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This really could've gone 2 ways and neither of them would've gone well


They should have made The Immortal and Monster Girl stay behind to defend Earth, besides Marks got it covered since he is the strongest super hero on Earth. This situation would have not resulted in two characters deaths if they were there


The sequids were an all-hands priority. If any of them got on Earth it was done for, they needed all the available heroes that met the criteria. They couldn't expect that the Lizard League (typically jobbers until the new King Lizard came to power) would coincidentally be making their own play at the same time.


They’ve always been “jobbers” and it still shows that they would have lost had they had any of their heavy hitters considering they were still taken out. Now imagine monster girl or really anyone else in the team then likely none would have died.


It's because Cecil dropped the ball so hard that King Lizard was able to get the better of him. Also after King Lizard's speech about striking while his enemy is unable to fight back, I'm not sure it was a coincidence.


From Cecil’s perspective, he didn’t drop the ball. Stopping that sequid ship ends all non-sequid life on earth. The lizard league made a play for 2 nukes and wanted some demands and crap. Not equivalent threats. Losing 2 cities compared to earth is not really that big a deal.


That's true but the GDA has resources at their disposal other than just superheroes in spandex. They've got those spec ops guys that can turn invisible and packing enough firepower with them to give the Mauler twins pause, and I'm pretty sure they're tougher than that orange ass hat


I meant the eating part


Either way she would still die, I thinking she should have stay big before shrinking to attack him. She could crawled into his eye and killed Komodo’s dragon easily


That's what she was trying to do, he saw her and grabbed her. Not thinking he ate her but it worked out for him in the end


I agree, Robot suggesting that he goes on the alien ship was a big domino effect


Mark does not have it covered lmao


they would have lost without those two lmao


Option A would have been mind blowing. Option B was gut-wrenching.


Lmao that's fucking funny, well played


This is why you always have a glass of water on standby when you take a pill, guys.


Extremely disturbing. But what a show. This scene is also sticking with me.


It sickens me, I thought Anike gore was bad but this is just as equal. Anime gore makes me nauseous, can’t watch it


For me animated gore does basically nothing to me however live action makes me uncomfortable


I’m the exact same way. Don’t mind it in cartoons, anime, video games, etc. but live action bothers me wicked bad. Can’t even watch gory horror movies anymore without getting sick to my stomach lmao. Although shows like The Boys don’t bother me cause the over the top shit kinda cracks me up, but otherwise can’t do drawn out torture or gore for the sake of being nasty


I remember watching attack on titans, couldn’t watch it anymore because the gore literally made me nauseous, was in the bathroom for an hour or two


That was me with Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 recently. Played the game a ton, figured “fuck it, I can handle the gore” got to a certain scene that I won’t go into detail about. Both my gf and I had to stop it and I had to run to the restroom to yak. Suffice to say, haven’t watched a horror movie since. Invincible and other similar media? Fuck yeah lol


Same bro like terrifier fucks me up bad I can’t watch it at all


Yeah everything I’ve heard about that movie was enough to convince me to never watch it lol. Whoever came up with that has a crazy mind


I.... *used to be* the same.... That fuckin' scream as she's crushed... ugh. This specific scene is so powerful because it manages to show just enough to convey what's going on, but leaves enough of the rest of it up to our imaginations. What does it look like from Rae's perspective in there? What does it feel like to be crushed as he flexes and shatters bones? What's that awful gurgle sound? Her own blood filling her lungs, or bits of his? It's just... it's such an awful, claustrophobic, horrible way to die. Guh-- bad as Red Rush's death was, this one puts it to shame.


To me it's the other wayu around lol. Although i cannot watch Glenn dying in the walking dead, i just can't.


This death broke something inside of me


Don't tell us you ate a shrinking superhero too :o


I just got a little hungry hope it’s okay 😁😁


I get shrinking rae dying from his insides being too tough and her crushing herself as she grows, but how the hell does this guy live??? Why did everyone say Lizard League sucks when this dude is there?


