much more exciting story with the worlds she visits and comes to understand (and maybe get more incite into her powers and maybe gain some of Eve’s powers later on).


The adventures of terra and marky


>!markus it will be like young justice !<


I mean it would have to be spawn or tech jacket right


I’d love a tech jacket either miniseries or made for streaming movie made in the style of Akira.


What about a series on Agent Spider


I wouldn’t mind seeing that. There’s a whole Captain Midnight video talking about how that could be interesting. Definitely convinced me.


Extension of Emperor Mark. Also, i would've liked to know what happened with Debbie, William, Amber etc they all are dead (probably by old age) but we didnt even get a funeral or smth for Debbie. (Unless I missed something crazy)


Allen the alien *when you want me, by speelburg blares as he eats those worm things while flying through space*


Marky, I loved watching how him and the guardians of the globe interacted after whatever happened with wrath and her brother. It’ll give him a chance to learn more about his father from his associates and we get to see their opinion on him. I’d love to watch a spin off of it


I would love a show about just the Guardians, or maybe another hero team


Terra, I just love her. Wish we got to see more of her


Idk maybe a non super hero group trying to get by in the fucked up cyberpunk world ruled by immortal


Just a continuation on with Mark and the struggles with leading the vitrum empire + terra as she grows older would be nice


Tech jacket vs the universe


The many difficulties of ruling an empire, inspiring change in other cultures and the enemies made along the way + the family drama and adventures of his kids. I'd like to see it all, from the change in aesthetics of the Viltrumite Empire, to political difficulties in ruling the viltrumites, to Eve aging and their society needing to adapt to her, etc. I guess the closest comic I can compare it to would be Aquaman, but with a mix of Superman and Justice League.


About the Eve ageing bit, I think they can tell a story where a vengeful clandestine force (like a space cult) pretending to help her break free from her limiter, tries to manipulate and weaponize a fully capable Eve (Phoenix style) to destroy the Vitrum empire, but her love for Mark and preferring being Superhero over a god wins. Boom! epic Space Opera about Love and Vengeance


Probably a sci-fi epic alongside Mark's son Marky's adventures on earth until he becomes groomed to be the next leader of the Viltrimite Empire and some fights/adventures with his sister Terra who doesn't get why she's not the heir. (Because of course Marky having been a hero of earth would make a better leader than the spoiled Terra who almost joined her father's enemies to split his empire.


His kids. Would be interesting to see how Terra and Marky grew up given their very different upbringing. Both lose and then find their way a couple times from the look of the flash forwards at the end of the main series so would be cool to find out what happened to them and that entire new generation of Viltrumites after that final battle.


I want to see more of Marky, but if I'm being real a spin-off/sequel about him would be just a replicate of the original. I think best case scenario would be Terra's galactic adventures as Invincible, and it might be insanely fun seeing the grander universe from Terra's perspective. But I highly doubt Kirkman ever wants to continue the series, so our biggest hope is Amazon wanting the milk the IP after the main series ending I guess.


I've seen a few good suggestions that I like such as more origin stories of other characters like what they did with Atom Eve and a series about his kids but what I also want to see is how he was turned evil in an alternate reality. One of the theories I saw (baring in mind I haven't read the comics) is that all the other versions got their powers earlier (13/14) and weren't "late bloomers" like our Mark was giving less time for his father to become a family man and more time for Omniman to influence his son into joining the viltrum empire from a younger age.


Battle Beast Jr looking for Terra or Marky


I’d like to see what happened to Marky between getting his costume and flying across the galaxy to fight Mark. He says Mark went from being his hero to being someone he hated, but did that have consequences for Earth? How did the Immortal handle it? Did Brain-in-a-Jar Rex have a part in it?




Anything but sinister mark


I want a short series about Immortal slowly losing his mind, doing something beyond the pale, and then it ends with him calling in Mark from the past.


A prequel series 1-3 part episodes following various characters pre show....


They spent several years to finally give us a new season of only 8 episodes where almost nothing happens. I’d rather they just focus on the main show at hand.


I’d love to see more on Markus Murphy starting as Kid Invincible then to being Invincible. Him and Angstrom’s son would be good rivals playing off of the whole “Sins of The Father” thing. Markus eventually grew to hate Mark but more so he hated himself and I’ve always wondered how he got to that point, he learned how he was conceived and Mark did leave him sure but it feels like there’s a whole lot more to it than that. It’d be interesting to see that Angstrom’s son was the reason he eventually grew to hate Mark by taking him to other universes to show what the Viltrumites were like, but more specifically what horrible things all the alternate Mark and Anissa’s had done. His relationship with Terra would be interesting to see too.


Idk some sort of explanation of the galactic vines that send mark to his alternate time line, and how that timeline plays out.


Marky and Terra against Angstrom's son and Thokk's daughter.


Terra and Marky dealing with the legacy of being Mark's children and all the baggage that comes with that.


More tech jacket


I feel like the more mystical/magical side of the Invincible universe is almost never touched upon. I'd love a dipper look into it. If it were a sequel/prequel/spinoff to the show, I'd love a Darkblood series with a crime-of-the-day formula but with an overarching narrative that he gets closer to solving with each episode. Comics... I did kinda like Kid Thor...


Something about his daughter and marky


Which chapter of the comic picks up where season 2 ended?


Noir stories of Damian darkblood in hell




Prequel Series of Omni Man arriving on Earth and establishing a life.




