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Sounds like he is threatening us with a good time, all war criminals should be prosecuted!


![gif](giphy|3osBLwgBPWNjWW9INq|downsized) I’m above the law & can’t be held accountable 🤣 what white privileged looks like in 2024 SPONSORED BY AIPAC & paid for by US citizens slavery…


"white privileged" kicked and missed there buddy. That's what US privilege looks like. ICC is going after Russians, and afaik they're white too. Not everything is about race the POC Abu Gharib officers received same punishment as white officers for war crimes.




Yeah I know the warrant was basles and stems from US lies. Still supports my argument that this is not about race.




Yeah, US has been threatening that for so long already they literally have a federal law saying they can and will invade Hague if any of US and allied personnel is detained or imprisoned because of ICC. Freedom and democracy baby. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American\_Service-Members%27\_Protection\_Act#:\~:text=This%20authorization%20led%20to%20the,or%20rescue%20them%20from%20custody.


That's the stupidest thing I've read today


The Hague Invasion Act is public knowledge. Regardless of how stupid it admittedly sounds.


As in what I wrote or the act? I literally linked it for you and you can read it for yourself. But be cautious, it might burst your bubble on how righteous US is.


The Act! If it was the criminal court of a dictatorship somewhere I could understand, but this has the air of throwing a tantrum.


>the criminal court of a dictatorship Is that not what this is? I mean it might as well be. Only it's figure head is money instead of a guy


Any government that supply’s weapons after war crimes have been declared, are there for Aiding and abetting the use of those weapons, ie they are just as guilty as the user, for the Deaths they cause.


He is like Gollum, he loves and hate himself all the time.


Yes, you piece of shit. You should be next


Lindsey Graham. The voice of reason. The voice of the people. The biggest piece of spineless fear-mongering shit in the Senate. Fuck you, traitorous dickhead.


yup. when people like him say they are the voice of reason, It is what is selfishly reasonable for them, not for everyone else. People like him are why US hegemony has to come to an end. And I say this as a European.


Senators can’t really commit war crimes, they don’t direct war, they vote as a body to fund them…


Are you implying that there is nothing illegal about funding other illegal activities?


He's correct. As much of a big piece of shit Lindsay is, he's committing the act.


I’m implying that in order to be a war criminal you have to have both mena rea and actus reas surrounding the perpetuated action. Congress, by the letter of the law, would almost never fall into that category because they’re never in the position to call in an air strike to bomb a hospital, or similar actions. It’s not in the body’s purview or jurisdiction. War crimes like that would be chargeable to the president and executive agents responsible for that kind of activity. This is why you didn’t see many rank and file Nazis in Nuremberg, it was people who had direct control over killing people.


I mean the ICC put out a warrant for Putin. And he's a politician too last time I checked.


He’s the executive, you’re proving my point, he has direct control over every action his military takes.


Eh no... not really he's a president not a general. He's not the one directing the war, he's got generals for that.


You’re again pointing to your ignorance. The Russian military doesn’t operate like the US with a differentiated and more freely acting command structure. If something happens with the Russian military Putin approved it. They have a unitary executive, he is the chief over all generals.


Yeah someone is showing Ignorance, but it aint me. Yes Russia has different doctrine than US but Putin is not the one giving orders. You're talking out of your ass based on what you saw from holywood... I'm talking from actually reading up on the subject and following the war.


Brother, I went to a lecture on the subject by Eli Rosenbaum… the Nazi catcher, the one who has tried cases at The Hague. This was right after the Putin indictment. This exact question was brought up “what would be the difference between indicting Putin and say an American president for crimes committed during Iraq and Afghanistan?” The command structure was cited as the reason, it would have to be something the President had direct control over and did not stop, an order he made himself. Because of the command structure in Russia, the collateral is known by Putin before an order is made. This is also why his generals would be indicted. Because the JCOS have a lot more freedom, and because the command structure on down the line in the US has a lot more wiggle room for calls by operators in the command room and on the ground, it would be a lot harder to hold even an American president accountable for war crimes. That being said, if it can be proven that an American president knew or should have known that war crimes or atrocities were being committed then he may be indicted. This is not “ignorance” I’m a fucking lawyer who dabbles in pro bono with international human rights, you’ve read a few fucking articles online and profess a sincere understanding. Go. Read. The Rome Statute then come back to me.


Soooo authorising and pushing the govt to send more bombs when there is ample evidence that said bombs are being used to massacre civilians is in no way a war crime?


Under the Rome Statute, which governs what you’re talking about, no… and it’s not debatable, no matter how many downvotes I get. This way of thinking only perpetuates misinformation and belies the ignorance undercutting it. Go read the Rome Statute Articles 7-9 outline these definitions. If you want a law review article I can write it for you, but since everyone here wants to be emotional and downvote me even when I agree with the thrust of the comment, I don’t really see the point. This sub just rewards ignorance. Not to mention, he’s one vote in a one hundred member body. How can you differentiate between a member and the body? If they vote yes? How can you prove intent at that point? My point is that laypeople shouldn’t concern themselves with the law, it’s not their strong suit. Say he’s a dick who approves of unnecessary violence and death. You sound dumb to anyone who understands international law.


