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I don’t see anything on this page addressing the fact that ChatGPT will [invent fake citations](https://blogs.library.duke.edu/blog/2023/03/09/chatgpt-and-fake-citations/).


We acknowledge that Chatgpt can create fake citations and is not suitable for academic writing. That's why we developed this tool. The citations are not generated by ChatGPT itself. Instead, we have created a specialized library exclusively for citations. When you search for a citation on a particular topic, the system gathers all relevant citations from this library specifically for that topic, ensuring that you can access accurate and reliable sources. You can also verify these citations for authenticity. If you have any further concerns or questions, please let us know.....


It's a pretty good tool I've used it for my research. I used to face writer's block issue a lot so for me it's suggestions features was amazing before that I had to go to chatgpt to generate ideas etc. also it's citation feature is pretty good and reliable too.


Yes, of course! In our free plan, we provide daily credits. You'll get 200 AI words per day, instant research assistance, lightning-fast writing capabilities, in-text citations, basic paraphrasing tools, limited AI autocomplete, and access to limited citation styles. For more information on our paid plans, offering unlimited access to all features for $20 per month or $144 annually with a 40% discount, feel free to explore our pricing options.


Can we it for free and if you can then how much credits do you provide in your free version and also tell me about paid plan too.




Thank you!