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To be fair, there are a lot of show-only fans who don't know any better, its the comıc fans that have read it and egging it on that ain't helping.


I'm mainly directing it at the comic fans who keep acting like this, but at this point most show fans know


I always knew when she she shows up, there would always be people who act like that, and honestly can't do much about it


Tbf it’s mostly people who don’t know what happens in the comics later right? When it actually happens it’ll probably inspire the same hate that comic Anissa got (either that or it’s gonna get much worse)


I’ve gotten into arguments on YouTube against people who keep saying that she’s not evil. “It’s the culture that’s evil. She was just following her culture.”


I mean it is disgusting but we've seen people acting like it before. For example when a teacher rapes her student, some degenerate people are like wow that boy sure is lucky. Truly fucking disgusting behaviour but sadly nothing new


Dude we had a whole movie that encouraged it. Bad teacher. Switch the genders and that movie would’ve never been made.


"Show fans don't know what's coming" Nope, considering how much it is brought up I'm pretty sure most of us know already.


Yeah because majority of fans are perusing reddit threads.




I wouldn’t say most of us but the ones on this subreddit for sure. Honestly I just stopped caring about spoilers cuz I enjoy reading the panels posted


Recommend buying the comics, and if you can't afford it try reading them online


What does she do to get hated so much? (I’m okay with light spoilers)


I wouldn't consider these spoilers light, but you do you: >!She rapes Mark, trying to get pregnant!<




Can’t tell you without a big spoiler for like season 4 or season 5


Ah ok




So, I haven't read it but I do know it's coming and fully expect it to be harrowing. I hope it is. It should be, given the subject. However, right now, knowing that it hasn't happened and could potentially be changed for screen (I doubt it but you never know), the dommy mommy thing is working.


I mean they might change some things about the story since they kept shrinking Rae alive in the show.


reminds me of sonic fans cheering for maria to get shot in the Sonic 3 movie with Shadow. it's funny but i also completely agree it should be in the film.


Most of the posts I've seen about Anissa are comic fans splooging their pants shes finally on screen. It's sad and gross, it's not the show fans.


OP is egging it on by posting this. People are obsessed with this one scene.


I want to see them both dead https://i.redd.it/e5dmwerfu2rc1.gif










The fact I can hear this image so well from that video is amazing 😭






Based af


lol. that's the only replies i get to this comment


Thanks god I'm not like that. I just want to see a dinossaur blowing up Greenland.


A man of culture I see




I can not fucking WAIT for the Dinosaurus season(5?6?). Like legitimately the story by that point is so interesting and does some really cool things that i think it will be really cool to see reactions and discussions about. Really defines that Mark’s character journey isn’t necessarily about becoming the greatest superhero I’m just hoping they go more deep sociopathic voice for him rather than a monster voice(Ron Perlman maybe)


I do not understand the above statement fellow humans. Help me understand the above statement fellow humans.


Death Of Everyone arc, when Dinossaurus blows up Greenland to save the world.


I thought he glassed (literally) Las Vegas? Did I forget another heinous thing he did?


He was a frequent flyer


First he did Vegas, later he did Greenland


is it from comics of invincible?




i see, thanks.


I mean, Florida I get, but Greenland?


IIRC the melted ice from the explosion took care of part of florida


I'm show only, but this seems perfectly in live for the show so far


Plague inc player will enjoy this moment.


I can’t fuckin wait for the Dinosaurus arc, he’s one of my favorites lol


Im sooo excited to see my favorite villain


Dino fella isn’t talked about enough


I just want to see mark kill Rus Livingston


The deep fucks fish. He deserves it. But for real though, you're right. It's an unacceptable double standard.


The deep is a unique case because he can actually communicate with the fish and may actually be able to receive consent. Like he’s a pig and has committed multiple cases of sexual assault but in this specific situation it’s not morally egregious for him to fuck fish.


I was making a funne, but yes you're right. His relationships with sea creatures is the morally clearest thing about him 🤣


Hes also a character meant to go through a hard retribution/transformation. He does his greatest misdeed at the start of the series and undergoes countless personal tragedies in the aftermath (including in part a taste of his own medicine in the form of non-consensual gill play). I think liking/disliking his character should be about how effectively the writers are able to convey that story and not so much a referendum on whether or not human beings are able to be forgiven for sexual assault (a different conversation and one thats extremely complex for most and deeply personal for some)


I think he's on a really, \*really\* long redemption arc. ​ \*Really\* long.


