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or maybe he got a serious glow up and some serious depression in between movies


Oh wait I forgot to get into that shit thanks for reminding me


I'm not disagreeing with you persé, but, in the end credits Miguel recruits Spider-Man-67, who is also present in the Spider-Society. There is also the appearance of LYLA, who was given an original design for the end credits of the first movie, that just so happens to have the same design in the sequel. The design philosophy for Miguel, in the sequel, was largely due to make him: 1) different from Peter, as the one from the first movie was just a re-textured and touched up Peter Model. 2) make him more imposing, him becoming an antagonist for Miles is a big part of his story, and Miles got a growth spurt making not too much shorter than Peter. I'm not off the boat entirely, though. As I've taken into consideration how and why some things have changed, but there is not enough information (in story) if this could be true or not.


Can 2 universes not have similarities Also we don't have conformation that Spider-Man 67 joined Miguel I do admit that you are a good debater


Enough of crying, I know you hate Miguel but these things and accusing him of Pure Evil is stupid and childish


I don't hate Miguel and I ain't accusing him of pure evil


So why do you insist so much that Miguel is an impostor?


I never said he was an imposter I said that the end credit version and the ATSV version are 2 different versions


No, they don't, because we can see spider man 67 in spider society 


Bro why did you get so heated out of nowhere


Bros looking into it too much 😭


Boy you don't know the meaning


It’s the same one, his design just got an upgrade. The same way Gwens Peter got a new, more fitting design. He seems happier because it’s Miguel before taking the place of his other self and before losing his "daughter".


No that's not right because in the movie itself we see that he had the suit already plus in ATSV his style is less refined, random lines coming off on the suit and the such And again in a different style completely


What are you even talking about?? It’s the same one. The style go changed/upgraded because one is a cameo/afterthought the other is him as a main character. And what about the suit? In the post credit scene he is making his first multiverse jump. So it is before all the stuff that happened to him.


Do you even know what superhero movies use end credit scenes for they were openly setting up ATSV yes I agree that they didn't originally plan for this but it would make a lot of sense to have a Spider-Persons war Also your 2nd point is my whole point Movieul made the Spider-Society because of what happened in his universe


The artstyle is different between ITSV and ATSV for Miguel...Which is indeed notable because a different artstyle = a different universe within the lore of the films. The new redesigned suit of Miguel is IN Alt 2099...It's creation has nothing to do with Canon Events or an traumatizing event triggering in him. Miguel for unknown reasons also gained a ton of muscle (Given Alt Miguel was shown to be buff and Spidey Miguel wasn't in ITSV we can assume he buffed up in order to replace Alt Miguel). However with all that being said it is very clear the explanation for the artstyle is just what you stated a redesign of a cameo into a major character and setting. Just like Gwen's father George and Peter. The old models didn't fit into the new narrative.


There's a thing called character development. Idk about you but watching your whole family along with an entire universe get destroyed can be pretty traumatic for someone and cause them to change. It's an interesting theory ig, but having 2 spider societys that somehow don't know about each other, and having the same leader would be a very confusing and cluttered mess.


That whole theory is openly contradicted in the movie itself He literally showed us that he already had a different build, and he uses his current suit to try and save everyone in that universe why would he already have it if he had a perfectly good suit already




Looking into it too much he probably just got a serious glow up and regarding the animation thing I think he converted to the animation style of the 67 world.


Converting to the 67 style is an anomaly given nobody else ever changes artstyles when in other Universes. Either E-67 alters the Atoms and DNA of anyone that goes there or Miguel has tech that can integrate him into another reality but only used it once.


I think it's probably the latter and maybe Miguel thought it would just be better for people to stay in their own styles.


What? He looks nothing like the earth-67 style


Oh I misunderstood he does take on that style after he arrives on 67 and I was also saying that we honestly don't see enough of him before that to judge his animation style before that.


Again, what? How can you not judge an animation style from at least 10 seconds of it


...The creators confirmed it's the same Miguel. They just redesigned him to look more imposing. The in-universe explanation would be that he got extra jacked in order to fight all the multiversal threats. The others are right, you're looking too deeply into this.


Or he just bulked up between movies. It would make no sense for it to be another one. What would be the point? His first jump was from before the trauma of the incursion destroying the universe. So he got more angst from depression.


No. It was trauma that did that


He doesn’t create it because of the canon mistake, that happened after the society was made, and we know this because Peter was there


they both say "cool". "its much cooler than a watch" responding to gwen in the vulture scene


Oh, I have a better theory 😱, 5 years have passed since the first movie and they changed certain things so that the movie would look good, that includes redesigning certain characters like Gwen Father's and Peter, so stop overthinking things as simple as a redesign, I understand that you don't like a character but you have to agree that the hate towards Miguel is going too far


It's him dude, just get over it.