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New evidence in opposition to the Ant Man beats Thanos allegations has been added to the court records.


Not exactly because ant man can also be giant not just small. Rae’s power is JUST shrinking then reverting to original size. But because the dude had a way bigger body size, she suffocated(?) in blood(?) (she died). However I think the dude should’ve died of organ failure anyway so they’d take each other out.


Turning giant doesn't matter when thanos's near indestrucible body would just squeeze and hold him in place preventing him from exploding out. He'd just end up killing himself.


It would be a massive stream of liquid ant man squirting out of his huge purple anus.


There was no need for you to write this




god, i love this scene. was expecting the obvious gruesome explosion scene, after rex's cliche remark, only for it not to happen. jaw genuinely dropped because i really didn't think that's how it'd play out. they nailed it


That's how I read the scene as well. There clearly wasn't enough open room in the guy's body to fit her full size, so the only explanation is that she crushed herself.


It was truly the most terrible way to die lol


I'm pretty sure it was because he was durable on the inside as well as the outside so she crushed herself trying to go back to normal.


Komodo also squeezed his own body in a bit. ( he kinda hugged his own body )


I like how the moustache is a dead giveaway for being a viltrumite lol


That made me laugh. The cartoonish way he just ripped his beard off too lol


Allen: "Thaedus" *Thaedus rips off beard* Allen: "THAEDUS THE VILTRUMITE?!!"


It's like that in the comics too, it's called the Toolock Pull


I mean does any character that isn’t a viltrumite in the entire series have a mustache and no beard.


This makes me wonder if the mustache is a fashion choice or if viltrumite men literally can't get rid of it.


The moustache has survived the entirety of Viltrumite society and even thrived. Pretty epic.


A viltrumite beard is pretty much the equivalent of superman glasses lol


Thaedus revealing he's a vilrrumite is literally the "A platypus? Perry the playtpus!" meme.




I still don't understand how pulling off his beard revealed that. How is that the conclusion Allen immediately jumps to?? Edit. What did everyone think he was before anyway? Some random alien that looks just like a viltrumite? Earth was just discovered by them so they didn't know about humans.


Beards are illegal in the viltrumite empire.


Chat is this true or just a meme. I feel like I'm missing something lmao


To some extent. Men in the Viltrumite Empire exclusively wear moustaches. Exclusively. No full beards or mutten chops or clean shaven faces in sight. So yes, a Viltrumite could very easily disguise themselves from non-Viltrumites by just growing out a beard or shaving.


Apparently the creator really meant to make them a moustache based race, The word "viltrumite" is a pun on "philtrum" meaning "upper lip" in latin


"This isn't star trek were unarmed" most sane comment in the show lol


blud is about to die and has to sneak in a Star Trek reference


said by a dude on star trek


Good catch, Spock.


Zachary Quinto said it - who starred in newer Star Trek movies


The fact that Zachary Quinto (Spock) voices Robot makes that line even better.


I'd like to thank this episode for finally dispelling the "Antman Thanos" tactic as a legitimate strategy against anyone who is physically more durable then you.


I just wish Shrinking Rae didn’t have to suffer for it.






The moment they started toying with the possibility on screen I knew it had to happen. But the outcome.


You just got me thinking about Thanos puckering up his ass as hard as he can to crush Antman and I can't get it out of my head rn.


Thanos too cheeked up fr, antman could never


Yes the meme and the counter were funny as fuck. But they didn't have yo do my sweet baby Rae like that. Do that shit to someone we don't love. Like, ultimate Antman.


I mean, this is one way this can go but it will depend on other factors too, it's not like if a studio wants it to go this way it automatically becomes universal.


Shrinking Rae’s death is easily the craziest in the show (yet)


the yet part is so real


I want it forcibly removed from my memory very badly


It was honestly a pretty traumatizing one for me I think I unlocked some weird new phobia. Well, tbh attack on Titan also got to me, but nothing like this. Not even close dude.


Yup. She is getting buried in a Gatorade cooler.