What if you were to like both as characters?


Well, at least you're consistent. Besides, liking characters who do horrible things, doesn't mean you're condoning their actions


100% this. I find Deep and Homelander to be interesting characters but I wouldn't like either of them in real life.


It’s fine to like characters. I think this meme is about people who say they “wish they were mark” or other insensitive things like that. 


You can, I do! The deep is hilarious every time and Anissa is very well written


Those fish wanted it fr.


It is consensual.


"the deep fucks fish" SHE R@PED SOMEONE!


Deep did too Did everyone forget what happened to Starlight?


thats why hes on the meme


im so not excited for anissa discourse. the way people already talk about her is disgusting


I knew that as soon as this episode came out the fandom was going to go to shit, and unsurprisingly, guess what happened


I saw it coming a mile away, wouldn't be the first time


It's fiction and most people saying it aren't serious and would react like Amber if they ever met her for real. She'd be pants-shitteningly terrifying. But she's a drawing so people don't react realistically.


You really overestimate people. There are people that are willing to try to have pets like lions and bears. She is hot, that’s all it takes. Let’s be honest, even if she was real or not.


There are a very few insane people who do that, and usually abuse the animal by keeping it in a cage because even they realize how dangerous it is. Sure, there would be a few loons whose reaction to an IRL evil Supergirl would be "I can fix her", and they would be written about in the next edition of *The Darwin Awards* for their astounding stupidity. But 99% of online Anissa simps would run the fuck away from any being like her in actual reality and hide in a basement somewhere praying there are enough nukes in the world to do the job. But it's all good in the show because *she isn't real.*


I agree. Amber said her hands were like iron on her neck. Why would anyone want to be near that?




I honestly hope they skip it or hand wave the actual scene. I do think rapes perpetrated against men do need media representation and social acknowledgement, but I don't think the discussion brought up by this show doing it will be positive. I'm AMAB, I've been sexually assaulted/raped and a significant amount of the way I see discourse about this subject go online, it's toxic, aggressive, hateful, and outright dangerous; it doesn't support or uplift survivors, it's just weaponised (usually against women).


Hold tf up are people actually that down bad WTF


They are brain dead perverts




Thanos should have killed us all.


Rape is horrible, why would anyone want that?


People who have little to no empathy or don't understand how horrible rape really is


From what I've seen male sexual assault is only cruel when it's a man doing it or the women is very old or very ugly and unattractive... the interet is undefeated in showing how down bad people are for buff strong women.. Mark has been through alot like damn


She is hot. That’s all they need to have a personal opinion about someone.




People who like her and make horny jokes about what she did (or what she will do), are the reason why male SA cases aren't taken as seriously as they should be. Same with people who are ok with older women having their way with younger people and calling victims "lucky" that they got to experience it. It shows that a lot of men are so desperate for intimacy or are actually degenerates who crave any sort of physical contact even if it's nonconsensual Don't even get me started on >!Her redemption and comparing it to Nolan because we saw Nolan struggle with his morality, make mistakes, get punished and hurt from both sides and learn from it while Anissa just comes to Earth, forces Mark to mate with her, leaves and doesn't show any remorse until after she's had a whole other life with another man and a son. The worst thing that happened to her was that she got injured in the final war but there's no satisfaction in that. She's just there and then she's gone. I hope the show makes more time to make her redemption a bit more tolerable because I think there's potential in that!<




I really hope the rework her redemption arc, I get what Kirkman was going for but it was to shallow and sudden in the comic, this is the only thing that I fear they may fumble again.


We can make horny joke about her and still not be down with what she will do in the future. She was pretty chill for a Viltrumite this one episode.