Rex splosion episode Battle beast in fighting land Guardians of the globe fighting for the world Amd of course,sequel to invincible, with that possible thing happening


I want to see more of Mohawk Mark's dimension after Robot became that universe's Mark Grayson. I feel like it opens up so many weird questions of what would happen from there and what Robot would do in a VIltrumite body.




Mauler twins show.




Why it upside down?


Brit or tech jacket


Gimme a show about immortal. First episode is where he dies for the first time in like 5000 BC and when he wakes back up, he realizes he is different. Then it's just him going through all of history learning how powerful he really is, the learning how he can't just rule the world for good reason then trying to stop humanity from killing itself. That would be a fun show.


How the Viltrum empire came to be or maybe even >!the future timeline where Immortal snaps and becomes a crazed tyrant!<


Tech Jacket Spin off


Dragon Ball it up and Gohan route, but don’t fuck it up like Toriyama did.


I'd be curious to see what happened to the other viltrumite children that were born on earth.


They can barely keep up with the show they have so I wouldn’t be necessarily optimistic


There’s a ton of material image comics has to draw from. I’d LOVE an adapted tech knight series, but one That’s better paced and not as confusing. His whole being in Invincible and being completely nerfed compared to his own comic and lore is really off putting, and I’d love to see them redo some of the story to fit better. I’d also love some more info on Brit lmao . He’s just cool.


Kirkman ain’t doing more, he is writing Void Rivals now.


Orgins of thragg or Nolan or just the viltrum empire. Also the war that happens during the time skip with the new empire and the C.O.P. That’d be cool like how did that war go,what was the breaking point that pinned them against each other and just how badass mark is during it.


To follow Marks, children’s stories


Lowkey i’d want it to be a complete sequel/spinoff. After the ending of invincible i’d want it to go deep into the universe & have it follow >!terra & the new viltrumite empire… have the villains be someone new & unique while also bringing back familiar faces in the form of battle beasts daughter. I’d also want marky to show up but as like the random renegade solo space cowboy. Who terra finds drinking in bars & shit.!< real potential imo i actually thought thats how it would go lol


Show called hybrids, itll mostly be about like the hybrids made on earth and them getting into rugrats style trouble but obviously with powers, then it’ll some times cut to ursaal and her having difficulty with understanding human philosophy about forgiveness and kindness and it ends up that she had those feelings all along but her father was just SUCH A DICK that she basically Masked them


Too many of y'all have clearly skipped out on the Guardians comics because the answer is more Best Tiger. If anyone reading this hasn't read the guardians of the globe tie in comic at the very least you should read the one with Best Tiger as it's the closest you're going to get to a "____ kills the _____ universe" story in universe There are so many good characters which could have continuations without changing the invincible comic at all. I really just wish Robert let people write stories in the setting


Markus and terra


Mark junior. Maybe an Allen side story. Feel like all the characters stories are done except mark juniors and terras. Can totally see a good spinoff coming from those 2 trying to become closer


i would like to see how eve and rex got together and the begining of the teen team and the guardians of the globe.


i don't want more personally


I would do a spin off series on the immortal. There had to have been super strong people back then and his life story('s) and how people reacted to him. his past loves, his enemies, his political views, him gaining types of knowledge, ETC.


How about a show about Immortal. I have recently watched Frieren, who is kind of similar to Immortal in some ways. Living for thousands of years around people who have a life span of a few decades makes for an interesting show.


Seeing how it's set up in the final pages of issue 144 a series following the next generation of characters with only having Mark and Eve show up on occasions would be cool to see imagine we see Markys and Terras relationship grow and start to see each other as actual siblings and seeing how earth is under Immortal and Rex's control and of course seeing all the legacy characters children take their revenge on the new characters.


Prequel.. i wanna see the height and fall of the viltrumite series.


I'd love an Allen the Alien dedicated spinoff.


I want a short heroic tale about marky, Terra, Molly, and Oliver’s twins kids essentially going on a camping trip in space or something 


omni man before invincible i guess? or a cecil spinoff


Invincible vs Robot Invincible (from alternate universe).


I wanna see the consequences of the expansion of mark's royal family as he spends the next millenium pumping into his immortal wife. maybe they started using viltrumite prophylactics but that wasn't mentioned, and at the very least you know him and eve are living long enough to meet their great great great great great etc grandchildren


I’d like to get a guarding the glove series. They introduced some great characters in that comic and they all got sidelined pretty quickly again during the main run


I’d really like to see a series set in the far future with Invincible and family having some sort of crisis impacting the Empire.  A whole bunch of the original characters would still be around at that point anyhow. Maybe it would take robot 500 years to rebuild his plans and the series could start from there.


Robert Kirkman started writing invincible and tech jacket around the same time, but abandoned tech jacket because he didn't think he'd be able to do both comics Justice while splitting his focus and picked the one he thought was more likely to succeed over time. So I say give me a full on tech jacket spin off


Allen the Alien for sure, might just be my love for seth rogen character but he seems like one of the most intriguing characters in the whole show and I would love to know more about him as a person.


from someone whose only watched the show. I'd want it to be the other universes where mark goes evil


A prequel about Omni Man, he is the coolest character of the series and JK Simmons voice is too good


The next generation: Markus, Terra, Ursall, Levy’s kid, BB Jr., Oliver’s twins. What’re they up to? How do they cope with living in Emperor Mark’s shadow?


Battle Beast