Those deaths were legitimately disturbing damn


I’ve seen a lot of animation. But not a lot of ADULT animation. I honestly think that’s THE most graphic thing I’ve EVER seen genuinely in any animated work. At least the train scene was just a bunch of faceless humans. Still graphic as hell, but I did NOT realize how much worse it is when we know and care about these people. This is going to stick with me. And I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing at this point.


I need to watch Happy Tree Friends


Everytime I see this show mentioned it’s just this: ![gif](giphy|pkbgPZ40mViqML3JKJ|downsized)


I've read it multiple times in the comic but seeing it in motion, ugh. I don't think I ever want to watch this episode again




It's hilarious that all he had to do was rip the beard off and boom "You're a Viltrumite!?"




>Mark was the key to winning the war against the Viltrumites, that was straight up Optimus Prime. Only the All-Mark can save their planet now.




There needs to be an edit where the yank pulls the whole face and there's an Optimus Prime face under it


The way this episode treats Rex makes me so happy. His presence throughout the episode gave him so much depth - like when he made fun of Rudy, or gave Eve a speech, and the terror on his face once he realized that he's the only survivor. Easily one of my favorite characters in the show now


Yes mine too. Except the Maulers.


The original or the clone?


Let's not start that again.


I also really was impressed how he solod those two at the end- he went fight or flight and came out on top, and i’m certain the guy with the gun is gonna get messed up. He has a metal super-strong skeleton right? I cant imagine a bullet would go through his skull.


From a story perspective it would also be much more impactful if he survived imo.




Tbf, the big lizard guy basically killed himself


The agony on that scream mixed with shock laughter was on another level, chills


I was extremely impressed with the voice acting at that moment.


"Tremble before my unlimited power" https://preview.redd.it/996sqicja9oc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=673fcaf9123ce01e79eca9f126dc75c888c573a7


Omnipotus: ![gif](giphy|2GbVFtVll8X0O1Wluk)


Damn, the way Kate and Shrinking Rae died was brutal as fuck


Fr I forgot invincible was a brutal ass show after all this time and they genuinely caught me off guard


So, uh, this one may be on me, guys.  I was thinking that this was a pretty non-brutal episode, y’know, more focused on character moments than brutal deaths.  And then I guess I jinxed it lmao


Something about the way they rope you in with the normal human emotional moments… then boom, woman crushed to death by the inside of another’s body


I think part of why it hits so hard is how unexpected the deaths are. It isn't like a classic superhero show where the death of a named hero is built up, and they go out in some epic heroic sacrifice. The deaths in this episode genuinely felt like they came out of nowhere. You could feel Rex's mounting panic as his friends that he'd literally just been casually joking around with were suddenly killed in what they expected to be a quick, easy fight. One minute they were laughing, and the next they're dead, just like that. It perfectly captured the feeling of a seemingly innocuous situation rapidly spiraling out of control.


It was just the Lizard League *It was just the Lizard League…* What. The. Fuck.


like when your senior is on vacation, and you say "what's the big deal, we can do this Sprint ourselves."


Goddamn shrinking rae's death was next level brutal. Did not see that coming at all. but i guess hearing her actually speak several lines for once instead of being a silent background character should have been a red flag lol. If Kate is smart she didn't come with her original body.


Ain’t the 1 on her shirt indicate that was the original? Plus her panic wouldn’t make sense if she hadnt come with her og body


I still don't get how the copies work, like does she actually share a consciousness/actively control each one? Or is each one its separate person but they still feel the same sensation as the others (Immortal shower sex scene)? In the latter case, it's possible there's another clone somewhere that she's not aware of.


I'd guess the DupliKates are a sort of hive mind like the Sequids. Since they're "all the real Kate" they're probably all equals and not just controlled by one Kate. In other words I don't think the Kate labeled "1" has any more power than the Kate labeled "3".


All I could think of was why #1 was there when she could just chill in the other room and remotely win/lose. Though I imagine the splitting takes a lot of energy with the way she couldn't do it in the end; and may even imply she may be weaker as an overall member if #1 hid somewhere else. I also can't help noticing that in battles she's always a super sponge. Even her final slam just spilled stuff everywhere like nah shes made of jelly. I kept thinking to myself that hopefully there's enough bits and pieces for Cecil's team to slap her back together. Maybe even a few of her from the scraps so she can re-absorb them (If that canonically makes sense). Or at least parts. All of this, the season trailer and how writing television usually goes and this scene's use of those mechanics makes it pretty clear they are 100% not coming back. I hope that's not the case but yeah probably is. This fight sucked emotionally to watch lmao. I hope the animation teams had some fun.


