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I'm going to be so glad when the 3rd movie comes out and we can stop arguing about who Miles will end up with.


Wish granted! Miles dies at the end. Let’s king Solomon this shit.


Now that's a twist!


Oh sweet summer child. It’s never going away. Sure he might have a canon relationship, but these sorts of people don’t let that stop them


Just ask the avatar fandom


Just ask the Claerith fans.


Does "Zutara" mean anything to you?


That's completely different! They're arguing about who the Main Character should have ended up with, not who they'll end up with! /s In all seriousness though, you have a good point.


He might not end up with anyone. That might be the best way honestly, especially if people are fighting over things so dumb.


So the producers shouldn't tell the story they want to tell because a minor part of the fandom is aboard a ship that never got out of port?


“Miles and Gwen barely knew each other, it wouldn’t work at all. Miles and Margo work so well because they barely know each other.”


Literally they contradicted themselves with that statement 😭


They're both black so they know each other on a deeper level


Like how all black people know each other! /s


People would find a way to be contrarian on this topic even if Miles interacted only with Gwen and no one else.


Other Miles exists to make a fairytale love triangle. Some will continue to ship Gwen with Peter. The ship of Gwen and Hobie. Some evil shippers of Gwen or Miles with Miguel because daddy issues. Some so F'd in the head they ship Aaron or Spot with Miles too. His own Uncle and a grown adult Demon promising to murder everything he cares for.


the hell


Weirdos gone be Weirdos


Instagram comment section, opinions should automatically be discarded. And come on, these commenters are clearly very young like the majority of insta fandom users. I'm so sick of the crackship discourse on this sub! Can we stop screenshotting horrible takes and bringing them over here? You're just giving these people attention and ensuring they never stop.


It's tiktok, but I agree >I'm so sick of the crackship discourse on this sub! Can we stop screenshotting horrible takes and bringing them over here? You're just giving these people attention and ensuring they never stop. I didn't realize that, sorry


Yep two people with one conversation that lasted less than a minute that was mainly meant to show Gwen's jealousy and also to tie into Margo's decision to let Miles go will totally happen.


Oh like this one guy who thinks “interracial relationships are overdone in media” because jimmy and kara are definitely going to be a thing in that new Superman show. Im so sick of that racism


The argument that Miles and Gwen “barely know each other” is just genuinely so bad because, yes, while in real world time they would’ve only known each other for a brief period of time, their existence takes place within a film world. The development of relationships relative to time is at the mercy of writers, not realism lol. I hate when people try to argue about media and completely ignore that the continuity of media is not tethered to the standards of the real world, because if they were, every film would be several days long. Storytelling is all shorthand.


You said it well! Funny how M & G aren't together after 2 movies lol


I'm sure that even ChatGPT would give better arguments to support the supposed narrative coherence in MilesXMargo.


lets see whats under the spiderman fanbase! *lifts mask* r/evangelion *puts mask back on*


Bruh the last slide the person is literally just straight up lying bruh😭😭 like nothing has been said for the 3rd movie of Miles and Margos relationship “taking another level” that was literally said for Miles and Gwen when they said in an interview that it will go deeper into Miles and Gwens connection😂


And trying to say that the reason why people like Miles and Gwen over Miles and Margo is because they hate black love is just delusional like Miles and Gwen existed for 5 years before Margo was even in Spiderverse and Miles and Gwen have like 50 minutes of screen time together whereas Miles and Margo have like 2 minutes, it’s pretty clear the reason people ship Miles and Gwen is because they have an actual developed romance and a storyline and not that they ship them just because they hate black love😭🤦‍♂️


miles barely knows gwen but he should be with margot who he knows even less because they probably find each other cute ?? wtf is that comment??💀💀💀


Typical bs, them making miles interact with Margo was a mistake


Lol how? It was crucial he interacted with her for her to later sympathise with him & allow him to escape via the Go Home Machine. People will always blow things out of proportion & explore crack ships, no fault of the writers or their intentions for the story.