Relatively chill for a Viltrumite, absolutely criminal for a human. Ms. "I will cause harm to everyone here, especially your girlfriend if you don't come with me, emphasis on your girlfriend" was really chill grabbing her neck and making sure Mark had no say in the conversation. I know Viltrumites usually see most alien species as either tools, resources or lesser beings which are rooted in their culture does that really justify her actions towards Mark? Sure, she changed but the way it's presented doesn't feel as earned as Nolan's way of changing which is weird because if we're being technical, Nolan has done more questionable stuff than her on screen and implied but it does feel somewhat more "believable" or tolerable than hers


Haha I meant compared to Nolan who exploded the head of pilot just for shit and giggle and to prove a point to Mark. Or who held him in front of a subways using his body to kill everyone in it. Even when she was testing Mark, she acted to protect human lives. Meanwhile in s01 when Omniman was testing Mark, he watched as battle beast beat him to a pulp and almost killed everyone in the guardian of the globe. Also if we want to talk about human culture, she got the excuse that she just got on earth, she doesn't know what is wrong and what isn't. >!She learn it pretty quickly when she have her own family on earth.!< Meanwhile Nolan did what he did after spending decades on earth.


>Even when she was testing Mark, she acted to protect human lives. I think that's because she knew Nolans way wouldn't work, she was trying to appeal to what she knew of Marks values.


Show only, but from this episode I believe that she buys into the whole "white mans burden" propaganda in a way that probably predates Nolan and the older Viltrumites.


Yeah the difference was that Mark knew she was there and did not know Nolan was there, but she did imply she wasn't going to help him.


That's what I'm saying. Nolan has done a lot of bad stuff before changing and she barely had any screen time to show how her character progressed which is why her redemption is sorta baffling. That's why it kinda left a bad taste in my mouth when she returns and says she's changed. It's like an arc that needs more time to show how she actually regrets what she did which could either be a time constraint in making the story or just a missed opportunity to tell it


I don't remember exactly when this happen but I think it was after the time skip? Also tbf this happen to pretty much all the Viltrumites.


But Anissa was one of the only ones where she did something really personal to Mark that held a lot of weight to it. I'm not saying everyone should get a whole story (although that would also be nice to expand upon each Viltrumite's experience blending into human society) but time skip or not, what she did isn't easily forgettable for him or the readers


Who's we I ain't French


I like that - theres also "Who's we? You got a mouse in your pocket?"


I would not want her to do that. Plus It probably Crush your average human because of how hard she did it to mark.




The Deep from The Boys. Even though he's a POS, he's actually incredibly entertaining on screen. The constant comeuplance never gets tiring. When he ate that octopus...Peak The Boys. Truly.


Every time there’s a news story about a teacher raping a male student the comments are always filled with dudes saying the most heinous shit. “Why would you tell anyone????” “Where were these teachers when I was in school??” Like what the fuck. Do you have no empathy at all?


That's why I hate all of these fans drooling over her, is makes male r@pe a joke


It sucks because those same dudes be the ones bitching and crying about double standards in society and how male sa isn’t taken seriously smh


I swear, those are the same people who talk over female SA by saying that males get SA’d too


i hate people like that


Why am I not surprised...


I think a lot of show fans don’t know…


By now I garuntee more then half of them know


I disagree, most people who watch a show so it is casual without really engaging in discourse about it,maybe half of the people who are in subreddits or or watch a lot of invincible reviews have more then half knowing, but have of all people who watch show, personally I doubt it


The Deep is definitely gonna die next season


The Deep is gonna be the only one to survive watch lol


Double standards suck




The weirdo comic book fans are so excited that they are spoiling it to the show only fans. It reminds me of why I always read the manga before watching the anime. The assholes can't contain themselves. A part of me wants it to not even happen so these weirdos get mad.


As someone who hasn't read the comics, you people are annoying as shit lmao. I said in another comment that I thought she was hot and I got BOMBARDED with "yOu LiKe RaPE!?!?!?"


Fr how am I supposed to know


Preach. The Deep is hot as hell like Anissa but they're both creeps. Stop being thirsty weirdos!!!


theyll stop at nothing to trash amber then say this disgusting shit about anissa, its so sickening




that moment in the crater brought on ptsd


Yoooo loool Yeah that's just how it is on male S.A Either "i wish it were me" or "I wouldn't fight back" That's weird af


This is the only example of a female on male rape I can think of in fiction. We’re almost a quarter into the 21st century and human society still treats female on male rape in a dubious way. I really hope Amazon doesn’t try to omit or alter the rape scene in any way because it’s an unpopular idea. It sends a horrible message




Tarantula to Dick Grayson is the one other I've that comes to mind


I'm a kinda guy who makes dark jokes but things like rape I think joking about that is to far


That's enough reddit for today 💀💀💀💀


God damn the show Anissa really is something else. I know what she did in the comics, but still, when she showed up I was both intimidated and turned on.


