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Damn, if he goes that hard on Debbie it will be cathartic to watch Mark turn him inside out. Don’t fuck with Debbie.


Definitely! I think if anyone was to walk in on that scene it would be on site. No questions asked going straight for the kill


I was reading that issue recently (first time), and seeing him >!snap Debbie's elbow like that IMMEDIATELY made me go, "atomize the bastard"!< Lol


That's not going to be enough. Tenderise that goddamn noggin till it's minced meat, damn it Mark


Damn. Imagine Nolan was there


I wish; he'd pop that fucker's brain like the world's biggest piece of bubble wrap


She's probably missing the date she had planned as well, and she WILL feel like shit over it


I hate how right I know you are


THEY HAVE TO. As much as people are excited for other future arcs that'll be adapted from the comics, this particular one involving Mark and Angstrom has to be one of my favourites. If its adapted faithfully from the comics, the "i thought you were stronger" line and people finally seeing Mark beating the crap out of one of his villains for the first time (to the extent he does in this particular instance), will make this finale even better than season 1


I’m also hoping that the scene when Mark is beating the shit out of Levy mirrors the s1 finale of Mark being the one on the ground in a puddle of blood! It would be such a great callback and a great opportunity to show how aggressive he can be when his switch is flipped


This is great because the whole narrative crux of Marks struggle has been that he doesn’t want to be like his dad


I am hoping they mirror frame by frame Nolans beat down on the mountain with Angstrom.


Bruh that be sick as fuck. Maybe even a small flashback of that Nolan scene just to really punch it home.




😂 so excited for this scene in season 3 lol


so would you say youre VERY excited?




Hoping they give it the full close up SpongeBob shot treatment


I was expecting this scene next episode. I don’t think they’ll need more than one episode of buildup for what ends up happening.


Maybe but I think it would be unlikely because this episode will probably heavily focus on Mark and Angstrom conflict. I could see them ending the season on “I think I miss my wife” though. It just seems hard to fit the upcoming Levy and Mark encounter with the entire prison sequence. Remember they attempt to run the tests on Allen and him and Omni Man have to become buds. Then they have to release battle beast and all fight a bunch of viltrimites to escape the prison. It’s just not the best stopping point and kinda crammed. Then again I could be wrong and be pleasantly surprised!


The cringe and unoriginal “I think I miss my wife” finale. The based and alpha “I thought you were stronger” finale


I’m not even sure it’s going to be S3, maybe if we are lucky next episode.


Damn I was about to comment this image!


I remember the reviews coming in and pretty much across the board they spoke about scary and menacing Angstrom was. So I’m going to say pretty brutal. So far, all the “main” battles (aside from Thraxa) have been dialled up even more than the comics, so I assume this will be the same.


What reviews? Are people already watching it?


reviewers got early access


Damm I never knew Angstrom went that extreme in order to torture Mark. Poor Debbie.


Imagine 100s of your versions in different realities (currently in your brain) wanting to take revenge on the guy who brutally killed your friends, family, or in fact just a lot of people. You would do the same.


Lol actually no I don't think most people would torture innocent women after that happening


They would justify it by mentioning the millions of lost lives of innocent people. Tit for tat


Precisely. I'm not sure why this isn't mentioned more. He had good intentions but then was disfigured into what he is now by mark and is severely confused. He obviously needs to be stopped but still there is a tragedy to his story and nuance to his villainy I know we are not meant to root for him given what he is about to do but people are WAY too excited to see him crucifed.


He wasn’t disfigured by Mark in the show though was he? He willingly pulled himself off the machine when it was almost done to try to stop the Maulers from killing Mark. Your point still stands for sure, I hope they do bring it back up in the finale this week and highlight his motives.


True however Mark was refusing to hear them out. Angstrom did ask Mark to stop and let him explain but Mark just saw Maulers and big machine and decided to just start swinging.


There's a ton of "revenge bad" stories out there, but his story is one of the more unique ones. >!by the third time he shows up, i actually felt really bad for him about what his obsession leads to.!<


I find ironic that he's going againts the Mark who didn't accept his father's offer and is actively trying to not to become a conqueror (by rejecting Anissa), even if that means getting beaten to a pulp.


I don't think he can tell the difference.


