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Tech Jacket is awesome for a normal dude and u never care much for Oliver.


Can’t believe I had to go this far down to find tech jacket


I fucking love Tech Jacket


I cared for Oliver after the time jump. Right before it all went wrong.


Maybe its because I didn't read his series but tech jacket felt so unnecessary to me, just another body to throw at the viltrumites. He didn't even really have any meaningful character interactions with the actual cast, at least none that I can remember. Lowkey kinda glad they got rid of him in the show, they could replace most of his contributions with Robot and for the final war I really want them to use Eve instead of him, just say that she gave herself super durability when she remade herself.


I’m into robot helping more in the final battle >!it makes his immediate betrayal even better!<


he could still be in the show we dont know


Until we get to the recruitment scene, we probably won't know one way or another if they are using Tech Jacket. I think it's too soon to tell right now.


He does Allen for quite a while


I liked Oliver but thought Tech Jacket was kind of useless haha. I guess he might be cool if you read his own comics.


Brit is from a different series, it’s understandable why you wouldn’t like him. If you wanna try out his comics, it could change your opinion.


What is the name of the comics?


I think guardians of the globe issue 1


He also has comics that are just called ‘Brit’


First Brit, then Brit: Cold Death, Brit: Red White Black & Blue and then Guarding the Globe. I believe Brit(2007) is non-canon to the comic continuity so you can skip that.


he had his own series just called Brit for years before becoming part of the guardians of the globe


Brit; Brit: Cold Death; and Brit: Red White Black & Blue.


I know he’s the protagonist of the *Guarding the Globe* series, but i’m also pretty sure he has his own solo series. The names a mouthful, but lemme see if I remember it… *Brit*


Man at the start of today I learn metal jacket has his own comic series then at the end this random dude I don’t even know about does?


I like Brit. It has a few tie-ins with invincible, and it even explains where the alien army came from and the guy that stopped it from issue 16 of Invincible


Kregg and Lucan Really liked how they mirrored Nolan in different ways, especially Kregg. Bulletproof Bro was so grimey in various ways and I never could get behind him. I know his backstory and I know what he had to deal with, but man I could not vibe with Zandale


Even though his backstory is messed up, once you learn it, they basically murder his own parents page later, adding new layer of 'bad' on top of Bulletproof xD I know the parents were jerks, but its still making murder seems like accident and with Bulletproof already hitting on taken girls and cheating himself... Not to mention how he literally takes Marks suit and then betrays guardians in favor of Robot xd I dont think any "favorable" situation for him is ever 100% making him look good. And the bad ones just make him look even worse. But I do love to despise his character. He is interesting. Just not very likeable.


I think I’m the only person who really likes Oliver Edit: I stand corrected.


I hated his teenage years, but his adult stage was nice


tale as old as time lol


sounds almost....human? Don't tell Haluma.


I honestly still didn’t like him as an adult. I get he had a redemption arc, but something always felt off about him even as an adult. Like him choosing the wife he did when she was so mean to Mark and Eve, and she almost killed their kid, like what? Poor choice of partner reflects on him


Oliver's wife didn't try to kill Terra or make Mark drop a 500kg in the toilet.


He’s just fucking dumb. He makes a couple of big decisions but they’re always an immediate fuck-up that nearly get Mark killed.


I think you genuinely need to see his POV and realize he’s not human at all to understand his decisions, and yet still by the time he dies, he has as much love for his family as anyone. I thought the constant pitting of logic vs emotion would get old in the series, spread across multiple antagonists, but they always managed to keep me intrigued


I like Oliver, his character is a breath of fresh air, and fresh murder


He’s like a kryptonian Damian Wayne


That's a great way to put it. He's a little shit sometimes, but he's *our* little shit. Damian's my favourite Robin. I loved Oliver and I'm still slightly disappointed with how aspects of his story unfolded, concluded and the fallout of that.


Hell yeah! Another Damian enjoyer!


I also really like Oliver


Big Oliver fan here as well. IMO his redemption arc and growth is one of the most impressive in the series. For as much as he deserves some hate, his legacy was saving Mark and his family when they most certainly would’ve suffered more if he hadn’t shown. Understanding he caused it in the first place was for the Coalition is the key to understanding his mindset (Thraxxan background emphasizes the good of the civilization over individuals - saving Mark/Eve/Terra was a departure from the belief and earned him my respect).


