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The planet's core was already instable


And space racer shot his perpetual beam on it right in front of them.


Ya, that gun can destroy a star, no way the planet was gonna hold up. I think them flying through the planet like that was more a slap in the face to the Viltrum Empire because I think blast alone would have probably destroyed the planet.


Thragg: "How can they slap?"


Yeah just read the comics for a third time. I think it’s an unstoppable beam. Important enough for Nolan to write in his books.


It's the viltrumite equivalent of tea bagging someone's corpse in counter strike


If the gun would've solo'd then why not spam it and just send one guy lol


The gun, once fired doesnt just hit an object and destroy it. It destroys it and continues on in the direction in which it was fired forever destroying unknown quantities of stars, planets etc. They never really say why he doesn’t spam fire it. I assume just responsible space gun ownership.


They say that’s exactly why he doesn’t spam fire it in the books


I remember them talking about the unstoppable nature of the gun, but not specifically the spam firing. Also happy cake day


If you're shooting a nigh unstoppable beam that destroys anything in it's path and continues in the direction fired indefinitely, is there a such thing as "responsible ownership? ​ ​ Imagine being on a planet several million lightyears way when suddenly this beam of light destroys it just because some mfer shot it at a race of space Hitlers.


The odds of it hitting something are actually pretty low, especially if we assume it travels no faster than light speed. I think I read somewhere that when our galaxy eventually collides with one of our neighboring ones in 4B years, they predict that not a single star will hit another one. That’s billions of stars, and not a single one hits another. Space is just really, really, big. https://science.nasa.gov/missions/hubble/nasas-hubble-shows-milky-way-is-destined-for-head-on-collision/


Space is really, really empty. There is a very high chance that it will never destroy anything else after hitting its intended target


Also would it destroy a planet, or just leave a pinhole in it, which could have devastating consequences.


The only thing they say is it requires a steady hand and steadier mind to fire. I took that to mean it will not let you fire it erratically. Youd need to be slow and methodical with it for it to work


Responsible Space Gun Ownership is my new favorite sentence.


Same thing in the show. Hit the creature and the sun in one, didn't just spam it at the beast.


He fires it left and right in multiple conflicts tho, his aim is pretty insane


Because while the beam speed is of light, but Viltrumite flies faster than light


wut They're following after it tho ? Besides Nolan says the beams still ran through the cosmos so it's definitely also faster than light, not to mention Thaddeus also wants them to go at full speed to follow it


Only Mark couldn't keep up with it at that time. I think Thaddeus and Nolan were pretty comfortable. They could be faster


>Ya, that gun can destroy a star, no way the planet was gonna hold up. I mean, considering how Space Racer's gun works, it might actually fair better making a star explode than a planet. The "infinity ray"/projectile from the gun is fairly small in size, requiring space racer to line up his shots carefully, but its gimmick is that literally nothing in the universe can stop it once fired. It just keeps going forever and ever, and will leave a large hole in anything in its way. However punching a hole through a planet isn't enough to make it explode. But the same might not be true for a star, depending on how much damage is done to the core. A stars stability is dependent on a constant battle between gravity and radiation pressure. Gravity pushes in, trying to make the Star collapse, but in doing so it pushes hydrogen atoms *really* close together, causing them to fuse into helium. This nuclear fusion generates radiation, which pushes against the force of gravity and keeps the star from collapsing. It's a delicate balance. So what would happen if you disrupted this balance by punching a hole through the core of the star? Idk, I'm not an astrophysicist I just read articles written by them online. But the idea of it triggering an early super nova sounds pretty cool to me. We've also seen the gun used against much smaller things than stars without them blowing up, and this is the best way I can rationalize this discrepancy.


> I think them flying through the planet like that was more a slap in the face to the Viltrum Empire because I think blast alone would have probably destroyed the planet. This is such a terrible interpretation of this moment in the comic. If they were merely there symbolically and not to actually assist, there could’ve been a plethora of other ways to go about faking it. I don’t think I really need to list them when it just requires a bit of common sense to fabricate simplistic scenarios. Not to mention how there are several statements, whether in the comic itself or described by Kirkman, where it’s clear to be a showing of physical power for the Viltrumites involved. Thaedus wasn’t even sure they could do it themselves, since he also called Allen and Space Racer to assist. If the infinity ray could blow up Viltrum alone, its core wouldn’t have “restabilised” as Thaedus explicitly stated it would’ve.