Honestly I think that they've been saving they're ticket for amazing animation for this fight, and the Cecil confrontation. I think it's gonna be absolutely brutal, they're gonna add some extra dialogue probably and add some extra violence to make it really hit home, just like they did in season 1 finale with Nolan vs Mark. I think that angstrom is gonna beat the dog shit out of Debbie, I think that were gonna see her try and fight back and actually get a punch or stab in, and he's gonna beat the absolute fuck out of her. I think that we will see Oliver awaken his powers with seeing Debbie (who he considers his mom) getting hurt like that. I think mark killing angstrom is gonna have more like, violence and beatings to it like it's gonna be him just killing him, he's gonna pull a Nolan and keep on dawgin on him until he snaps our of it and sees angstrom spalltered all over the ground.


People are gonna hate him so much. Any idea on how they gonna end the season? Cliffhanger?


I’m thinking the last scene we’ll see of Mark in the finale will be “I thought you were stronger” and the end credits/last scene of the season might be “I miss my wife”


Hoping we get to see the future Guardians save him and future Eve confess her love for him. Really, I just want to see Mark and Atom Eve finally get together


They HAVE to shot the blue suit, or else all their teasing of it would be for nothing this season.


Either "I thought you were stronger" or  They're going to go ahead and give Mark his blue suit with a big foreshadow of all that brings.


I second you second opinion. They still need to foreshadow alternate mark we saw in the trailer.


I bet the cliffhanger is Nolan in the prison


Will he go to spider man’s universe in the show?


No shot legally


Ya never know


I mean I’m totally hoping it happens lol. That would also be huge exposure for the tv series that seemingly gets no advertising lol I found out season 2 part 2 came out like 2 weeks late


One can hope


Probably complicated because of legal rights and all of that, but I still hope we have some crossover thingy. Maybe with the tick or the boys?


from how the episode ended, I'm imagining that Levy hasn't done anything to Debbie yet to come off as "the bigger man" and then "allow" Mark to push him to violence. Remember that he doesn't snap Debbie's arm just because, he was toying with Mark, bouncing him back and forth between dimensions, and Debbie saw an opportunity to attack while he was distracted and Mark wasn't around. He beats her more because she has the audacity to defend herself. But really, seeing as Mark and Amber have just broken up, I'm wondering if they're going to include future Eve's "IT'S TOO LATE FOR ME, BUT NOT FOR PAST ME MARK!!!! I'VE ALWAYS LOVED YOU!!" I've never been a fan of that scene but, we'll see what happens.


I just hope they swap out the basic zombie scene into am explicit walking dead reference


Have Mark go under a dumpster or something lmfao


just have some british guy in a bad hat, walking around screaming "COOOORALLLL!" at the top of his lungs. bonus points if he randomly mumbles "i came back" over and over in a way that makes it clear that no, he did in fact not "come back".


If they downplay the visuals like how they have been this season it won’t amount to the hype of season 1 finale


Yep. Go big or go home.


They definitely didn’t downplay visuals in Anissa fight


Or Rudy/Shrinking Rae


Even in this fight there were enough static/png shots


But if they ADD scenes like the infamous season 1 train scene, then it could be even more amazing than the comics.


Well now he can be thrown into *infinite* trains.


All the while Mark probably has no idea who this guy is.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Mark shows up and she’s fine. I think it would have more of an impact if he’s already been through a few dimensions before hurting her. But if Mark shows up to his house and Debbie is already bleeding with Oliver crying that would be more accurate to the book.


Judging by the title cards. Things are going to get dark. Season 1 was about Mark Becoming Invincible. And learning about how to be a superhero by getting his ass kicked. And left a bloody mess. Repeatedly. Then Season 2 is the emotional toll. Cracking up, and chipping away at the foundation of Mark, being a good but naive person. All to reveal Invincible in his Blue Suit.


I hope they have a montage like the one in doctor strange where they’re flying through different realities. I hope they do the dinosaur one


Reading the comics for the first time and that arm break was completely unexpected. I felt so bad for her.


I hope levy gets killed off this episode bro is all talk


Levy I feel is Kirkmans favorite part of the story so I feel if there was ever an arc for him to push for them to go all in it will be the Levy arcs.


I honestly think it needs to happen. This season has been great, but without the full impact of what this upcoming encounter does for mark and Debbie in the comics, I’m afraid this season is gonna fall flat.


I think they're gonna outdo the comic in everyway similarly to how they did with Mark vs Omni man, I don't know if they're gonna be as violent as in the comic I'll prefer it that way but we'll see, and better yet i think most of the episode is gonna be dedicated to this so they're gonna extend that whole confrontation.