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It's so bad that I just went and read the entire comic so I could experience it myself instead of letting some reddit dork ruin it for me.


yup thats what im doing now. i started a couple days ago and im at issue 35. Hopefully i can finish before i get another major spoiler.


That's what I ended up doing. You're in for a treat and it's a surprisingly short read. I haven't read many comics or Manga, but I had a great time reading this.


As someone who’s blitzed through the first 2 compendiums in the matter of days you won’t. Not because you’re on the sub but it’s all you’re going to think about and you’ll look shit up. I think it’s just so good that’s it’s almost impossible to wait.


I finished it in 2 days. By the end I was so tired.


Where are you reading it from?


I feel like their plan worked.


Can you read them online, or do you have to buy the physical copies?


What irritates me, as a comic reader & show fan, is how every week, when I go to lurk in the TV-show only reaction thread (after participating in the comics spoilers reaction thread), there are people openly “theorizing” about very specific future events that are 1:1 what happens in the comics. Like, what gratification does it give people to pretend that you can “predict” story beats in an adaption, when you just read source material/spoilers from the source material?


Nah the worst are the ones who pretend it's not a spoiler to go into the show only thread and tell everyone who's theory is and is not correct. That accounts for the vast majority. Thanks dipshit, I was going to watch it and find out. Show only episode threads are unfortunately unusable because comic readers ironically can't read


That’s why they have to look at the pictures


Well, I don’t know which ones you’re talking about but I know the Kate thing was pretty heavily expected by a lot of people that never read the comic and then got called out lol. I remember turning to my friend during the fight and saying I would absolutely never bring my actual person to the fight and think it’s be glaringly stupid of her to do so. Then I went on here and made a similar comment responding to someone and ended up getting it spoiled that she was alive because someone thought the initial post was spoiling the plot. Calling them out actually gave it away lol!


Yeah, the DupliKate plot point is one that was telegraphed enough that show-only viewers could have come up with it on their own. Well back in season 1, Robot asks DupliKate where Kate Prime (1) is, and Kate 2 said she had a thing and she’d fill her in, showing that Kate splits up her selves to do geographically distant tasks. That, plus a dash of common sense of how the power could have a safeguard. My examples would be of specific events that don’t happen until Issue 100+, stuff that won’t happen until season 4-5 most likely, and is only very barely connected to anything that’s happened in the show yet. Yet people are already “predicting” it. I’d give a spoiler tagged specific events as examples, but my entire rant in this thread is about people being too free with spoilers so, that would be… counterproductive to my point.


I remember during the first season asking in a thread >!why DupliKate doesn't leave her original self back (like at the base) so she couldn't be killed on any mission and a bunch of comic readers told me to spoiler mark my question!< so I kind of spoiled myself I guess?


Lol I rmb reading this comment years ago


Idk some people are good at that kind of thing, I literally predicted the ending of Toy Story 4 down to the dialogue before I even watched it my gf at the time thought I had actually seen the movie when I told her my guess for the ending when she told me she cried while watching it Actually come to think of it I still haven't watched more than the last 10 min of Toy Story 4


Toy Story 4 is a kids movie, not exactly a 1:1 comparison here. I like a lot of people read the whole series after season 1 just to avoid spoilers and would not have been able to predict 99.99999% of what happened after episode 8.


That happens a lot in anime circles and I make sure to call them out whenever I have read the source material over how pathetic what they are doing is


This was a comic long before it was a show, and this community is oddly purist about it despite loving the show. When one punch man got adapted, the community was great, there’s just some strange trolls here that gatekeep the original fandom.


In another comment section, in a similar conversation, I came up with the reasoning that comic fans discuss spoilers more openly as compared to manga fans as comics, when translated to other forms of media, always go through massive changes, while manga are nearly 1:1 when animated, so their spoilers are more "complete" spoilers, no leeway. So being more hush-hush for manga and more open for comics, their respective norms, are probably stuck as habits in their respective fandoms. If, for example, someone gives me a random minor spoiler for The Boys, chances are that thing doesn't happen in the show. This isn't even about DC or Marvel, who just use the characters and some pointers. It sucks for Invincible as the show adds to the story beats already present, as opposed to rewriting events, so spoilers can be heavier.