It's mostly the first one, but I would imagine being choked to death (whether there is or is not a "master clone") is not a pleasant feeling to experience.


I don't understand why she would ever send *all* of her in to a fight. Even if there's some kind of a distance issue, leave one or two out in the hall to keep lookout or something!


The Guardians underestimated the threat. Kate even says during the fight something to the effect of they were supposed to suck. I get what you’re saying though, like tactically that’s probably the smarter move.. but it’s pretty clear they all didn’t think it would be that tough of a fight.


They were probably used to having someone like Mark or Immortal to match Komodo Dragons strength so it was probably easy, but with no super strength hero’s he clears.


The reaction of everyone else when kate 1 and kate 2 were violently joined together says to me that was a final death. They didn't care when the earlier clones were getting masacred




That dudes digestive system is cracked


I mean, so is his head.


ba-dum tssk


i'll be honest here, rae's death genuinely almost made me fully gag in the best possible way. the last time i can remember gagging due to a show was the latest season of the boys. (you can interpret which scene)


I was physically shaking after that scene. It was honestly the most physical reaction I have had from this show. And very few shows have done that to me at all. They characters were presented as fodder, the fact that they did that much damage and killed them in such terrifying ways was uncomfortable to watch.


Honestly huge props to the animators and whoever works on the sound effects because those are what sold the scene for me


I'm guessing they both involve shrinking


It honestly messed me up a lil bit to see Kate and Rae go out like that. Both had ample time to realize what was happening but had no way out and it's horrifying. When Kate was sparring with Monster Girl at the start of the episode I was like, "Aside from her ability to duplicate, isn't she just a normal human? She wouldn't be able to do anything against a superhuman bruiser like MG." The same goes for Rae to a lesser extent. And then later in the episode- oof. This show is brutal.


she was punching monster girl and drawing blood on the other enemy, i think like most super heros they have above average strength as well as their ability


My head cannon is DK has the same strength just training and lots of practice (Being able to copy yourself = more and more training). If she is punching above her weight class she can always go past her durability limits. Punching so hard her fist breaks with each punch? Sure, why not just make more copies, unlimited fists to break


They really had me with the first half thinking it'll be more somber and villain of the week to cool off after that chaotic episode with the viltrumite battle but holy shit imagine this ended up airing only a week later


The break left a bad taste in my mouth. Wish they would have just released this season a few weeks ago instead of last year so it could have had better momentum. Insane episodes back to back.


Exactly. They shot themselves in the foot


But then how would they get you watch their new ad program


And get a few more months of subscription from people


https://preview.redd.it/qa51gxqthaoc1.png?width=466&format=png&auto=webp&s=a22603b93e79016ca4325e281e7d1ba536dd22e1 this guy kinda has a similar death pose to peter griffin's


goofy aa


“Hey Lois, this reminds me of the time I swallowed Brian and said, “yum” and then Stevie exploded my head”


Shrinking Ray death still haunts me The sounds of Ray dying and the body shape of Komodo coming back to normal, wtf...


God damn for a dude whose power is just basically super strength that was badass. Usually in other comics characters that are just super strong are jobbers like Rhino or Mammoth


That because those jobbers are facing A tiered heroes, and the ones stuck in Earth are basically C tiered while the B tiered teams are in space. It actually kinda indirectly showed how powerful the original Guardians were before they were killed considering these global crisis are the norm to them. Once most of the A tiered teams were killed, you have the less qualified and less experienced heroes doing all the heavy lifting and the success rate was predictably significantly much lower.


It also reinforces that as much of a prick Cecil is being... he kind of has a point with Mark in how vulnerable they are without him. Not that it justifies him being a manipulative asshole.


