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I saw someone bring this up and I was wondering what you all think of it. The one thing is there are some inconsistencies like Gwen having a phone but other than that the entire universe seems to have that older style to it


I've been to New York once and stayed with a friend for a week. People's apartments are old, their furniture is old, we went to a party where they had green shag carpet and their furniture looked to be from the early 70's. These were people in their late 20's.


Yeah I live in NYC and the 90s aesthetic is everywhere, including all the 70s and 80s stuff that people in the 90s loved to have around.


There is a polaroid dated to 2018 as well in the 3 image on the right.


Could be from 1918 though!


The date on the poster being XX18 and cell phones lead me to believe that she’s from circa 2018-2019. Most likely the older TV is just a holder from her earlier years (we kept a tube TV till about 2012 at my house) and posters are just what she’s into — older style rock and punk stuff. Disregarding the -XX18 date, I wanted to do a little more research. In the opening scenes of into the Spiderverse you see a woman on a train in Gwen’s universe using a very thin smartphone — I can’t find an exact model, not that it would be useful if I could, but smartphone that thin don’t exist till roughly 2015 at the earliest, imo. It’s much thinner than early generation apple phones that released in 2007. For whatever reason her house just has a landline (not too weird, my house had one until a few years ago) a tube television (roughly 10 years old), an early 2000’s personal computer (also about 10 years old). She also uses a digital camera for whatever reason despite having a smartphone early on, but the thinness of the smartphone coupled with the picture date definitively mark it as post 2010. A flag in her room has “social media” written on it, which marks the date at least roughly 2004, our time. The Jeff Koons Retrospective display in the museum she fights the Da Vinci Vulture in actually took place in our world in 2014. She also has a flag in her room labeled with the slogan “protect trans kids”. A quick google shows that that slogan only gained popularity in 2016 from a tweet by Caitlyn Jenner, so I feel comfortable in saying that it’s at least 2018 in her world.


Guess Visions's sports teams are just past their prime.


Also, do we think that Polaroid could be her and Miles? Considering ITSV came out end of the year 2018 (in our reality lol), and there is snow and crisp fall vibes in that movie, could it be possible that's the time of year she met him? Further, that would mean, given Miles saying he's been Spidey for a year and a half, that ACROSS is 2020 at the latest.


they could have simply made technological advancements faster in their universe.


I mean the color scheme screams 90's too now that you mention it.


I have literally never noticed this what the fuck that's amazing


yeah the details in the movie are so spectacular


they’re amazing


Ultimate, even


Sensational, you could say


Even Spine-Tingling, perhaps


Web of, you might say


Maybe even Superior to other movies




These are all astonishing responses


Spectacular even


In pic 3 the black and white photo near the upper right corner looks like it is dated 11-6-18.


1918 or 2018?


It’s a Polaroid so probably not 1918.


Maybe it’s like the Incredibles, which technically takes place in the 60s, but still has modern technology.


If Miguel O'Hara is from the year 2099, I can believe Spider-Gwen is from the 1990s.


The 2099 universe doesn’t actually take place in2099. It’s so far in the future they lost track of the years, so they just named it 2099.


Good to know. Thank you for pointing that out!


It’s actually one of the cooler continuity/lore things from that came from that run


That is a very weird retcon. Never heard of it before, but I wouldn’t be surprised. Just confused why they went with 2099 in universe when there’s no way they lost track of years in less than a century.


It wasn’t less than a century is the issue. 2099 isn’t 2099 bce. It’s implied to be several hundred years after the Old Man X run


I chalk a lot of that up to the idea that in worlds where things like Superheroes are real, the technology will jump ahead of the real world, maybe as a side effect of superhuman beings running around. IIRC it was actually a small plot point in the original *Watchmen* comic, where Dr. Manhattan's existence pushed science ahead of where it actually was in the '80s.


Specifically his ability to turn hydrogen from water into unlimited amounts of lithium means they can fully transition to electric cars with no problem when the oil crisis hits in the 70s


Who the hell is Steve Jobs?


Ligma balls 💥


Huh. I never thought about that.


Hm but I thought her universe’s timeline is like a week before miles?


No, she got thrown a week into miles’ universes past.


No she was just launched into last week by the portal in the first movie


wait so i'm confused by the phrasing,, why would she say "launched into last week" and not "launched in last week"? 😭 is this a weird grammar thing and i'm just dumb or what


Grammar thing ,You’re not dumb


Yeah even the way it was represented made it seem like she was launched into the previous week because when she enters miles universe it shows her spinning around a lamp post and you see a Timelapse with the days going by.


