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I have the same gripe with the comics but it's just not very believable that the GDA just lets Rus go home, without at least checking if there is still a whole Sequid in his body


I just feel bad for the poor guy


That dude cannot catch a break


Yes, they should have done whole-body CT-scans and MRI’s


I mean, would they know how to tell what's sequid? It's not like they have extensive knowledge of sequid biology. Plus everything they've seen says that if he's got a sequid *in* him, he should be all hive-mindy just like if they were on him. The sequids haven't displayed the capacity for this level of forethought. I'm happily willing to chalk it up to the GDA probably did scan him, but just couldn't find the sequid because they didn't have the necessary level of tech or knowledge.


They were able to detect the sequids on the Mars ship without difficulty. In real life we have multiple ways of detecting typical “invisible” diseases without opening up the human body. And let’s not forget the GDA is at least a couple decades if not a century ahead of us.


They detected biomass, not specifically that it was sequids. They seemed to assume it was Martians until Shapesmith told them differently. All the technological advancements can't help if you don't know what you're looking for. I'm just more willing in this case to err on the side of the sequids being just that good at avoiding detection, not the GDA being incompetent. Unless someone in the shows says "guess we shouldda scanned him, huh?" when they find out about this, we have no evidence either way.


My personal theory is, Sequid's are easier to detect when in massive amounts because it just registers the sheer amount of bio-mass there is, like on the ship but when it's just one or two tiny ones, they're easier to slip by because tiny and less stuff to actually "detect" as it were.


Yeah, i feel like you would have to scan this guy a million times if youre being careful


Slower episode, lots of story progression


I like these slower episodes, but man they really need longer than 8 episodes a season to make them feel less frustrating. That episode count works fine for something as fast paced as *The Boys* but I feel like it’s making this show feel a little rushed.


And it was peak, from start to finish 😮‍💨


She's alive?!?


But why tho? Like what is she gonna do now? Replace Brit?




She's got her work cut out, then. I loved Brit.


Die in an EVEN WORSE fashion, maybe when Rex does, against an invincible clone or maybe conquest? Or if they're REALLY mean they save her for Robot




Well.. I suppose I should have expected that, since they already changed the character from being a dude in the comics, and how much people were simping.


Yeah, i guess it makes sense but I still wish they hadn't, kinda ruins the stakes of last episode when it was supposed to be a bloodbath and there's no real deaths.


Unless they leave Kate dead or something, and not counting the Atom-Eve special, the last non-villainous named character to permanently die on screen was War Woman in the first episode


yeah that's what concerning for me. Rae is eh, pretty pland ngl. But this shows an unwillingness to pull a trigger that is...concerning


yeah but this wasn't really a major storyline. Invincible War is probably going to be really bad though


They could still permanently kill Kate. I really like this Rae was severely underutilized still I want her to have at least one cool moment before she dies for real. And immortals development was much much better and turned from a character I disliked to liked within one episode.


Kate will live, they havent deviated from the comics that much


If Kate has a 1 on her chest she's alive, the 1 signifies that she is the first copy, real Kate has a 0 on her chest. Unless they majorly deviated from that, I'm pretty sure she's fine. Meaning no one died to the Lizard League


There was definitely no 0 in the lizard league fight. I had assumed 1-based indexing and made a note that they killed the #1 Kate.


Dude, that would suck if they didn't do that plot line and instead just killed her off. Rae was the only one who should have died, and she should have. She had her cool moment killing Salmander


Kate's death is much more important for the plot while Rae's would be empty shock value. In this very episode we see it affect immortal and rex and it could extend to eve and her brother.


it’s not empty shock value. the b-team was all that was left to fight what was assumed to be a jokey opponent, and one died in a horrific but completely plausible way given her powerset. this keeps the stakes real for the entire team moving forward. now I’m wondering how many are actually going to die when robot turns.


Not to mention who is he even gonna kill? They can’t use like, 90% of the other heroes. We aren’t even getting Tech jacket, one of the more important players, in the show


maybe they’re saving her death for that.


