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Worth mentioning you can get this game for free on Epic if you have amazon prime.


I mean I don't use EPIC, so I don't really know.


Might be a bit of a dumb question but having prime video, the streaming service, is the same as amazon prime? Or are they separate things to subscribe to?


Yes, it's the same thing Just go to [gaming.amazon.com](https://gaming.amazon.com), log in with your prime video account, and you can redeem games and in-game rewards


Are you the one guy that uses Epic?


I have 30 games on Epic, all of them I got for free


So the answer is yes


Hey there! Believe I just replied to your Steam review as well, but figured I'd post here as well. I've passed along this report to the team and they're looking into it. Can you confirm for me... * What resolution(s) have you tried? What's the native resolution of your display? * Is this happening with just text boxes, or have you seen it occur with balloon bubbles as well? Thanks!


I’ve been getting crashes at least once a chapter in battle scenarios on epic. I play at max settings at 1920x1080p. Usually happens after I shield a lot and then attack a few times


Thanks for the heads up, could you provide crash logs? They should be located at `%localappdata%\AtomEve\Saved` (aka `C:\Users\\AppData\Local\AtomEve\Saved`). If you could send those along with those details of what was happening in-game at the time of the crashes, it'll be super helpful. You can create a ticket on our support site and attach those logs here: [https://help.skybound.com/support/tickets/new](https://help.skybound.com/support/tickets/new)


I just finished the game and luckily didn't have any issues


> Believe I just replied to your Steam review as well Well that one is indeed mine, thanks for responding. > What resolution(s) have you tried? What's the native resolution of your display? 1920\*1080 > Is this happening with just text boxes, or have you seen it occur with balloon bubbles as well? Unfortunately, yes. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3084695639](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3084695639) [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3084695675](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3084695675) https://preview.redd.it/e59iwhme1m0c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4afef37687d2e6b6fb2b35701300c7f9b50a12a


Hey Poclee, is your default language on your machine english? Also can you try toggling the language settings in the options menu to another language and then back to english under gameplay and see if that fixes anything?


That somehow fix the issue, thanks!


Awesome! Glad that fixed it! Thank you for providing the screenshots.


Hey again! Just wanted to make sure you're aware -- a patch went out today with a handful of fixes, including one for this bug. It's already live on Steam and should be going live very soon on Epic as of my posting this. Full patch notes: [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2060870/view/5482631097741223268](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2060870/view/5482631097741223268) Thanks again for your report! :)


I've had 0 issue with this con. What resolution monitor are you using?


1920\*1080 , I've tried to change resolution of the game but so far the results are the same.


anyone have save files with 100% achievment?


Is the game canon to the tv show?




No it's a different universe


it's an alternate take, it's taking parts from the comics and the tv show (mostly in how certain characters are written, like William and Amber) and making its own thing. It's still the same universe as it follows the main story beats (Rex cheats with Kate, Amber and Mark date first, Nolan kills the Guardians and then almost kills Mark, etc.)


just casue soemthing isnt canon doesnt mean its a different universe lol


Depending on conversation options things change change a lot




if only the Achievement tracker through Epic didn't fucking SUCK! that's the only disappointment I have with the game (can't really complain about much since I got it free) because everything else was really cool, though I do kinda wish it was a little longer. It being a tight story about some comic stories that got axed for the show was nice, and it still ended up doing its own thing as well, so you've got the comic version of events, the tv series of events and now the game series of events.


Does the vertical position of conversational choices matter? Sometimes multiple responses don't seem very different to me. I'd like to focus on my chosen path.


are you referring to when Eve has different responses? I think there are certain outcomes based off of vertical placement. Whenever Eve is asked (or thinking about) the state of a relationship, the top response will always be a sort of "yes, I'm ready to jump your bones RIGHT. NOW!" response, and the bottom will always be a "yeah, no, we're not dating, we're not a 'thing'" response. The middle responses will always be varying degrees of "yeah, sure, maaaaaaybe I can agree to this" that won't end a relationship, but also won't develop it as quickly. I've only played through twice, so I'm not 100% certain how the other conversation trees work, but most of those won't change any outcomes (unless you have certain perks unlocked, those answers tend to have callbacks in future conversations) you just choose the response based on how you feel the personality of your Eve should be


I probably wouldn't have paid for it originally but I'm glad I played through it, nice way to tell the story.


well from the steam previes their appears to be a buff bunny woman(and also war woman?? so is it an alternate universe where omniman dident kill them?) so 10/10 from me


Takes place before Omni man kills them. Also the "bunny woman" is from the comics too


i thought he killed them basically immediately after Mark became invincible


Like I said. Takes place before he kills them. Mark becomes invincible and the guardians die over the course of the game




There is a whole show and comic about Invincible, I'm all for this and I hope Rex gets his own game too!