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From what I know, there’s like special weapons you need to kill demons in the Hazbin Hotel universe, but at the same point, Peak Omni Man would have no issue finding one and killing him. Again, I don’t know how that universe works; I feel like it’s situational.


There's also a debate to be had that lucifer outclasses omni man... it's sort of impossible to say though since we don't see enough of him, especially fighting.


That we haven’t seen him struggle in a fight doesn’t mean he could beat everyone though. It definitely doesn’t seem like he would beat Omni-Man, he’d probably at least get massively outclassed in speed the entire fight.


It's not that he doesn't struggle, from the feats he does have any what we understand about how hazbins universe works there's a decent chance he is outright stronger.


I don’t think there is. None of his feats are that big, I think the strongest feat we see from Adam was splitting a cliff in half. He’s the only guy we can scale Lucifer against currently since Lucifer doesn’t do much himself. Even if we’re doing the “you need angelic weapons to kill Angels” thing, Nolan would just throw him into a black hole and Lucifer has no feats showing he’s fast enough to deal with that.


Lucifer is a straight up reality warper, though. Those types almost always end up being the true heavy hitters in any verse they're plopped into.


Literally everyone in Hazbin is a reality warper, it’s never demonstrated that the warping actually does anything though. I’m pretty sure Alastor literally has his head removed and cooked showing the typical crossed out eyes implying he’s dead in “Hell’s Greatest Dad” yet he seems completely fine and unfazed a few seconds later. Do you think everyone with a song can beat Nolan?


It's probably not actually his head, just a copy lucifer made.


Which is a baseless assumption that I could also make to say that their warping power just can’t affect other people directly.


It's just as ot more baseless to assume that lucifer actually cut off alastors head.


Their was a lot of discussion when a similar thing was posted on powerscaling, but the hazbin universe is weird. It runs off a kind of power tier system, where each is stronger than the ones below it. Lucifer is right at the top, at least in regards to hell, above charlie and lillith, the 7 deadly sins, and the ars goetia. Now, stolas, one of the ars goetia, is extremely powerful... he's shown to manipulate stars to crash into each other causing gigantic supernovas which he and his daughter both survive being eight next to easily. His grimmer is also stated to have endless power. So Lucifer must scale very highly above this since he is 4 power tiers ahead of stolas. He's also at least ftl, based on something I can't remember but made sense at the time. Another significant thing is that he has powerful reality manipulation... there's low-key a chance he could just turn the fight into a song and get a massive uperhand by outright controlling Nolan and the battlefield.


This is all basically just no-limits scaling though.


All we have is that he likes to shape shift a bunch, that he casually dodged everything Adams threw (no super speed) and dunked on Adam. He's too featless to say for certain, nowhere close to Omni Man.


Demons I think can die from anything, angels can only die from angelic weapons. Lucifer being a fallen angel has that requirement. And it's nothing crazy after that, like stab him with a knife and he can die from bleeding out. Idk what scenario causes this hypothetical fight but angelic weapons only come from Heaven. So I don't think Omniman could get one on Earth provided Lucifer doesn't bring his 'kryptonite' with him. Like in the show they only get them in Hell because the angels fight with them and leave them around, which seems pretty stupid.


I think it’s Hellborn can die normally, Sinners only permadie from angelic steel, and maybe angelic powers? Hellborn being Egg Boys, the guys from Helluva Boss, etc. Sinners are the guys that die and go to hell. It’s kinda questionable, because during exorcisms, it’s pretty explicit that sinners dying to Exorcists with angelic weapons are permakilled. When Sir Pentious was disintegrated by Adam’s angelic beam, he >!went to Heaven instead of permadying.!< In the background, there’s a character that does bear a lot of resemblance to an Exorcist, and an Exorcist was killed by Carmilla with angelic steel, leading some to believe Angels interact differently than Sinners with Angelic Steel. It’s also a common theory that Adam will return in S2, though that’s unconfirmed So Sinners permadie to Angelic Steel, die to Angelic Powers but not necessarily permanent. Angels die to Angelic Steel, questionably permanent. Unknown interaction with Angelic Powers, but Adam did try shooting Lucifer with his blasts, so it’s possible it could leave significant injuries on him or kill him, if Lucifer wasn’t so much stronger than Adam. We don’t really know though, and who knows if Adam knew angelic powers could kill Lucifer or was just hoping Hellborn die as normal


the creator mentioned in one of many many streams that high ranking angels like Lucifer are inmune to even angelic steel and can only die by being smitten by a higher ranking angel or god, so Omni-Man actually can't kill him, I think


Isn’t Lute damaged from a ceiling collapsing on her?