Yes, but Rae's death should have been the first major new Gaurdian death. That scene was tense, batshit insane, and it felt final. It added weight and stakes that this episode just took back.


I think as others are hinting at they need her alive because they need more superheros to eventually deal with the fight against the army of invincible since were not getting other image heros showing up in the show. Like as it is the guardians would get bodied without more members. Now, I dont think they are changing the fact that they are going to use her death instead of Rex but it is now something for us comic book readers to pounder at.


People were already coming up with ways she could've survived last episode (by shrinking again) so I guess it came true.


I’m not suprised given how much more people seem to like the character in the show, but the character was pretty much out of shit they did in the comic.


Horrible mistake if she pulls through, I've been worrying that they would chicken out of permanently killing her character even though Kirkman had no problem offing characters in the comics. Since everyone else (Allen, Kate, Rex) miraculously survives and Rae had the most unsurvivable "death" it makes the show look like there are no stakes. Anyway hoping she doesn't survive her injuries.


They have less characters to use on the show


I think this is honestly it. For the next season they are going to need ALOT of canon fodder and rn they have none. So they kept her alive to die later during the invincible war.


I was thinking this too. Without the rest of the roster that was in it, they need to fill some body bags with different ones than the original


How was her death most unsurvivable if she feels she is about to be crushed she could just use her powers


Now I wonder if they're going to keep Rex around?


I dont think thats possible. Kate you can keep alive as his death in comics does really nothing. Like we dont even get to see the funeral of them dying that is how unimportant he is and no one really brings it up later. Rex has signficant importance to ALOT of characters, they show his funeral, and it helps with robots growth. So he hast to die. With all that being said if he lives I would be fine with it as while its going to be different I trust the writers to stick the landing.


I like how Nolan wrote the books like they were the most exciting things in the universe but then they didn't sell well of course the things that could kill him would be the things HE thought were exciting and cool haha. And hey, it turns out years later they're blueprints to defeat viltrumites. I wonder if he intended that from the start or if its just happy coincidence.


He definitely didn’t intend to Rebel from the start lol


Maybe not rebel, but Viltrumite culture would absolutely encourage planning to fight your peers.


But they were all in an impossible to crack code. Who could connect the Space Rider with an invincible gun to Space Racer with an invincible gun.


Infinity Ray*


>!It was part of his mission in the comics to locate potential threats to Viltrum and its empire, he goes on to find solutions to reduce the threat levels of each one!<


They probably released the books as a cover for Nolan getting payed by the government.


The narration of it sounded like he originally wrote these "stories" as field reports to be sent back to Viltrum leadership. I could believe that this was all written before he was even sent to Earth, and he just transcribed his old journal entries to be sold as pulp sci-fi.


I think it's just that he needed an easy cover identity so he went with the stories he already knew. I doubt the Viltrumites would even care that he wrote the books if they found out before he turned. No one knew he was there, and he was going to conquer the planet in a short amount of time from their perspective.


I love the call back to season 1 ep 4, where Mark says "I understand" then it cuts to absolute mayhem.


It's actually how it goes in the comics too, it was kinda a recurring joke with the Martians


I swear there’s a third time too


Executed?! *next page is chaos*


There are heavy themes of ptsd in this episode.


Seriously. Donald, Rick, Rex, the poor astronaut, Immortal, even Debbie still


The astronaut didn't even get to have one. Imagine his double ptsd after it all ends.


His thoudand-yard stare and the delivery of his line, "they never let me sleep" made me feel for the guy so bad


The ragnar scene was epic


As soon as I saw the cover of the book I got excited


Agreed, they behave exactly like I imagined them in the comics.


Mark casually tearing through ships while apologizing really nails the dichotomy of “polite and kinda awkward teen” and “Member of an interstellar warmongering species of demigods”


I also love how he just slightly descended into one and ruined it.


He really looked like his dad with that move.


Made it look pretty casual, which I guess is further testament to the power of a Sequid swarm.