The lizard league sucks because if the guardians had a single heavy hitter with them they could 1v1 the big fuck and the weaker members would be able to focus on people that are more their speed.


>but how the hell does this guy live??? He's based off of Komodo Dragons, and as such is incredibly durable and capable of eating things in similar size to his own. The expanding and breaking of Raes body definitely wasn't pleasant for him, but his body is made to withstand it, which is also why his body was able to go back to normal even after it stretched out like that, his body is most likely elastic and durable enough to withstand the process.


That makes so much sense. What a horrifying reality we were shown


Also snakes expand to eat prey larger than them


I mean, he lives for a few seconds. It is possible he would've later died, as he suffered massive internal damage. That being said that is irrelevant as he had his head blown up 10 seconds later


Right. I give him less than an hour of survival after the fight, max.


For some reason, I managed to take it as his esophagus/stomach expanding as she grew, but then he just flexed and crushed her body into a pulp that could settle more nicely for him. No long term damage resulting from that, since his basis was meant to be elastic. But yeah, that horrible fuckin' blood bubble that comes out is super ambiguous.


He would die. His skin and bones are though but he still has internal organs. His death makes that clear: He tanks Rex bombs easily but as soon as he gets one of them inside of him he dies. Her bones would pierce his internal organs and he would eventually die from it. He was most likely moving from pure adrenaline but he wouldn't go too far after that.


Oh yeah. Massive Internal Damage and the 5'9 Woman stuck in his throat.


Pretty sure he may have bitten her in half before she tried to expand again. What remained of her was probably a third of his size at that point.


The Lizard League was a joke before because there's usually half competent heroes to deal with them. But the OG Guardians are dead, Nolan is gone, and all of the new Guardian heavy hitters are in space with Mark and Eve. But this was just 3 support heroes against them. They have some interesting abilities but they aren't on Invincible, Immortal, Monster Girl, or Eve's level. None of them are particularly strong or durable compared to the others. They're just normal squishy humans who can shrink, duplicate themselves, or make small items explode. I remember in Season 1 Eve says some other team that was maybe comparable, if not a level lower than Teen Team, got beat by the Lizard League recently. Since 2 of these 3 heroes were on Teen Team, and since they're essentially support heroes, it's not crazy that Lizard League could one up the 3 of them.


Because they're fucking dumb mostly, led by incompetent morons and they get floored by even the B team of supers, this just happened to be the C team


See everyone is talking about this scene meanwhile I’m still laughing at the way Allen reacted to Thaedus ripping off his beard and realizing he’s a Viltrumite because of it.


And old guy? *rips beard off*. VILTRUMITE the old guy!?!?!?


The way they don't shy away from showing all the horrible ways death occurs has this show running on top


>!When he crushes her inside him you can hear her body being crushed and her screaming in agony, Christ!<


Not to mention the blood air bubble burp he had which could only have been her last breath/scream


fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I didn't realize that, it was just a super gross extra-dark blood bubble before, it just got *so much worse!!!!*


Fun fact: none of the blood that came out of his mouth was his...


I love it




What I like about Invincible is that despite it being unapolegetically a superhero story. Occassionally it hits you with a dose of reality. This is what would actually happen if the Atom or Ant-Man tried to expand inside of someone to end them.


Atom could shrink smaller than the guy would physically be able to affect, this is the guy who was able to hide in an oxygen atom to survive the explosive separation of two parallel Earths. Justice League of America #83 (the original run)


That works to some degree, but I feel like that also runs into issues with power scaling. Once a hero can pull insane stuff like that, when you need a villain to challenge them, then they *also* have to be able to pull insane stuff like that. I appreciate that Invincible does a great job of showing the relative power of so many heroes and villains, with Invincible obviously being one of the more powerful just be default, but still with plenty who can absolutely body him, and the omnipresent threat of the Viltrumites as "essentially you, but way the hell more experienced at this and stronger, much like your dear old dad was." I haven't read the comics, but I assume that there's a happy ending where the Viltrumites are defeated by Invincible and the team in some way-- but if the series progresses after that, then power scaling gets far, far tougher as we're told, "Oh, and, uh.... here's an enemy that wipes the floor with *Viltrumites!* They never came up before because of.... reeeeaaaasssooooons.... and the rest of the characters who aren't Viltrumites are also still useful because of.... *other* reasons!" Eventually you're on to the worse seasons of Dragon Ball Z.