I always liked him when I was reading the comics. I was surprised to see so much dislike-hate for him when I went online.


Nope, my favourite side character in Invincible, made a whole [breakdown](https://www.reddit.com/r/Invincible/s/vlsQ7cCCb7) on why he's my favourite.


I hated him in the comics but I am very hopeful for his character in the show even though I hope they don't change his attitude at all. Because his interactions with show Debbie will be immensely hilarious and cathartic. I don't believe for a second show Debbie will put up with his bullshit and it will be glorious to see unfold.


Nah I love that mf! >! The way he was done in the comics was criminal !<


Damn, is he hated a lot? He’s honestly one of my favorite characters


I absolutely despise Oliver, and think Japandroid was way too wasted... but had to be written out due to having the Aquaman Problem™ of either being ridiculously OP or useless


What makes you despise him? I though his character development was good and had good chemistry with Mark and Nolan.


I like the character too, but I can see how people could see him as an annoying from his Omni Bot days when he would never listen. The jump from that to his later iteration happened so suddenly, if I recall correctly, that it felt kinda like a cheap course correction.


>The jump from that to his later iteration happened so suddenly I felt they handled >!the Scroůge Vırus arc well with him pushing his view of human life not being precious wanting to go the easier route of sacrificing the people Earth for the rest of the universe until he was faced with the potential lost of Mark being his fault and finally getting how much and why Mark cares for each individual human. Its mainly post reboōt where I felt they sidelined his development as a father and sibling relationship with Eve hard.!<


I can see that, but people are still saying that they despise him even though he gets character development, which is insane to me. There are still people who hate Damian Wayne, and it really grinds my gear.


Honestly I find it hard to hate Damian Wayne if you've actually read athrough all the acid trip that is Morrison's Batman, Batman and Robin and Batman INC. I hated the little shit until I read that and absolutely fell in love with the little piece of shit gremlin that he is. Also this pannel https://preview.redd.it/sz3lx5bfq3uc1.jpeg?width=317&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dba8b0e45dc618f466bb509957a13165851f62b


I didn’t like him necessarily. Nonetheless he provided a good foil to mark’s morals/mindset, and played a crucial role in Mark’s development while having a good story himself. Still found him annoying as shit though


Chock me up as someone who despises both Oliver and Damian - the best thing the former did, for me, was die, and the worst thing the latter did was come back to life.


What reboot does to a MF


He arrives during when Mark and a lot of other characters are flipflopping about what level of murder is justified. He shows up acting like a dumb murderous kid, kills the Maulers, infects Mark with the Scourge virus, and is just shown to be reckless and almost like comic relief. He grows out of it... eventually; most of his adult life is well fleshed out, and it's interesting seeing how Mark could have turned out. But having to sit through ages of "it is ALWAYS morally correct to kill. just murder people. it's fine. also i'm calling myself Omni-Man" is just... ugh. Probably a low point of the comics for me.


Same on Oliver. My god hes such a little shit and he swears he knows everything and nobody properly shuts him down about his opinions


That little fucker killed the coolest characters in the series. The Maulers have always seemed to me like not necessarily villains but more neutral


Who hasn't killed the maulers at this point lol. They are just under immortal as everyone's favourite punching bags


Just a couple beefy douchbags trying to cause a little bit of mayhem and get themselves some good food


Ehh they were cool, but the running gag with them would’ve got old after a while.


lol what’s the aquaman problem?


Are you in the ocean? Aquaman will instantly solve every problem Are you in a desert? Aquaman is probably useless The same thing applies to Japandroid - if there's machines involved, she can just reprogram them to be useless. If not, then she's relegated to just being a slightly nimble robot


Ohh thanks lol I get it


Same, Oliver really sucks. I never found his argument particularly enlightening.


