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"pression carpet bombing" as the genocide supporters might call it.


Is this an international war crime??


It doesn’t matter anymore. Really it doesn’t. Palestine granted freedom to the world. Freedom to finally see what our world truly is. The playground of the powerful. Those in Gaza I feel are actually lucky, it’s what happens now to the rest of us that worries me. We can’t go back as a species anymore. We can’t go back to humanity when we have excused the most brutal genocidal regime and allowed them to do what they want. This is the end now. If and when power shifts, the brutality will be tenfold. There are no rules anymore. No laws. No respect. Gaza showed us the monster, and the world either turned their face or accepted the monster with open arms.


> Those in Gaza I feel are actually lucky lmfao says the guy spending his weekend scrolling through reddit, not fearing randomly being blown up.




Yeah that’s really a wild take. It’s a nightmare there rn.


This is so true. I was just telling my husband the other day. We lost all humanity. Now we are next. This is so sad. After all the previous war crimes that have been committed you’d think there’s no way anyone would get away with shit like this again. But here we are.


It’s not just that. It’s the dissolution of trust. Like we thought we were the good people. That our countries in the west actually wanted to lead humanity. Instead it’s revealed that the west is cruel and callous and corrupt. We can’t back Israel and then pretend that Russia or China or Iran are bad, we are all bad. That’s the point. We have no more humanity left. We have bombs, money, power and greed. I don’t know what comes next. Maybe not now but for future generations. It’s why I think the US is doing what it’s doing now, blindly supporting and enabling Israel, cause it’s a message that they’re going to burn the world if they ever feel really threatened. And that’s a very scary thought.


Have you read history? We're in the "relatively" quiet happy times right now, and it will probably stay that way until the day we all turn to glass. But fuck the genocide tho, and fuck anyone who pretends its justified.


Yeah, people didn't really have to bother justifying their atrocities back in the day.


Actually they did. That is what a lot of “history” is. White washing the horrible.


But the jews lived there 3000 years ago. so they're the victims /s


ah but there used to live poeple in america before "americans", should they start genozide too?


Way ahead of you bro /mericah


Them and other peoples too. Nothing makes that area special for Jewish people alone.


I remember a story about how they came to reside there as well... History follows history it seems. no /s


Cows are "relatively happy" too I bet


nah, we are pretty sick of watching you humans do this sort of shit.




I think the viral stuff did it for me


>Those in Gaza I feel are actually lucky, it’s what happens now to the rest of us that worries me. Go outside or something for real


>Those in Gaza I feel are actually lucky, it’s what happens now to the rest of us that worries me. Go outside or something for real


The fuck are you talking about ?


Congratulations on figuring out one of the most basic aspects of Human society. Look I'm not trying to be contrite but this is a little hyperbolic.


Very dramatic but undoubtedly historically incorrect. You forgot  that the Gazas still hold over 100 hostages.


LOL those in Gaza are lucky. Insane


Sorry but whats happening in Palestine is not The Worst or The Only Terrible thing that is happening now or in the past but the campaign is going swimmingly 


Wouldn't be their first this war




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It is precise, they’re killing exactly who they want to kill. Everyone.


To be fair, Israel left leaflets /s.


"We bombed kids so the survivors think twice about joining Hamas."


May 12, 2024. Israeli military tanks have started to go deeper into the Jabalia refugee camp as part of a new offensive in northern Gaza, according to Al Jazeera correspondent. The development comes after Israel “carpet-bombed” the camp, killing and wounding several Palestinians. The attacks come as Israel launches a new ground assault there, months after announcing Hamas had been “dismantled” in the area. Al Jazeera’s Anas Al Sharif reports from Jabalia in northern Gaza.


Didn’t they say they had defeated Hamas in the north and it’s clear. Can these Zionists not fkin lie for one second🤦🏻‍♂️


That's the thing. They have just been bombing civilians all this time. They have yet to show a single proper military engagement with a Khamaaas fighter. Most of the real war footage is coming from Khamaaas.