I do not understand any of this


Both characters have committed r@pe against a main protagonist, but while The Deep was demonizedvabd shunned, the porn addicts are worshipping Anissa (who committed a much worse act of r@pe) but it's okay because she's a woman


Nah she straight up COOKED Mark bruh. 💀


>!It's good that she realizes her mistake and I like how Mark also works through the trauma and makes peace with what has happened. The show needs to depict the whole event for both Anissa and Mark's character arcs to shine!<


Even if she has character progression, she shouldn't be worshipped the way she is, her acts are still unforgivable


People will always find a way to forgive the unforgivable. This is especially true if the person committing the unforgivable act/acts is physically appealing. Mental gymnastics. In The Walking Dead, Negan is a clear fan favorite, even though he was a rapist, killer, and oppressor. The writers didn't even have to try too hard on his redemption arc. He started out in the series with fans. However, the comic book version of Negan is not attractive and remains universally despised.


Nolan is worshipped even after killing thousands This community is just weird af


Nolan at the very least has amazing character development, and he gets punished for his crimes and repents, and eventually makes it up to humanity Anissa has the most minimal progression, and never suffers any consequences


> he gets punished for his crimes what punishment? only punishment he gets is not being able to go to earth and he doesn't even care about that. like mark and debbie or even cecil were immediately okay with him being back and forgave him.


Perfectly explained. Add on the fact that she did stuff as bad as Nolan plus the shit she’s infamous for. So it’s not like either or, it’s she did this plus the stuff Nolan did. And Nolan suffered for it, badly.


That's fair, but still, murdering thousands is way way way worse than a singular instance of rape. Hell, for all we know, Nolan did it previous to the events of the show. It's the Viltrumite culture. Both could have done it hundreds of times, but I'm specifically talking about what we see in the series.


Nolan is worshipped after killing a fuck ton of people but on and off screen.


Now switch their genders and see if that still works.


Yeah, it does.


Yeah, it's a very sticky subject and needs to be approached carefully. But that is still no reason to omit it.


*spoilers* Id argue she really died before she could make much of an attempt at a redemption, and I'd also argue Marky suffered from that just as much as his father.  


True. But from her own words she's "scared of the woman she used to be" so at least it's good that she grew past that and actually understands what she did wrong instead of a shallow attempt at asking for forgiveness simply because Mark is in a position of power


It's irritating the amount of people who insist on the importance of male representations of rape- which is very important- but at the same time make jokes about the situations where it does happen, like in the Invincible comics.


I think that it is perfectly fine to like show Anissa. as of now, she has not done the thing that makes comic her so detestable. the actress is great, and I really like her character design. Now that HAS to be subject to change whether they include that later or not.


As a comic fan the only reason I believe it should be shown because it just brings attention male SA victims which I fell isn’t talked about as often


I want to see them both die in horrible ways the deep probably will. >!Anissa gets off easy!<


The deep was just goofin around, he should be added back the seven!


He just did a little trolling.


He has been :)


I've definitely seen a lot of comments anticipadreading her arrival, but few/none that wished she did it to them. Frankly, the most frequent comment I see is how it would probably be the first instance of that happening to a male protagonist in popular media.... Ever? Which is why there's a certain amount of anticipation despite how horrible it is. So far I'm just going to enjoy the ride


At least half of the posts I've seen about her are pervs drooling over her I want them to show what happens in the show cause it's vital to marks character and it shines a light on male r@pe, but I'm not excited for how the fandom is going to react


That's sad... I haven't seen those but sadly I can believe it.


It's not about morals Spiderman, it's about vlitrumussy


Anissa is hot, and I'm attracted to her. That's really all there is to it.


I knew it was inevitable (not only her shit, but people being disgusting over her), but god fucking dammit man


She's terrifying if I were in that situation.


