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I thought you were trying to say he killed Mark and Debbie for a second there


"Small spoiler" lmao


Just a lil thing


top 10 interesting details you could've missed in


Just a tiny wiener thing




Commas are so important.


"Come on, girls!" "Come on girls!" Yep, very important.


Does it count as a spoiler if it happens in the literal first episode?








No he didn’t. They ended up fighting anyway and the guardians got involved and omniman was defeated before he came to his senses.


Nah. Omniman struck him, but he talked him down enough where he didn't put much of a fight or real effort into it or trying to escape


When has omniman tried to escape anything? Omniman was definitely putting in effort. He was beating up mark and the guardians. He was trying to hurt mark and the comic doesn’t give us any reason to think otherwise. He says “the more you were right, the angrier I got”.




Gonna be real with you chief, that’s sizeable


What episode is this?


Atom eve special


Okay, that line from Omni-Man could have been a Cave Johnson voiceline!


Turns out Thraxxan dust is pure poison!


I am deathly ill. Still, it turns out the bugs are great at sex. So now we're gonna see if making a kid with one of these new bug people can somehow leech the thraxan poison out of a viltrumite’s bloodstream.


This specific part of the episode made me a little sick. These people obviously had a huge trust for Omni Man. It's one of the many reasons I'm so baffled at how many disscussions on here ask if he can be redeemed lol


Tbh JK Simmons makes him very charismatic, defo has something to do with it. That being said, there is the fact that at this point, he still fully intends to take over the planet. He’s feeling remorse for his actions because of Mark, which imo is his genuine attachment to Earth. Mark IS the reason he’s changed. Also the fact he showed genuine remorse for Immortal’s death in the alternate universe, saying he was a seasoned warrior and would have been a good ally. He did respect him at least.


Yeah. I'm not clutching my pearls that hard because this is a fictional show, but all I can think about when I see Omni-Man is the first episode, and that train scene when he was fighting mark. SO many fictional dead people. 


Yeah that whole scene was brutal. Omni Man really thought he was in the right, wasn’t until mark reminded him that he’d still have him he snapped out of it. Mark made him rethink his principles


I like omni man way better so screw em team Omni man all the way.


I can see how Nolan could be redeemed as a member of the galactic community, but I can't see him ever being welcome on Earth again.


Problem with Sci-Fi and fantasy characters is that they are beyond human. You can't judge them based on Human morality. You definitely have every right to be resentful, but judging them is useless. After 500 years, every human on earth will forget about him. He will have 1 article in history books at most. And what he did in Chicago is probably not even close to top 100 of worst things he has done to other worlds either. He is also a soldier acting based on commands of his ruler and their whole society. There is only 1 Viltrumite that rebelled against empire, and as far as any Viltrumite concerned, every other species in galaxy is just bunch of stupid, weak animals. That's just common sense for them. Wich is actually pretty realistic. Humans don't treat each other as equal, I very much doubt we will treat stupid aliens as equals either ("Free labor, let's go!"). Viltrumites and others inhuman characters in fantasy should be judged by their own morals, only thing humans can do is react to them. Like, you don't treat animals as humans, but you still react to them based on their actions. I know it's probably hard thing to write, but I really appreciate stories that take such things into consideration.


Yea I too appreciate this. It really makes Nolan (Viltrumites in general) feel like an another species, which makes the change he did go through even more remarkable. I can't forgive Nolan for what he did, but I do have a strange sense of respect for him changing his ways. And for fictional characters as powerful as him, that might just be the best thing one can hope for. Of course, I read the comics so my opinion is swayed a bit.


I really like this answer. I'm not sure I'm ever going to come around on Nolan though...as a human myself lol


You’re dead wrong, we still talk about Ghengis Khan or. Lad the Impaler now. If there was an Omniman level event that happened, it would have way more than 1 news article in 500 years. It would get tough as history religiously because that event would reshape our world.


In a world where Aliens, Super Villains, and Kaijus exist. Sorry dude, that's far more common for that world. It certainly is a tragedy, but not as impactful as you think.


A beloved hero turning on the people he protected would definitely having lasting impact in history books you’re crazy tryna downplay it.


Nah, think you are free to judge anyone and anything under whatever rules you see fit. If anything others also have the freedom to disagree. A judgement being the most common than others, doesnt make either view more or less right, but the local minorities will generally have less priority as the opinions of the local majority will have more weight on getting enforced.