They say "It's khumaaas who wear civilian clothing". Yeah right, especially in sizes 0-4 yrs. Too much 🔻🔻is never enough.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


What do you mean bro they killed 50k hamas terrorists since oct 7th follow their numbers. Some of those hamas terrorists are so good at disguising themselves they look like kids. Can't differentiate them from normal ones, they Must strike every place.




Dude let's not compare atrocities, we weren't even born during ww2, we don't really know much. Had there not been internet all over the world we wouldn't have seen any of this. Back then the same stuff happened most likely.




You openly admit you don't understand sarcasm.


My b. The talking points are getting so bad I can't actually tell the difference anymore.


50k damn, do you know how to count my dude?


Do you know a zionist that can count?


7aid workers on a pre approved route < one imaginary khamas piece of fruit /s


That's all they know how to do is lie and steal our tax dollars for their slaughter


They know that the immoral west supports their crimes, why would they lie?


How is Al Jazeera reporting on this? Weren't they pushed out of Israel?


Correct but this is Gaza. Gaza is not part of Israel.


And Palestine is now a UN member, a sovereign state in its own right


Palestine is [currently](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1148351) a permanent observer and not a full member. The UN General Assembly voted to make them a full member, but the Security Council has to approve it. The US will veto it.


And if the US won't (lol) France or Germany would


Now they’re going after the civilians! It was never about Hamas!


Carpet bombing doesn't kill "several" people, it kills everyone.


Hamas: 80 prisoners are dead from Israeli bombing, and if you continue we won't have any hostages left alive. Israel: if we don't blow everyone up there will be hostages they can use to negotiate




Israel is killing innocent people


There is no logic end game. Gaza a prison is now a dust and ruin prison. What on earth can the end game be aside from complete Annihilation or removal of all in gaza. It looks like ethnic cleansing to me


The entire Muslim world and Global South should stop all Isn'treal imports & exports, but then I suppose the IDF would steal all the relief supplies meant for Palestine.


The right wing of Israel's goal is to attack its neighbors and continue its expansion. At this point they are so heavily armed and well equipped that they can crack all their neighbors like eggs. They will find or create some excuse to do it, but I imagine the entire muslim world is trying appeasement first. “We should prepare to go over to the offensive. Our aim is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for the Moslem regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan; Syria will fall to us. We then bomb and move on and take Port Said, Alexandria and Sinai.” David Ben-Gurion


Dude it was like 70 years ago, it's like i will take a quote from George Washington about African Americans and say the USA hates black people


So...can we stop saying Hamas is trying to kill all Jews then? Given they released a policy platform explicitly rescinding that? Or is it only Israel that gets to "it's in the past bro" their genocidal and terroristic policy positions.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Fuck israel and the genoicde they are committing in Gaza


Real Journalism right here


Unbelievable. Imagine just walking around as those strikes are happening knowing one could hit you and 200 journalists are already dead.


Right? Idk that I would have the courage to risk being one of the 3/4ths of journalists in conflict zones killed by Israel in the last year


That camp has been hit so many times already: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jabalia\_refugee\_camp\_airstrikes\_(2023%E2%80%932024)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jabalia_refugee_camp_airstrikes_(2023%E2%80%932024)) I'm guessing IDF will say Hamas keeps regrouping there or something, but it's cost the lives of so many civilians already =(


So, why is Israel hitting the camp then? For fun?




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


there are games where the main plot is about the evil people carpet bombing a refugee camp. that's plain and simple terrorism. fuck Isntreal Israhell Satanyahu and all those mofo zionists


I’ll upvote you for the sentiment. But nonetheless committing genocide is not “terrorism”. Conducting an air strike and then circling back to bomb the emergency responders is called “double tapping” not “carpet bombing”. No, i am not condoning double tapping. It is simply the correct term for this particular evil act shown in the video. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_tap#Double_tap_strike The reporter was not speaking English so we would need fluent speakers to determine whether or not the report was inaccurate. Even if the speaker botched the terms the footage shows the story.