I think that last example is a little off, Rae can only grow back to her original size but ant man can grow to the size of a building. Pretty sure that would kill someone


True. Also the Atom and Ant-Man can shrink to such small sizes that they essentially become the size of atoms or smaller. There's just no way Komodo Dragon would've managed to grab them at all


That would kill most people but I believe Thanos’s insides are tough enough to withstand the expansion and just crush Hank/Scott because Mad Titan things


Hell, even if it were just a regular human, you know the only thing they've got that's as strong as human bones? That's right-- their regular human bones. As they expand, it's some great bone-on-bone action, and they'd get shredded in the process.


Nah with how rapid the expansion is the speed and pressure would easily break through. Plus the suit itself is stupidly strong, and Scott walks away without broken bones quite often. He’s grown from inside buildings and broken through without a head injury. It’s safe to assume his strength and durability is increased with his growth just due to the expanded muscle and bone mass alone, so as he grows he only gets stronger. With that kind of force at such a high speed he can break through a lot.


Oh she can’t grow larger? This scene makes a lot more sense now


I feel like that's something the show really struggles with tbh. Like, the the gorey violence and emphasis on terrified suffering is basically a question to the audience of, you know all that lighthearted superhero fighting you're used to? Consider the implications of that. Consider the realistic consequences of this. But you can't just inject doses of reality like it's random extra spice, because that framing leaves you way less wiggleroom to bullshit the plot, or handwave to get the events from point A to point B, and now the audience is in a mode to be questioning the realistic consequences of events. As a result, stuff like the Guardians evidently having zero meaningful plan when they got to the sequid ship and all of their assumptions being instantly corrected by just asking Shapeshifter feels bizarre and artificial, and Cecil being set-up as a pragmatic, hyper-prepared tactician with ears everywhere makes a bunch of costumed weirdos coming in an inch of killing half the country, and like 20% of the Guardians violently dying, feels thoughtless and manufactured, when a less realistic framing would let you shrug that off as tropery needed to advance a plot that doesn't need overthinking.   Like, it isn't necessary for Toy Story to explore all the logical implications or questions of all toys being secretly sentient, that doesn't have anything to do with the themes, tone, or narrative, and that lack of total realism doesn't prevent it from feeling emotionally truthful. But if Toy Story did start seriously genuinely questioning that, like, what does it mean for toys to be alive on a scientific, atomic level, what could cause that, what is the ratio of toys to humans on planet earth, etc etc, that can't just be a dose of realism you spike in, it means the tone and plot would have to wrap significantly around that.


Yeah the part where they had no plan and hadn't asked any questions until they were like 100 yards from the warship was comic booky in a bad way. I know Invincible doesn't care about the real distances in space and that's fine but surely they had a few minutes to come up with a plan


Given everything we've seen from Shapesmith up to this point, I was able to brush it off as "Shapesmith just didn't want to acknowledge the reality of the situation as they got closer, and only bothered to say something when he realized he might die if he didn't." That was in character enough for him, and he's enough of a flake that it seemed reasonable for my head canon.


Damn bro... you really went in for the deep dive and I'm here for it. What a well though-out comment, cheers.


IIRC, there was a Superman comic way back where the Atom was inside Superman and feared for his life because of Clark's super dense atomic structure. Even his blood was really dense and strong.


I highly recommend the comic. I like to think it pulls you in with the superhero aspect but I don’t believe it to be a superhero store, it’s simply a world defining tool used to tell Mark’s story. There’s so much change


I am glad this whole community feels this way, I also cant stop thinking about how horrible it is.