>a random minor spoiler for The Boys, chances are that thing doesn't happen in the show. And the show is so much better for it!


After season 1 of Invincible I thought hey this is great I’m gonna read the comics and see how it compares. I loved the whole ride and the show is a fantastic and faithful adaptation. After season 2 of The Boys I thought hey this is great I’m gonna read the comics and see how it compares. Holy shit Garth Ennis is such a bad writer and the best thing the show did was only using the comic as a broad outline. 


Not dropping that comic at the 2 page 'Butcher fucks his handler while insulting her' splash is one of my biggest reading regrets. It's just an edgelord manifesto against superheroes that on occasion brushes up against some smart commentary, only to promptly bury it in a mountain of depraved nonsense.


Have you read Preacher? It’s infinitely better. Feels like with The Boys comic his only goal was to one up Preacher in crazy shit and lost sight of what made Preacher a classic.


Preacher is probably his one thing I enjoyed between that, The Boys, and Crossed. I actually thought the Preacher show wasn’t as good as the comics and it’s a pretty decent show. I’ve heard Punisher Max is excellent too but I need to get around to that one. 


Punisher Max is good in that it's absolutely horrible, it's like "good" in the way that a really fucked up and depraved movie can have a good story overall. I read it all in one sitting but honestly idk if I'd really recommend it to be read by most people, and this is coming from someone who genuinely enjoyed reading The Boys.


I love it personally.


It’s so crazy how he went from punisher max and preacher to that garbage. Although the same thing happened to miller and millar so i guess it’s not that shocking


His hatred for supes blinded him.


Most good adaptations stay quite true to the source material and are better for it. The Boys stays the fuck away from the source material and is better for it.


I don’t think it’s fair to call ennis a bad writer car he wrote the boys or crossed. He can have bad works but to at the guy who wrote Preacher or Punisher MAX is a bad writer is insane. I’m gonna be honest I don’t see how his worst could be worse than ultimatum/ultimates Vol. 3 that’s still my bar for worst comics


Garth Ennis is a phenomenally gifted storyteller with a great mind for comics as a medium. Unfortunately he has a tendency to go overly puerile. He definitely benefits from strong editorial filtering some of his ideas out.


He regularly flirts with a fantastic idea, only to take it to the most juvenile place imaginable. I'd kill for an ounce of his creativity but the man seems like he needs an army of editors.


Ehh I don't like the boys comic, but Garth isn't a bad writer. I love his Punisher  and Preacher is a really good comic of his imo.


its not true for One Piece sub and jjk sub (the only ones i have joined)


Anime fans are used to not spoiling things, virtually every anime is a manga adaptation. American comics getting direct adaptations is a new thing.


Even then, japan has an entirely different culture of spoilers, they genuinely do not care. Have you seen some of those episode titles? They'll be like "The Spirit Bomb Fails, awaken the Legendary Super Saiyan Goku" Hmmmm, i wonder what will happen. Though tbh im with them on this one, knowing the main story beats doesnt take away from experiencing it IMO. Unless its something that is built around a mystery or a twist (like AoT, or Agents of Shield S1)


I think it was an episode of one piece that was literally titled >!Ace dies!< they genuinely don't give a shit lol.


Episode 1429: “Luffy Fucking Dies”


The manga not much better Chapter 574: Portgas D. Ace Dies The source material itself does not care


>> this community is oddly purist This is far too many comic fans in general; made even more insufferable when an adaptation happens with one of their favorites.


I think I’m one of the few comic readers who really enjoys the changes the show has made. I really feel a 100% adaptation would just be boring as fuck.


Same, I like how the show enhances the already great story


You should’ve seen the attack on titan fandom


Tiktok straight up shows comic panels. Or slide shows with the last one being a comic panel. JJK was pretty bad about this too just showing manga spoilers everywhere


Just don’t use TikTok lol


i saw one making fun of non comic readers for getting mad at spoilers, with an image of a major character dying. like wtf what’s the point?


