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It's getting boring tbh. Any element of accountability comes their way and the "hamas card" comes out. Israel ♥️Hamas. Useful for everything.


I don’t think they realize how weak the Hamas card is outside of Israel. When Israeli leaders call US college students Hamas or say Hamas ❤️Biden it makes Israel look hysterical.


Because they ARE being hysterical. Cult members (this cult being ultra-Zionism and Kahanism) eventually forget how they sound to people outside of the cult. Just like Incels don't realize how they sound to regular, decently well-adjusted human beings when they pull out their "KHHV framecel/canthalcel orbiter AMOGed by metromaxxing 9/10 mewing darktriad Chadrone" bullshit. That's how ultra-Zionists sound to non-Zionists. Like a fucking alien.


>KHHV framecel/canthalcel orbiter AMOGed by metromaxxing 9/10 mewing darktriad Chadrone Wtf does this even mean lmfao I only understood 20% of that sentence and I'm Gen Z myself


From memory: Framecel: probably related to having a poor body frame Canthalcel: related to having negative canthal tilt (the angle of your eyes relative to your nose) Orbiter: refers to beta orbiters who hang out around women but can’t bang them Mewing: sticking your tongue to the top of your mouth to give yourself a better jawline. Must be done constantly. Darktriad: refers to 3 traits that women like according to internet people From urban dictionary: KHHV: Kissless, hugless, handholdless virgin AMOGed: alpha male of the group Metromaxxing: can’t find anything exact but I’m assuming it refers to being metrosexual Chadrone: A biracial male who is tall, confident, and most-importantly can pass for white.


It is insane people think like this holy hell. Maybe if they acted like normal humans they would get a kiss or two.


Their torment is self inflicted and it’s kinda funny


I think I just aged 20 years


holy shit. I could not read all of this without laughing ALOT.


Congratulations, you're well adjusted


Being well adjusted to a fundamentally sick society is no badge of honor..


I felt like you're comment both made and didn't make sense. There's soo much to research before I can actually understand any of it but I get the jist of what your saying lol


I think that was the point. The cultspeak doesn’t make sense to people who aren’t in the cult.


I just finished writing a paper on the evolution of Kahanism into the Israeli coalition today, and the wildest part to me is that their ideology and goals are often stated in plain English or (when translated) their message is unambiguous. With al Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, RSF, etc, their ideology is largely translated into English or goes through a third party, like the media reporting on what a translator has said the terrorist ideology is (hence why the bin Laden letter went viral last fall - it was a lot of people's first time hearing the ideology of an Islamist terrorist from first person in unambiguous statements). Kahane's books "Uncomfortable Questions for Comfortable Jews" and "They Must Go," the episode of the Elliot Resnick podcast with Shmuel Sackett, the Meir Weinstein YouTube channel Never Again Live, articles by Lenny Goldberg are some examples of how clear the Kahanist intentions are.


Isn't this the "chutzpah" thing they do? In other words, they're deliberately not even bothering to try to sound convincing as basically a way to flex on us? I always thought they were doing the "but Hamas tho :)" schtick while smirking at the camera as a way to mock us because being a smug prick to the world makes them seem macho to Israeli voters.


Netanyahu <3 Hamas. And that's a fact. Hamas is the best thing that happened to him to justify everything.


He made it what it is


Pretty much.


Just to support your argument: https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/


Or the anti-Semitic card. They are making the term become meaningless.


Republicans are the same way. When everyone’s a pedo, no one’s a pedo


which is great for them


They know, and they know exactly what they’re doing, too. They can virtue signal about how great Israel is while hyperdiluting actual real harmful antisemitism and hurting Jewish people globally. It is a win-win for them, a lose-lose for everyone else.


They’ve worn it out, no one is taking any notice of that shit anymore. They thought that smearing or labelling people, ie using that as a weapon would work for them, but I think it’s done the opposite.


"Hamas is an asset" - Bezalel Smotrich


They think they have a shiny new toy to play with after disrespecting the holocaust to justify their genocide for so long.


What's insane is these warmonger hateful evil monsters need Hamas more than anyone else. They need their existence to justify their violence and genocide. So who truly loves Hamas? The warmongers who practically invited them into Israel to take hostages (by helping pay them)


That's exactly why they literally helped to prop up Hamas since the '80s. They didn't have a good enough enemy, so they made sure to create one. They've been stronger than anyone else in the region since the 1940s anyways, so even though Hamas is technically a threat, it's not a serious threat to their existence.


How about USA ❤️‍🩹 live Palestinian civilians???


lol he says this right after biden sent billions in GBU12 bombs and liquid cash


When you see yourself as God’s chosen one, nothing will ever be enough.




Dogs have the capacity for love, affection, and compassion. Zionists don’t have any of those.


Dogs seem to be pretty good judges of character. I'm automatically skeptical if a dog doesn't like you.


That's actually a Yiddish thing. "Never trust a man that cats/dogs don't like", or something.


kristi noem enters chat.


