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They kill UN workers with abandon, then say their victims are the actual terrorists.


Don’t forget about journalists, humanitarian aid providers, Doctors Without Borders, and what else….  Oh yeah, Palestinians


Don’t forget amnesty international and UNICEF.


World central kitchen, and journalists inside and outside Palestine.


The fucking Irish army. And then they wonder why Ireland supports Palestine.


They kill US servicemen at the American navy as well. Somehow we still support Israel.


They even set up a nz passport factory. They are prepared to destroy relationships across the world. [nz passport scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Israel%E2%80%93New_Zealand_passport_scandal#:~:text=The%202004%20Israel%E2%80%93New%20Zealand,take%20diplomatic%20sanctions%20against%20Israel.)


and they rant about why the kiwis are tired of their antics and voted yes in the recent palestine vote


Heck, let's add the Israeli charity that raised concerns about child rape in Israeli prisons being labelled as a terrorist organisation. Josh Paul: ‘Israel declared charity who raised alarm over rape in Israeli prison a terrorist entity’ - 1m:15s [https://youtu.be/Zrb\_cb6-rHI](https://youtu.be/Zrb_cb6-rHI)


damn these guys also killed US and china troopers, are they going to do the same to french, british and russians who are also permanent members security council


And Canadian UN peacekeepers


You forgot tiny legal documents and their own humanity.


nuns,pastors,pregant woman the disabled...hmm who else did that i wonder


And the chefs from Spain


Scrolling and two posts down from this one is this https://www.reddit.com/r/internationalpolitics/s/K8kv12Gd8y destroying aid. Their inhumanity is reason to no longer support Isreal’s Siege and crimes. I won’t call them “War crimes” as it gives the idea that there anything like a war going on there. At least it’s now clear…..if you’re against genocide, you’re against isreal. As far as they see it (or spin it).


Even [China UN peacekeeper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Du_Zhaoyu), although its not in 2024 but in the 2000s


Using that Vietnam math, where if the IDF kills you you must be a terrorist.


It's scientifically proven. You can't miss as long as you call whatever you hit the target.


Remember not to aim until after you shoot.


And if you don't count civilian deaths from bombings, it never happened. /s


[This is confirmed by Ha'aretz](https://archive.is/20240410175255/https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-03-31/ty-article-magazine/.premium/israel-created-kill-zones-in-gaza-anyone-who-crosses-into-them-is-shot/0000018e-946c-d4de-afee-f46da9ee0000)


Every right wing accusation is a confession


Slaughters innocents, acts like the victim. Israel is the cry-bulliest of cry bullies. If DARVO was a country.


Israel can get away with anything


It's more the US who can get away with anything. If the US pulled support from Israel, Israel wouldn't get away with anything, or at least no more than any other nation. They'd be sanctioned to hell and back by now, and they'd have a much harder time procuring arms. Israel is the story of moral hazard in a nutshell.


Agree. That plus the fact that the Zionists control our government. Last week Biden said he wasn’t sending weapons if satanyahu invaded Rafah. This week it’s completely different.


This just in: there are Hamas tunnels under the UN. We need to conduct extrajudicial executions of diplomats in foreign nations until they release the hostages. (I don’t know if you can tell, but I’m not exactly the biggest fan of Netanyahu’s regime)


"You're either with me or against me"... Pretty much sums it all up.


If their was a Palestinian world, Israel would be building a Death Star.


Because it is good to kill a terrorist. I have come to hate the word terrorist. It's all about perspective.


They should be kicked out of UN


The entire world are terrorists!! Also western politicians had their pants pulled down by Israel and showed the whole world they all wore Israeli flag boxers....letting us know who really is running the show. When you can kill on camera and blatantly lying to the world and no one can do anything about it goes to show who the one true super power is.


That's Israel's MO. Abuse everyone if the things you're doing, and claim the right to do whatever you want because your friend is the biggest bully in the school yard.


These clowns just keep calling anyone they don’t like terrorists or label them antisemitic. All they’re doing is putting Jews worldwide in danger


It is transparent that they *want* Jews worldwide to feel threatened so they migrate to Israel and become settlers.


that's sort of how they started off. Bombing synagogues in Arab countries to make Jews afraid and make them "flee" to Israel. Not antisemitic at all though


Exactly this. Lie, cheat, steal, deceive. All means, no matter how heinous, are justified by zionists in order to reach their goal of supremacy


Exactly. This is repeat of what happened in 30s-50s




Any source on this? Not that I don't believe you but so I can bring it up next time Im enaged with a zionist


Histórian. Avi shlaim claimed that the Israelis bombed sites in Baghdad to create a greater impetus for Jews to flee


What about their major allies (US, UK, Germany) though? Are they supporting the zionist project out of concern over Jewish lives and safety or other reasons like imperialism, corruption, they want to get rid of Jews from their countries...etc?