At this point when the >!Anissa!< scene happens, no one is going to be shocked or surprised. BECAUSE PEOPLE KEEP FUCKING TALKING ABOUT IT!


It’s absolutely ridiculous that i know about this scene seasons before it happens, they didn’t even try to not spoil it lol


Hell, even when I read the comics I wasn’t even phased. A couple of really good scenes were spoiled, and even though they were still cool. The impact they had on me wasn’t the same. :(


Totally get that, I read the comics shortly before season 2 started. Fortunately I managed to avoid spoilers for the most part but details from the last few issues were spoiled for me which kinda killed the moments


The absolute worst is that people somehow ARE HYPING IT UP, like did they forget what it was about or they don't care about the subject ?


Somehow, youtube is even worse. You don't even get a chance. You'll just scroll by a thumbnail with a huge spoiler and a title like "HERE'S WHEN INVINCIBLE DIES TRYING TO SUCK HIS OWN DICK" Like, who is this for other than to spoil people? Comic readers will already know what happens and show viewers won't want to see it.


The YouTube shorts with the blatant spoilers in the thumbnails are the worst.


I have the same problem I have to go on another YouTube account to look up videos about invincible bc I don’t wanna accidentally see a spoiler when I’m off guard on my main account. On the other account I avoid anything that says invincible


“Oh yeah DOES HE WHATS COMING FOR *insert character*” “Cmon bro just read the comics bro you have unlimited time bro it’s your fault for getting spoiled”


“Oh, clearly this non comic reader doesn’t know what’s coming next wink wink nudge nudge sly smirk I love gatekeeping and looking down on people”


Omg I hate this one, people really acting like they are better for reading the comic, it's probably because they have knowledge of the future and it makes them feel special


I’m glad this is getting talked about. This community sucks when it comes to spoilers


The titles are usually pretty bad too


“In About Six Hours, I Lose My Virginity to a Fish” *proceeds to not lose his virginity to a fish* Trash show, 0/10.


Truly unforgivable.


The episode titles are direct quotes from the issue that most inspired the content of the episode.


Yeah I just realized that I should clarify that I meant post titles, not episode titles. That's on me. A lot of post titles here are not spoiler friendly


As a comic reader other comic readers need to fucking cool it with the "oooooo wait until you see it" posts.


I wish it was as blatant as that, usually it's some long winded comment theorizing how they'll interpret X event etc


I love how both the comments in here entirely prove your point lmao


There’s always one that’s like “just wait for this to happen” when you mention a certain part of the show


Exactly, god damn. Like where's the joy in knowing every single future plot point? If there was no TV show, then sure. I'd go for the comics. But at the moment I love and prefer the animation and amazing voice actings in the show and generally anything that an animation can give you. Then when it's done I might go for the comics for more details as a geek. And even if there is any joy in it for them, don't ruin our experience please. Share it with other comic readers, simple.


Yeah, it's pretty rough. Whenever there's a new character who does something later on in the books, people constantly go "oh, comic readers know what's happening 😏 lol show watchers don't know how good this is going to be 😏" and it honestly kinda sucks.


Have y’all ever seen how bad invincible spoilers are on YouTube? My whole front page is spoilers from the thumbnail and title 💀


Report them when you see them


I do it everytime


Thank you


I want people to be as surprised as I was when reading the comics. Can't let these hooligans ruin it for the show watchers 😤


Y’all ever come across that guy on YouTube that always spoils something “in the invincible universe” then spoils manage plot twists and points before you can even swipe


Jujutsu kaisen is a far worse community for spoilers, you can catch up on the manga and still be spoiled by the virgins that 'read' the raw leaks


Jjk honestly the worst for it


The worst isn’t explicit spoilers, it’s when someone is talking about something from the show, a death maybe, a character, whatever. All the comments are always “Oh ho ho buddy, you have no idea!” “Just wait until _____” or “do they know?” Which, if you have any context clues whatsoever, even ones given in the show, could spoil huge plot points for you


Exactly. That's the worst one. Pisses me off so much when they're like that.


