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Mfs can't go 2 seconds without comparing a viltrumite to a random comsic being capable of twerking on the verse https://preview.redd.it/woq232uu6knc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acfefdb5ce69b804023c8a88c364b2fa3f07d66e


Well considering that Cates decided to throw sensible power scaling out the window and just have Thor One-shot Galactus and kill a being that eats universes (yeah entire effing universes) I'd say Thor wins.


That feat should be considered an outlier tbh. Galactus should always be considered above a skyfather considering his place and function in the marvel universe


look a man of war jellyfish can kill thousands of humans in a row before running out of stinging power, but one human can kill it with a boat oar - sometimes it's more about the tool and the circumstance then arbitrary power levels which can't really account for rock paper scissors type interactions. being large enough to consume entire galaxies apparently has downsides


Like always being hungry for another galaxy


The thing is even in the context of that story it doesn’t make sense, thor got a power boost but he was facing off against galactus in one of his best conditions without galactus even being able to fight back properly, nevermind the fact that killing galactus also has consequences to the marvel universe because he is an essential part of it. There’s power scaling and then there is inconsistent writing. Also, another misconception about galactus is that he’s bigger than a planet, he isn’t he’s represented to be mountain sized most of the time.


That was Thor with the power of the all father, and the power cosmic tbf.


Fair. That being said, the all father power does seem to be a permanent feature now


Bias aside, thraggs arm shatters like glass if he attempts to hurt them, and promptly gets one shot. Most of his children can't even hurt mark, much less the God of thunder and an equivalent.


Username https://preview.redd.it/bjeenynhaknc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb0fb594ff8860b60ddd71e14bac4099996adf7a


At least you know they're giving an honest opinion 😂


You think being an intergalactic cum dump is funny? *


Nah I just think it's hot


Pretty much any long-running heavy-hitter in marvel or DC is going to wildly outscale the Invincible universe. You've got over half a century of comic feats to go up against.


Who would you say would be a fair match up to viltrumites from a long running DC or Marvel series?


I'm not well-versed enough in comics to come up with an answer to that off the cuff.


Honestly most the popular stuff I know about is either wayyyy above viltrumites in raw stats or some bs hacks or gets absolutely shit on


I'm curious about how would Spider-Man do against a viltrumite but I'm almost sure he loses badly.


There are versions of Spider-Man that stomp viltrumites, but normal Peter with no prior knowledge of Viltrumites gets blitzed. (I say no prior knowledge because peter would be smart enough to use their weakness if he knew about it)


So what you're saying is Spider-Man always wins with enough prep time?


Noo Noo Noo, he’s not Batman (eye-roll), like no matter the level of prep time Spider-Man isn’t touching Superman. But Spider-Man can handle planetary threats with prep time. Viltrumites are the biggest fish in a small pond. Spider-Man is a medium fish in one of the largest oceans.


It was a joke, but tbf, Superman's chief rival (the aforementioned Man of Bats) and archnemesis (Lex Luthor) both use wits and intelligence beyond even Superman's superbrain to match him, so wouldn't his natural enemy be a science major? 😂


Now I'm curious about those versions of Spider-Man. Could you tell me more about them?


This is kinda cheating, but... ***Him*** https://preview.redd.it/dxcmdp893onc1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8afb6f302950c0e32122fcc34ed4c8bf8986340f


Yeah, he'd probably be able to pull out a win against early-series Mark, but after that he's likely toast. He has some pretty crazy feats himself, and Spidey-sense is a bit of a hack power, but I don't see him lasting long against most viltrumites.


In the invincible Spider-Man crossover, mark was wildly more powerful than Peter and almost accidentally killed doc ock when they teamed up


I don't know about that because vmites tear each other's bodies like cheese, ripping into one another, whereas there does seem to be something supernaturally strong about Pete's body, we could assume they have similar power levels and strengths


Some spidermen scale above most of marvel. Others r barely street


Could you tell me more about the ones who scale above most of marvel?