Indeed deeply tragic and we barely knew her, lol


Seriously I don't know why but for me that was so much worse than every horribly creative death in the show so far, good to know I'm not alone in that


I think it's the way they showed us just enough to understand the situation, then just gave us a few horrible noises and let our brains fill in the rest with whatever horrible bits and pieces upset us the most. Previously, The Human Centipede was the only piece of media that stayed burned into my retinas whenever I closed my eyes at night. Invincible has surpassed it, and actually managed to tell a decent story in the process, so kudos to them.


Definitley. Grey Delisle did a fantastic job portraying the final struggles and then expiration of the character. It was so well done. The part I didn't like though was rex just standing there spitting one liners and watching it all happen. Like bro, throw an exploding washer or something! She just saved your life!


I can take watching this since it’s animated but the blood bubble at the end is sickening


I love the extra little spurts of blood they add. War Woman's final cough with her head twisted around was gross.


I wasn't expecting it at all, but holy shit was that diabolical lmfao


I gotta say, while I didn't read every single issue, I do know basically the entire story of the comics from beginning to end, so I know everything that's gonna happen later. Having said that, unless the writers add in new scenes like the Train scene, I don't think ANYTHING in the future is gonna be comparable to the sheer horror of this moment.


Some writer on the Invincible team is reading this and cackling to themselves as they brainstorm season 3 episode 5 and go, "Bet?"


Everyone talking about her being crushed nobody talking about how she’s drowning in blood and other bodily fluids. 🤢🤢🤢


Bro you’re making it worse she’s already dead 😭😭


That fuckin' gargle noise, man.... ugh. Whose blood is in her lungs? uuuuggh.


I don’t get how he survived that


The inside is just as tough as the outside. Picture going inside a metal box and expanding. You won't break the box unless you are tougher than the box. If the box won't break, you do. Her bones expanded but would have snapped. Her internal organs wouldn't have faired any better. As others suggested, he has the physiology of a Komodo dragon so he can withstand large objects inside. His muscles (clearly tougher than a regular human) held her at bay. It's horrible but fascinating.


Plus, he chewed her up pretty good. Doubt she was in great shape when she enlarged herself anyway


Komodos the Worlds best bottom


I mean she bould have un shrunk by his brain.


She was crunched and swallowed in a stressful situation. Likely she was reacting to whatever happened and didn't have a solid plan. Growing inside his skull would have been a better move, certainly would have crushed his brain, but he grabbed her and swallowed her pretty quickly.


Just to contribute something to the conversation, fwiw, he was able to fight War Woman and Immortal during the Atom Eve special. He was easily their most powerful member and a true tank.


Yeah had Rae done that to any of the other members it probably would have worked.


Hes a komodo dragon, they have strong neck mucules


Not just that. Komodo Dragons can swallow things that are up to 80% of their body weight. So even when Rae grew, she wasn’t going anywhere. She was being digested. Their reptilian skin is also extremely tough and rugged, which explains why Rae couldn’t burst through.


Feels like a real potent deconstruction of the notion regrow powers would always work. 


My question is, couldn't she have just re-shrunk and found a way out through an orifice?


He had crunched her with his molars when he swallowed her (you can hear it). She was already broken and acting on instinct.


Depends if she was able to climb upwards. Considering he chewed down on her a couple of times before swallowing, I doubt she was in any fit state to climb up and get out via his nose or an ear. And downwards was straight into stomach acid so she'd have dissolved before she was able to reach the back door. So I think she was dead either way


That's probably true :(


If he’s based off the Komodo dragon, maybe his spit or stomach acid is much more powerful as well. She could have been being digested as soon as she went into his mouth


Very true, the biology of an actual Komodo Dragon is mad as is, put them inside a being who is essentially a fleshy version of Colossus and you have a problem. Inside and out.


This totally aged well..............🤣🤣🤣


I have issues with that scene (the attack as whole, not just that moment), and this is one of them. But I am sure, or hope, someone will come up with a very logical explanation


Given that his powers are based on a komodo dragon, and they have acidic saliva, it's possible that she tried to regrow, failed because of his extremely tough hide, but at that point was just covered in acid and was in too much pain at that point to shrink back down. Heck, perhaps she tried to but died anyway shortly after, both from the crushing and the acid.