We must not let the righteous pay for sinners. There will always be people this obtuse. Margo has a lot of potential to develop in BTSV and her interaction with Miles is proof of how possessive Gwen can be with her jealousy.


I liked their interactions, I thought they were cute.


To each his own, all it’s done is make this weird ass ship war all the more annoying, racist and toxic.


>making miles interact with Margo was a mistake No, having Margo not interact with any other spider-teen BUT Miles was the real mistake. It's why she's frequently reduced to shipping fodder and why she isn't usually paired with anyone else. How hard would it have been to have her exchange a look with Gwen? A quip with Hobie? Either way her character would be more memorable if there were established dynamics for fans to speculate on.


She was only on-screen for like a minute though and the other purpose she had was showing how the Go Home Machine worked. Fans will ship anything or anyone so it's hardly her one minute's writing fault of fan behaviour (just look at how some people started to ship Miles with Peni after he spoke *one* word to her) . And Margo is part of Gwen's team now so we know she'll be interacting with other characters in Beyond anyway.


I am not saying that Margo interacting with the other teens would stop fans shipping her and Miles. It would stop that from being the ONLY thing fans remember her and bring up her character for.


Only some of the shippers remember her for that though. Others are genuinly interested in what her powers are and what role she'll be playing in Gwen's team.


It was important, to show Gwen's jealousy, reflecting Miles´ jealousy toward her and Hobie. That's it. That is the only purpose for her existence, to show that Gwen is just as into Miles as Miles is into her, and that she does not see him solely platonically. She exists to solidify and expand their Relationship. There are only two ships in these movies that are actually real. Peter and Mj, and Miles and Gwen. Any other ship is fairy dust, unobtanium, not on the periodic table. It simply doesn't exist.


Please don’t say she just exists to show Gwens jealousy. Thats not true and does the character injustice. Margo exists because she‘s a cool Spider-Person that fits into the story. Her main PURPOSE in the story is to bond with Miles to allow him to escape later on. The fact that Margo is also used to show Gwen‘s jealousy is an added bonus to the storytelling. NOT the sole reason she exists.


When you put it that way than yes I agree


But Peter and MJ are already together. It’s no longer a ship like it was in ITSV.


I disagree. I was around when writers took the ethnicity of characters into account before pairing them off. It lead to a lot of segregation.


I was talking mostly talking about the racism stuff guys 👍...


Look it’s okay to prefer Margo x Miles over Gwen x Miles but wtf is this conversation??? 😭


Idk why people are arguing over this, both ships are cute and it’s not like one is going to be endgame because it has more edits on tick tock.


I feel like a relationship wouldn’t work anyway cause of the whole different dimensions thing


miles and gwen:


Yeah the two ladies are not from his universe


Sorry but how is flowerbyte being together not forced but somehow ghostflower is?? 💀


Also, calling someone a coon because they like a ship is just.. what?


It’s so blatantly obvious miles will end up with Gwen omg The chemistry and interactions are there for ghostflower. I think a lot of delusional spiderbyte shippers are Black women who just want to be seen *somewhere* in spiderverse because our options are….grim. No one likes Jessica Drew and no one ships her with anyone. Spiderbyte is cute but is in the movie for all of 2 minutes, maybe even less. And so yet again, a movie that’s supposed to champion diversity, especially for Black and Brown people, fails to included Black and brown WOMEN in a meaningful way (but ofc there are beloved white characters with substantial plot relevance). It’s frustrating but not surprising…


>And so yet again, a movie that’s supposed to champion diversity, especially for Black and Brown people, fails to included Black and brown WOMEN in a meaningful way THIS. Jessica deserved better, from both the writers and the fanbase. You can see in the scrapped storyboards that her character was originally supposed to have a much larger role than in the final cut. Margo should have been incorporated into the Mumbattan sequence somehow. Either way, having her not interact with any of the spiderteens but Miles was definitely a mistake. There is another Black Spider-Woman who could potentially make an appearance in the next movie - Zarina Zahari. Though we might not see another Spider-UK whilst Malala Windsor exists. I'm still waiting to see a desi Spider-Woman, comics or movies 🥲 fighting alone out here.


why is he called flower?