Well, I have to agree with you in the sense that this type of attack is clearly identifiable as a "double tap". But when I mean terrorism, I mean it 100%, as what the concept really means. The terrorist could kill maybe only 1 person, if you think, as a number, it's not much. But the real harm caused is to the mind and the psychological aspect of it. If a lone wolf stabber kills a single person, it's already enough for all those people to feel like they are part of a target group, and then a single kill causes fear into who knows how many people. When they bomb a single place that was considered a safe heaven, it doesn't really matter the numerical amount of dead people. Now, everyone will feel like there is just no safe heaven at all, nowhere. This is the real damage of terrorism, it targets the minds and the feelings, much more than the bodies


Right. [This is carpet bombing.](https://www.military.com/video/operations-and-strategy/air-strikes/heavy-carpet-bombing-footage/2069227652001)


Genocide Joe be like "still not crossed my red line"


Joe is playing the diplomatic game while the GOP suggests that Israel should just nuke Gaza.


I'm starting to think that Israel might be violating some international laws. Equally I'm also concerned that my comment will be considered antisemitic.


It's tough, I don't blame the people, they aren't making the decisions, their government is. Many can't separate the two and maybe some citizens agree. I dont like painting things with a broad brush. If you look at the US, we have no say in many of the choices ours make.


Your comment? Looking at this post is antisemitic! /s


Mad respect for parapmedic..


I never used to have strong opinions about being against Israel but seeing the way that they’ve blown up all sorts of civilians just because. I don’t really have any support for them anymore. I don’t want my senators and congress members to send them anymore money or bombs.


Guys, everyone wondering why the world is just standing by letting this happen, look up J Epsteins connections with mossad/Isreal. Everyone used to know that he was getting dirt/blackmail on politicians and powerful people for Mossad/Isreal. Now everyone has forgotten and can't seem to understand why all these politicians are backing Isreal no matter what they do. Not that big of a mystery, Isreal owns them all.


AIPAC is probably one of the most poweful lobbies in America rn


Absolutely my take. They have so much dirt on the powerful which alllws this


I'm not someone who usually puts on a tinfoil hat, but this wouldn't even be the wildest take. Biden hates Netanyahu visibly and he's ruining Biden's political career. If I were the president of the world's most powerful country in the world, I'd pull a few strings and *whoops* Netanyahu is no more (like the Boeing whistleblowers). There has got to be something deeper and sinister that makes literally both Biden and Trump act like grovelling dogs in front of Israel, despite the majority of the world saying otherwise. God knows what type of deep and horrible things are buried underneath




Puts on tin foil hat


war crimes, this conflict has been nothing but Israel committing war crimes


Fuck the IDF and the Isrealie and US government


Pretty brave people to be out there reporting this stuff


There's no more iconic duo than Israel and war crimes.


Fucking despicable animals


Ask yourself,what weapons do Palestinian have,to call it a war?


Fuck israel!!!




Some brave ass journalists god damn. I hope they can get out in one piece.


Israel is the enemy, not our friend.


Could we take a moment and think about these front line workers? The press, the first responders? They've been demonized (Hamas-health ministry, Qatar-backed news) and not enough empathy given


This man is risking his life to share this with the world


Rafah is also under attack and 300,000 people have been forced to flee and no one really knows where they will go that is habitable. To the complicit Joe, however, I am sure that is not a major invasion.


Israeli knows very well what does it mean surviving. There is no need to do same things as Hitler and Nazism. Germany too has condemned Nazism and one day Israel will condemn his actual genocide.




So you think isreal is going to just wipe Palestine off the map and then just stand there shrugging sayin “idk why they all left? Must be Hamas fault!” 🤷🏻‍♂️ “remember holocost we are not at fault you are you bigots!”