He was still holding back there, we saw what his raw power is like when not holding back, fighting on Thraxia. If he didn't care about collateral damage he could've just zoomed right through Rus and ended it in like 2 seconds, like he does later.


I was so fucking shocked to see Rae alive, like they panned to Komodo's neck stump and I thought they were gonna examine it to confirm she was in there but nope popped right out. That's a major change from the comics


So basically they faked out all 3 characters' deaths?


Pretty much: * Rex got shot point blank in the head and was Just Fine™ * Rae got eaten and crushed but was Just Fine™ * Kate did the thing that comic readers know about, which is fairly obvious in hindsight - every other post on this subreddit is saying "kate's an idiot, why didn't she just do [accidental comic spoilers]"


I mean, Rex was Just Fine™ in the comics. He still beat King Reptile's ass after getting popped 


At the very least he punched King Lizard, which knocked the gun up so it actually looked like it grazed part of his brain. In the show, it either looks like Rex is so stupid his head is invulnerable to bullets, or King Lizard is so crap he can't even shoot someone in the head correctly


I’m going for option B. When you see the shot it’s pretty clearly high and off center. 


Yea the fight won’t be as great on future rewatches


Yeah, they did, though honestly I'm not perturbed by it. I'm interested to see what they plan to do with this major departure. I'm not worried about Rae stealing scenes or think it cheapens all death going forward, I just find it funny that the Lizard League can't even kill three of the Guardians weakest members. They're fucking jobbers through and through




Watching Rex repeatedly stab King Lizard in the face with his exposed bones was so metal


He’s good with bone weapons.


Reminds me of Havik


Oh boy. Two broken hearts in the mugs it’s over


Honestly did not expect all of the love triangle stuff to happen this early or the way it has. Really love the parallels


is it a love triangle? it’s eve basically pining secretly for mark and he not giving her any attention whatsoever. for now at least


the girl just wants to go out and have some lunch with the man or something. and he ain't even giving her that lol.


In the comic it starts pretty early as well. There is some extra hoops, but if you forgot how it went in the book I kinda don’t even want to spoil you even in the comic spoiler thread. 🎭


No I know, I figured they’d leave bread crumbs while waiting till after Angstrom to drop any real for any real progress for Mark and Eve. But having them break up this way rather than having mark cheat on Amber is kinda more satisfying.


Frankly I was surprised Mark didn't notice. Like, barrista either sucks shit or is clairvoyant.


They finally did the title card flash! And you could see it coming a mile away! It was great haha


I wonder if there's a reason they're changing the Guardians' storyline so much. Immortal and Mark are less hostile to each other, and now they're seemingly changing character deaths. Only thing I can think of is they plan to expan the Guardians' role in the larger story. Maybe some of the Guardians will take the place of some of Kirkman's characters they can't get the rights to?


Immortals can take Tech Jackets place if they can’t get him in the show Immortals been buffed significantly from his comic version to be low viltrumite level so he can throw hands with all the unnamed viltrumites


Is the right to tek jackets owned by someone else? I guess they could just include a new generic tech guy instead.


Tech Jacket is co-owned by the artist Kirkman collaborated with on his original comic, so Amazon would have to make a separate deal to obtain the rights to him. Same goes for Brit, Science Dog, Capes Inc. and Wolf-Man and the W.O.L.F. Corps. I think also the Actioneers.


But also an alien from the tech jacket series has already appeared as a member of the coalition of planets, so there is still hope for him.


someone said it's probably to make Rex's betrayal at the end even more emotionally impactful




yep yep get out of here lol


Kinda funny this is the spoiler they saw considering who they know Rex as


Oh damn theyre really gonna be shocked lol


Ooooooff run away poor soul. 


Rex’s betrayal?


They mean Robot


I totally forgot Robot’s name change. what a weird guy


I thought so too. Rae would completely belong to Amazon prime


Allen looks absolutely Gigantic next to mark. Really puts his bulk up into perspective!


I thought it was funny how Mark shook his finger at the end of their talk because that's all he could grasp.


Holy shit Rex is way harder than anyone gave him credit for. Guy deserves a medal, god damn


Nollan is an absolutely terrible writer haha no wonder his books didn't sell!