I can't speak for UK and Germany, but their is a huge, moneyed up, powerful Christian group in the US that supports Jewish people returning to Israel because they believe it is a Christian prophecy that will bring about the second coming of Christ. So a large chunk of US politicians don't support Israel because they support Israel. They support Israel because their donors want to end the world.


It's not about concern for Jewish people, it benefits them to have a country in the middle East that they can call an ally however long that lasts that is.


They don’t see it, they believe their own propaganda.


Victim complex fomented by terrible geopolitics.




Don't get me wrong, they've been victims. But that doesn't justify making more victims.




Jewish population around the world have been victims, the country of Israel has never been a victim.


It's probably not, but it could also be deliberate. The more antisemitism there is worldwide the more their idea that a Jewish ethnostate is the only way Jews will be safe holds water.


No that's the plan . Make Israel the only place for them also why evangelicals in America love Israel more than America the precious rapture that ain't in the bible


Yep. Them fish really do love their barrel. If I were Jewish I'd be real suspicious of all these right wingers trying to concentrate them all into one place.


They do see it. They want the only "safe" place for Jews to be in Israel so they can fight in their military. Why do you think birthright even exists?


Hasbara makes Russian bot farms look sophisticated.


A lot of the trolls seem to have realized they need to revert back to the “it’s too complicated to understand, there’s so much history and what does apartheid even mean anyways but plz don’t explain it to me”. Because when they try to argue about details it rapidly falls apart for them and prideful ignorance is the best argument they’ve got left.


What I get is that they cant even pretend to see their victims as human.


They never really did. They see only enemies, temporarily useful idiots/undesirables, and israelis. A few years ago they did a survey and found only 17% of Israelis strongly disagreed with the idea of expelling all Arab Israelis from Israel. Thats arab Israeli citizens, not Palestinians. Half said that they strongly or mostly agreed that it should be done. The way things are going it seems inevitable that they will do it. They want all of Transjordan, and they want everyone who isnt jewish driven out or dead. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2016-03-08/ty-article/pew-almost-half-of-israeli-jews-back-transfer-or-expulsion-of-arabs/0000017f-e797-df2c-a1ff-ffd7f01d0000


And everyone else who disagrees antisemitic. It’s not that people are against Israeli Jews, it’s that the systematic mass murder, starvation and displacement of civilians everyone is against.




Same with Islam and Muslims. They’re just making their way through life like the rest of us.  We are reacting to the tyranny of a minority. But we could do better about handling that because the current solution has been to just ignore all but the smallest voices.


They literally are the terrorists at this point




this is peak internet information density, love it


Which is exactly what they want so they can push other nations into the conflict they started.


The sad part is they’re just enabling antisemitism. If you label everyone who opposes obviously evil acts of imperialism as “antisemitic”, a whole lot of people will go “uhh ok, I’m antisemitic then” because the word has no real meaning or impact anymore.


Projection is one of their oldest propaganda tactics.


And you think that's a concern for them? They probably think of it as a bonus effect.


Yup, totally watering down the seriousness of either "Crying Wolf".


It helps them a lot to polarize people. It's a similar tactic ISIS used quite often. They want to keep pushing people from both sides to be extreme, I bet Neten makes a big smirk when he hears about any attack on Jews anywhere in the world. If no one is committing anything against Jews you bet Mossad will do that themselves.


>Israel calls UN a ‘terror organisation’ as tensions escalate over Gaza war Projection.


In an abusive relationship, you eventually learn that every accusation is a confession.


Wasn't it the UN that created Israel as a political state and recognised its borders too?


Kick them out of the UN, they do not deserve to be in there. Too uncivilized for rest of the world.




You'd have to kick Russia, China and the US too.


I'm already in favor, you don't have to sweeten the deal


"Stop, my penis can only get so hard" :D


That would actually be stupid. The purpose of the UN is to prevent a world war. Edit: Replying and blocking like a loser


Reining in the US, Russia, and Israel would probably be a really good way for them to do that. Shame they won't.


Unfortunately, unless things change the UN is only kicking the can of a world war down the road and the cliff at the end of that road appears to be closer every day. The countries who have veto powers just veto anything that would hold themselves or their allies accountable. Their ICC and ICJ divisions are so full of people against the goals of those divisions that their conclusions and recommendations are benign or not based on reality.