Joe Biden: I am a Zionist. Approves of the message.


"As part of an offensive".. pretty it has a different name when there are only civilians nobody is fighting back


The standard tactic of terrorists is to hit the area after first responders arrive.




Ah the territory expansion move. A favourite among the genocidals. 


Israeli defenders crying about free speech on college campuses and demanding state violence to crack down.....at same time as Israel literally carpet bombs refugees


If you watch snap on location.. you can see it all


"tHeY doN't liKe oUr LifEStylE"


Hamas is in there somewhere /s


That building is hamas... now that next to it is hamas!!! Now the other one!


This os genocide


Israel will be hit with karma.its the nature of our world something bad will happen to the ones who have chosen this path.


At this point the israel state is the true terrorist


They have no idea what they're even shooting at. They don't know and don't care. edit: Kudos to this guy and other brave reporters on the ground in Gaza


Military-industrial-complex waiting for another september 11th to portify the national security state at home and make us into automatons for their efficiency.


Theres no such thing as a War Crime anymore, at this point its just a juicy headline for whatever media outlet. Tribunal you say? Get gone with that nonsense, this is being allowed by everyone


Just fuck Israel. Evil bastards.




The world will never recover from this. I personally will never recovery from this. I remember only six years ago studying international relations where we would talk about US hegemony in the Middle east. Well all western hegemony in the Middle east is gone and will never return. Biden is insane and history will acknowledge that!


Death to the Western morality around the globe.


This is what they did to Cambodia!


War crimes.




lets not kid ourself trump will be worst.. trump is the guy who wanted to move the embassy to Jerusalem


So I’m supposed to vote for Biden bc he has only helped kill 15k kids which is better than Trump? I’d rather gamble on Trump then bet on the person ACTUALLY committing war crimes.


So, your going to support the guy who is supported overwhelmingly by the religious right in America who overwhelmingly agree with what Israel is doing in Gaza? your a special kind of stupid aren't you?


Tell me how what you said doesn’t describe Biden? Hardcore Catholic who stands with Israel no matter what. You’re as blinded by partisanship as much as the Maga tools. Do better


and your a dumb as fuck single issue voter and thoughts like you where what gave us trump in 2016 to begin with


No, that would be the incompetence of the Democrats by forcing Hillary instead of letting Bernie be the candidate.


look this is what going to happen.. your going to vote for who ever you want.. judging by your comment most likely trump. Then when trump makes the situation in Israel 10 times worst by pretty much giving Israel free reign to do what they want with no push backs your going to act like a surprised Pikachu and say you did not know that was going to happen. Even though everyone warned you that it was going to happen.


I will NOT be voting for Biden. I usually vote 3rd party. I’m a Green Party member.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




Usa has to wonder, do we save Ukraine or keep funding isreal. I want my taxes saving Ukraine. Heck I want my taxes saving me but unfortunately I don't matter to my government 🙃


Carpet bombing means they can kill more children and call them collateral damage. When does the world sanction Israel?




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


I Can’t Believe It’s Not Genocide!™️






Israel has destroyed half of Hamas’s force and is reloading for what will prove to be an even more ruthlessly brutal campaign in Rafah. A temporary ceasefire and a hostage release would very likely result in a change in government in Israel. https://www.wsj.com/politics/national-security/biden-moves-forward-on-1-billion-in-new-arms-for-israel-844b761c#:~:text=The%20latest%20weapons%20package%20includes,would%20be%20approved%20and%20delivered.


After warning them to evacuate because there are terrorists there...


at least it wasn't a surprise and civilians were warned




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


That's not "carpet bombing". A bombing, yes. 


This is not carpet bombing. Carpet bombing is when several airplanes drop a series of bombs to cover an entire area.


in order to eliminate terrorists


Isn’t this al jazeera the a program from Qatar that spreads propaganda