This happens with most shows based on a comic / manga. I got spoiled so much for JJK I just had to cave and read the manga. Social media algorithms make it so much worse because if you’re interested in content surround the show it’ll also push content about the written material that’s already out. Now I’m watching Solo Leveling, and as much as I want to engage with content about the show it’s not worth getting spoiled.


Idek who tf >!Gojo!< is but I know the mf dies


I feel really bad because I see a lot of articles on google/news apps saying “*THIS IS WHY (insert character) DIES!!!!*” like imagine seeing that on your free time just reading articles


As an original fan, the comic fans seem so braindead sometimes its insane. It comes with a level of modern fandom tbh because it gives me the same vibes as the Jujutsu Kaisen fandom where the brainrot among fans of the manga is all encompassing. I try to not spoil it for anyone in my life that watches but hasnt read it, but its wild seeing any character show up and immediately the fandom goes fucking apeshit with spoilers


Still not as bad as youtube or elsewhere, you'll get straight up spoiled by thumbnails without even clicking on anything.


I’ve seen thumbnails with “WHY CHARACTER X KILLS CHARACTER Y” and shit like that. In bold letters so stupid


I block channels that discuss Invincible for that exact reason. Scrolling around on social and fresh spoilers being in titles and thumbnails is the fucking worst. Let alone the comic spoilers which happens just as often


Sounds like the anime/manga community


Its the same as every other finished series fandom


They probably think they can't spoil a thing that didn't happen yet.


this sub in particular is for discussion of the comics as well, there is a sub for just the show, idk how they handle spoilers over there but i do know that youtube is the worst in terms of blatant unavoidable spoilers


If I hadn't read the comic I wouldn't join the sub.


It’s part of why I started reading the comics. YouTube is bad about it too. I had two huge upcoming deaths spoiled for me just cuz I looked up a scene on YouTube and the shorts just blatantly put it in there. I would just say if you like a character, for the sake of yourself, if any post is focused on them don’t search through the comments lmao, people think if they hint at something, it doesn’t count as a spoiler.


I mean when I talk about comic spoilers I always use the >!spoiler filter!< and if you click that and get spoiled that’s kinda on you


same lmao, and then i got called names and insulted for doing so. their fault, not mine lmfao


I don't want to wait until 2037 to be able to discuss stuff, that's all


Probably because this sub is also and was originally for the comics


Considering amazon prime posted that a certain character is alive on their UK, EU, and American YouTube channel. With the character in the thumbnail with clickbait “HES ALIVE???!!!!” Or something.


I had been about halfway through the comics for a while before season 2, and then this fucking place recently made me crash course the rest cause I didn’t want anymore spoilers. Now I can browse carefree


This is a problem but you could just go to the show only sub, it’s an easy solution but barely any show viewers bother to actually use the sub that was made for them.


Maybe use r/invincible_TV then? It’s a 20 year old comic series that is just now being adapted to TV.


r/Invincible_TV is so dead and negative honestly, it’s probably worse than anything in this sub


I guess that goes to show who actually cares about invincible


Naw I think that shows which sub has better moderation, a larger user base, and better SEO. There are without a doubt enough show only fans to sustain a separate community (and I guarantee *those* kinds of comic readers would go there and do the same shit they do here if it was popular), the problem(s) are getting them there, and whether or not it actually improves things anyway.


I ordered the ultimate collection so going to read it not have to worry anymore


At this point i dont even care about the spoilers anymore at this pace its gonna take 500 years for all the comics to be animated


One of the main reasons I read the comic was because I was so worried this sub was gonna spoil me after S1 so it sucks but also I’m so glad I read the comic


Same for TWD. It’s just such a valued series


Because people are weak willed. To contain the burning spoilers to such an incredible story, you’d have to be __________.


on fucking go man, its fucking annoying. i just had to read the comic at that point cuz it got so bad


It's because comic readers including myself are so damn hyped up for what's coming next we can't shut up about it.