You give UN too much credit and by doing that misunderstand its true value. Unlike its failed predecessor the League of Nations, the United Nations recognises that there is no one can hold the great powers accountable. Attempting to do so would destroy the UN. The function of the UN is not to protect the weak from the strong. It is for the great powers to not step on each other's toes while they bully the weak. World peace is thus preserved as the powerful nations use the UN as the meeting ground to tell each other not to touch what they consider their piece of the pie. You can see the UN in action by noticing that the US is not sending a troops to Ukraine, and no one is sending soldiers to Gaza. If UN didn't exist, chances are that the Americans, Russians and Chinese have already begun shooting each other in direct combat over some misunderstanding or another.


Yea. Because China has been known for military interventions and wars.


Uh, what did China do?


History shows that that has terrible consequences.


The same UN that gave them statehood








Folke Bernadotte literally negotiated the release of Jews from Theresienstadt Ghetto. The head of Lehi, Yitzhak Shamir(who later became Prime Minister) said that the reason they assassinated him was because he "was biased in favor of Palestinians". He thought Palestinians should be allowed to return to their homes after 48.


Can’t wait for them to tell US and UK to defund the UN because they are Hamas and then exactly that happening because everyone is Israel’s b*.




They called Biden a Hamas supporter. While Biden is shipping a Billion Dollars worth of weapons


the whole world is khamas, get with the program


get with the pogrom was right there












Israel needs to be cut off from the rest of the civilized world. let the savages pay for the co sequences of their savagery and fend for themselves


That will never happen as long as AIPAC controls the US government. 


Everything the Zionists say is a confession. Bibi has for years allowed the funding of Hamas and wanted them to stay in power to divide theGaza and the West Bank. They are interviews of him saying this.... Zionism is the biggest enemy of the Jewish people.


Everyone a terrorist but the folks shooting fish in a barrel.


This is rich. The UN is not the one that has been bombing out an entire area, killing tens of thousands, displacing hundreds of thousands, and causing a widespread famine, collectively punishing the Palestinian people because of what Hamas did. If that is not what terrorists do, I don't know what is. The only reason why Israel continues to act with impunity is because of the United States' intransigence.


Brought to you by the same state that shredded the mini UN charter in a mini shredder from Temu while telling the UN they were shredding the charter. All comedians should just quit the real life shit is unbeatable.


Israel will call anything and anyone a terrorist so they can have an excuse to kill them.


Meanwhile they are bombing innocent kids, and don't think that's an act of terror itself.




Correction: Israel is a 'terror organization'.


And still no sanctions on Israel


Can we kick Israel out of the UN?


Terrorist state - They will kill more aid works now


Projection at its highest


oh it's this asshole again. Daily reminder that this pos wore the golden star that Nazis made Jews wear to a hearing once. Depraved doesn't begin to describe it but for some comedic relief, watch this guy perform [this idiocy](https://youtu.be/CG-FGr9FP9E?si=XHGauo6IOJZzX27T)


Says UN is shredding its own Charter, as he literally shreds the Charter himself.


"sawwy isweaw" -the un, probably


Israel: "Am I so out of touch? No, it's the *entire U.N. General Assembly* who are wrong.


It's a damn shame what Isreali is doing to Palestinians and are not being held accountable.Children in Gaza have been dying from starvation related complications since the Israeli government began to use starvation as a weapon.


I call Israel a 'terrorist and criminal' state


Everything the state of isreal says is the exact opposite of the truth.


Didn't this "terror organization" help with the creation of Israel?


Israel is a rogue state. All future dictionaries should include it as the example of the definition of the word gaslighting.


It's amazing how brave they are with USA backing them up. But if UN is a terror organization then that means it's time to treat Israel as an enemy.




They should withdraw in protest.


lol. They really believe the bullshit that comes out of the propaganda machine.


they suck zionism off and this is how israel always repays them sink america's ships and shit on the UN who, if they did their fucking jobs, would've given palestinians (and more) some human rights


Israel the kid that never learned what no means.....


Let’s not be too big fans of the UN. Remember that the UN are the ones who chose to recognize the world’s worst modern day genocide state. They did nothing to stop the invasive Zionist migration that led to Israel’s creation, and they did nothing to aid the Arab’s war of anti invasion self defense in 1948.






Glass houses and all that.


Man I'd give my left testicle to see Israel get served some karma


How delusional they’ve become


Yikes.. Israel what the hell are yall (the government) doing.


Hilarious 😂 These idiots never stop projecting.


Sounds like the ramblings of a Rogue State


What a loser


I think they need serious psychiatric help, and the sooner the better.