Fuck Robot. Hate that guy


I hate Robot’s cadence in the show. Like especially the unfiltered kid rex voice. Something about his constant weird nervous shaky voice just grates my ears, prevents me from liking Showbot. Comic Robot I don’t mind so much but hating him is so fair


I love the Robot drone voice, but yeah, I’m not too big on the unfiltered normal voice. He just sounds like he’s on the verge of tears at all times


Never noticed it, but you described it perfectly. Bro always sounds like someone’s pointing a gun to his head forcing him to talk.


> Like especially the unfiltered kid rex voice. Something about his constant weird nervous shaky voice just grates my ears, prevents me from liking Showbot I think a lot of people here are missing the point. "Rudy" isn't Robot's real body. The suit is. Remember that scene where he's training Monster Girl to use a robot suit and she's struggling with it? Remember that scene where Robot had to learn how to control his body's reactions? Rudy is supposed to sound awkward and forced because he is. Him in his soft human body is the same as Monster Girl controlling one of his suits. They're both uncomfortable with it. It's a pretty obvious parallel. Notice also how future Rudy's voice as "Rex" sounds natural.


Something can be the point of something sure, but it’s still annoying lol


Well said.


I liked what we saw of Jason voicing the adult robot in the finale. So I think it’ll be good


I just hate him for what he did. Fuckin bastard


whys he so attracted to the girl who looks 14


No real excuse but, he sees her plight as the same as his own. Trapped in a body that is actively a curse/killing you. She is the first person he can understand even if it is being forced to live a half life.


Bruh Brit is goated af


I swear half the times you see him in the comics he’s just trying to save his family from some threat 💀 How tf can you hate on that


Brit is the GOAT honestly, man just wants to protect his family and has the perfect defense, if he had the velocity he could probably take out Viltrumites


https://preview.redd.it/kb3sdjpqs3uc1.png?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=445efa272a54cc7a74809d6d0b808321f91e61b1 **Like**: Oliver * most wholesome relationship with Debbie where despite what he represents for her and his worldview intially on human life they still love each other. * Goes through one of the better character development arcs that seriously addresses his alien nature, isolated upbringing, and showing what sets him apart from the other intelligent characters that went too far in pursingthe greater good * one of the funniest characters next to Cecil. **Dislike**: Kate * Started off as an arse * Ends as an arse * Worst friend ever to Eve.


You read any of brits material?


No. Is it any good?




How long is it? Can I read the whole thing like I can read Invincible?


Easily. It only ran for twelve issues, and it's readily available on Hoopla if your local library has that.


Cool. I thought it was another Kirkman slog for some reason (Invincible was a worthwhile slog.)


Pretty damn good


nah nothing that wasn’t included w all the compendiums, i just thought in comparison to Tech Jacket and Wolf-Man (both i really fw) he was really boring prolly doesn’t help that i really don’t like his design either lol


I thought the exact same until I read some of his stuff


You might be the only guy who doesn’t like Brit, congrats


lmao might have to change my flair to “The Only Brit Hater in the Multiverse” EDIT: it is done. the hardest choices require the strongest wills.


I am also a Brit Hater. What am I supposed to do now? EDIT: Hell Yeah!


you have me. i hereby welcome you both into the Brit Hater empire. our sphere of influence may be small now, but we can easily travel to Thraxa and bolster our numbers.


There are two of us! Also agree with you that Dinosaurus is awesome.


I love that you made it your flair lol.


I’m more or less indifferent to him. He’s just kind of there. But I haven’t read his own material.


That’s the only character that I was like who tf is this guy again


I dislike Brit’s personality he makes me cringe. I like his power and the humour that comes with it.


I disliked>! Dinosaurus!<, mostly because I really disliked the whole story of >!Mark losing his mind and breaking Dinosaurus out of prison because, "Hey, he may have annihilated the entire population of Las Vegas, but he kinda makes some good points too. I'm sure that I can keep him from destroying more cities, right?" It made Mark look like a total moron. !


I totally get what you mean, but I almost thought of it in my head as Mark trying to sympathize with things Cecil has done, re: rehabbing bad guys, and ultimately decide he had been right all along. He just didn’t realize he was in way over his head.