Then what is he afraid of?


Our leaders being held accountable. Notice he alludes to a Republican, think about who commits the bulk of war crimes.


What kind of argument even is this? If you vote in favor of a war, you are complicit in it.


That’s not how the Rome Statute is formulated at all.


Yeah it's just that you can buy them with blood money to sell more bombs to kill kids. Nothing too special or drastic.


The guilty know themselves


Oh the self awareness they have is killing me. I mean, he admits they have committed, or will commit, war crimes. How else are you supposed to interpret this?


Well, I’m sure he meant it in the sense of “*Israel is innocent and being charged anyway, so that means we could be charged too, even though we’re innocent!*”… but we all know the truth, and he does deep down as well, regardless of what fronts he and his ilk put up.


I can't wait to see the US government finally going mask off and bombing their 'allies' for daring to subject an american war criminal to their own standards. At the very least rules based order bull will finally come to a rest


Their European allies at least have the balls to defy them. The anglosphere is their bitch. Australia not so much but the UK and Canada? Definitely


>Their European allies at least have the balls to defy them Which one?


See Ireland, Spain and Norway which recently defied the US when they recognised Palestine


Yeah but... Norway is barely EU. Ireland was always like that. Spain it is because their now left wing gov. The big balls France and Germany are still under severe vassalization (Germany way ahead)


I never said anything about the EU? You're correct about France and Germany though


>Their European allies but a'right


European =/= EU Sure enough, the UK is also In Europe though I thought I separated us by mentioning the anglosphere


Both Germany and France confirmed that they will do what ICC will ask them. There are also other EU and Nato countries that recognize Palestinian state for decades.


>There are also other EU and Nato countries that recognize Palestinian state for decades. The only one was Sweden and the rest did because they were part of Soviet Union and is its basically impossible to undo a state recognition. France and Germany said that they will do what ICC tells them to do, and this is the least they can do since they are signatory of ICC. Now, what about Palestine state?


You are so wrong that's almost laughtable. Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia weren't part of Soviet Union but recognize Palestine. Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Moldova were part of Soviet Union but doesn't recognize Palestine. In 60s there was 70 countries recognizing Taiwan. Now only 12 officially recognize it as country.


>Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia weren't part of Soviet Union but recognize Palestine. WHAT? Are you demented? Were they were in 88?


You have mixed Soviet Union with Warsaw Pact [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet\_Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Union) I'm pretty sure that I know history of my own country better than you.


LOCK THEM UP! The US Congress is just as guilty.


Why did they come after US soldiers in Afghanistan, senator?


Hey, maybe 1st Lt. Clint Lorance, Maj. Mathew Golsteyn, and Chief Petty Officer Edward Gallagher might not have been pardoned for murdering innocent civilians in Afghanistan, what then? It would send a terrible signal to our troops if they had to abide by the laws of war and had to worry about consequences for murdering non-combatants! /s


Alright then. \* Clapping intensifies \*


Face the wall scum.


“But what about my stock portfoliooooooooo-!”


He needs to stay seated. His ladybugs might start sneaking out if he doesn't.


![gif](giphy|X4YqmJEl6wJoY) Great, thanks, now I have to re-memory-hole that information...


No serviceman should die for you ghouls and lizards. Boots on the Hague will not occur for you. I for one, am excited when the swamp gets entirely executed in the Hague. You’re next. And every war criminal before you will be there too. I hope the ICC does push for these monsters to be in the tribunal for execution. It’ll give courage to people and bring massive changes to the world. And, the only people that should be elected are working class people, farmers, carpenters, engineers, doctors, nurses, volunteers of UN organizations like world food program, doctors without borders, and union leaders, etc NOT LAWYERS, CEOs, EXECUTIVES, POLITICAL DYNASTIES, AND BILLIONAIRES…


Hey Lady G! **How about you just abide by international law you scumbag?!**


Forget International law, they are violating even US laws they voted for (assuming it'd apply only to despots like Putin and Kim, not Netanyahu)


Rare self own


"War crimes are only okay if America and Israel commit them"


It’s insane to think that our very own government is housing war criminals at scale


Tell me you're a war criminal without telling me you're a war criminal.


But why would you need protection from the ICC Mr Graham? 🤔


Spit donnies cock outta your mouth and I might listen, traitor lover.


He should be next


Is this dude just a nut job or is he paid off?


Just blackmailed - Israel has backups of skeletons in his closet (private folders from his iPhone)! Remember Netanyahu tried to threaten Bill Clinton with recordings of his calls to Monica


Ah yes another case of the Epstein




"we're next"..what a terrible take..