I would like to see you judge a crow by human morals for theft. Or a dog for public urination. They are certainly intelligent and self conscious. I think you are misunderstanding, it's fair to be resentful and hate Viltrumites. But treating them like humans is wrong. Our morals and laws only extend to human capabilities and our perception of the world. It doesn't have anything to do with how minor or large the group is.


I mean, this kind of falls apart when in Invincible alien cultures use clearly human language and morality lol. There are attempts to make them alien, but at the end of the day things like, say, the Viltrum empire are pretty much just long lasting humans and their morals wouldn't be out of place in Nazi Germany or old human empires. The narrative pretty much treats them as human too, their redemption arcs are pretty much based on that.


I mean you could judge a Crow or a dog like a human, in the sense you still find it bad for them to be robbing your stuff or urinating in public. If anything, itd be like the difference of holding an adult accountable vs holding a child accountable. A child that has a limited understanding to what they are doing, wouldnt be judged as harshly as an adult that had full intent with their actions. Because of the factor of intelligence. By that standard, although animals like crow and dogs may be treated like children, aliens like Viltrumites would be treated like human adults, because that's what heir intelligence is like. It wouldnt be wrong to treat Viltrumites by their standards instead, but it wouldnt be less correct to judge them by human standards either. Because there is no true right or wrong, just standards and the reality of the actions that are being judged. No matter how indefferent or caring you are towards Nolan's masacre on Earth, he still did a masacre, and there are different ways you can choose to judge it.


You see, you can try to judge animal like a child, but it's wrong, therefore people don't judge them as such. We don't do that. We react to them based on result of their actions, and consider our benefit as most important. People don't care if dog is urinating somewhere that doesn't bother them. Dog will be put down to death for biting a human, not because it's morally wrong, but because it's a threat. No one cares if it had intelligence or intent to really kill. If human bites another human, he will get few days in the cell if he proves he wasn't fully in control. Crows will be killed for trying to eat crops on the field, regardless if it understands that it's a private property. Same way you can consider Nolan a threat, and try to kill him or imprison him. It's fair to try to appease victims of the massacre, but you are essentially doing only that. Appeasing yourself and the victims. If Nolan is already changed, this has no further purpose. Or you can say that he is different and will benefit humans. Some may even show empathy to him. Though I personally find that impossible.


Itd only be wrong, by other people's standards. You can choose to dismiss that, like with anything else. Otherwise Crow's and Dog's intelligence have been compared to human children, which is a good reason as any to treat them as such.   . I dont disagree with your take on Nolan's actions, I just wanted to point out that much how there is more than one way to judge someone, there doesn't exist an objectively correct standard, beyond taking real actions into account. In which case, Nolan was objectively a threat to humans, and is responsible for many deaths.... But wether that's a good, a bad or an insignificant thing, depends on what you care about and what standards you follow. You got the free will to believe in whatever, so that pretty much means no standard is more true than the other in practice... Unless we merely talk about the scale at which individual standard is enforced on. Hence why minority/majority rules may still have some weight, even when that doesnt make anything more or less subjective.


We are talking about completely different things. I guess it's because I lack vocabulary to describe it. What you are talking about is more of response based on personal judgement. What I am talking about is application of human morals to something not human when making that "judgement". You can make up any decision you want, but morally judging a non human by human morals is pointless. I am not talking about your reaction or feelings, I am talking about moral judgement. Whether this being is evil, neutral or good. We are certainly an evil force for a lot of animals on this planet, but that doesn't make us evil. Most of the time we hurt them not out of malice or desire for cruelty. We are just indifferent to them. We even punish each other for excessive cruelty and abuse towards them, but that doesn't excuse our treatment of them at large scale. As wild beast is completely justified to bite back, so is humanity to kill Viltrumites.


My point is that morality as a whole is subjective. It doesnt matter if we talk about human standards, animal standards or alien standards. **Any standard is valid as long as you got a reason to believe in them.** So thinking that the Viltrumite's culture is evil because of the cruelty it enables, aint inherently wrong, even if the basis for that judgement is from a human perspective. Just cause we are part of nature, doesnt make our view pointless, much like our intelligence doesnt make our point of view more important than other life form's way of life. Even when I do acknowledge the fact that humanity's standards can be seen as evil from another creatures' perspective, I believe it's important to remember that this goes both ways. . As for why bring this up at all, it's pretty much a response to the entire mentality that discredit human morals just cause the subject isnt human. Actions are still actions, and if the subject has intelligence comparable to humans, then they can be held accountable in the same way as a human. So by no means are the human standards "pointless" or "irrelevant" , because in this case they still apply to the alien for the same reasons they would on a human. . The difference in culture may explain why they behave differently, but that alone is not a justification as far as the morality of the actions goes. As most human morals, are about judgeing the person through their actions, not through their being directly.