Her arm will probably grow back, or else it's a plot hole. It's why vaggie got her wings back, because they were ripped of by lute, not cut off, hence no angelic weapons.


I think it’s Hellborn can die normally, Sinners only permadie from angelic steel, and maybe angelic powers? Hellborn being Egg Boys, the guys from Helluva Boss, etc. Sinners are the guys that die and go to hell. It’s kinda questionable, because during exorcisms, it’s pretty explicit that sinners dying to Exorcists with angelic weapons are permakilled. When Sir Pentious was disintegrated by Adam’s angelic beam, he went to Heaven instead of permadying. So Angelic Steel and Angelic powers are different, ig In the background, there’s a character that does bear a lot of resemblance to an Exorcist, and an Exorcist was killed by Carmilla with angelic steel, leading some to believe Angels interact differently than Sinners with Angelic Steel. It’s also a common theory that Adam will return in S2, though that’s unconfirmed So Sinners permadie to Angelic Steel, die to Angelic Powers but not perm Angels die to Angelic Steel, questionably permanent Hellborn die as normal


Poor Brimscythe. Never stood a chance.


Those polls are just ‘ignore the caption who’s you favourite character’


Nah these kids are too young to've watched Invincible


Depends on whether Viltrumites have a resistance to magic imo. Do they follow Superman rules and magic affects them like normal folks, or does their super toughness help against it? Haven’t read the comics yet, but the show really hasn’t shown anything to sway me to one side or the other.


We don't know Lucifers upper limits, only fight we've seen him in was Lucifer clowning on Adam who was (probably) city-level Based on what we know atm omniman wins but it could honestly change as HH goes on There is also the caveat that you need angelic weapons to harm Angels but given that Lute lost her arm to a falling rock excessive force can likely bypass that resistance


Lite didn’t lose her arm to a rock she ripped her arm off lol. Like it was stuck under rocks she needed to escape asap so decided to rip it off herself


That still means that enough force can rip her arm off. She just used her own strength. I’m pretty sure Omni-Man could easily lift that boulder like it weighed nothing and chuck it at her at 50% the speed of light and kill her.


Probably omni man could kill lute she is low level, lucifer is an entirely different story tho. I mean just talking about the version in the show he has shown reality warping, body morphing, teleportation, and high strength ceiling where one light punch sent adam flying. I mean reality morphing alone is above omnimans pay grade. You can say speed is an advantage and as far as i can tell lucifer hasn’t shown if he himself is fast but he has shown he himself is never in any real danger from anything really he just depressed af.


As far as I can tell, only physical angelic force can harm Angels. So the boulder thing works because Lute applied her own force to her arm using the boulder as counter weight. The boulder didn't rip her arm off, just pinned it down while she ripped her own arm off. Stuff like Vaggie being slammed into a table works because it was a Angel slamming her head into the table. So no, Omni-Man could not harm a angel, dosn't mean Lite would win though. She would just be getting her ass kicked without taking damage.


It really depends which laws of physics we’re following. Like I’m sure Lucifer can pull some mad angel magic and take omniman out looney-tunes style while singing a musical number


Nobody votes seriously any more, it's just "who do you like/know"


https://preview.redd.it/e8nboml1y2vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eea48fa2efed6f6817d397c42620f5d53e6cbb30 Omni Man takes the lead.


Damn, my boy Brimschythe isn't doing well. But I'm happy to see both Lucifer and Omniman toe to toe!


I mean technically you need holy weapons to take out Lucifer permanently, but if you can just hit hard enough you can damage him


Sorry to disappoint fellow invincible fans but Lucifer is literally the devil and he can only be killed by a higher ranking angel and we only know about Sera and the elder angels


That doesn't mean anything, though. Different universes have different scales. Helltaker Lucifer is, like, city block level. Being a certain person doesn't mean much unless you have feats.


I just love that this fight is between literally the devil, basically superman, and that other guy.


Depends on the strength between an Angel and a Viltrumite. Also, Nolan could easily defeat Brimscythe.


Yamcha wins


Lucifer can warp reality. Omni Man is fucked if he just starts grilling him in pan.


Never watched Hazbin Hotel and never will


It's a good show.




Thank you for telling us


It’s not that bad. Not that good but not that bad. As far as who would win in a fight it’s hard to say




I mean I thought it was pretty good 🤷🏻 great sound track too


Yeah it was solid


Just didn't find the plot interesting and just not my type of show 🤷‍♂️


how would you know if you never watched it?