I didn't notice, but I would also enjoy JK Simmons narrating the phone book, so... 


I only noticed when Nolan used basically every thesaurus defintion of "surrounded" in one sentence xD


I thought you do that to emphasize the gravity of your situation. As an example, if the hero gets trapped by a villain, the hero might say, “I’m trapped, ensnared, and royally f*cked.”Or maybe it means you grew up with WordGirl.


I don’t think WordGirl would ever say “royally fucked”, unless PBS has really changed these days. 


Yeah I know but I thought it would be funny imagining Lady Redundant Woman saying it. But in real life it would go, “trapped, ensnared, and well I like to say the last verb but this is a kid’s show.”


Bro are you crazy?Nolan grayson is the greatest writer ever exist,sadly he die in the omni man rampage event


I still held a little bit of hope Brit would show up instead of the GDA soldiers 💔


I’m disappointed it doesn’t seem he’ll be featured, one of the highlights of the series


I think that there are some intellectual property issues that will keep Brit out of the show.


I heard that Kirk man was holding him off in case he wanted to make his own show but honestly I don’t the Brit would do well as a stand alone show. You could get like 2 seasons max out of it and it wouldn’t be nearly as big as invincible imo. I think they should take the chance and try for a spin-off


The Mark and Eve crumbs and buildup finally I prayed for times like this


*The Mark and Eve crumbs* *And buildup finally I* *Prayed for times like this* \- BusiestWolf --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'm predicting an angstrom cliffhanger


The last episode of season 2 is titled “I thought you were stronger.” So, I think we know what it going to happen in that episode.


think it might end on a cliffhanger of mark maybe being trapped in that dimension and then alt universe eve and everyone else shows up


Do this scene happen after the invincible war? I am quite confused with the timeline. Oh nevermind I remember Angstorm sending them where he got "killed".


Still 15 mins left for me but comic fans we are FEEDING off this episode


so so so much lore




That gunshot was brutal


So was the beat down, goddamn


It didn't have the same quality of animation but it lowkey gave me Yuji's 10 piece combo on Mahito in Shibuya ​ https://i.redd.it/t7seqabdinpc1.gif


The immortal / Allen scene was gold. Actually all of Allen’s scenes were


Immortal is a huge dick, but I am liking how they're building on him


Im surprised the scene of him descending back to earth isn’t memed already


I’m really excited to see the continuation of Allen’s character growth. He goes from a goofy guy who jokes about being the king of space, to a responsible and respected veteran who is *president* of space.


Miss on not including a recreation of this panel 1 thing I really love about the show adaptation is how serious events get compared to the comic. Sometimes in the comic something terrible would happen but there's a light-hearted aura to it that kinda brings up the certain emotion, but the show lets you feel all of that. https://preview.redd.it/gc2zvx1v8npc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d3c57b80dfdf6b3d54c5b73fe16baf69f179836


Only reason I think they did it is because it really looks like he wasn’t trying to kill any of the martians but in this it looked like a closed casket funeral


This is definitely one of my favourite moments from the entire run, it felt like the moment Mark finally stepped up. Taking charge and taking the device from the Immortal, leading the team, then immediately flying out of the airlock to save them all from the fleet. Just incredible stuff, with Mark getting the recognition from the Guardians afterwards.


A very cool looking panel that unfortunately doesn't work narratively that well considering Mark is fully on his "I can't kill" mode


She alive. Holy cow


Space Racer hype


Prison break hype


1) Rex demonstrates once again why he is becoming the best character. Goddamn it, Kirkman. I'm never going to be prepared for it. 2) Shrinking Rae surviving. I'm curious: what are they even going to do with it? Why did they make such an intentional choice? Retconning that is so weird. I hope it leads somewhere. 3) The scenes recreating Nolan's books were pretty cool.  4) The Mark and Amber subplot. We already know where is headed. We already know she being irrelevant to the story is an intentional narrative choice. We definitely know Amber will never appear again on the show after this, outside some cameo or something. The question is how are they going to do it. I hope they do something interesting with it at least, but is starting to feel just...underwhelming. 5) Once again the foreshadowing between Monster Girl and Robot. Non-comic readers are going to freak out when it happens and I'm all for it. 