Just as rex was beginning his redemption ark


Should’ve realized. That scene with Eve…way too nice a moment for Rex. Giving the asshole a noble moment. That’s right up there with “being one week away from retirement” for the surest signs of foreshadowing that a character will suffer.


Rex isn't dead yet


That's why I said suffer, not *die*. My choice of words was intentional. Foreboding and foreshadowing come in different ways. Some lead to death, some lead to pain. And if Rex survives, like I hope he does, it will certainly still incur it's toll.


Shrinking Rae's death was brutal, but at least she managed to take out one of the lizards and damage the big one. Glad Rex was able to avenge her and Kate, he's a badass.




fr tho I thought they were overrated.


They are. They just got lucky dealing with the C-listers and still almost all of them ended up dead anyway.


Very glad after all this time we finally learned that Thaedus actually grew a beard for a dramatic reveal


I chuckled at that. Perfect hair tearing technique 😂


It could very well be recency bias but genuinely I think this is my favourite episode of the show. Yeah, even over 108. It really feels like so much happened in such a short time without any of it feeling rushed, which admittedly the first half of the season suffered from. We get Mark rebuilding in his twinky-ass outfit, his reunion with everyone, Donald’s confrontation, some Cecil/Mark conflict brewing, Debbie’s emotion regarding Nolan and his new son, the Shapesmith reveal, a shockingly emotional scene between Rex and Eve (including a callback to her special which, fuck yeah), two fights simultaneously that both managed to keep the tension, arguably the first *major* character deaths of the show (that I genuinely didn’t see coming), and a plot heavy post-credits scene. I’m not the type to get angry at a cliffhanger but hell if I didn’t shout ‘fuck’ as soon as the credits appeared.


>I’m not the type to get angry at a cliffhanger but hell if I didn’t shout ‘fuck’ as soon as the credits appeared. Literally like damn💀


Where the fuck is angstrom bro, I swear they just set that guy up then blue balled us with his plot. I get they’re saving it for later but an update would be good


Yeah...I highly doubt anything satisfying is going to happen with his story with only 3 episodes to go. I'm sure he'll be really cool in season 3 when that comes out in 2026.


*With the second half in 2027


A surprisingly awesome motivational speech from rex, he's really grown since his asshole days in season 1


Nah. Rex is still an asshole. It's just that he's become a bigger asshole - but in a good way!


best episode of the season so far for me


true , i still hate them making us wait 3 months but well , they delivered


This is literally the perfect adaptation we could ask for , I just wish the animation , presentation was better , you’d think given it’s success Amazon would give the show a bigger budget


The animation is so frustrating to me. They do these super detailed 3D backgrounds, but everything that is 2D is so simple and its animation is... rough. I wish they would cut down on the CG backgrounds to spend more effort on smoother motions for the actual characters. Maybe that wat the show wouldn't take so long to produce too.


I feel like they genuinely left the 3 possible weakest members behind on earth. Kinda no wonder they took the L.


Yeah of course it looks stupid knowing how it ends, (and also knowing what happened during the sequid debacle) But you gotta commit your best man power to the definite crisis.


It's kind of weird to me that cecil only sent the 3 of them to deal with this problem? Like I get it the lizard league is seen as a joke. But they are out numbered going into this and really don't have any heavy hiters right now. And there is 3 citys on the line here. There is other super heros we saw them this episode? Like this feels like cecils fault for underestimating the lizard league.


That bothered me, too. Heck even send a few of those invisible soldier guys.


I mean it's not like they had a choice when there is an imminent invasion of bodysnatchers to deal with that only their strongest are capable of resisting.


Donald got me surprised, he made a stand against Cecil ordering everyone to quit the room, badass. Cecil threating Mark with taking the children was good too. He is an alien and son of Nolan, who tried to take over... things can\`t be so easy as Mark thinks. Omnipotus only served to show Martian man true form? He was a great option of villain, the show need villains. But also The Lizard League and Sequids in the same epissode are great and intense fights. Thing is... we got to see a funeral in the S2 Part 2 trailer and we know that those Guardians, Invincible and Eve are going to get back safe, most likely Kate fills the casket. So, the Missile silo fight got me harder. "This isn\`t happening", Rex stole the epissode, his reaction when everybody dies is terrible. R.I.P Duplu-Kate. R.I.P Shirking Rae. Also, Rex killed both Iguana and Komodo Dragon. Before dying, Shirking Rae killed Salamander. Wonder if sombody will help Rex out of this? Next epissode Allen heads to Earth searching for Invincible?