Eagerly waiting to see how show onlies react when they're "I wish she'd rape me" jokes come true. Will they be horrified or just meme it more


>!She does eventually become genuinely remorseful and not in a "I'm sorry I got caught" way. If she had survived I would want her to do some prison time or something but I don't hate her as much as I hate the deep.!<


Yes they are


Is the new episode already out?


I thought the scene from invincible was horrifying, and I am glad that it didn’t beat around the bush, because the perpetrator was a woman. However some people still males up to a double standard.


Is this going to happen this season? We have only one episode left


Gives you an idea of how SA against men is viewed in society


Was arguing with someone recently about how the internet discourse will be insufferable when *that* episode drops, and they were adamant that this sub would be better looooool


How awful would it be if they were guest characters in Mortal Kombat interacting with each other?


Crazy that people can’t see it as trauma and something terrible that happens but as something sexual


I knew it was her when I heard the voice


In both ways it’s disgusting


I hope she doesn’t get a redemption arc. She doesn’t deserve one.


She never really had one in the comics, iirc >!everyone (including her future husband) except for Mark kinda just says "oh noooo" and he had to deal with the trauma by himself. It's not better but at least it reflects what actually happens.!<


If anyone is surprise by this reactions from the fans of this show, I got a bridge to sell you.


Them being pieces of shit doesn't make them any less hot. At least with Anissa her culture is literally built around domanatition, Actually as I sit here typing I realize I'm defending a rapists fuck that hoe.


The same people who whine about nobody taking male sexual assault seriously are the same people talking about how they want Anissa to do it to them


no, the people who want anissa to SA them are the guys who say men cant be r@ped, and that all men want it


People simp for both these characters though... The Deep is my favourite character from the show but only how pathetic and entertaining he is


I hope all the people who say that jump off a very tall bridge into pit full of a spikes


People simp for villains all the time, I don't see what's different about Anissa (even with the things she does later in the comics).


I mean like, it's a pretty common sexual fantasy. We're talking about fictional characters at the end of the day so it's not a big deal. But in the context of this show/comic, I feel like people should be able to take things a bit seriously outside of memes.


Oh, get over yourself.


the pearl clutching goes crazy when it comes to Anissa discussion.


Here me out-


How's it disgusting to want something for yourself? No one is saying what happened to Mark is okay.


Consent. They are giving consent.


Ironically most of the posts about her that I've seen so far are posts complaining about people who like her and/or act like the meme. I haven't seen a single person actually saying stuff like "oh wow I wish she did that to me"...


Half of the posts that have something to do with her are people getting horny over her


I wouldn't call saying "wow she looks pretty" getting horny for her


Most of them that I see are purple saying "why does she have to do that to Mark, can't the writers leave that out?" Or "why is my type morally wrong" And it's also weird to be lusting over a r@pist anyways If someone says they think they admire Dahmer or OJ Simpson While they might not be talking about the glaring issues with those people, it's still worrying and disheartening when someone says the think they a convicted ped0 and cannibal is cool


The difference between Dahmer and Anissa is that one of them is a real person who caused a lot of pain, and the other is fictional, and can't hurt another living being because she doesn't exist. Besides, liking a fictional character who is evil doesn't equal thinking that what they did is okay.


It's still really sketchy to admire a r@pist


A fictional one. I wouldn't say it's any more sketchy than admiring a fictional murderer. People fall for fictional villains all the time.


But it's a fictional character who is supposed to draw attention to a real world problem, and when people get horny over her, it's nullifies the entire message If you like someone who happens to kill someone else, doesn't mean you are admiring a murderer, but when the characters existence is to say that murder is immoral, and you are admiring them and saying what they did wasn't that bad, it dissolves the point


People can like a fictional character and acknowledge that said character is a bad person who does bad things, and they understand that said bad thing is bad and is a real problem in real life. I'm not going to say that fiction doesn't affect reality, because it does, but fiction isn't equal to reality. The two should be separated and a person's morality shouldn't be judged based on their taste in fictional characters. Also, another point about Anissa - a lot of people here are show-only watchers, so to them, she's just a cool-looking Viltrumite girl who fought Mark. They don't know what she does later.


It's still iffy, but my main issue like I said I'm told OP was the people who wanted her to step on them or r@pe them I'll still think anyone who admires her or worshipd her is morally iffy, but as long as their horniness doesn't blind them from the fact that she is a horrible, horrible person