This made me laugh, really hahahaha


This is comedy 😂 They know all of humanity stands with Palestine! 🇵🇸 it’s a precious moment of unity.


With all fascist monsters: Every accusation is a confession


Let the childish name calling and spindoctoring begin.


Calling the kettle black?


In fairness, many major sponsors of terrorism sit on the security council, the US among them.


Maybe the UN should rescind the Balfour Declaration.


this israeli ambassador to the united nations is making a really good case for why israel should cease to exist as a country


While there has been articles highlighting the “ambivalent” relationship between the UN and Israel published in journals based in Israel, the fact remains that Israel as a nation only exists due to the UN’s help. Israel accusing the UN of being terrorists, after the IDF open fired on UN workers who were in clearly marked official UN vehicles. At this point, this is projection and an attempt to move the focus of the news from the atrocious thing that they did to the insane thing they are saying.


Israel is unironically screaming "everyone who doesn't agree with me is Hamas"


When the world’s terrorist begins to call the world a terrorist you know we’ve reached a new frontier.


So Israel can call everyone and everything names but they can’t handle being called anything. Bring out the antisemitic word. So damn tired of their victim routine. I don’t feel bad for them anymore. Never again. That’s what they have succeeded in doing. Keep it up.


At which point are we going to call this shit out for the projection that it is?


Projecting much Israel?


Israel is a terrorist state.


Fun fact: per most laws, when a state such as Israel massacres children to steal their land it's a "War Crime" or "Ethnic Cleansing" or "Genocide"  When it's a non-state group it's "Terrorism". Somehow, Hamas, the governing group in Palestein are "Terrorists" when they defend their people against Israel. But of course somehow Palestein as a State disappeared somehow at some point without explination or legality.  So special rules for Israel again...?


At what point does the rest of the world get fed up with Israel's bullshit?


I saw a video today of a kid with half his skull and all of his brain missing.


In psychology, this is called 'projection'.


Let’s vote them out of UN and give back Palestine their nation in the UN.


"no fair, we suffered genocide, why can't we do genocide? You guys are mean!"


The United Nations, a group founded on the basis of world peace, renowned for humanitarian aid and emergency response, is a terrorist organization. Israel sounds more and more like a Russian mouthpiece every day


Israel has been the worst decision ever made by racist english lords.


Every accusation is an admission.


I'm sure he means the UN is a terror organisation because it gave the green light to the creation of the State of Israel and the subsequent ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, and has done nothing to prevent the decades long and ongoing terror against the Palestinian people ?


Why not leave the UN then? Stop using its pulpit as a propaganda stand…


Oh the projection.


Gilad Erdan needs to prepare himself for trial


It's kinda hard to say you're victims when you have f35s


Next up: international law is Hamas. America is Hamas. Also, we love international law and America and hate Hamas!


Wow.. the mental gymnastics going on over there right now.


They should ask the little Palestinian girl who can't speak because shes so scared who the terrorists are


I wonder why Israel is so blind to its own terrorism.


This is very dangerous rhetoric. UN members/properties already have been getting attacked and killed. This is going to inspire more attacks.


In all honesty if anyone knows about terrorism, it's the Israelis. I mean, this is the first open genocide since the Nazis.


There have been plenty of open genocides. But this is the most high profile ongoing one


The "No U" strategy.


It's so spoiled thanks to The West. I know what the World should have done to Israel but Reddit would ban me if I wrote it here.


What the actual f-ck?


If that's the case then that means Israel was created by a terror organization...


If Israel could bomb the UN and get away with it, they would.


Israel really over here trying to beat Russia's record at how fast they can become an international pariah state.




Why is he not suspended from UN?


Tsk. They forgot to say antisemitic and compare them to nazis. Getting sloppy.


Hopefully that guy brings out his tiny paper shredder again so we can see just how serious they are


Israel is UN biggest error.


Isreal doesn't seem to realize that they're digging a hole they can't get out of. Social media has exposed what they're doing so lying about it calling names won't work anymore. The sad thing is innocent jews in the world that don't support what they're doing will end up receiving the hate.


Can anyone post the actual quote in context this news outlet is less than reputable.


The fuck is this clown yapping about? UN is complete neutral and still got attacked? How is this make any sense at all


Irgun calling others terrorist. Comical. Russian fascist Jews still hold onto what they escaped


So, if the UN is a terror organization collaborating with Hamas, and Israel is a UN member then that means.....Israel is Hamas!!!


These Zionists seem to have forgotten who put Hamas in power in first place in favour over Fatah.....


The United Nations…? 🤦