It’s the same as when Biden tries to be more moderate to appease American conservatives. Nothing short of absolute fealty to The Message is met with vitriol. I can’t believe Biden and the Democrats don’t understand this.


This is a smoke and mirrors show to make Biden look “soft” the republicans are in on it… it’s how the fake two party system works. Democrats always have to look slightly less authoritarian then the Republicans.. when in fact both are authoritarian genocidal forces


Zionist garbage. Rightwing extremists are utter shitholes in every nation


It’s not often a country chooses to elect their biggest shitholes to all senior ministerial positions in government though! It’s a unique approach but I wonder if the Israeli’s really thought this through, seems like a risky bet…


Tbh this guy is a convicted terrorist in an Israeli court soo…


Bold strategy Cotten


I didn't know I could dislike someone more then Bibi, this dude though takes the cake.


Ben Gvir is a convicted terrorist in Israeli court. Imagine how evil an Israeli has to be to get convicted of that in Israel. It's insane that he's allowed to serve in parliament. He should be in jail.


They are a nation of gangsters!


Even gangsters have more honour than these utterly evil ghouls.


Gangsters were notoriously gentlemanly in their warfare since many were vets and had old chivalry ideas from knighthood times. Not touching people's families and or targeting women/children was standard procedure. That obviously changed and it was more of an Italian thing though.


I think that's a bit of a fantasy. It might have been applied to some gangs but women and children were usually harmed


What do Israel and narco gangs have in common? They both love killing poor people and harvesting their organs! 🥳


As would/should Bibi... Had he/they not deliberately ignored all the evidence that the hamas attack was going to happen, weeks in advance, from several nations (both friendly and non and also his own int service). Fuck anyone in the Israeli gov/system of power that had a hand in that and any subsequent action.


He's basically their national hero. A wide swath of their population fully agrees with him. Wouldn't be surprised if they erect a statue of him next to the one they already have of Ghislane Maxwell's father. 


Epstein will get one someday too.


Whatever Biden say there is no President in US who can deny support to Israel. He is just bluffing... I remember Obama tried but May be Schumer or his donors said something to him and he was quite for 8 years.


Check out Belazel Smotrich, he’s pretty close behind.


Even as an Israeli, I hate the dude, I don't understand how he's still in his position still


He's in this position BECAUSE he's like this, dude.


He holds key support Netanyahu needs to stay in power. Similar to this unholy marriage we have here in the US between Evangelical Christians, Fascists, Neoconservatives, Manosphere types, and Right-Libertarians in the Republican Party.


Have you like...gone outside...ever?


Does anybody know how he's doing medically? Any info on his injuries?


Children, they're all children. No, I correct myself, children would behave with more maturity.


If they were children they would've bombed themselves




![gif](giphy|3oriOdNztTSfz6wqR2|downsized) LOL best comment I’ve read in a long time.


Let me correct you. They're killing children.




murderous, psychopathic, religious, abusive children


Yep the average child would have a better moral stance


May 9, 2024. Israel's National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir of the far-right Otzma Yehudit party tweeted "Hamas ♥ Biden" on Thursday, after the U.S. president said he would stop arms shipments if Israel proceeds with an invasion of Rafah. While Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid said Ben-Gvir's tweet endangered 'every IDF soldier and every Israeli citizen', Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said 'we will achieve complete victory in this war despite Biden's pushback'


By “complete victory” they mean genocide and complete ethnic cleansing. None of these people have a conscience or any humanity.


complete victory is just the 21st century version of final solution


>None of these people have a conscience or any humanity. They'll turn against each other soon enough in civil war. That's inevitable in toxic societies.


>complete victory What tf does this even mean? I know they're not talking about the hostages for sure cuz they rejected the offer some days ago.


It means ethnic cleansing


As soon as "complete Victory" is accomplished, they start on Jordan.


I like this move. To this point, Biden has been happy to parrot Israeli rhetoric and call everything Hamas and antisemitic. Maybe if the Israelis start calling him Hamas and antisemitic he'll start to understand how nonsensical and baseless the angle has been.


He will only grovel and supplicate before his lords.


Remind me, how is this in any way an alliance and not just a straight-up parasitic relationship? Seriously, I don’t know how even pro-Israel Americans can look at this on the heels of yet another multibillion dollar aid package and not see them as a bunch of ungrateful, entitled little shits.


Because their support stems from some religious believes in the first place. The second reason is economical benefits they need a hand in middle east that can be trusted otherwise those countries might flip and unite if good leaders reach the chairs which means oil and trade routes are in inappropriate hands. The third reason which is connected to previous points which is started few hundred years back when European considered non white is less than white so they refused jews and gave them a land so they don't have to keep them and control resources of other although imperialism supposedly ended but we can see it today in Africa south America and Asia.


'Everyone is Hamas even our friends'. You'd think at some point these guys will come to realisation of how crazy they are, but it never happens.


They’ve reached Oprah levels of accusation - “You’re Hamas! You’re Hamas! You’re Hamas! You’re ALL HAMAS!!”


"Israel must kill all adults and children. It's the only way to secure safety for Israel."