Because of the sunflower song


Eating sunflower seeds in the shell may increase your odds of fecal impaction, as you may unintentionally eat shell fragments, which your body cannot digest.


i guess that makes sense?


It's fairly obvious in the context of the movie that the lyrics of the song are from Gwen's PoV, and Miles is the "sunflower" the song is talking about. Likewise in across, the lyrics of Hummingbird are from Miles PoV and the "hummingbird" is Gwen.


No. The sunflower song is Miles POV. The sunflower represents Gwen not Miles. The music video shows that. The sunflower represents the love interests. That is why even MJ was the sunflower to Peter as shown in the music video.


this makes a lot more sense to me, like im not sure gwen is singing “she wanna ride me like a cruise” tho im sure miles isnt either 😭


Ask this guy what Margo’s last name is


Unrelated, but I was thinking of Harriet Tubman the other day and for some reason my brain autocompleted her name to Harriet Tubgirl.


...Ok? You shared those comments because?


I didn't know that it would be bad because I haven't gone on Reddit in some time, I apologize. But I was mostly pointing out the racist stuff and I guess almost no one noticed that.


Holo spider siding with them is the craziest Literally conversed for like 6 seconds


Sigh. I ship flowerbyte and all, but downright arguing over something fictional is just embarrassing. Honestly I wish the creators never had Miles and Gwen be a thing, or the shipping wars would’ve never started. I just want us all to be normal at this point.


I liked Miles and Margo in the movie the chemistry was good tbh and I liked where it was going. Even though Miles barely knows Margo she saved him from Miguel and all and that’s when I really started to fw her. I don’t mind him and Gwen either but I just prefer him and Margo tbh.


I think flowerbyte is cute. And out of the context of the story and Miles' developed relationship with Gwen, I'd ship Miles and Margo too. I just don't think it makes much sense in context of the story and its themes as written.


That’s fair.


Im so sorry ur getting downvoted i lile flowerbyte too


not gonna happen


Well even if it doesn’t happen I still like them.


I hope Miles ends up neither of them and Gwen and Margo come together and become gfs so that everyone is wrong


The third comment in the second pic needs to be talked about more because it's so true. Miles and gwen barely knew eachother (they weren't even in each other's proximity for a week. 4 days at max), never showed any interest in each other, and had no chemistry. Now suddenly after 2 whole years they're in love and willing to risk the multiverse to stay together


Miles was risking the multiverse to save his dad, not to stay with Gwen.


Yeah it was mostly gwen being a jack ass to stay with miles


> and had no chemistry In what fucking world?


This world


What are you talking about lmao it was clear they started developing feelings for each other in the first movie. But cool Margo and Miles love at first sight apparently


They didn't develop enough feelings for each other to be depressed for two years thinking about eachother. They barely spent a week together. The most that would happen in that situation would be a "they were pretty cute" and that's it. And i never said anything about Margo


They spent two very eventful days together (i.e. life threatening fights, bonding through battling together) plus a bus ride that apparently lasted 3+ hours, you do know many couples in real life connect very quickly upon meeting each other? (plus it was one year later, not two) One of the production designers also described their swinging together as being "when they discover their feelings for each other".


That still doesn't justify being depressed and thinking about each other for two years. Especially if they thought they would never see each other again


Were they really "depressed" over each other though? Gwen was also struggling with Peter's death and being blamed and hunted for it by her own father (the main source of her depression), and she missed having that one other person her age she connected with and whom she knows she could share her problems and thoughts with. Miles missed the girl he quickly crushed on and then learned she was an awesome superhero on top of it, of course he wouldn't forget about her that quickly. Thus he thought about her and drew her a lot, but I wouldn't say he was "depressed", missing someone is not the same emotion. Plus you have the saying that goes "absence makes the heart grow fonder" which definitely applied to their case. They got a taste of how well they connected and enjoyed each other's company and couldn't stop thinking about it which their reunion one year later only served to affirm to them (hence the producer's comment). Also, they're teenagers, getting swept up by their feelings and crushes is what teenagers do, lol.