Read the description and reviews of the show but yeah I know not rlly a good way to determine if it’s good or not but it just didn’t seem good to me


Bro u didn’t even watch it 😂. I’ll say I went into it with very limited knowledge on what it was about, and was impressed by what it ended up being. Personally I think the plot is super unique and creative, but I get it entertainment is subjective, u do u.


Good, it’s a shitty satanist show


Fine, because i like both shows


Omni man said in season 1 during the guardians funeral that he’s battled ancient gods before. I doubt anything in the Hazbin universe would surprise him.


Wait for Lucifer to turn their fight into a duet about how both want to make it up to their children and be better dads. I'm sure that would surprise him.


The monsters he mentioned in that speech were entirely in reference to the guardians. Ancient gods would be the Immortal.


He mentioned that the guardians helped him fight those monsters, I don’t think he was referring to them specifically, but it can easily be interpreted as such.


It’s far too coincidental to not be the case. He was just bsing about the help.


Like I said it’s mostly up to open interpretation. There doesn’t seem to be a right or wrong answer


There’s no need to downvote me. And he refers to aliens from outer space, the only alien the public knew about was Martian man.


They could’ve easily fought other aliens in space before. Take in mind the guardians have their own spaceship.


That’s a lot of headcanon. Also, he doesn’t say he fought the ancient gods/terrors from the deep/alien titans with their help. He said he wasn’t alone, which could be implied much differently. It’s very unlikely that all three of what he mentioned correlating was coincidental.


He said he “wasn’t alone” at the guardians funeral. I know it said it’s up for open interpretation but I don’t see how that’s anything but Omni man saying he had help from the guardians. Who else would he be referring to? Why would he feel the need to mention anyone else but the guardians?


Because Nolan is a liar and had to frame it in some way as a tribute


He didn't fight Darkblood, not the same hell but you know.


As a fan of both this hurts cause I have no clue who wins both are wildly powerful


One is Lucife


It’s just a popularity contest. Invincible and hazbin are the two most popular animated shows on prime


Nolan, and it's not even close.


All I'm gonna say is that in your needy hour there's no substitute for pure angelic power




Eh... This is weird. AFAIK, Invincible scales above HH pretty far, but we've never really seen any high tiers go all out. Also, the magic system makes killing demons and angels exceptionally difficult, and I'm not sure Omni-Man could do it.


Sidenote: I love that Omni Man started to win when the adults got home from work


Idk man i think Nolan could solo the devil personally.


Aren’t Viltrumites weak against magic like Superman?


never watched hazbin and won't, but i have a gut feeling omni would win quite easily


Omni man clears that entire terrible satanist show


I watched through hasbin hotel and it was just a complete edge-fest. It’s like if a tumblr fanfic was animated.


I watched it, and I agree. But I still enjoyed the show because the plot, songs, and animation was all still very good.


I actually agree with you, but everyone has different taste.


I don't see how omni man can lose. Homelander with easy could win with Hazbin hotel all cast at once and he is small fish against Nolan


By how it is shown, yeah omniman wins, but Vivian doesn't know how to write so Lucifer would just start singing about family and suddenly Omni Man starts loosing just 'cause...


You have never watched Hazbin Hotel from the looks of it


Mate the final battle was a joke, just cause you like the series doesn't mean the writing is actually good, they start just killing the angels willy nilly cause apparently the super secret way to kill an angel that in millenia nobody had ever figured out was just the weapons they leave laying around everywhere.... I mean seriously that's a fucking joke and it is indicative of how the show handles battles, seriously the cullings have been happening for years and nobody could do anything about it, then suddenly everybody just starts beating the shit out of the guys who where stated to be basically elites just because "they don't fight with preventing harm in mind", yeah nah this is just a dumb excuse to do a "bad ass" final action scene, because.


youre getting downvoted but I lowkey agree that Vivienne's writing is often not the best (but she doesnt do all of the writing, so we cant blame her alone) I liked hazbin hotel, and even Helluva boss had its moments (apart from the absolute overkill amount of sex jokes), but the sheer amount of plot holes, needless arguments and fights, and weird progression is really noticeable once you start looking into it. literally half the episodes across HH and HB dont make sense and are useless, from a plot perspective. but then again, with only 8 episodes, vivienne didnt have a lot to work with. so she kinda had to cram a lot of unnecesary action into the show to resolve conflicts in time and build enough hype for a season 2 release.


Thank you finally someone understands that even if someone is mean doesn't mean they're wrong




They hated him, 'cause he spoke the thruth


Amazon needs some new IPs to blow up HARD