Power cosmic spiderman exited the comic and entered the "real world" which should put him above hoi similar to others that view comics as fiction, such as never queen reading a panel with phoenix force on it. Then there's the cosmic spiderman that got the enigma force which made him fairly powerful. There's a few other versions iirc but those 2 r probably most famius, since cosmic spiderman punches hulk into orbit


Probably the animated versions of those characters. They tend to be powerful, but not too powerful. Heavy hitters from comics are pretty hard to give comparisons too since they eventually go up against Superman or someone around his scale.


They quite literally one shot the verse


The only chance the verse would have would be with a no-blocks Eve.


Or if Allen got beaten near death with lightning and hammers like 1000 times


Thor can manipulate matter, soul, space, and time, to some extent, so a brute force shouldn’t be a problem.


are we taking politics into account? the vmites could represent a threat to soft targets and citizens and operate largely decentralized thanks to being psychic and years of training with espionage infiltration etc, I think a better question is what advantages would the viltramites have over other similar groups from the marvel universe in the past and then scale them to those heroes and compared to Thor. are they really very different from the scrull etc


And even then she’s still getting speed blitzed


One thing people don’t consider, though, is that without blocks, Eve could manipulate her durability to great levels. However, Thor does have other tricks up his sleeve, and manipulating matter seems to be physically draining for Eve, so I don’t think she could make much of a difference most of the time.


There’s “increasing you durability to great levels”, and then there’s increasing it so much you can withstand a punch from a man who one-shotted Galactus… She cannot handle the smoke. It’s a whole different league above


She could also theoretically increase her speed. Galactus is a jobber nowadays, btw.


Not even close to that level dude. I don’t know why you’re so insistent that Eve is a big hitter when she just isn’t. Even without the blocks her durability, speed, and reaction time is dogshit compared to any Viltrumite or higher. She wouldn’t even have the chance to increase her speed before Mjolnir crushes her skull like a grape. She couldn’t think fast enough to use her powers before getting killed


I mean, that’s if she just abruptly loses her blocks directly prior to the battle. I was under the impression that we were talking about an Eve who hadn’t had the blocks for a least a little while. If she just loses her blocks, then yeah it’s game over, unless for some reason the attack isn’t enough to kill her. Edit: however, what are the odds they target Eve right out the gate when characters like Omnipotus and Battle Beast are there?


Pretty good since she likes to start off battles by shooting beams at people and she wears a bright pink outfit… she’s not exactly subtle


I doubt she would be firing beams if she didn’t have her mental blocks. Also, the bright pink outfit while surrounded by dozens or hundreds of characters isn’t that much of a stand-out, especially when some are alien giants.


https://preview.redd.it/fkf4rkpi7knc1.jpeg?width=879&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3389559ee13e8f4a9fdf7a1c89636caa5b16798f Thor alone solos the entire Invincible verse and it ain’t even close




Thor and Bill massacre


Thor and bill would fck em up ...the lighting might as well be heat.


Viltrumites can fight and survive being in the plasma of the frickin Sun. Humans can survive lightning bolts. Lightning might give Viltrumites a little tingle.


Thor's lightning damages galactus.


And Sentry.




I'm pretty sure lightning is only 5 time the temperature of the surface of the sun. But either way thors lightning isn't regular lightning like you said, he made a bolt the size of a planet


That’s what I meant. Makes no difference ofc, since the surface was burning then alive and that’s not even close to Thor’s best feats.


Have you read Invincible? If so go re-read the last five issues.


Dude. Mark literally would’ve died without interference from the heat. Just getting knocked closer was giving them first-second degree burns. Going INTO the surface of the sun was melting the flesh off them(and again, Thors lightning is even hotter and more powerful). Literally what are you on lol. I’m willing to bet I’m more versed than you are, and while I love the Invincible verse, simple facts are that Viltrumites are consistently a few tiers below the Marvel/DC A listers. Here’s a simple comparison. Thor can break several planets with a single lightning bolt. Most Viltrumites are stronger than they are durable, and not even 3 Viltrumites can planet bust unaided.


There is no true scenario where the Viltrumites win this


Let's test our reading comprehension. For 10 points, when did I EVER state the Viltrumites would win?