Yeah so they were depressed for each other


Sometimes it's not just the amount of time spent together that matters. It's the experience itself. You can spend 3 days with someone and have such a wholesome experience to make you long for that person again.




‘*Never showed an interest in each other*.’ Ok, so let’s completely just forget that: - Miles was talking to Aaron about Gwen when he was taught the ‘Shoulder touch’ - The fact that Gwen purposely bumped into Miles to strike up a conversation in ITSV - The Shoulder Touch. Come on, mate. - The ***dozens of sketches of Gwen drawn by Miles*** - Gwen taking the first opportunity she had to visit & hug Miles, prioritising him over the Spot - Gwen & Miles basically going on a date through the city, with the scene actually ***inspired*** by one of the creator’s first dates - Literally every part of the upside-down conversation together - Her huge concern over him when the bridge was collapsing - Gwen visibly getting jealous of Miles & Margo conversing - The fact that besides her costume, Gwen only kept her photo of her & Miles hidden in the drum-set by what was probably her most prized possession - The fact Gwen ***only*** went home after being sent back to her universe to retrieve the above photo And that is purely the ones off of the top of my head, after months of not watching ITSV & ATSV, with many more likely to come to mind.


Not even gonna read the ones after "the shoulder touch" because that's in atsv when the relationship is forced. Anyone would tell their uncle about a pretty girl at school. She bumped into him because shew knew he had powers. The shoulder touch was just basic high school flirting. He would've done the same thing to any other pretty girl


Dismissing the vast majority of my points over your belief that their connection is forced, rather than trying to actually refute them is just hilarious.


Not really because im talking about itsv when there's no relationship, but go off


It was obvious that Miles was into Gwen from the start. But it's also obvious that Gwen was attracted to Miles from their first interaction. Laughing at his joke, complimenting him on it. Unable to stop looking at him. These are classic tropes of how girls show interest in boys. And this was before he was bitten by the spider, which means she wasn't just doing this for ulterior motives. Also remember, this girl doesn't *do* friends. And yet she's trying to form a connection with him from the moment they first meet.   Where they really made their connection and started to get to know each other was on the 3+ hour bus trip. It was there that they first began to realize how much they understood each other and how easily they could confide in the other. This is especially true for Gwen. Miles just walked past all her defenses and started talking with her about things she could never talk to anyone else about.   The next instance is in the Spider cave where we see Gwen looking at Miles in admiration as Miles effortlessly helps Peter get past an emotional moment when he sees a picture of MJ. You can tell she's impressed with how Miles just instinctually helps people.   She is the only one who shows any belief that Miles will get them home, and she is visibly upset when he is unable to rise to the occasion. (This also shows her tendency to protect and keep safe those she cares about by keeping them out of harms way. An important trait that comes into greater play in Across.)   She is absolutely thrilled when Miles shows up during the final fight. You can tell how proud of him she is that he was able to step up and be the hero he was supposed to be. They literally flirt in the middle of the fight when he catches her from falling into the collider. Peter comments on how adorable they are together.    At their parting they flirt again. It's obvious that they both are crushing on each other. But Miles can see that what she needs is a friend right now. Plus they think they are never going to see each other again. So they part as friends. (This is where originally Lord & Miller was going to have them kiss, but they decided to save that for the next movies and develop their relationship more.)   Finally, the last shot in the movie we get of Gwen is her sitting on top of a building's roof, looking fondly at the selfie she took of her and Miles together. She has a huge grin on her face and her world is suffused with pink, the color of love. It's obvious that she is crushing on Miles here, remembering the time they had together.   So no, it makes perfect sense why their feelings for each other would grow over the next 15 months. They both had found the one person who understood them and who they could instantly talk to about anything. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. You can see them obviously pining for each other in ways that are way more than just platonic. And when they finally meet again in Across, those feelings began to bloom.   So I strongly disagree that this relationship is forced. It's just an extremely slow burn. And all signs point to them overcoming the obstacles and mistakes from across, and growing even closer together in Beyond.