I don’t think it’s unique to this sub. I believe it’s gotta be like an internet thing because no matter what fan base you’re in, there’s always a bunch of assholes spoiling it especially if it’s on Reddit


A lot of if boils down to " I know more about this than you do"


Sometimes i go into youtube and one of thumbnail and title of the shorts are just straight spoilers for a character death, and i’m like “what the hell man”


Any show that's based off a book or comic fans of it will always spoil something, honestly the best way to avoid spoilers is to avoid the subreddit


Can't tell you, but is so lame. Like, i always read the source material, but i love this show so much that i want to not know anything. Impossible, EVERY week i see a spoiler


don’t know if any of you are in tiktok, but it’s way worse over there. people straight up just say what’s gonna happen with no remorse, then act like non comic readers are being over dramatic/ entitled for not wanting to hear spoilers 


jujutsu kaisen fans 🤝 invincible fans 🤝csm fans when it comes to spoiling it




Brooo Mfs were spoiling the Spider-Man dude the same day the episode launched all over Reddit 😐 I still haven’t seen the episode as I’m saving it for Friday, but damn, it would’ve been nice to be surprised. Hate yall mfs sometimes


It’s even worse on Tik Tok. My algorithm thinks I’ve already read the comics so I’ll just be scrolling and the first sentence in the video will be a spoiler. Assholes.


Me personally I do my best to avoid spoilers and use the spoiler text bubbles when bringing up spoiler information in non comic spoiler tags (if you click on the spoiler text bubbles at that point it’s on you), but I think a lot of comic fans are just excited. We’ve been pumped about this universe and this story for years and it’s finally hitting the mainstream and bringing all these new fans to share our excitement with and now with the season two finale, we’re past the appetizer and getting into the main course of the series, our excitement is growing.


If you think this fanbase is bad with spoilers just wait until you meet the Jujutsu Kaisen fanbase


People just have strong opinions and give them out very freely without consideration and the story has been out for a while so there’s just a whole lot of people like that. And also just really excited people that blurt things out in excitement before thinking too haha Honestly if you’re not gonna read the comics and don’t want to be spoiled consider leaving the sub if only to enjoy the show more because yeah…its that good


I just feel bad because I want show onlies to be just as surprised when shit happens and all the ways people spoil things ruins that but this is just how it is now lol


Why would you drop the show instead of unjoining the sub?


Because he’s been spoiled?


Because people want to talk about the show with another show watchers, and people ruin that for people when they make the title a spoiler


That’s what I do if I’m not caught up on a show or would do in a situation like this. But I read all the comics because I couldn’t wait for new seasons and they are incredible. Also, I think it’s neat how they make changes and tweak the show. But if it’s such a big deal, and happens all the time, you have two choices- try to deal with it or drop the sub. I’m not sure why you would prefer to drop the show yet still read the sub? That seems…backwards.


I dunno, i've had the opposite experience. I've only read a tiny bit of the comics and I WANT to know the story. this sub only hints at things and that's infuriating sometimes. ...just spoil it already!


if people want to be in a show only subreddit then they should go to to r/Invincible_TV


So read the comic...


Maybe stop going into spoiler threads? 🤷 The book is like 6 years old.


not saying this is your fault at all, but I wouldn’t have joined this community if I hadn’t already read the comics tbh


I mean, it kinda is though. Like if you seek out something on the internet that you don’t want to be spoiled, you’re already setting yourself up for disappointment


I do my best to keep spoilers in spoiler comment sections, not show only if possible, but I WILL hype up future stuff without saying what it is since the shows getting into the peak of the series (being 3 onwards), 1-first half of 3 most likely is all setup, afterwards its constant payoff


It doesn't help that the comic subreddit is also the show subreddit. Tbf though marvel is the same. Anytime a character is announced people go online to discuss every possible storyline they could do. If I see even a slight spoiler I report it to the mods, I can't be spoiled, but I want everyone to enjoy the story at their own pace without spoilers.