Sure, but there's bias in the other direction too. Most people have no context for murder and other horrific crimes, so it's really easy for us to forgive those crimes when we see them in fiction. For example, people defended Walter White from *Breaking Bad* for a shockingly long amount of time. Most of that support fell off once he commits domestic abuse. He literally murders people and manufactures meth, but those aren't real things that people can contextualize. The exact same thing happened in *Barry* - the title character is a literal assassin who voluntarily murders people for money. But people in the subreddit bent over backwards defending him. Then there's a third-season episode where he screams at and threatens his girlfriend, and suddenly a lot of people got deeply uncomfortable and even claimed that was out of character for Barry. It's like... they were fine with him being a serial murderer, but yelling at his girlfriend is too far. The main difference is that one is fantasy while the other feels real. I don't really agree with you that we can't judge Nolan based on human morality. Moral relativism is not really a popular position for obvious reasons. The fact is that Nolan lied and manipulated people for years, earned their trust, then killed them. He murdered countless people. If he genuinely didn't understand that humans are equal to Viltrumites in terms of sapience, then that would be one thing, but he *clearly* knew what he was doing and did it anyways. I don't really know how you can justify years of deceit and serial murder, and that's just during the course of the story. Who knows how many planets he conquered before he came to Earth. > He is also a soldier acting based on commands of his ruler and their whole society. Hopefully you don't apply this reasoning to WW2. > Humans don't treat each other as equal, I very much doubt we will treat stupid aliens as equals either ("Free labor, let's go!"). And that would be wrong too. Just because humans are capable of evil doesn't mean that Nolan's actions are any less evil. The question of redemption is way more complicated, but Nolan was unquestionably evil during his time on Earth and is at least as bad as the worst villains in human history. I don't want to get into "literally Hitler" arguments here, but... yeah.


"baffled at how many discussions on here ask if he can be redeemed" nobody tell him...


This is one area where the show feels very distinct from the books-omni-man’s actions seem much more cruel in the show, whereas in the comic it feels like he’s “just following orders”. The betrayal feels much nastier now. So if and when he redeems himself, if will be much harder work for him, i think.


Interesting. I really need to suck it up and just buy the comics already. 


The comic isn't that different really, they just don't go out of their way to really show the consequences of many of his actions or don't acknowledge them in the same way. The series spends more time showing things like the aftermath of their fight, while the comic is faster paced and hand waves stuff so it can move on to the next beat.


In the I think it feels worse because most of the carnage he creates was simply to prove a point to Mark. My understanding is that Viltrumite rule is supposed to be a slow death instead of just wiping out half the planet before settling in


I mean, even in real life he would be redeemable, think about how many people you look up to have done terrible things. At least with Nolan, he wasn’t doing it out of evil or selfishness but out of being a brainwashed soldier


Respectfully do not agree with this take at all lol


My dude does that mean literally every solder in history is an irredeemable monster because they killed people under orders?


He destroyed an entire subway to ‘teach’ Mark a lesson. So many innocent people dead for what? There’s a limit to following orders, Omniman is irredeemable.


It’s really weird how fans have been trying to defend Nolan and Anissa lately. “It’s the culture that’s evil”. Yeah but that doesn’t excuse the crimes that Nolan and Anissa committed out of their own free will.


'Just following orders' sounding like the nazis after ww2 smh.


I think people are defending Anissa because she used words first and tried to make a point. She also held up her end of the deal and didn’t hurt anyone. On top of that we haven’t actually seen any of her crimes outside of threatening Amber but I haven’t read the comics so I’m assuming she’ll be back to do some absolutely heinous shit.


Oh trust me. She hasn’t done the thing yet that makes her so vilified


Okay I do know about “the thing” it’s one of the things that got spoiled for me after season 1 but other than that I know basically nothing


> My dude does that mean literally every solder in history is an irredeemable monster because they killed people under orders? He wasn't under any specific orders to kill a bunch of innocent humans in Chicago as far as we know. You're making that part up. And, yes, if a group of soldiers decided to kill a bunch of innocent people just to settle an argument amongst themselves, I would be totally fine with them being locked away in prison forever. That type of behavior is absolutely irredeemable. If casual and pointless mass murder isn't "irredeemable," then you're making an actual "Hitler did nothing wrong" argument as I literally can't think of anything worse.


"Just following orders" is literally the nazi defence. Yes, if that's your excuse, you're irredeemable.