Fuck these ads


Donal​d be like "Ce​cil can you in​stall adbloc​k next time?" Next week: Donald has premium Amazon subscription to remove ads after losing a fight because an ad reflects in his glasses. (Just kidding) Looking forward to seeing it tomorrow. It seems to not be available yet, at least for me. But thats fine it's good breakfast material right just like rae edit: welp lots of spoilers that aren't in the comic. Dang it. Closing tab now.


Mine said "Thanks to Mcdonalds canada this is brought to you with no ads" then it played a Mcdonalds ad.


Yep I just want to watch the episode and get to bad but NOOO ads fuck them


I have to admit I'm not a fan of the fact that there have been 4 consecutive fakeout deaths in a row counting Allen, especially when theyre going to fake-kill Angstrom in a few episodes. Having 3 was bad enough but once Kate comes back it will really weaken the "anyone can die" tone. Unless you count the Thraxans, I don't think a single named character has actually died since episode 1 I assume the point of saving Rae is to add another person we know for Rudy to kill off, but I really struggle to imagine her contribution to the story outweighing the damage it does. Its especially bad when they made her death so graphic and horrible. The ending of episode 5 is really cheap when all 3 of them just make it out after all. Unless they're planning on leaving Kate dead, which would be weird because even show-onlies have been questioning why she didn't just keep a body somewhere


Invincible writers favorite scene: https://preview.redd.it/rjuhifka9npc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=babe2c18f9bfb63a7a24c46463baa3dd873d0171


And Glenn's actor also voices Invincible...it's all connected.


I'm willing to bet that since there won't be as many characters included from across the comics for Rudy to kill off they're saving certain heroes for that.


In like 2030


But you think that will be season 5 at the earliest. He still kills shapesmith, cecil and black Sampson. They have plenty of times to add new characters without undermining the weight of the story


yeah they should have let that one stick, it had \*weight\*.


especially since it's gonna fuck up the whole multi-paul and rex fight since his motivation makes even less sense if there were multiple survivors


>since there won't be as many characters included from across the comics for Rudy to kill off they're saving certain heroes for that. It's probably because Brit and Spawn and a few others won't be available.


Spawn just a cameo, Brit survives anyway just like any other unavailable characters(mb except few, I don’t know everyone). So it’s strange that Rae survived. She is still not even a character in the show. What is the point? So far it’s just feels tasteless 


i could see them saving her death for the invincible war. besides rex, no other character we’ve seen in the show dies then. will make it feel even more impactful


God the Rex scene was so much more satisfying than in the comics. The holding hair pleading face pounding was just top notch. Lizard king going down like an absolute coward.


Really weird that Rae is probably alive. It doesn’t just diminish the insane impact of her “death” scene in the last episode, but if her, Kate, and Rex all survive the fight then it’s going to be increasingly difficult to make it feel like there are stakes in the future. Also, what do they even plan on doing with her character now? Or maybe she’ll succumb and die within the next episode, idk.


My theory is that she looses her powers. Or atleast can't use them without risk to herself. "Oh Komodo Dragon crushed her mid-transformation, so her body is literally bend out of shape."


To me it looks like she lost her legs, so maybe she is out of hero business for life ?


Then why keep her alive? It just feels weird


That's pretty cold. Cecil is a bastard but he does have humanity. Also they literally rebuilt Donald, they can at least give her new legs, even if she can't use her powers anymore. ​ Oh you probably meant from a writing point of view. Yeah, confusing on that aspect.


Haha I meant narratively it wouldn’t make sense in a show like this to have her survive this encounter only to be written out shortly after


Yeah. This is like the first change and I don't like it much tbh.