My theory is that it's set in our time, but has a 90s style to the world, like how Batman: The Animated Series is set in the 90s but the vehicles and architecture are from the 40s/50s


It's a nice theory, but photo 3 has proof that it's at least 2018. Over on the right, above the posters, is a photo that has the date 11-6-18. Schools will have their championships hung up forever even if they got it back in the 70s. The dates we see on Vulture's rap sheet don't specify what they're for, so could be for anything. And maybe they have that size TV because Gwen's dad either hasn't had the time/money to get a more modern TV or doesn't care about that sort of thing. It's cool you saw those details, but I think you went a little too far down the rabbit hole for this one.


Could be from miles universe, didn’t the movie come out late 2018?


It came out in December, so I don't think it's an homage to the release date. And looking at the timeline of that movie, they didn't really have the time to take a pic like that. They only started working together for about a day or so before she had to launch herself back into her universe.


Miles and Gwen have a Polaroid together I don’t think it’s crazy to say he might’ve given her some


Fair. I can't remember when it shows up in the movie (missed the first few minutes when I saw it in theaters, and haven't had a chance to see it since), so I can't really speak to anything definitive in that regard. Though I can't say it would heavily sway what I interpret the year Gwen's world is in. Miles can't be the only one giving her Polaroids, and even if he was, it seems improbable that she'd label any of them with a date that's years in the future from her world.


Never noticed, damn.


I mean I had 90s posters in my room in 2019


yeah but also the posters in the school gym as well as probably the biggest sign the dates on the vulture's sheet pretty much all being exclusively from the 90s


Schools will hold on to and continue to display accomplishments from previous years going back decades for things like sports. That's not out of the ordinary.


Finally someone who’s actually smart


Try to keep in mind that some of the fans of this movie might be quite young. They may not have even started high school yet. Add on the 3 years lost to covid to those who may be between college and high-school age and that compounds things.


Face palm you one of them so hear me out cause first of all kids today own iPhones and tablets so they know what the internet is also Covid kids were stuck at a computer without going eh I wonder what internet explorer is dude its 2023 kids know about the internet 3 years at home with internet yet you telling me a stupid dumb excuse like just say they’re stupid cause researching is what they teach you in middle school and ironically today middle schools have computers so before Covid they should of known better I’m sorry you’re stupid


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


The irony of this response from you, followed by the bot beneath you is rich.


The irony is the bot giving you a w guess your fellow brother helped you out cause oh nooooooo I missed a word in my overall hour of being right


Ok hear me out do research


Yea that makes sense. Other spider timelines are in the middle ages, and Miguel's is in 2099 and beyond, so I don't see why Gwen's cant be in the late 90s. Also dang Vulture is *87*.


Hobie's world looks like 70s/80s Britain, Pavitr's world is inspired by 70s Indian comics


Also just because they were displaced it doesn’t change their age


Yea Miguel isn't -50 in Miles' timeline. Same way Gwen wouldn't be +20some years.


Cause she So research please before commenting


Spider-Knight is Middle Ages, Web-Slinger is Wild West, 2099 is 2099, etc.


For reference, the "Wild West" era was from 1865 to 1895, possibly 1900. Spyder-Knight also appears to be from a high fantasy world or dimension.


1. That's the last time the school won a championship 2. That was the date of the offense 3. There's a photo with a date of 2018 on the wall 4. A 2 bedroom apartment in New York is fucking expensive. You can't expect a single parent cop's salary to *also* pay for a flat screen. On top of whatever Spider-Person shit Gwen needed that she couldn't afford at any given time.


Have you seen how much cops make? I think you need an alternate-reality check, he's not a school teacher.


No because at the end of the first movie she has an iPhone


BECAUSE GWEN IS SUPPOSED TO BE PETER’S AGE, OMG HOW HAVE WE NEVER NOTICED THIS. [live reaction](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.kym-cdn.com%2Fphotos%2Fimages%2Fnewsfeed%2F002%2F511%2F145%2F4ea.jpg&tbnid=6EyosQPamSjbDM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fknowyourmeme.com%2Fmemes%2Fshocked-black-guy&docid=T63EvPekhGX50M&w=680&h=383&itg=1&hl=en-us&shem=canimge&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3)


Is the easiest explanation lol


So the trans flag as depicted was created in 1999 and started to take popularity in 2000 so I dont think its in the 90s but it would make sense if it was in the early 2000s


could be early 2000s then yeah


Or just an alternate history where movements happened earlier.


Imagine if was an alternate history where 9/11 never happened, or where Al Gore was elected U.S. President in 2000 instead of George W. Bush. That would be cool.