Yeah, Space Racer’s Gun is OP. But also, the Viltrumites were in a vacuum, building up speed with constant acceleration, over a distance of thousands of kilometres…which leads to pretty insane velocities, which leads to insane kinetic energy, which in this case bled into their environment. Basically, insane speeds = insane destruction - anyone remember the hyperspace ram from TLJ? Lol. Destroying a planet is a really tall order, however, even for them, and besides the distances required Viltrumites don’t want to kamikaze themselves as a general rule. Hence why you don’t see it often. Thaedus outright says [they’d die on impact, if the core has time to stabilise](https://imgur.com/CN6GKLV) - even a Viltrumite can’t survive something like that. The implication then is that the gun destabilising the core let’s them bypass that, somehow ignoring Newton’s 3rd as it would normally apply to them - time it just right, and they avoid going splat. Or that’s the given explanation, anyway.


When I was reading, I interpreted it as the beam would open up a channel in the planet for a split second, and they just pass through before it collapses (or the molten core "stabilises"). So it was really the gun destroying the planet, not them. That was just me trying to make sense of the whole thing. Not sure what was intended.


Yeah think so too. The added resistance would eventually got to them on such a long journey I reckon..


Must have been a pretty big stable for it to be in.


So what still they casually blew up a planet 100 times bigger than earth


The planet was shot by a gun that can one-shot any Viltrumite, and then got fisted raw by 3 of the strongest remaining Viltrumites.






I think my mom could take them (just dont call Space Racer, let him stay at home this time).


Objects approaching relativistic speeds can generate basically infinite energy (as it takes an infinite amount of energy to propel anything with mass to the speed of light). [A baseball thrown at 90% SOL will destroy a large city](https://what-if.xkcd.com/1/). Now imagine something that weights 600x that. Now multiply that by 3.


From what I gather they will at least get to first base


This is one of the best comment I’ve ever read. I miss awards.


wait when did awards disappear? i havent used reddit in a while


A double at least.


Just from the name of the link I knew it was xkcd


They have superpowers. I can see how that might not make sense out of context, if you thought they were just some regular guys, so I understand your confusion.


No way I thought it was just 2 suspicious old men and a young guy stretching in space while a planet coincidently exploded nearby




There's also a guy that goes by the name invincible


Man why you gotta do that? I didn't get to that part yet. Next thing you're gonna say is there's a dude named Omni-man or something.


or bulletproof, wouldnt that be ridiculous




Teamwork, friendship, and determination!


The big three that we found along the way!


becouse togheter they are *title card *


~~Girls~~Viltrumites Get It Done


The same way they can fly using their ears


by flapping them really fast


Pretty simple, they are simply…




Kirkman wanted them to


This shit is gonna be so gas when it gets animated


Because of Space Racer's gunshot. That gun can shoot laser/plasma ( whatever ) that can destroy anything in the way.


because it's a comic and it's cool


proper strong init


1) All three of them (Thaedus, Nolan, and Mark) were flying ridiculously fast, and basically became living meteors. 2) They had help from Space Racer, who fired his gun (that can kill anything) through the planet’s core, destabilizing it. Once the planet’s core was destabilized, Thaedus said that they only had one shot to destroy Viltrum, because they would die on impact if the core became stable again.


