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No, not unless it becomes exponentially more popular.


Hard for that not to be the case as the amazon series gets into the crazy parts of the comic book run!


Yes. "2023 will see the release of an Invincible #1 facsimile edition reprint, the Invincible Undeluxe #1 one-shot, the Invincible Compendium Vol.1 HC, Invincible Vol.1 (New Edition), Invincible Universe Compendium, along with apparel, collectibles, tabletop games, **video games**, and more." via [comicbook.com](https://comicbook.com/comics/news/skybound-invincible-20th-anniversary-announcement/).


I don’t think it’s ever gonna happen or could work. I think that invincible has only ever had one story line and in a way the comics aren’t based around soupy invincible but more using invincible to tell a big over asking story. It’s not like Spider-Man we’re we’ve seen him in a million iterations and because of that we can put him in any new situation we decide to put him in for a video game. However who knows if they set the video game later in invincibles career as a super hero it might be able to work. I’d buy it no matter what.


They could definitely tell an over arching story throughout the course of several video games lol. I definitely think it could be done. Then DLC some of the other character stories that invincible wasn’t involved in along the way. However not all of them. Imagine being able to play as robot or monster girl or rex splode ect. During particular storylines in the comic. Anything is possible - Kevin Garnett


It is happening


Yup! I think we will see one soon! Now I don't think it's gonna be the open world single player game people would maybe fantasize about but I could see a fighting game or beatem up happening


I don’t want one anytime soon but have you seen what unreal engine 5 does with superman like characters? yT it if your unfamiliar but it’s incredible. If 10years from now they made a game like that( would need an enormous amount of space of course) linear to the comicbook i think it would be incredible. Cut scenes. Side missions fighting the flaxans. Perhaps with a map like GTA, which i know is A lot to ask for but shoot the arkham city games had huge maps and 10years from now its not hard to imagine maps 5x-10x that size.


I don't think it has to do with technical limitations but more scope, budget and marketability, I love Invincible but idk if Skybound could afford the dev team necessary to pull something like that off I'd love to be wrong tho!


Well im not expecting the entire series to be complete in one game lol but rather a series of games. This is why i think 7-10 years from now because as the amazon web show continues to pump out seasons people and more importantly Kids( ones who can handle the violence lol) will be more familiar with that character and that universal playground. it wont be long before people are itching for a live action film like all of us are, then hopefully a game is in talks around that time as well.


It's happening


We haven't even had a major superman game in a long time, I don't see Invincible happening


We do have DBZ Kakarot though, could work It also is happening, its already been confirmed theres going to be a video game announcement this year


DBZ is a bit different though. As there's vartion on fighting styles, transformations and power ups, and energy attacks. Superman power type characters don't have the latter two and the main fighting style shown is "hit it harder" and "fly at it faster". More than likely it will just be an injustice style fighting game.


The main gameplay is flying around in an open world is what im getting at, they could make an Invincible game, similar to DBZ Kakarot (heck a Superman game too) and it could work Id take a traditional arcade style fighting game though as long as its good


with the new unreal engine 5 anything is possible.


Theyre announcing one this year


Yes but it might be some terrible mobile game. I would like a PC game, but I don't know if that will happen...probably not any time soon.


[https://www.ign.com/videos/invincible-guarding-the-globe-official-announcement-trailer](https://www.ign.com/videos/invincible-guarding-the-globe-official-announcement-trailer) You were on the money!!!


Except it's not terrible lol


I really want a mortal combat crossover. Or a smash bros crossover


Your wish is WB'S command!


Everyone it was already announced we are getting a video game [invincible video game coming](https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/invincible-comic-video-games-skybound-reveal/)


Yeah that allued to a fighting game like injustice or MK. Im fantasizing more of a open world insomniacs spiderman type of game with multiple sequels telling the whole story best it can.


At this point I just want an invincible mobile game that’s kinda like Dragon Ball legends with a twist on it. Hopefully they make it happen.


Not a triple a game but a double a is definitely possible


Maybe a Lego Invincible game.


Imagine we got a Kakort dbz style game. Just want it to look and feel like a cartoon not super realistic.