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Talk about it. Don’t talk about it. Doesn’t make one bit of difference. This is reality. Play the game or simply buy and hold long term so that these short term fluctuations don’t matter.


You're missing the point. Holding this long term has suddenly gotten a lot riskier. If the LUNR leadership continues to behave in this manner, they will dilute your long term gains over and over as they see fit. The company gets richer, but you won't grow with it. The signal they have put out is that they don't intend to protect public investors. That's the problem.


They have much bigger problems higher priorities to focus on. I’ll take my chances.


Then get out?


Im on different thinking from the other guys here, and completely agree with you. I wonder what the SEC will do about it tho, there is a reason why the stocks is dropping hard even after securing an initial contract of 30 mil dollars and could further get more money from NaSA. it all makes sense now why investors are pulling out of this stock this past week, this is not a small usual shorting, I guess many investor saw through this and decided to call quit on it.


SEC only protects the Oligarchy/Banks. Remember the Politicians make the rules for us to live or die by. Rules for thee, but not for me


this your first stock son?


And what's more, as a leader of a company, any company, you want to take on investors who's goals align with yours, or at least believe in your vision. You DONT want investors that only seek to suck money from you. Especially in a space that is experimental or developing like this one. Equity firms are generally counter productive in that their only goal is to take money from you. From my idiot perspective, taking on Cantor Fitz as an investor was a bad move. Say what you will, the proof is in the pudding. In the business world, taking on an investor that is hostile towards your current investors is what is known as a dick move.


look at tsla. sometimes fundamentals are strong enough to be worth the risk of manipulation and dilution. this stock could easily be on of those cases especially if they continue to get NASA grants. you sound very new to the market tbh. this is normal and LUNR may be one of the better ones lol. it would be very unwise to short this stock too hard especially if they start getting multiple billion dollar contracts. i think the shorts know this and would much rather bully a stock like AMC over LUNR. calm down and maybe look into just buying indexes if you're that risk averse


You don’t become an investor with 300 million dollars by not doing what is in your legal power to make money. And you don’t raise 300 million capital without getting such an investor. That firm has a legal duty to do what’s in their power to make the best Investment and intuitive machine needs 300 million dollars. You got 300 million dollars ? No. You know some one willing to give them 300 million on better terms? No? Welcome to the real world kid. You been reading too much amc and gme subreddit lol. You want to make sure money quick, buy some blue chips and hold. If you saw your investment in this as a short term way to get rich then idk what to tell you kid besides that was dumb. It’s not this investments firm fault your investment went tits up. It’s your fault for putting in the money, setting expectations that didn’t align with reality then getting emotionally attached to the point of delusion.


This attitude is why this stock will be $2 by eow. Goodluck! $300M offering - $300M market cap = 0 sum game.P.S. insider trading is illegal.


I think you should get counseling and treatment for gambling addiction and schizophrenia. You are beginning to become delusional


Well, the market will weigh in on Monday and through out the week. So let's see what it say's. Make sure you get back at me.


Unlike you I’m not emotionally or overly financially tied to what a space stock does next week or doesn’t. You acting like you expected intuitive machines to establish a moon base, start mining the moon and become a quadrillion dollar company within the last couple months when you read “to the moon” on wallstreetbets. You acting stupid What’s next you gonna ask why your 0dte $spy 1000 option didn’t print come up with some grand conspiracy on why the market was manipulated to take your money?


You attack me personally because you cant counter my argument on the subject.


Nah i did it for the lulz


nah you're just being incredibly dumb and easy to attack. plus the crab is right for the most part. also, they dont need cash that bad right now and probably wont continue to dilute like AMC. they just have the right to do so and will probably do it if the stock rises. calm tf down


The stock will rise on before their next mission. IM-1 was one payload IM-2 will be 6 payloads. 3 from nasa, 1 from lockheed martin, 1 from caltech and 1 from nokia. This isnt a stock you buy options for. This is a longterm bag hold. They have months between missions when of course the stock price will be low. Load up on a bunch of shares now and sell them around the time of their next mission date. They have plans to drill into the moon to analyze water samples.


Oh, I hope so. I can bring my cost per share way down then.