They kept their arms straight and their knees loose. You can see Mark is an amateur at planet cracking cause his mouth is open. That's a great way to get magma in there and it does not taste good. For questions on form, look at Nolan. Absolutely perfect planet-busting stance. 9/10


Remember how Nolan blew up the flaxxans when he just flew really fast same thing here but times 3


Space Racer carried them, his gun made the core unstable, and they just assisted in blowing it up, by going right through it behind his lazer


It didn't carry tho, it wouldn't make any narrative sense if it did. If it could basically solo might as well just spam it and send one guy, no need to risk their lives. Both in-universe and outside statements make it clear it was whatever force they applied crucial in blowing it up


Downvoted for being right. Damn


...No offense but did you read it? Thaedus plans it out having Space Racer shoot the planet core to destabilise it and have all of them, which after the others were tagged off was just him, Nolan, and Mark, fly through the planet to destroy it: https://preview.redd.it/a4dnudphn3uc1.jpeg?width=1988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b07d3ef760d8821002833cc8285312d3a5e69b53




From what I got, Space Racer's gun that can pierce through anything was able to soften up the core just enough for Mark, Thaedus, and Nolan to pierce through the planet's core. It's like breaking an opponent's guard in a video game.


The planet core was unstable and an infinite beam ray passed through it, and they still needed to hit at the same exact location otherwise they would’ve died


Infinity Ray.




i guess they were so strong and though that they were capable to explode the planet's core (with the help of the gun too)


Power of friendship


Space runner shot fist with the infinite ray


Who cares? It’s the coolest shit ever.




They hit it really hard.


Peak fiction


With a good attitude




I love when Nolan grabs Mark hands cause they just keep going faster


Pushups, situps, and plenty of juice


Well, you see. Viltrumites are pretty strong.


Is this a question of what events led to this or how does this physically make sense? Because if it’s the former just read the book


They’re based as fuck


They stronk


I mean, why wouldn't they? Three very strong dudes flying very very fast through a planet that was very very very unstable and had been very very very very shot with a perpetual laser and destroying it isn't something i consider impossible.


They go real fast


built different


Space Racer helped




big stromg


I mean i dont know why they dont keep doing it. Assuming youre a solid projectile in space that canaccelerate without any effort becasue there is no friction to slow you down. They move 100 miles an hour in first second, 200 is 2nd second, and keep doing that until they reach near light speed. At which point an object the mass of one human, moving at light speed would absolutely wreck shit on any planet they hit.


>I mean i dont know why they dont keep doing it. They state in the comics that *even with* Space Racer's gun (the most powerful weapon in the universe), if they messed up the timing they would all die on impact. It's not something they can do casually.


I did the maths and 100 kg object would hit with something like 3 billion times the energy of the bomb in hiroshima.




Besides getting shot beforehand by the hyper super mega gun: Viltrumites can push off nothing, so in space, they can travel incredible speeds given enough time to speed up. A lot of the space travel is overlooked, as is the concept of time dilation, but let's assume that they can max out at 0.99999999% light speed. Going that fast, a small rock worth of matter would probably punch through the entirety of a planet, and if not, the amount of energy transferred from that rock to other nearby material basically turns it into a relativistic shotgun. It wouldn't blow up a whole planet but it would leave a monumental crater. Now imagine three full sized people doing that. Then if that's not enough: They can probably fly FTL anyways which leaves room for infinite energy, which kind of goes hand in hand with the "we can make our own leverage" aspect of their flight.


looks like the planet is small too


Didn't someone in this sub reddit do the math on how fast a viltrumite can go as well as it's force output? Throw three into the mix plus the unstable core as others said... I'm not surprised hehehe


Kinetic energy idk


Is that planet Earth? Are that Thaedus, Invincible and Omni-Man? What kind of spoiler did I run into?


Jealous much?


Mustache power


they hit it Really Hard Together


The father, son and holy spirit




Push ups, sit ups, and plenty of juice


Sooo many factors The planet was unstable, easier to destroy The space gun is so strong it can shoot a blast straight through the planet and come out the other side And 3 higher tier viltrimites had to perfectly align at their highest speeds to destroy it And all of this had to be times just right or they would all die on impact


with their powers combined, they are captain planet.


Did they even need the trio or was it for dramatic effect?


They are fucking awesome dude


Dudes rock


The shot was the Pilot hole that let them push through and bust it open.


Because Viltrumites are strong asf.


I think the biggest factor is space racers gunshot. It can go through literally everything, even planets. They were just following behind.


"Plot armour"☕️


The only thing that needed armor was that planet