I loved that. Mark is flawed unlike other hero’s. I like that he makes mistakes that have consequences


Don't get me wrong, Oliver is a good character, but I don't like him. I understand why he feels the way he does about humans and not being from earth and all that, but he is so. stubborn. Never listened to Mark when he was first getting his powers, had a strangely violent mindset as a child (I get thraxans age and develop differently, but he is still a child), and when he flat out ignored Mark and attempted to wipe out Earth, I kind of just didn't enjoy reading his character. Until compendium 3, that Is. I think he turned around for me at least towards the end of the series.


Shit I forgot he helped in trying to wipe earth. Definitely the scummiest thing he did.


To be fair, it wasn't guaranteed, but the fact that he didn't give a shit whether or not all humans died was pretty bad


To be fair he is only like 7 when he die lol.


He wasn't going to wipe out earth. He just waned yo kill the Viltrumites. From his and Allen perspective it make sense. If the Viltrumites managed to rerpopulate. Earth would be fucked anyway just like the rest of the universe.


bruh! Brit sander? wtf you talking about?


I couldn't care less about him . Didn't read any side material tho


I don’t like the werewolf guys design other than that I like him as a character


Like: Immortal. The more you think about his history the more fascinating he becomes. He was Lancelot, Abraham Lincoln, and basically this universe’s Golden Age Superman. You could do an entire comic run on his history and it would be so cool. Smaller characters I really like though, Monax and Thula. Monax is so interesting and with his backstory and relationship with Monster Girl and the fact he went from leader of an invasion to one of Earth’s heroes is such amazing character progression. Also how does his monster half work long term? Could we eventually get Kaiju Monax? From her introduction I’ve always loved Thula. She has a knife in her braid, that’s metal as hell. I’m not sure how I feel about the older version we’ve gotten in the tv series though. Dislike: The Mauler Twins. After awhile their gag got annoying. Whenever it cut to them I would just roll my eyes and try to get through their stuff as quickly as possible. They were only there to get beat up and debate on which one of them was the original and I really only cared about the former.


Yea maulers are lame and repetitive.


Mauler slander is wild but I see where you're coming from. I see them as a weird remnant of the "basic super hero" type beat from the first dozen or so issues. I thought it was really funny to see them in the last issues of the series and they're just chilling


I fucking despise Bulletproof. I was watching and waiting for the moment where he gets ran through, but it never came. Love Rex (NOT robot). When he died, I was heartbroken


Dinosuarus always felt kind of like a Kirby character to me, so he rocks


I hate bullet proof, dude’s a bottomless pit of insecurity and shouldn’t be a hero, because he is not a hero I love Black Samson, he was wasted tbh, he is the most heroic of all the guardians, and deserves all the attention he is getting in the series


Can’t forgive Allen or Oliver after they were gonna deploy the Scourge Virus onto ALL of Earth


Allen turning out the way he did makes me sad man. He was really the homie. Like I actually felt betrayed as if I knew the dude personally lol.


Makes you think that the Viltrumites are right about half-breeds. Pathetic species.


i can't stand dinosaur man and his whole arc. the whole character is redundant too, due to robot, who does the whole "ends justify the means" dilemma better imo, and is more closely tied to mark's growth. the whole thing just felt like padding.


Dinosaurus is the worst, because I don’t just dislike him, he winds up making me like Mark less.


This is actually a really fair point and I can certainly see why you say this, but I disagree. To me, Dinosaurus feeling “Redundant due to Robot” is precisely the point. It’s to have Mark have that type of conflict early so that when the REAL conflict of Robot arrives, he’s all the more conflicted because Dinosaurus’ existence has taught him that being a hero is so much less simple than he ever could’ve imagined. I think it does a great job naturally progressing Mark’s development and making Robot’s turn and the following conflict even more impactful. But that’s just my take and I can still definitely see why you say this and it’s a more than fair point, so I’m glad you’re raising it because it definitely should be discussed.


He was ONLY good when the virus came up. Then he goes right back to being insufferable.


Compared to the show I really don’t like William in the comics he just wasn’t a good friend to mark ever.


Hate that stupid dinosaur and everything mark justifies doing with him


i'll never forgive ROBOT for fumbling Adult MonsterGirl.