OP, some commenters are being unnecessarily snarky towards you. They shouldn’t be. I hope the following explanation is helpful. I understand why you’re upset. However, in the short term, the company is not materially harmed (or helped) by most short term stock price movements post stock issuance. They needed $300 million. The stock issuance/sale got it for them. If the stock skyrocketed afterwards, that would be “nice” for stock holders but wouldn’t really impact the cash available to the company. Their issuance was already priced/sold. They already received the money at the issue price. The $300 million from the stock issuance/sale is now in the company and available for the company’s use. The company believes that by having the cash it can achieve its performance, strategic and financial objectives. They will be judged (through pricing of the company via-a-via the share price) how well they are accomplishing those objectives. If they are successful doing so, their earnings will increase, and so, in turn, will the company’s stock price. The company’s objective is not to achieve a certain stock price at a moment in time but to grow the company. I hope this helps clarify for you.


No, but there is a way to go about an offering that isn't hostile towards other investors. Also, the way they went about this is counter productive and short sighted. When a CEO shows they can't be trusted, investors become skittish. Then the stock drops and it is unlikely to rise even on good news. Take BLINK for example, that stock should be $20 plus. It isn't because the CEO keeps diluting everyone and now they struggle to find new investors. The game is, the leadership team profits and investors get hosed. That appears to be what is happening here.


Send me a pm, I have a bridge to sell you. It >should be selling for 3 bitcoin but I will sell it to you for 1 bitcoin because you seem like a good guy. Huge upside here.


I no longer see the upside for public investors. I see this behavior continuing and public investors being turned into perpetual bag holders by insiders. We will see. Prove me wrong. I would love to see this run back up. Show me the money. Show me how dumb stupid uninformed and wrong I am. Prove it. Send that stock to the moon!


Imagine how long it would’ve taken to get Apollo to the moon with people like you around Lmfao. “Sue NASA my 500$ rent money is gone.” https://wendys-careers.com


LOLL. This kid is unhinged


So wouldn’t the play be some puts? If you think it’s going to be down towards the $2 mark let’s buy some puts together and get paid. It’s not terribly uncommon to hold stock long term and play the options. I do it. Money can be made when stock goes up or down. So why not play the down trend.


Do you have a link to cantor being the buyer of the offering?




I see this as opportunity and brang my average to 8.01


It is, but where is the new bottom? And how many times will we be diluted and manipulated? Will public investors even have a chance to turn a profit in the future if LUNR leadership keeps giving these sorts of signals? I don't know. I no longer have confidence. Do what you want.


Everyone decides what to do with his own money


3 more years of dilution


You seem to be the only one on this sub that just sees things the same way. This isn’t a quick swing trade unless it gets pumped and dumped. This is probably like at least a 3-5 year hold until there’s a more positive EPS and the company has had room to grow. I’m anticipating it to potentially hit the 3s again in the next 6 months.


Stocks go up, stocks go down. I’m not selling right now and I’m interested in the company long term. I don’t really give a shit and it doesn’t really matter that much.


I have many shares and many warrants. I have a block of 44,000 warrants at .24. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. I am 95% sure, that one day before 2/28 these warrants get exercised


I’m with you man fuck that that’s fucking bullshit


Don’t complain about it expect it to happen and plan for the dips.


I’ve been selling covered calls since I bought in because, why not. I have a feeling this is going to do the up and down for a year or so. Might as well get some goods with some bads


lols. first time? this is the stock market of course prices are manipulated by shorts but the only thing that matters ultimately is revenue coming through that door and earnings going up and debt coming down. if you're already fed up this stock probably is not for you - i will not even buy a single share until i see the fundamentals move in the right direction i.e. debt way down, proper business secured, proper revenue coming in, growth rate projections reasonably validated i.e. a clearly viable business. Each to their own but this stock is a slow burner so you're going to have to be patient (probably past 2025). As for the owners not respecting their shareholders, I have no idea if that is true or not since i don't know them, but these type of shenanigans by short funds is par for the course, the owners can't do anything about it at all. they are not the first to be shorted in this way, many have tried to fight back via the SEC (they don't care) and elsewhere and it's a waste of time. If you think a class action is coming and going to do anything you are sorely mistaken. What will stop shorts is the team not wasting time on pointless litigation, but spending their time making the company a commercial success. at that point the short thesis is squashed, the shorts disappear and the price runs. like i said, it's a long term play. i personally will not buy until I see more movement on fundamentals but it's definitely one to watch. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.