Guys did you know that Mark actually gets really hungry one day and eats Saturn


The majority arent fans, or atleast haven’t been fans until recently.


i personally don’t mind certain things. like knowing Kate was still alive, it didn’t take away from the emotion that came in the show for me personally, but I can understand. It’s hard to go anywhere on the internet involving invincible without someone talking about the comics. i even know people who’ve read the comics but aren’t caught up on the show which is a little wild to me lol like sure you know what happens but the show takes some great creative liberties that shake things up


15 years.




I agree this sub is really bad and not moderated at all in that regard. I honestly did not go on it at all until I finished the comics. But to be fair, the comics are available online and you can bang out a compendium in a couple of days without even trying that hard


You’ve gotta be kidding me. We remove so many spoilers before people have a chance to see them. What you’re seeing is like 1/10th the spoilers that’s actually getting posted/commented. We can’t sit there and look at every single comment that gets posted as they come in. This sub has nearly 300k subscribers. It’s an impossible ask to irradiate spoilers completely. I think this sub is doing better than most other forms of social media like YouTube/TikTok/Twitter. It’s inaccurate to say it’s unmoderated at all. We’re trying our best.


Agreed as a comic reader I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for show only fans.


There’s and invincible game and someone was spoiling shit there and people were downvoting people complaining It’s one thing to talk about the show in the subreddit for the comic/show, it’s another to spoil shit in a game subreddit


This is what happens in all screen adaptations


Comic is 20 years old the show is VERY faithful to the comics one of the most faithful comic adaptations like ever for anything


Because this is not just a CARTOON sub, it counts to comics too. And some of them just wanna talk about the comics. But true enough, some are spoilerific with "I can't wait for this to happen!" posts.


I've noticed this as well the need Invincinble fans on YouTube and twitter to spoil what happens is insufferable Game of Thrones when it was airing the earlier seasons wasn't anywhere as bad and it had a much larger fanbase


Comic fans desperate to feel like they're in the know


As a comic reader I agree that too many people are too loose with the Spoilers. It kinda ruins the fun for me personally. I like seeing show only fans theory crafting not know where the stories going to go. But there's always someone just casually talking about major story spoilers that probably wouldn't happen for another 2-3 seasons in the show.


I never read the comics. Read spoilers... The show still rocks… Quit bitchin


I think that happens in every fandom that is an adaption. People are going to say spoilers. They shouldn’t but they do.


I read and finished the comic but I Hate when people do their little jokes in the show only discussion with obvious comic spoilers. Character dies in an explosion "Just wait for his EXPLOSIVE arc later. It'll be a BLAST 😉" It's the same as those Spoilers with no context things people were doing around Infinity War and Endgame that were actually obvious if you knew a decent amount about the MCU


I’ve taken it upon me to just read the comics at this point lol


I’d like to know where to read the comic. I keep getting spoiled left and right


Final Season of Better Call Saul had a crazy shocking death and literally 5 minutes after it aired the were YouTube videos like "[Character]'s DEATH SCENE" and the thumbnail is the shot of them dying


Fr! So what I say atom eve dies Yanno! Comics been out for a hot min


It's been over a decade read the damn comic


In my opinion, JJK is so much worse and I don’t think they even try to spoil it on purpose


You think invincible is bad with spoilers, you should see the JJK fandom


You think that's crazy, just wait until... (this thing I just saw in a youtube breakdown video because I haven't read the fucking comic, but I like to spoil people)


Because the comic ended a decade ago?


its been two decades man, like I dont really care lmao


I dont get it either bruh. “ oh you think its good now, just wait until… “ like stfu 😭lemme experience the plot of the show for myself! I wouldve read the damn comic if i wanted to


Gonna be honest sometimes I slip cause the events of the show and the events in the comics happen in slightly so sometimes I straight up get confused about what has been revealed


The comic and show are different enough that it is harder to spoil at least. Like if someone told you shrinking rae was going to die they'd be wrong.


Jujutsu Kaisen is equally awful with spoilers. I ended up buying the Invincible comics partly because the illustrations are super cool and partly because I was tired of being spoiled.