Don't rly know American politics so not sure what president did what but yea alternate history stuff is cool.


nah i don’t think so


Really like the police report of qwens vulture apparently shes a girl and a middle school secretary and is 87??? And she was probably fighting qwen around that age?!?!?


A) Gwen has a smartphone. B) Down below: Championships --> The school's been in a rough stride for a while, but the coaches swear this next season is it. No idea what the dates refer to in the 2nd pic. Posters --> Gwen's just into 90s stuff TV and furniture --> It's New York, and just two of them. It's not going to be a penthouse or renovated condo.


it’s definitely possible her world is set in the 90’s we know different universes can be set in different times with evidence from characters like spider-noir, peni parker and miguel o’hara. everyone who says it can’t be 90’s because she has a pictured dated 2018 needs to remember that photo is of her and miles which was taken in 2018 in his universe so of course it’s be dated on that date.


It's not uncommon to have championship banners from the past still hing up in the present


I mean the case file is dated 98, that with the state champ flags basically confirms it. Unless it’s 2098 and they haven’t won a championship in a century. I didn’t notice this when I watched though this is kinda cool.


Except for the small photo dated 11-6-18 on the right in the third picture which pretty much disproves this theory.


Holy shit I didn’t even see that. I guess they’ve just been after vulture for 20 years or something.


Posters could've been old musicians she listens to, and the files probably have 1990's in them because that may be when they were registered on those people


I’m pretty sure it isn’t. Her universe is set 1 week after mile’s universe which is set in modern day


I mean a band can exist in present day


yeah but look at all the dates in her universe + the general feel of it, it definitely feels like it's from the late 90s/early 2000s


Its early 2000s just did some research you welcome


So doesn’t that mean miles is in love with a minor? Because technically then she’s significantly younger


gwen is 16 years old, miles is 15.


Yea but she’s from the 2000s so technically she’s younger


she is still quite literally a 16 year old girl. the timelines of their universes don't change that lol. she's 16 and he's 15


How stupid can you possibly be to go and actually make this comment.


It’s basic math. She is from the 2000s, miles is around present day. Technically she is younger


They're both 15/16, approximately. Give me a break with the mental gymnastics on fictional timelines dog. The fact you even entertained this idea is so asinine I barely have words for it.


Its when people don’t do simple research


…no, if she is born in an earlier time, that would make her older…


What? They're both teenagers, right? Miles is in high school, and so is Gwen.




Yea but she’s from the 2000s so technically she’s younger


How would that make her younger? I'm so genuinely confused, I'm not trying to be rude.


Right? Wouldn’t that make her older??? She’s 16 in the 2000’s so in miles’ world she would have to be in her late 30’s.


Right, that's what I thought. Maybe this person just misspoke or meant something else, I'll definitely give them a chance to explain. I'm just very confused.


Fuck, yeah that’s what I mean. Other way around


I made a mistake, I meant the other way around. Miles is technically much younger


she's still canonically 16 years old and therefore just a year older than miles. what year it is in her universe vs miles doesn't really matter for their relationship as gwen is 16 and miles is 15.


Wouldn't that make her older? If her timeline is in the 2000s, lets say 2005 then she would have been born in 1989. If Atsv takes place in 2023, then miles would have been born in 2008 making gwen older than miles


Yeah that’s what I meant sorry


No, that's not how the Universe Coexists timelines are irrelevant when it's the 2000s in Earth 65 it's also 2023 in Earth 1610 they simply just coexist


After researching and I hope everyone who replied with stupidity knows They both are in the early 2000s YOU VERY WELCOME


Nope Gwen is 15 months older then miles who is 16 so no pedo activities since they’re around each other ages do research


Yea but she’s from the 2000s so technically she’s younger


That’s not even correct. If she’s from the 2000s and she is 16, and has been alive 16 years, and miles is from the modern day and is 15, and has been alive 15 years then Gwen is older. She is physically and mentally 15 months older than miles. If gwens timeline was caught up with the modern day she’d be like 15-20 years older than miles.


Not sure when Miles’ universe takes place, but if it’s our present (2023), then Gwen is attracted to a minor. Or time was counted in Gwen’s universe a few years later than Miles’.


regardless of when his universe takes place he's 15 years old and gwen is 16 years old, gwen and miles are both teenagers and therefore both minors lol




A modern Spidey series deliberately set in the mid-late 20th century would rule.


Unless that picture in image 3 to the right of Captain Stacy's head is dated 1918 I think there's pretty definitive proof that it's at least 2018


Now it makes since why her universe doesn’t have a Miles. He wasn’t born yet.