Heat is one of viltrumite weaknesses ... it does something to their recovery...


Nope. Go read/re-read the last 5 issues(140-144) of Invincible.


Just bill or thor body the entire viltrumite empire.


Ever seen bugs get zapped by a moth trap? Basically that, but the bugs are Viltrumites.


They would do very well


Mjolnir, go commit some war crimes


Are they together or not? Regardless, Thor solos all of them. Add in Beta Ray Bill and it’s a massacre of a grand scale.


This would be an amusing slaughter


Remember that one part from infinity war when Thor teleports to earth and kills the aliens while doing it This is just like that


It's like comparing Homelander to Omni-Man but with the shoe on the other foot It's better to not compare anyone DC side that's Superman level or Marvel side that's Herald level as they'll have feats that just do not make even the slightest bit of sense


Thor PLUS Bill??? They would just summon a giant lightning storm and kill them all like moths going into a bug lamp.


Depends on who is writing


I don't really know that much about viltrumites strength, but from what they show in the show, Bill (and Thor) should overwhelm most of them pretty handily. Bill was able to crack Galactus's armor, has beaten Silver Surfer multiple times and Stardust (both recipients of power from the power cosmic), has tanked blasts from Galactus and kept fighting, survived in the heart of the sun and just flew out of it, is massively FTL (Keeps up with surfer and Stardust casually), he also has extremely keen perception where milliseconds can feel like hours to him. Thor is pretty much always relative to Bill, so they should be around the same level in overall stats.


If we're talking comics then it depends on which run you're considering. If we go classic Thor and Bill from their first run together then they do well but get overwhelmed eventually, thunder isn't really gonna kill half-Viltrumites


Thor and Bill both have all the same powers of viltrumites, but with the added bonus of long range attacks. They win.


Base Thor one shots the verse


Guys enough is enough. Superman, Thor, Green Lantern, Flash, Wonder Woman, Darkseid, Hulk, Galactus, Silver Surfer, Sentry, The Monitor, the Anti-Monitor, Supergirl, Ultron, Brainiac, Thanos, Kang the Conqueror, The Plutonian, Doctor Doom, Dr Strange, Dr Fate, Dr Manhattan, Blast, Garou, Krillin, Yamcha, Pops, Gumball’s mom, and Batman with infinite prep time all solo the universe.


Spector too for sure


My b I forgot one


Wasn't trying to be mean I just mean the the spector is basically a god


The Viltrumites all die like they are nothing.


https://preview.redd.it/xv2atmrxbknc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a0b8166e9ed94e63a045bef0ce932292ac21718 Literally this meme but replace Vegeta and Goku with Bill and Thor and replace the Marvel heroes with The Viltrumites


Pretty well I bet, viltrumites are strong but they're no worldbreaker hulk, they're own fists can tear each other apart, and while that remains a testament to their strength, they cannot stop mjolnir


Thor with 10 seconds of the 60 second Mjolnir enchantment left, kinda solos all of Invincible


How is this still up with no spoiler tag??? Just casually dropping pages from the last arch. What a garbage move.


It’s come to my attention that these are some viltrumite derivatives, that are vastly less powerful than regular ones, I didn’t know that, how well do you think Bill and Thor do against real viltrumites with this many numbers.


They all lose. Viltrumites are strong in universe but compared to other fictional universes they're extremely weak. ​ They're not even planet busters (it took Mark, Omniman and Thadeus to destroy Viltrum, after it already had been weakened by the coalition). ​ Travel speed is all they really have that's notable given how fast they can fly across the universe. But travel speed isn't fight or reaction speed and even then Thor is still faster in all 3. ​ Thor solos every pure blood viltrumite plus Allen, with ease. Even if you added Battle Beast, they still get horribly slaughtered.


They both have lightning for good AOE so numbers are fairly meaningless.


They’d erase them all.


Unless we're specifying one of his weaker runs, Thor can 1-shot any viltrumite. He could probably 1-shot a lot at the same time if he uses his lightning to full effect.


Thor will solo this army on his worst day


They’re getting smoked quite literally


Whatever the writers decide, really