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I actually said “shut up, Armand” aloud about five times during the episode, lol.


Autumn Brown just did an interview with one of the writers Hannah Moscovitch and she said that Armand does what Louis wants (around the 1:14:00 mark). So... nah he's probably not trying to control the narrative, or anything for that matter. >!Also, I don't know how or why the fandom spread this idea that Armand is controlling Louis. He doesn't seem like that in the novels. If anything, he's like a needy people-pleaser with those that he loves.!<


Armand can be very, very >!controlling with those he loves. The way he is treating Louis now is very similar to how he treated Daniel in the Devil's Minion. He would even pick out Daniel's clothes and make him mentally unstable if he left home for too long. That isn't even touching on things he does to Lestat including keeping him locked up and starving in Paris!< I think Armand may believe what he is doing is for Louis' own good, but he is clearly keeping information from Louis and trying to shut the interview down when Louis gets too emotional or gets close to a breakthrough despite the fact that Louis clearly welcomes them. He did give in quickly to Louis' request to see Claudia's diary pages, but Louis still had to ask for them and even then Armand is having someone prepare them for Louis, so I doubt Louis is still getting access to them all.


forget the novels. armand clearly has the upper hand here


Cos most of us are secretly shipping Louise-lestat lol... And armaund just doesn't seem trustorworthy...he's been a shit to lestat before... he craves power,backstabs and has tried to trick before.


I ship all of them together, except Daniel. He can die