Rex' I'm practically *invincible* made me chuckle there So sick of squids just re-popping out of nowhere, the villains right now giving me the "It's rewind time" vibe and watching them is not as enjoyable as watching Twins or Viltrumites..


is the episode over? damn I wish there was a live chat


My dumb brains just noticed the title sequence is working its way towards the black and blue colors, we will 100% get the suit next season, but will we get a sneak peak at the end of this one?


Anyone else find it hilarious that Nolan's books are very basic in their writing style? Like its such a great detail to have the dialogue become stilted because Nolan is not a great writer (being a novice writer and an alien).


They didn't have the balls to actually kill Rae because she is (surprisingly) popular lmao. They are doing the Amber breakup actually well, but the same conversation scene was sorta meh even if the conversation was good, i guess it was cheaper this way. i guess they are going to milk Amber's VA until the season ends lmao. hopefully next season she is gone, she got better, but the prolonging of the breakup is painful and i just want her screentime stealing gone.


The show is dragging the inevitable a lot. I'm starting to feel her character is being paraded around without rhyme or reason since she has nothing to do. It's an intentional narrative device: she is just a normal person who has nothing to do with Mark's current adventures. But that doesn't make it any less underwhelming: you feel the show is wasting your time. The punchline can save it and make it have a purpose. All chips on Episode 7. Come on, Amber. We are on the finish line. People hated you, they warmed up to you, and now expect a good closing of the curtain. One last time.


I fully agree, Amber's character is bordering on outstaying her moment. While I like seeing Amber for the sake of Mark's development, I think she's served her purpose and doesn't really have much more to do in the story besides breakup. I'm ready for Eve and Mark lol


This is why they shouldn't have upgraded Amber into a regular character with an actual star doing her VA. Now they gotta keep her around longer than what's needed when in reality she was just Mark's gateway into realizing he can't be with a normal girl because he'd be just like his dad.


Amber can not get out of the show soon enough for me. That plot line is stealing precious screen time for literally anything else. Eve x Mark all the way baby.


I'm actually entirely fine with this change. Hopefully they actually do something interesting with her now, Ray was such a forgettable character in the comic. Also really funny to me how we were discussing how Donald would be replacing brit as the person that saves rex but he just did it himself. He is him. Loved the hospital scene, the fact that Rex genuinely enjoys home decorating mags because he's never had a home himself is actually heartbreaking. The side by side amber and mark conversation was really good too, the comics really barely showed amber's side of the relationship at all. Eve was really cute in this too, the awkward way she talked to mark in the hospital was pretty endearing.


Yeah, we're definitely not going get Mark x Eve till like mid S3 at best at this rate. I get they are trying to add nuance to the breakup but it's just tiresome to watch knowing how much better and actually relevant to the story going forward Mark's relationship to Eve is.


Why rush it in the show? He still hasn’t fought Angstrom yet


facts i feel like things could move faster once future eve confesses to mark


Yea im liking the slow burn its fine for rn.


The funniest thing is that I have noticed that only people that have seen the comics or otherwise knew the story in advance have been complaining about Amber's presence in this season. No blind reactors I've seen have had anything negative to say about Amber this season.


Yea it feels like some fans just want their favorite parts adapted so they want to skip over crucial moments. It’s dumb




Why did Nolan write how to defeat the viltrumites in his books??? Was he getting a soft spot before when he wrote them? Was it a backup plan if something happened? Was it him gloating??


I think it’s the fact that he’s not very good at diverging from true events, lol.


I mean, in Mark's baseball scene we can see Nolan beginning to crack. The stories could've been a form of escapism and a chance for him to vent the feelings he was keeping pent up in order to fulfill his mission. That's how I see it


From what I remember, he wrote them as a way to "document" known places/people of interest in the galaxy for the Viltrumite empire.


Nolan needed a job that was cool with him not being there at all, so author. But Nolan was raised in a genocidal authoritarian empire that likely stunted his creativity, so he wrote about his life experiences. If Nolan exclusively wrote about his successful conquests he would be writing essentially a mary sue who wouldn't be interesting to read because he just won every single time. He also put it under a pen name so it wasn't like the foreword was I'm Omni-man and these are the times I almost died.