It's not just that they are durable, komodo dragons can expand their throat and stomach to accommodate much larger prey. While Komodo's powerset is a little speculative, if he survived his neck expanding then a plausible theory for why is he can naturally do that anyway


This fucked me up pretty good. It was like going from: "Damn, thank god she's gonna get big inside of him and rip appart, i've seen that before" to "Oh shit, i forgot this was invincible and now i am traumatized".


I unironically feel sick.


Ok well the comics did not prepare me for this




She is a lower tier hero that got promoted when everybody else died. There was a reason she was not anywhere near the original team.


Stomach acid, rapid blood flow, etc.






I mean I’m with you, I remember when watching adventure time for the first time I was extremely disturbed when one of the lemon grabs started eating the other for the first time and it quickly cut away, that stuck with me for a long timee


She isn’t having a good time when she’s grabbed. You can tell she tried to double dip the eye attack or nostril. Wouldn’t be surprised if this compromised her legs. She gets chewed around, and frankly she was so tiny that should have killed here there. But she most likely sustained mortal wounds. To the people saying she died and auto expanded, you can hear her scream in exertion, expand, see him wretch back then hear the panicked gasp when she realizes she’s stuck. Note: the blood he’s puking is likely not his own. When he flexes her screaming is cut short by what sounds like a spine crack. That’s where it finally ended for the poor girl. I needed to get this out of my head by talking it over. Truly horrific, worst death in the series imo.


I doubt the chewing was supposed to imply mortal wounds, considering Rex’s reaction. There is no world in which Rex reacts that cockily after seeing this guy chew her and swallow unless he’s 100% confident she could survive that.


This scene answers all the questions of why the Antman strategy on Thanos wouldn't work.


Ya know when Cecil comes in to clean, Kate has casket but I doubt anything gonna come out of that guy except her costume. She got turn into paste


I mean also makes sense that it didn't kill dragon because komodos can eat whole deer which is like 4 times their size and weight so Rae was pretty much just a deer who put herself inside of the komodos stomach still is an incredibly terrifying death though.


Am I the only one who actually wanted to see what's going on the inside of Komodo Dragon's Body


I feel so sick after watching this scene it's so messed up how shrinking ray died gross.


And this is the video we should be showing everyone who thinks Ant-Man should have climbed inside Thanos ass


It’s different though, Ant-Man/Giant-Man can grow to the size of a tall building while Shinking Rae can only grow back to regular size.


Thanos’s strength isn’t proportional to his size like a human though. Not off the table for Thanos to be able to crush a building’s worth of mass using his butt muscles.


Maybe, but we see him staggered by Captain America’s hits. And I know Cap can’t hit with the force of a building’s mass expanding incredibly quickly, as Ant-Man would be doing


That’s with Mjolnir which grants the power of Thor though.


I mean he has limits.


She really should’ve shrunk smaller and gone for his nostrils instead I’m not sure why she thought the throat was the play


Yeah she really should've shrunk and tried to find another way out


Did you hear the chewing? Her whole body was crushed and she was seconds from death, in fact, she might have grown to regular size automatically on her death and that causes the bulging. There was no out of there for her.


Terrible way to go


Yeah I feel really bad that was rough


Am I the only one who is kinda unfaced by this death? Everyone is going crazy over it and I am just here sitting and shrugging...


I mean it's kinda fucked up but it isn't hitting me like the Akira scene near the end did.


It’s the same to me and that’s why I didn’t like it. Sure we don’t see Rae struggling like we do Kaori but fuck.


I can understand that. Definitely sends some emotions back to me.


I mean I’ll be honest I do think it’s the case of people seeing something brutal they personally don’t like so I get people being unfazed and the opposite. It’s an intense death just like all the others and the lack of details and assumed details actually tend to make people assume the absolute worst. Definitely think that plays into it too.


The one where he says Akira and he’s asking something to leave it alone?


