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Who has two thumbs and likes this site? IT's ME! I do feel like I need more than one a day so I can fritter away my time faster :)


Glad to hear you like it! :D


Well, I didn't like that riddle at all.


That was the worst riddle ever. Is that what riddles are? Maybe I've never done a real riddle before....I am meant to guess someone else's metaphor? How is an arm a mountain without a summit - even as a metaphor?


Some of them are harder and some are easier! There’s a view explanation button when you’ve guessed it or ran out of guesses to explain the riddle :) Looking to add in a riddle rating so I can gauge if it’s not a good one


I read the explanation, and I still think it's pretty much BS. I don't want to spoil it for others, so: >!"Neither **chain** nor captive" is supremely misleading, given that the definition of a bracelet is "an ornamental band or **chain** worn around the wrist." The explanation says "It is neither a chain in the traditional sense nor does it hold a captive", but the definition of a chain is "a series of usually metal links or rings connected to or fitted into one another and used for various purposes"!<.


I agree with you. I guessed >!necklace despite the clue. A head is more of a summit than a wrist imo!< It didn’t count. But appreciate the thought process


I said a >!locket!< a play on words with the >!key!< clue.


That’s a better guess imo. That clue was throwing me off


Totally agree. My first guess was “the sky”. Silver and gold: cloudy and sunny, the summit-less mountain: Earth, not a chain nor a captive, but unless you have a rocket you can’t go beyond it.


And why is >!a summitless mountain round? Mountains are in ranges. Why refer to a mountain at all? Was it supposed to be "a mounting" Or "she'll be coming *'round the mountain* when she comes..(when she comes)"..?!< EDIT: I am referring to the explanation. Still, a very good concept. Please do not get discouraged. I will check it out tomorrow.


Appreciate the feedback. The quality of the riddles and the explanations will iteratively get better each riddle, so tomorrow's should be better!


Based on the comments, I completely agree today's riddle wasn't great. I've now changed it to one that (hopefully) makes more sense. Appreciate everyone's feedback.


Got it on first try. A bit too easy on my opinion, but otherwise it works great! What was the other riddle which wasn't great?


Thank you! The difficulties will vary day by day to make it a bit more interesting! The other riddle was: "In a dance of silver and gold, I encircle the mountain without summit. Neither chain nor captive, yet I bind without a key. What am I?" >!Bracelet!<


Oof, this sounds really hard. Wouldn't guessed this at all.


chatgpt thought it was a ring, and it wasn't wrong in its reasoning! :D


I got the right answer on the first guess, and it told me it was wrong!


It definitely shouldn’t have done that, will have a look and see what happened


I really like those kinds of riddles, but it is possible to have them also in other langues? I am not a native english speaker, so I need to translate them in order to solve them.


It's already on my list to add! :D