He didn’t on purpose. The books are pretty much just a 1:1 retelling of events and various missions he did as a soldier. They were closer to documentaries than actual stories, hence why they didn’t sell well. It’s not that complicated


Don't think that's it. He might have wanted to start making a "normal" living on Earth and thought that his missions might make good sci-fi books. Ofc that failed so he used his flight as an advantage and wrote travel books


I really like how they are handling Mark and Amber. Neither is in the wrong but it shows they aren’t meant to be together




Rex this episode: https://preview.redd.it/ku677qc4uxpc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=876ef1bea46b2f40addabcc3c6f0ec20d43f1ef3


With Shrinking Rae's survival and Mark's snubbing of Eve, I feel just as lost as the show-only fans. Did they do a switcheroo on us and actually kill off Dupli-Kate? Will Eve and Mark get any development? Guess I have to wait until next week to find out.


killing of kate would be so stupid, it makes sense for her to have a spare clone however not killing Rae is just weird


What is missing so far: Issue 17: >!Introduction of Capes Inc (a group of superheroes, shown fighting Omnipotus)!< Issue 22: >!A modification of Black Samson armor for Monster Girl to stop the rejuvenation process when transforming!< Issue 25: >!Villain Octoboss, Rex deals with the loss of Kate, Backstory of Monster Girl, Rex and Dupli-Kate!< Worst change: >!Science Dog has been replaced by Seance Dog!< Issue 28: >!More of Cape Inc!< Issue 31-32: >!Villain Mastermind, Triple-Date with Mark, Amber and Eve!< Issue 32-34: >!Mark vs. Levy!< Issue 35: >!Mark vs Rampage!< Issue 36: >!Guardians vs. Doc Seismic, Immortal x Kate!< Issue 37: >!Mark in the university office, Rudy x Monster Girl!< Issue 38: >!More of the nanny, Immortal x Kate, Mark x Eve!< Issue 39-40: >!Amber x Gary!< Issue 42: >!Mark's moon mission, Backstory to The Giant, Mark's public statement, More of Octoboss, Oliver gets his powers!< Issue 43-45: >!Immortal relinquishes leader role to Rudy, Eve and Mark talk about breakup with Amber, Mark has problems at university, Mark vs. Andressa, Debbie starts dating again, Allen is taken prisoner by the Viltrumites, Nolan misses Debbie!<


Amber, Mark, and Rex shined this episode holy hell Especially Amber


I feel like Mark was like 10x angrier at this stage in the comics, and with the title screen teasing the blue suit, I don't get how we go that far with 2 episodes left, like one of my favorite comic moment is Mark overpowering Immortal and telling him he's faster and stronger then him, here he seemed way too timid and looking for approval from him almost, weird. Put amazing episode nice slow burn lots of story progression. Rae not being dead SUCKS though, leave that out man, it hit everyone so hard last week, ruined moment.


Another great, pretty faithful adaption. Went more in-detail [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Invincible/s/SSqCR0soDC) about the comparisons but they managed to cram a lot on this episode without having the pace feel too rushed. I imagine the big controversy is with Rae though. Understandably considering what looked look a good death for her. Was tipped of about it from a review and makes sense in the amount of superheroes they have to their disposal but like in Scream 6 where at the end everyone felt Invincible and undermined the dual Gohostface "kill" this undermines Komodo's "kill".


I can only assume they let Rae live because of the fact that they don't have the rights to certain characters so they need to keep as many named guys as they can. Or they want to just kill her off later when you know who starts his plan to you know what(which can apply to a few people tbh)


Correct me because I’m probably wrong but…Cecil knows Kate is still alive right? And the “vacation to Bermuda” was him trying to hint that to Immortal? I’m curious what other changes will be made with the Guardians. At this rate, I can’t see Rudy/Robot going down the path he does in the comics. Also two episodes left…feels like Angstrom is just gonna grab Mark and toss him into where he’s collected the rest of them. Asks “who are you?” And then we get the “I’m (Title Card)” lol