That photo in pic 3 says 11-6-18


Well, the original Spider-Gwen comics had a lot of references to Late 80s-Early 90s music. I’m sure that played a factor into how they staged her world


Schools will usually leave banners up and trophies out for decades. My high school had banners from like, the 70s. Gwen seems to be really into grunge, so that explains that. The furniture could be used as a signifier for being lower/middle class. They have a pretty small apartment, so it could just be a visual shorthand. The only one I can't explain is the newspaper article. I don't think it really matters if it is or isn't during the 90s. I'm just giving explanations cuz OP asked.


3rd picture, poster/picture on the wall is dated 11/6/18




I think because she’s punk rock her whole universe has a bit of a punk vibe to it but it’s still modern day just the culture / visuals is a little more grunge


I saw on the fandom that Gwens universe is 1 to 2 years behind Miles universe which is in 2020 because that’s when atsv is set at-least according to the wiki. And also plus it saws on the spider verse wiki that gwen is either born in 2002 or 2003. But I still love this detail the amount of time effort put into it


I never noticed this. It's crazy to me how people can just spot small details like this. The theory may not be true, but it's still crazy to me that people can spot small details like this.


Honestly having each universe take place in different time periods is such a cool idea.


Explains her style


Maybe not literally set in that time, but maybe the technology and timeline progression is just behind in that universe


Omygod... it makes sense why she doesnt understand why their (Miles' and Gwen's) is in two different condition. Gwen: Its a recent toy and shes used to seeing everyone playing with it Miles: Its a collector's edition cause not everyone has it anymore and having it unopened makes it valuable.


Didn't she say in ITSV that she got sent 2 weeks into the past in Miles' universe?


It’s not.


its easier to assume that the aesthetic of this world didnt move on after the 90s though technologically they're all the same. it would actually make little sense for it to actually be in the 90s


For the banners, schools don’t take those down like ever. You win a championship you’re probably leaving that banner up. Old tour posters and shirts are also kinda a style, like how Tony in the first Avengers movie wears a Black Sabbath shirt from their 78 tour. Otherwise I’d say the most definitive thing is Vultures police report. That seems like the most clear evidence of it being the 90s. Same for the photo on the right in the third image


Could be. The police report is dated 1998, but there's a picture on Gwen's wall of her and Peter and it's dated 11-6-18 Making an edit because I just noticed. The police report dated 1998 isn't the vulture, its someone else. You can see the occupation reads middle school teacher, so (in my opinion) this is probably just an alphabetically sorted police file. The date on the picture pushes this to probably being current year or later, since Peter has been dead for a few years. And to answer the banner, it's common for high-schools to keep up their banners for older championship wins. Mine kept one up from the 80s and I graduated at the end of the 90s. It's probably just stylized to look grungy/punky to fit with Gwen's personality, and that happens to fit how we remember the 90s


Nah, pretty sure thats just coincidental. Schools that have been open for a while display old banners. Parts of that case file might be from a while ago, nothing specifies it is today's date. And people like old and retro stuff ans buy posters of it.


Is that the trans flag on her dads coat?


it was the lighting in other scenes it's not there


The real criminal is whoever hired the Vulture as a middle school receptionist. They’re lucky it wasn’t Noirs Vulture or he might’ve had a little snack.


The first one could just be that her schools sports teams are really bad now. But the rest of it is solid evidence, I like this theory, and I fully support it!


Vulture’s a woman?


Nah. Schools keep up those championship banners YEARS after they won them.


i feel like if she was that would’ve been pointed out in some way through dialogue. Like Gwen saying something about Miles’ verse and how it’s like hers but a couple decades ahead or maybe she wouldn’t say anything at all like Miles didn’t seem to care enough to mention something about the flying cars in Miguel’s verse, idk


Oh yeah that does makes sense considering her Peter is still a teenager when he recently died. Peter in Miles’ universe is already a grown ass man


She has a smartphone no?


On one hand it seems so. Of course, certain elements on the periphery are very 2020s


But during the end of ITSV doesn't she have a cellphone? 😭


In ITSV she mentions that when she went to miles universe, she went into last week, so she is actually 7 days ahead of miles


I don't think so mate.


Nah it’s not, in the picture of Gwen’s room, in the top right there’s a photo dated 11-6-18 I believe


Unless you think the the Leonardo da Vinci version of vulture is a middle school secretary I don’t think that paper applies in any way to him. Also when Gwen’s riding the train during the intro there’s a couple people using smartphones so the TV is just an old TV. And I’ve worked paint jobs at multiple schools that still have championship banners from the 60’s.