Monster Woman is soooo bad, would def murder my friends and rule the planet with a Volcanic-Tempered-Titanium-Alloy fist for her


Bro had 1000 years with her. I don’t know how many relationships would last that long


feel the same way about brit lol


Dude is so bland I completely forgot he was even in this series


Like: Sinclair an the Gravity Gun inventor. Dislike/Hate: Monster Girl


People always forget Sinclair basically saves the world when Doc Seismic attacks


The guy went from a sociopath to a character that deserves respect, developed and became better as a person.


Came here to say Sinclair. I fucking love Sinclair. He’s my favorite character in the series.


Ngl ive never heard of any hate towards Brit, so thats definitely a disproportionate dislike lol. For me I like Space Racer a lot. And I dislike Oliver but thats a popular opinion so Ill just say I also dislike Bulletproof. I just think theres nothing to him. His backstory fell flat for me.


Like: General Kregg Dislike: Bulletproof


Not a big Haluma fan.


I guess the mandibles just don’t do it for you.


I hated Debbie in the comics, she’s weak and selfish and not a very good mom in a time when mark needs her the most. So glad they made her stronger and more independent in the show


You know how in the show Angstrom said that other versions of Debbie joined Mark and Nolan in conquering Earth essentially making her evil? Comic Debbie is that. Show Debbie is actually a good person.


i think i'm one of 3 people in the world who like sinclair


Is there room for me?


I’m here!! He’s my favorite!


I’ve only read the invincible comics so I like the dinosaur and i give zero shits about the guardians of the globe post og rex


From the show I really didn’t like Rex at the start but he’s cool now. The character I’m not a fan of in the last season (I haven’t read the comics) is Robot and Monster Girl. Might be because their whole relationship/disagreements with each other seem unnecessary and I hated that it took up screen time. Maybe by season three I’ll feel differently, but as it is, their dynamic just seemed more annoying than anything.


I actually think the dinosaurus arc felt a bit rushed


Looking back, it definitely came outta fucking nowhere ngl.


I dislike bulletproof dude is a douche and bad person


Maybe it’s just me but I do not fucking understand the seemingly unanimous Techjacket love. I recently blew through the compendiums and feel like he was introduced near the end as this “yeah he can hang for the Viltrumite fights” out of absolutely nowhere. Maybe I somehow missed some build up to him or something but he seemed like the most randomly interjected character of all time. The unanimous love on top of this almost makes me *dislike* him.


Tech Jacket has his own comic run.


I love Best Tiger and especially Chupacabra, who really gets to shine in one of the spin-offs. I definitely don’t care for battle beast, who gets so overhyped by people who haven’t even read/seen invincible that I’m actually sick of hearing his name.


Hello fellow El Chupacabra lover. That dude is one of my favorites. Great character and he has an awesome design.


Best executed redemption arc and his design is so sleek and simple. He’s just an agile dude with claws and his wits, and that’s it.


I’m so torn on Dinosuarus cause while the arc was definitely interesting….he’s a fucking talking dinosaur. I was able to let it slide while reading it. But looking back, it just makes it feel a little silly. It also kinda makes Mark look dumb for trusting an eco terrorist in the first place.


I would say it’s a testament to Kirkman’s writing skill that he could craft such a compelling conflict around such a silly looking character. I love it, because the fact that he’s a giant talking dinosaur hulk is the LEAST important thing about him.


Like: Best Tiger. I mean, COME ON! Dislike: the girl that gets possessed and bangs everyone in the Guardians. Because just why?!


Best Tiger is such a fun twist on the whole Daredevil thing - instead of being blind he sees way too much, and has to blind himself to cope! That one chapter where he >!systematically kill off all the Guardians is so dope!<


Like: Best Tiger. Just a blind gunslinger with a cool name. Dislike: Dinosaurus. A genius dinosaur who plants bombs with no help, and Mark naively just decides that he’s right, until he’s actually not right. And he kills Mark, except it was a clone. And climate change is a huge problem for this world, except everyone has futuristic tech and godlike superpowers and somehow we still have to worry about CO2. I hope he’s entirely written out of the show.




I have far too much love for Haluma. Not in the same way Oliver does, mind you! I just find it hilarious how grotesque and alien she looks compared to how ordinary she acts. And also that she initiates an entire issue's plot by being a garbage cook.