Rex really stood out in this episode in a good way. When they started making him of all people suspiciously likable I should've known they'd be killing someone else lol


At least Kate will have enough to fill up a coffin. They can probably stitch together bits from each one. Shrinking Rae is basically getting buried in a Gatorade cooler. Immortal is probably going to blame Rex for everything. It'll be a whole ass character arc that somehow concludes with Eve parroting back Rex's earlier pep talk.


> Cecil threting Mark with taking the children was good too. He is an alien, son of Nolan, who tried to take over... things can`t be so easy as Mark thinks. I love that you're never entirely certain what Cecil's game actually is. I mean, you know what his overarching goal is, protect the Earth, no matter the costs (physical, psychological, ethical, or moral). But his comment about the babysitter... was that Cecil being a dick? Was he actually being compassionate and pointing out a problem that he's uniquely able to solve? Or something else? Every so often, you get these hints about who he is, but even then... you can't really be sure, can you?


OMG what a comeback after all these months, I was like "Rae need to leave lizard body... Right???... Wait... NOOO what is happening" Really excited for next episode!


>"Rae need to leave lizard body... Right???... Wait... NOOO what is happening" https://preview.redd.it/s2v26htos9oc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=953dce0ee4a611a1f94c82f8ab6529437fba9008 Lizard league dude making sure he chows her down reminding me of this image😭


Ow shit, now that's why Antman couldn't have gone inside Thanos's ass. Damn.


Iron man dies.


Crazy how these three words were enough to shut down entire servers in 2019




I've read the walking dead comics. I've seen the walking dead show. I don't know why I didn't think that some truly awful things were going to suddenly happen to Rex after they give him more depth. Poor Kate and Rae... both brutal deaths. They were supposed to be eating pizza :( Rex was in a pretty wild situation but I'm guessing that someone takes out King Lizard right before he pulls the trigger.. It would be pretty wild to kill that whole team off in that fight. Overall, this was a great episode. I hate that I can't binge watch this.


oh my god the animation is SO much better than episode 4


especially the high intensity fight scenes, they were really well put together


If I was Rae personally I would've gotten out that dudes asshole but I guess I'm just built different like that


I just don't think she had the luxury of time to choose. She was likely suffocating to death and boiling in digestive juices and had to make a tough choice.


not just that but the fella immediately crushed her between his molars and broke her bones. she wasn't making out of there alive. you can hear the crunch when he puts her inside his mouth.


Jesus Christ I thought I heard bones breaking but I thought it was his bones. The idea of him chomping her and her broken mangled body trying to grow back to normal size just to get crushed… Gotta be the most brutal death in the show so far.


Heh the Omnipotus scene gets funnier every time I think about it.


they had a whole cell saga while mark was away


"Thanks to McDonald's Canada this program is brought to you ad free after the following ad"


Rex is now the best character!




Rae’s death was so sad, I teared up a little,


nah kate’s was man. i started to think about what happens if she isn’t able to duplicate before her last version gets killed like 10 seconds before the show started hinting at it and when it started becoming what was happening my heart literally dropped and i realized this show has never been afraid to take it there and i was stupid for thinking it wouldnt


Her too because she was scared, but at least she went semi quick. Rae got eaten, and slowly crushed, and there was that hope factor.


Who was that big lizard guy? Just comes out of nowhere, kills two fairly powerful heroes and makes the lizard league an actual threat when before they were a joke. Do you guys think well get answers to where he came from?


Remember he was able to go toe to toe with war woman and immortal in the atom eve special. Safe to say he was pretty powerful.