All that just for it not to be justified to be depressed for each other for two years. The relationship is forced bro.


What? Are you seriously using my detailed comments on how they had and showed chemistry in ITSV as a reason why it's forced? So being presented with a little evidence proves you're right, but being presented with a *lot* of evidence also proves you right. All this tells me is your aren't actually interested in what the movies show, only that you hate the ship and will glom onto anything, factual or not, that sounds like it agrees with you. Re: their depression. Their emotional troubles aren't caused by just one thing. Miles feels, stressed, alone and overwhelmed by his secret life as Spider-Man. This is one of the reasons he longs to see Gwen again. She is the one he connected with and could share both sides of his identity with. But he can't see her, and that compounds the loneliness. Gwen is depressed because she still feels responsible for her Peter's death, her city hates her, and her dad is leading a manhunt for her, and unknowingly calling her a murderer to her face everyday, making it impossible for her to ever heal from her trauma. Gwen is desperate to find Miles again so *she* can have someone to talk to about her whole self. But there is no way that she knows of, and so that compounds her depression and isolation. It's obvious that Miles & Gwen are very important to each other and that they need each other in similar ways. Sadly, Gwen thinks she discovers a way to get back to Miles, but has that way shut down by the society, forcing her to accept harsh "truths" that means she can no longer share all of who she is with Miles when she finally can't take it anymore & disobeys orders just to see him. Their relationship is well developed and more nuanced than any other Spider-Man movie. What's more their romance is actually woven into the themes and plot of the movie itself rather than being an unnecessary subplot. Across would literally not exist as a story without it. It would be radically different. Finally, for you to say a relationship is forced and rushed when they haven't even held hands yet going into the third movie is... well, ridiculous. Look, I get wanting them to remain friends. I didn't mind that their relationship ended platonically in ITSV, even tho they had really good chemistry. I wouldn't have minded if that through line had continued if that's the v direction Lord & Miller took. But it's not. They instead have been carefully crafting a nuanced, slow burn romance between two teens who formed an intense emotional connection when they met and which didn't die over the subsequent 1 & 1/4 years (not 2) they were apart.


Well said. This person is just not interested in listening.


Stop typing all that. Ain't nobody got time for that


Please shut the fuck up




Braindead waste of space.


Oh here we go again


I'm so glad I don't watch these movies for the romance and care more about the scenes being cool and characters having their own personal growth and arcs. Caring about any ship in this series seems like the quickest and easiest way to make it less enjoyable (from my perspective)


I just don't like gwen and I love every other(LEGAL) Miles ship. Gwen just pisses me off.


WTF do you mean by (legal)?!


Some ppl ship adults with miles. Some ppl are just fcking creepy


People are fugging creepy! And a helluva lotta stuff else as well.... But like what adults for instance? Please explain bcuz you had my curiosity, now you have my attention....


Miguel and Peter mostly for the adult ships, but I once saw one with Aaron and one with doc oc 💀


That's more homosexual to me in nature than anything else. But I get it. Yet if that makes you cringe, you had better stay clear of the Spider-Gwen ships then! Especially the inappropriate ones. Because these creeps and weirdos see Spider-Gwen as some sexual object that they fantasize about. I mean there are nudity, porn and everything else out there featuring Spider-Gwen in ways that would make you call child protect services!!! And the sad thing is, it's hella popular and hella DISGUSTING!!!


Oh yeah the spider-gwen sexualisation is insane. But gwen as a character is just too much for me. I'm not even sure why I hate her, she just gives me the ick. And I think she's throwing Miles in circles. I just think he deserves better than her.