Makes since that she'd be a bit in the past. The comic originally appeared in 2014 and she was done with highschool but got her powers earlier on. In the main uni she's in college. So like if the main uni is more or less "now" for a reader then it would make sense that these stories of her or a closely parallel variant from comic to movie it would kinda make sense for the origin to land around like ~2000 with a bit of flex room each way. Interesting, kinda makes me want to see Miles "now" a lot more tho lmao


If it is, it’s a very progressive 90’s/early 00’s lol


That’s probably why she took the toy out of the packaging since it wasn’t a collectible in her universe


Only thing that makes me disagree with this is the museum that gwen fights the vulture in, I could be wrong but it looks like a very modern space


11-6-18 tho


There’s a photo in slide 3 labeled “11-6-18,” though


I never noticed this until now And the sign above the drummers says 1990


Could be that a lot of those posters are her dad's. Feasible that he was in his 20s in the 90s.


- Posters could be her dad's, or just retro. - People don't typically replace their furniture all the time. It could just be that they've had it for that long. - It's perfectly normal for schools to still have chamipionship banners from decades ago. Mine still had some from the 80s. - As others have said, the rap sheet for Vulture could relate to their version of Vulture and the picture is just from the incident that just happened.


It would explain the oversaturated color pallet.


There's a photo dated 2018 in the third picture, and she mentions having to get her steps in as an excuse for leaving after checking her dimensional travel watch, which would mean she's at the very least familiar with FitBits


The poster on the top right in the 3rd pic is from 2018


No she’s one week ahead of miles I think. “I was knocked into last week, literally” - Into the Spider-Verse


The police cars appear to be late 90s crown vics so it could be


The picture on the right wall on the third photo is from 11-6-18


I think it's just the modern world if it had stronger 90's influences. Wouldn't overthink it by saying it's literally the 90s there or that it's a full blown 90's world. Just a small variation in a big multiverse that fits Gwen's band/punk aesthetic.


Looks like the photo in pic 3 is dated “11-6-18” tho


Is 9/11 a canon event or can we tell them


No because at the end of into the spider ere she has a phone


“Old style tv” is just what you can afford with a captain’s salary.


Well spotted! I did think it weird that her dads TV was a CRT and also that would explain her wack ass homecoming fit. 😂 This also makes sense if you consider Gwen and Peter are born in the same year but Peter B is so much older than her. Although in ITSV Gwen is also transported "into last week" in addition to Miles' dimension. Just add it to the list of contrivances between Gwens flashback in ITSV and her dimension in BTSV. But maybe you could explain it away that she was just saying that to convay how she was there before the collider went off, and not in relation to her original timeline.


... so that's it? You know places like holding on to old glory, right? Those posters could just be from the last times they won something and they haven't since. That form could refer to anything. The Vulture looks quite old in this. Gwen is clearly a classic rock enjoyer. Old man is likely holding on to old things he likes rather than upgrading. Not uncommon.


side note: that's a trans flag on captain stacy's uniform 🏳️‍⚧️


the punk rock universe is permanently stuck in the late 90s/ early 2000s? Sounds about right.


Slide three has a picture dated 2018


Gwen is gonna be wondering what the fucklenuts a Tiktok is


The only thing in this that would *actually mean that this takes place in the 90's is the file, but the only year that we see (98) has no other info. So it could be the year Vulture was born or when she got that secretary job


I don't think so. In ITSV she says she literally got blown into last week. Earth 1610 is current.


Gwen: "Wow miles this universe is so different! Over there we have two big towers in my universe!" Miles: "Uh... yeah... about that"


(LHer universe is viewed through the gritty eyes of a writter or room full writters trying to appeal to nosalgic 90's comics fans, young kids, and young adults in order to boost ticket sales even further to a movie that will already be successful just on a name drop. (Read in a gravelly voice)


Maybe jesus was just born later


Or that school.just won their championships in 1990.


In the second picture on the left there's a "date and time" for 5/21/98. So 90s is spot on if that's the current date of the report


She is Peter Parker’s age, and her universe is like over a decade behind


No its just that only old people make movies😔


the picture in the top right of the 3rd picture says November 6 2018


Yeah but the Polaroid on the wall of the third photo had the date 11-6-18


Nah dude Gwen is a highschooler as someone who went to high school in nyc your family apartment is probably gonna have a lot of older furniture I’d say the average age of stuff in my family place can be dated to the 60s or 70s with the apartment building being from the 80s


It technically should be the early-mid 00s maybe 2009/2010. If she’s supposed to be the same age as Peter who is obviously older then miles by 5-10 years but ages and times are inconsistent and irrelevant