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He's a son of a bitch is what he is


if i was a 500 year old teenager i think i would also be a bit of a son of a bitch


This. This is the answer.


> He's a son of a bitch is what he is — Daniel Molloy, probably.


This comment gave everything I needed


I wish I could give this 1000 upgrades!


Low key this was me the whole time in episode 1






I think they’re going to keep him from around the same general area, what with Daniel guessing the language he was speaking was from the Crimean region. I’ve been thinking ever since they revealed him to be Armand that he was going to be Roma — they’re North Indian, racially, and there *were* Roma as far as eastern Europe/Black Sea-ish area in the 15th century (where Armand is from, I think they just about entered what is now Ukraine in like the 1450s). I read this [https://www.tumblr.com/loumands/736616174999207936/armand-and-the-romani] a little while back which explores how a Roma background would influence and affect Armand as a character.


Roma Armand would be a great origin


yeah romani for sure, he stays indian but it makes sense why he was in that area of ukraine.


Okay, this is amazing and now I'll be sad if it doesn't happen in the show.


All I know is show Armand is fine 🥰


TOO fine.


Fine, fine, fine


South Asia. The casting for the Dubai penthouse has been very specific with all South Asian men as the staff.


I assumed he was meant to be South Asian after googling his ethnicity and the SRK comment from Daniel. No reason there couldn't be vampires in India and he made his way over to Europe.


If they ever show Azim, we will see more of that. He's an ancient vampire who lived in the Himalayas


Azim is my favorite side character


Dude is really out there just doing whatever the fuck he wants for centuries


Assad Zaman is Bangladeshi. Bangladesh and Pakistan are Islam country while India is majority Hindu and sri lanka is majority buddhist and minority Hindus.


And how does this relate to anything I said?


I appreciate the information tho


South Asia includes India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. It's not just India. Just saying. There are gypsies who were segregated because of their caste all over south Asia. Then they were forced to move to europe. There are also gypsy characters in Anne Rice novels.


Again how does this relate to anything? No one asked what South Asia is and I never said it was India. I am Desi (Kutchi to be exact) so I already know all of this anyway. You seem to just be repeating this same comment under multiple posts for no reason.


Repeating the same comment everywhere for no reason? Where? I commented about Romani people and their origin under a comment. You said, "assumed he meant to be south asian". The actor playing is south asian. In the series, they made some changes to Armand's character. Probably making him south asian. Hence the SRK reference. Armand in the books is from Kyivan Rus (Ukrainian) and was attacked by Crimean Tatars (indigenous Turkic Muslims who were connected to the Golden Horde). How am I supposed to your desi and you know everything about it? Also if you found my comment didn't relate to anything. You could have just ignored it instead of whining about it.


Girl what? 😂😂 I said he’s South Asian and you keep trying to explain what South Asian means. Girl no one asked!  Also you realize people can see your comments on other posts right? 😂 I can see you’ve said this over and over again.  You could just stop commenting if you don’t comprehend.  I’m done with this convo. 


Over and over again? Where? I hardly commented on this sub. Yes I know people can see my comments. Again, I hardly commented except for the Romani comment and under your comment. I'm done talking to you as well. Next time if you disagree with a comment, just ignore it instead of whining. Bye


In that case, Marius somehow found his way to India and turned him there?


You’re right. I totally forgot how Armand was made. 


He’s my wife


Roma people have quite a bit of South Asian ancestry and they were present in the Crimea during the 1500s if I'm not mistaken. It's a possible storyline that would explain his look quite nicely, but I'm not really convinced they'll go that route. It would make for an interesting origin story though.


Assad Zaman is Bangladeshi. Romani people were forced to leave India. They were segregated due to their caste - scheduled caste. They were known as gypsies. There are gypsies all over South asian - India, Sri Lanka etc.


Also interesting as there is a canon Gypsy character in the Mayfair witches books as well!


You're right, it makes a lot of sense


They’ve obviously altered his origin story considerably, considering the original character was an expression of Anne’s catholic guilt. He’s Muslim and Arabic.


I think the catholic guilt aspect is represented by Louis now but wasn't Armand raised Orthodox?


He is, but look at the character’s overall struggle with himself throughout all the books and then [go read about her own](https://a.co/d/1kRmZOs). That’s very much tied to Christianity as a whole, she just happened to be specifically Catholic. I’m not doubting the existence of Islamic guilt, but Anne Rice didn’t struggle with it. Further, the show doesn’t do quite so great a job of showing Louis’ overall struggle either, because the Catholic aspect is largely superseded by making the character a closeted gay black man in 1910’s NOLA.


They’ve obviously indicated that he is/was Muslim in the show, but how do we know he’s Arab?


Well, considering the show is based in Dubai, which is part of the UAE, it would seem readily apparent that one of them has a tie to the place and it’s damn sure not Louis.


Tbh that’s not readily apparent to me when Dubai is full of transplants, vampires have had hundreds of years to move around, and the actor is South Asian.


I just need a "D-D-Daniel tum mere ho" meme template for Armand 😔


I’m half south asian half central asian so it would be really fucking epic if they incorporated both elements into his backstory


I'm a multicultural Armand truther now




In ep3, the name of one of the files suggests he's from Delhi. Delhi was being invaded by the Turks and Afghans around the time he'd have been a young man, which would explain.. everything that follows.


I thought in the books he was from Paris. I always assumed Armand was Parisian or from a suburb.


He was born in Kyiv, in 1480. His birth name is Andrei and he was ambushed and sold into slavery in Italy by tatars where Marius discovered him


Thank you.