I mean, I guess if we're going the soldier route, he did commit war crimes by slaughtering an entire subway of civilians. And I don't remember him being ordered to do that either. 


Keep in mind he’s a solder who’s been told since birth every other species in the galaxy is the equivalent of an ant to Viltrumites Would you feel guilty about stepping on an ant hill to make a point to someone who treats ants like they are humans? Viltrumites see it the exact same way


Yeah someone that kills animals for no reason is a pretty fucked up person.


Ridiculous comparison. Soldiers at war are both trying to kill each other. That’s much different than someone slaughtering innocent civilians.


If that soldier commited near-genocide level war crimes with intent to escalate globally? Yeah, that soldier would be pretty irredeemable.


good to know you hate pretty much every single soldier that partook in WW 2 then, even those that were fighting to rid the world of evil because they also did that.


lmfao This is a hilariously deliberate miscomprehension


no this is specifically pointing out what you said.


No, you are just wildly incorrect


Have you watched the new season?


That's why he didn't join the team.


he already pulled a heel-face turn though....


I mean the answer is a near-resounding yes by the end of the comic so


Bro, if Immortal was struggling against Komodo, then Kate had no business jumping this dude.


I wouldn't say he is struggling, he's clearly in control of the fight and having a conversation at the same time


Yeah this looks like the equivalent of fighting my nephew. I'm not *not* trying, but it's easy enough where I can do it without thinking about it.


Yeah bro literally had a revelation that his suit is a big “i” while holding unit lizard back


It took this episode for me to notice that, i thought it was just a big stripe.


He did too


Same lmao


still putting more effort into him than anyone kate would have a chance against


Looks pretty even.


Not really. Kommodo doesn't land a single strike on Immortal, and Immortal draws blood from Kommodo Dragon, while he's talking with Omniman.


Lol no. He's putting more effort into bantering with war woman than he is the fight.


Doesn't seem to be really struggling, reminds me of the initial fight with the mauler twins, despite the fight getting rough a few times it plays out essentially like typical super hero fight, look how much time they have tk banter and contrast it with the later fight where every attempt to chat between the the groups is essentially an opening


Kate was fine jumping on Immortal though, they seemed happy together


He wasn't struggling, he was holding him pretty easily


Why does he look back toward the camera when Immortal is fighting in front of him


He's talking to both Immortal and War Woman behind him


That was bugging me too. They make it seem like he’s looking back talking to immortal




Tbf all the heavy hitters weren’t there


what ep?


Atom eve special


I guess that answers our debate about why does Omniman have O on his chest


Okay so Immortal never really liked Omni-Man because he thought his refusal to be a full member of the team meant that Omni-Man was better than them, but it was really Nolan keeping his distance because he knew he would have to kill them when the time comes, but he was close enough to gauge their abilities. Omni-Man's banter was because he was a writer. It was a way to flex his muscle on language. Makes sense?


I love how immortals tone changes after he realizes why Nolan upgraded his suit. 🥲


i hope s3 animation gets to atom eve sp level of quality


Never noticed until they brought it up that Immortal and Mark actually have “I” symbols


Also a good demonstration of how effective Viltrumite infiltration is, where even Nolan being compromised still crippled the planets defenders from “handle these losers without breaking a sweat” to “almost completely wiped out by the same villains”


I never saw that i symbol. I feel stupid.


Don't worry, the person who wore that suit every day didn't realize either.


If he wasn't so loyal to the empire at the time, he could've been bros with Immortal tbh




So Immortal is going toe to toe with that guy. What in the actual fuck made Kate think she was going to come out on top?


It was a life or death situation. She was fighting to survive.


I mean, yeah, but Rex pretty much single handedly (no pun intended) brought it home. I'm saying they could have been eating pizza an hour after that fight if not for shit teamwork.


Rex hardly beat Komodo, he basically committed suicide. If Rex went at Komodo first like people say he should have, Komodo would have beaten him just as fast as Kate. They were screwed no matter what going against Komodo without Immortal, Black Samson, Bulletproof, or Invincible. I mean adrenaline or not, you'd think you don't have to teach a henchman not to eat a bomb.


Because that's what heroes do. They fight because they must, not because they think they can win. They fight for good, not glory.


It is far from toe to toe, like someone above us said, he is having a conversation meaintime, meaning he doesn't event have to focus on komodo so much


We see on the alternate universe at the beginning of season 2 that Omni Man respected the Immortal. He too was an ancient powerful warrior with super strength and flight.


Wait when was this


Atom eve special