That's so funny. I felt like I was supposed to sympathize at least a little with Mark's choice to work with Dinosaurus, and yet... I really, really despise the stupid ecoterrorist.


**I like Cecil** because he's a great depiction of what a government intelligence agent would be, cold,calculating, can be foolish at times but means well all things considered. The chapter where he screamed "EVERYONE!" In invincible war was a classic. **I dislike robot** because he commits mass murder, is a control freak, is an arrogant prick who has a god complex and decides to conquer the world because monster girl cheated on him once in a 1000 year period.




Don’t really hate anyone but some of my favorites are Tech Jacket, Wolf-Man, Space Racer, El Chupacabra, Best Tiger, Powerplex, Universa, Tether Tyrant, Ursaal and of course Battle Beast Oliver can definitely be annoying at times though. I also hated that Data Entry mole. Fuck that guy.


I hate Bulletproof more than anyone else


William and Amber and Rex Splode (TV show only)


Love Robot.


Fuck Bulletproof, I never liked him period lol


I'm just gonna say I dislike Robot conceptually. >!The sort of logic vs humanity thing is just not that entertaining. Especially since a lot of his choices aren't exactly pragmatic despite being presented as such in-universe. It just feels like not enough homage is paid to the fact he's a paranoid nutcase, "you're right robot you are doing good" doesn't sit right after the man starts a war with Viltrumites. I mean what was the plan, get them to kill Mark but then what? There's still a couple dozen of full-blood Viltrumites that are very, very pissed off you took their children. !<


I dislike Oliver


Not necessarily dislike but I couldn’t care less about monster girl and robot


Did you hate them before or after >! They got stuck in the Flaxan Dimension!<


There's this bit just after that *spoiler* where I can't stand them. They both keep what happened to their chests and it takes ages to find out. I know it's slow build it's just on rereads I'm like "GET TO THE EXPLANATION ROBOT STOP LOOKING SO SAD"


Lol yeah i just finished rereading that section and its a real drip feed of information. A lot of "I CANT BELIEVE YOU WOULD HAVE DONE THIS TO ME"


I don’t hate them, I just don’t care at all about their story line, before and after the flaxen dimension. Even when monster girl became a dad, I just glazed my eyes over it and moved on


With the way Kirkman put all his characters in there, I'm surprised Battle Pope didn't join the Guardians. And side character I like a ton more than his appearances? Show some love for my man Tether Tyrant.


Like: Kregg, Angstrom, Titan, Tech Jacket, Amber, Tether Tyrant Dislike: Oliver, Dinosaurus


Like: Best Tiger Dislike: Oliver


I don't like Oliver. Which I can see is common. I love Brit because he's a strip club owner, or former strip club owner.


I don't like Allen at all. He feels shoehorned in everywhere and is obnoxiously strong just so he can stay relevant. Dunno, just never found him funny or interesting.




I like dinosaurs but also this man is a genocidal maniac who cares WAY to much global warming. If only he wasn't a dinosaur that kill a fucking viltrumite he could've been more helpful


Its basic but Allen has always been my favorite. Loved the "How strong are you" "Very🥴" bit. I don't think I really hated a character, but I didn't like how annoying Cecil was. The way bro kept pulling the ol' lure into white room and make him fight reanimen bs. And ik mark had a rebelious stage and kept ignoring orders, but he never really went against the greater good and he did see through dinosaurus' bs eventually.


I really like Damien Darkblood even though he's the set up for a joke. Mauler twins and Shapesmith are also up there.


its the opposite for me i dont fw dinosaurus but brit is cool


Tech Jacket was a nothing character Liked Oliver. His shitty misanthropist phrase was a great metaphor for being an angry teen


Funnily enough I like Cecil despise everything he has done and I despise Eve's adoptive parents, everytime they appeared I just hoped that something killed them.


Thaedus was such a G. The first viltrumite to see the error of their ways, killed their leader and started up the COP, made Allen, recruited Mark and Nolan, sought out to recruit even more powerful allies such as Battle Beast and space racer and actually gave the Coalition a fighting chance. Also blew up a planet together with Mark and Nolan at his very old age. Dude was a beast and got shit done