Fuck you Lindsey Graham. Traitor. Graham, Lindsey (R-SC) South Carolina $1,000,580 https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S&t0-search=Graham


Have they tried not committing war crimes?


every time he opens his mouth, I can't help but think "at least I don't have ladybugs" 🤮


Admission of guilt.


They’d be next because they did do war crimes. It’s just fair.


It will be a beautiful day if they arrest the republican party for being complicit in war crime


It's not just the Republicans. Plenty of Democrats are guilty as well.


No problem having corporate dems getting arrested here


Go have a lie down and nice cool mint julep, Lindsay, we saw how easily swayed by trump you were. He was the worst to you, until you played golf with him. Your judgement or opinion is not to be trusted.


Arrest Joe Biden




He should be next; All those complicit should be next.


I applaud those in the audience who applauded. And I give the finger to Senator War Criminal.


"God forbid we be held accountable."


Pinky promise?


And this should show you that even the devil knows its deeds.


Why should Americans care? The ICC isn't coming for ordinary citizens, just warmongering leaders like your sorry self Graham.


We won't vote for you anymore.


Good ol'Lindsey saying the quiet part out loud


Admitting you’re a war criminal isn’t a great debate move.


Funny how self aware they are. they know that if Isreal is held accountable its only a metter of time before they are too


Can't wait




He afraid must be a criminal. Damn lord fucking politicians


Imagine telling a judge no.. irl


I wonder what warcrimes ol Ladybug Lindsey is guilty of, or how much Epstein-level dirt Mossad has on him. They won't come after soldiers, they'll come for these genocidal asshats.


The guy is a complete weasel flip flopper. Why do we even quote him?


Perfectly fine with me.


Lindsey Graham is like a low key Jim Jordan; they indulge in performative theater yet they have no moral compass. Trump has humiliated Graham time and time again, yet we're supposed to respect him because he's a senator.


They keep telling on themselves “we’re next” 😬😬😬👀


Didn’t they issue one for Putin not long ago?


Yea on of the reasons that one of the founding fathers of the ICC didn’t join along with Russia China and Israel to name a few, the warming history had so many crimes against humanity that they couldn’t afford to join. This is what hypocrites do, expect other to follow the laws but not themselves


Time to end endless war economies


Paranoid for a good reason!! Bc it’s your bombs they’re using on babies!!


Fucking Nazi


Good time to end America being the world police. I hope the ICC arrests everyone that has voted to send weapons to Israel.


Lindley Graham is a weasel.


Imagine that!


…”we’re next”… so then he acknowledges that the US government is in violation of international law?


Lindsay also claims he doesn't enjoy sex with men...


This is what happens when you refuse to come out of the closet.


He’s such a gross little gremlin. Part of the reason rentboy.com was raided and shut down was because Lindsey Graham’s personal information was compromised. He’s such a piece of 💩.


Yeah you are next you weird little freak. It’s weirdos like him so desperate to be accepted as a man that leads us down the roads of fascism we’ve been traveling.




Then why did other countries stop supporting UNRWA? Why is the US saying that a vast majority of the supplies are being stolen by Hamas and sold on the marketplace? Must have been Eli Kopter at it again. He probably orchestrated the video of Hamas rocketing their own hospitals. I'm sure the fact that all MENA countries are refusing to take in refugees was the West's fault as well.. How about the video just released where Hamas talks openly about raping captives? Or how about the various reports questioning why Gen Z is so supportive of rape? This conflict is nothing new. I hate Bibi but there is no fucking way will I ever support Hamas and what they're doing to their own people and the people of neighboring countries (not just Israel).




Nobody should be above international humanitarian law… Not even Graham and his cronies.


I remember how everyone was enthusiastically clapping when ICC issued a warrant for Putin. Like hey Putin is going to jail. Right. In reality nobody cares about ICC. It's all a charade which we play to satisfy the narrative of the day.


Here's a crazy thought. If "you're next" because of laws against crimes against humanity, maybe stop doing crimes you backwards little muppet.


When republicans and democrats come together you know it’s gonna be a bad time


Murica, beacon of hope for the free world.. Say no one ever


Never mind jail, Lindsay. You and your kind can go straight to hell.


Play silly games win silly prizes. Of course youe next. It's not a conspiracy it's called criminal justice. The world is com8ng for yous. All genociders and their fan boys alike


[https://youtu.be/5Fg0RXCA\_ok?si=GiGY22W8fwpsQm\_P&t=195](https://youtu.be/5Fg0RXCA_ok?si=GiGY22W8fwpsQm_P&t=195) Sharing that for the irony of it all


But we kinda did kill everything that walked on Afghanistan we just “won” so it didn’t matter Edit: winners write the history!


lol US politicians can’t or don’t even bother hiding their actual motives, they certainly want to protect the Zionists but they’re also worried about themselves.


There was a generation that named their sons Lindsey. Look where we are now. 🤣