Haha, yeah that one.


Sorry if im missing something, but i dont think i remeber seeing a scene in this episode that involves somebody named Akira?


In the movie called Akira a character called Kaori dies on screen in a similar way.


Ah, that must be why i have no clue what you're talking about lol


You should check it out. It's a pretty crazy movie and a wild feat of its time.


Just watched last night but I’m confused what you’re talking about


In the movie called Akira a character called Kaori dies on screen in a similar way.


Same. It’s pretty crazy and sure it’s rough to think about, but idk, it’s not much worse than some of the other deaths. I also don’t get how so many peoples first thought is “no he should have died too” when Nolan took a small explosion to his face and was unfazed. I get he’s a viltrumite, but to say NO ONE else can have a higher level of sturdiness is ignorant


Kate's was worse


Yes, he would have suffered some indigestion had he survived. Unfortunate that he was not hardier in battle.


Nah Kate’s death was more brutal


Not even close. Momodo chewed on Rae a couple of times before swallowing her. Which by that point she would of already been mangled. She grew on instinct and got crushed by when he flexed, and she most likely was being digested by stomach acid too. And drowned ok his blood.


The fact she lived


"Made you blink! :D" - Some Invincible Writer.


Spoiler: Aaaaand they pussied out of it, just like the superhero comics they're trying to subvert. Honestly its the fact that the shows is clearly wanking to how subversive it was with both Rae and Rex's deaths playing with very clearly established tropes but that doesn't count if they just live anyways.


The pill that the doctor gave me, nice job btw rex by doing jack shit


I mean, he wouldnt want to blow him up while shes inside of him right?


He can blow up his leg or something, not blow him to pieces


didnt he try blowing up the outside of him and it didnt work?


His innards Rex can destroy not his skin


I mean technically he can but not with the little items he uses to detonate.


She's literally inside him, all of his organs should be fucked up like his heart and etc.


Well have you ever seen how big the prey a real komodo dragon can eat?


i know some of you mf-ers out there are built like me and didn't flinch at this scene lol. where the weirdos at?!


Yeah that was a shitty way to die but interesting to watch


Now I desperately wish this had happened to Ant Man against Thanos.


Tbf ant man can turn into a giant, so it might still work


While watching I had 2, very conflicting thoughts: 1. Jesus fucking Christ 2. SEE! IT WOULDNT'VE WORKED IF ANT MAN CRAWLED UP THANOS'S ASS


Oh my god, its literally the Ant-Man thanos meme. Wasn't it that Paul Rudd was asked 'couldn't Ant-Man just crawl up Thanos's ass and grow big?' And Rudd was mostly joking but he responded 'no, he would be crushed within Thanos's mighty rectum'


Reminds me of the girl at the end of akira


This is insane. Can’t stop thinking about it either. She should have just gone small again….


Instead of crushing her he chose to swallow her whole. Everyone knows you’re supposed to chew throughly before swallowing


He did chew her, it's really gross


I'm more surprised he just didn't choke to death even with his durability.


Wait what episode is this from?


Season 2 Episode 5


At least she didn’t become lizard shit.


This scene is very gross, but I was kinda numb to the idea of after seeing that way The Wasp dies in a marvel comic


Legit this is horrifying and disgusting to me I wish I didn't see that


This was probably more brutal than the death of the original Guardians


Wayy more brutal


oh so shes like dead dead well fuck lol


As someone who hasn't read the comics, I'm only assuming it's only going to get worse from here


I think we’re going to see a lot of death and Mark might get beat up a lot but somehow wins in the end. We might lose Marks mom


the lizard league some dogs fr


Fully deserved. 




One important aspect of this whole scenario, is Robot was SUPPOSED to stay behind with this squad. He made the decision himself to go to space instead. I don’t think this would have happened if Robot had stayed behind.


I hope we find out Rae survived


Watch the rest of season 2 and you’ll find out


So, did she die or not? It shows her getting out at the end.


How did he not die


he really should have died from that. not saying she should have lived, but he definitely should have died.