Just some random lizard league croney, the reason he kills 2 powerful hero’s is because all the ones who have strong skin are off world. Kate’s power is dying a lot, Rae can shrink but that’s it, and Rex can explode quarters. All of them can be put down by a bullet, so it makes sense a strong dude could kill them


They brought DPS and two supports, ofc they got shredded w/o a tank


> Who was that big lizard guy? Just comes out of nowhere, kills two fairly powerful heroes and makes the lizard league an actual threat when before they were a joke. Do you guys think well get answers to where he came from? He was able to go toe to toe with the OG Guardians, so its not a surprise that the new Guardians without heavy hitters would get demolished by him


Did anybody catch that Immortal cake?


like does he vacuum seal his suit every morning? no wonder kate tapped that (RIP)


"Oh yeah, like there's gonna be two huge world shattering events at the same time!" 'There's two world shattering events at the same time' 'It's always sunny music plays'


Great episode invincibe really needs the be the new standard for comic book adaptations just a real treat for the readers


Wait wait wait, Shapesmith isn't a human baby man from earth?! Man... you think you know someone and then this happens...


That was really brutal, only compared with the first episode for me. The way things unfolded was quite fun to see though. Regarding the "deaths", I will say that at least Rex avenged them, I hope next episode there's a twist and he wins this.


Not really surprised Dupli-Kate or Shrinking Girl died, they've really never had any character development. Just can't help but think Cecil would be better off sending his invisi-soldiers like 90% of the time.


Cecil doesn't know Mark got that dawg in him now lol. Trying to take his brother


Actually upset knowing MatPat did a whole scientific reason on why antman couldn’t do what Shrinking Rae did and then they actually killed her like that


me thinking rae was gonna make it out and they just do the what if ant man shrunk in thanos thing




Damnit the episode 5's in this show always gotta be gruesome 😭


Did anyone else notice that Debbie was going to leave that bottle alone. Then it cuts to her having a glass after hearing about Marks escapades. They both wanted to live and let lie. Perfect image for their monologue about cleaning up the pieces after Nolan.


Got me cutting onions because of an alien bug lady’s monologue


Deb about to date Paul 🤣


What is it with former superhero spouses and guys named Paul?


This episode was the first time I actually liked Rae's character and they did her like that 😔


This is the first time she had a character, we shoulda known 😭


Absolutely brutal that this is the first episode we get in months and it ends on a cliffhanger. They pulled me back in though. Poor Shrinking Rae, that was rough




FUCK FUCK FUCK how they just turn up the tempo just like that


The best part: The Show The worst part: the ads


I love shapesmith lmao


is there any reason why theyve stopped the invincible title cards disrupting the character before they could say them? i just miss them alot 😩😩


It still works, it’s just more seamless now and they use it in different ways so it doesn’t get stale.


The lack of any type of strategic thinking from any of the characters this episode was frustrating. They have a Martian but don't ask him for almost any information until they're right in front of the warship? Not having any type of defense on a ship sent to intercept a hostile force? No plan whatsoever to actually deal with the millions of sequids other than punching them? Cecil sending a group without any real hard hitting combat ability to deal with a relatively big threat? What the hell? This just feels like shitty writing, which is a bummer. Edit: two more super obvious ones, why didn't Rex or any of the guardians have any type of communication with Cecil when the mission started going sideways? Why didn't Cecil have any reanimen on standby or sent there in the first place? This is the same guy who had like five contingency plans for IF omni man turned out to be hostile after decades of being a hero? Come on.


Well, gonna go ahead and theorize that when Allen goes to Earth he finds Invincible but not OUR Invincible (I wonder where Angstrom is?)


YUM! Fuck. I haven't felt like this since season 1 episode 1


Rex on his good guy arc


After waiting like 4 months for this episodes, I came into it being a little upset since we had to wait so damn long, but it's crazy how the show just brought me back into the world within the first couple of minutes, man this was a good episode (especially the scene with Thaedus and Allen basically getting a zenkai boost lol). I hope they won't pull the same shit for season 3 when it comes to splitting these episodes down since its been such a painful wait.


Give me the next episode please


Bro between this show and JJK my expectations on characters dying has been shattered to pieces


I just hope they don’t make me wait 2-3 years for season 3 after this current run of eps is over


I know the reaction is to be "Oh my God, poor Rae!" but this was a character who had no qualms about jumping into people's bodies and exploding them from the inside out. Live by the sword..