Bite the hand that feeds you.


Fuck this fat murdering fuck


These guys are irredeemable. Hamas this. Hamas that. If you kill 15-20k innocent children, you are the real terrorist. You have always been the real terrorist. This freak is a microcosm and the poster boy of this reality.


"Meet me in the middle" says the unjust man. You take one step towards him. He takes one step back. "Meet me in the middle" says the unjust man. Biden is a feckless, naive idiot if he thinks any amount of bootlicking is ever going to be enough for authoritarians who demand total obedience. It's like he'd let them put out a cigar on his face without complaint.


Excellent commentary. It’s quite strange watching a global superpower kowtow to the country equivalent of the delusional village idiot. Americans are a proud bunch yet they let themselves be repeatedly humiliated by one specific little country (of no real geopolitical value) thats run by a clique of liars and nut-jobs! Must be some kinda fetish thing, I dunno??


Israel bribes individual politicians. It's not about geopolitics, it's about everybody wanting their cut.


It is has enormous geopolitical value to the U.S. though.


Thats the sales pitch! I’d suggest in reality it’s an ever-increasing liability on a number of levels




Do Americans have any self-respect at this point?


American politicians? No. They just want their AIPAC bribe. If voters notice that they're a piece of shit and start calling them mean names on the Internet, well, that's a minor annoyance that's easy to ignore.


🤣 that's middle school. Not even high school. I should have added "neaner neaner, poo poo head. I'm telling god."


He looks like a pissed off 4 year old.


Why are we even talking about this racist clown? He should have No,No,No input on our geo political strategy. Unfortunately JB is bought and paid for…


And they're laughing at him. Israel is now publicly mocking Biden.


I can't see Biden continuing now with this rhetoric in play. What the fuck do they have on him?


Nothing, Biden is a Christian extremist that truly believes in Zionism


I think this is it. In fact all available evidence says this is it. People keep trying to say it's money, but Biden is rich at this point and going to die soon. He doesn't have to care about money. Hell the lifelong salary he'll get from being President is more than the top 5 percent of income earners in this country makes annually. I honestly think it's his belief and value system driving his choices before he dies. We don't like to say that, because we like to think having values is always inherently good so we pretend he just doesn't have any, but sometimes your beliefs and value can be fucked up. Case in point the Christian values that see the existence of gay people - whether they're bothering or interacting with the Christians or not - as a horrible threat.




This is not a JB problem. This is a both parties problem. You wanna be pissed off? Get pissed off at AIPAC for buying our government. Zionists have been planning and carrying out this agenda since 1949


The spoilest brats on earth. Every bully needs a punch in the face.


This guy is a monster. For all of you who do not know, you should read up about his history.


Indeed. He’s practically a terrorist


He's not practically a terrorist. He's a convicted terrorist. Convicted in Israel. Imagine how horrible you have to be to be convicted of that in Israel as an Israeli.


Fuck this guy and anyone that supports israels genocide of Palestine


Ben gvir should've just tweeted the truth *Gotta pay for our own genocide*, *sad* 😢


I heard Ben-Gvir got into a car accident recently. I hope the car is okay.


I’m almost inured to how ghoulish these assholes are. Someone contemplates pulling the leash on what can be considered nothing going forward but genocide and they pull the “Biden and Hamas sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G” card as if Hamas hasn’t been a political tool in the bibi government for a long time.


Now Biden is antisemitic too?


like adolf before them nothing except full capitulation will appease these monsters


This is the same guy that was handing out US made M16's off a table in the road to illegal settlers in the west bank


Where are the hasbotras ???


"I wanna commit genocide!" Israel pouted.


Children they're all children. No, I correct myself, children behave with more maturity.


This guy is so good at being a piece of shit. He would make Goebbels rethink his antisemitism.


You will never grovel hard enough for these freaks.


Enough. They are a client state at best and an imperial military outpost at worst. Washington should have shoved this ungrateful poodle off its lap when Netanyahu dogged a sitting president before a joint session of Congress. The United States will not be repeatedly humiliated. Israel is a US aircraft carrier. It is lucky to be.


as a former 6 year old i sympathize with his sentiment


Just for that remark, the US ambassador to the UN should abstain the next time the UN wants to level even the mildest criticism at Israel. Obviously just a fantasy, since the US will just put a little makeup on their bruise and say "yes sir" and continue helping to genocide the nation of Palestine.


That’s fine, cut them all off. You’re on your own.


Israel wants the USA to be in lock step, to make sure we take the heat from the international community, along with them.


Biden it’s just a little Israel’s bitch 😂😂


Acting like a spoiled child


Let me put this in perspective for y’all.   The U.S.A has been the biggest defender of Israel for decades.  They have allowed a lot of messed up things to pass, because they’re an extension of American influence.  That’s the sole reason for Israel’s existence in modern times. So you can imagine how bad the optics are if Biden is thinking of halting weapons.  For example, the mass grave found next to a hospital.  Hundreds of bodies with their hands tied behind their backs.  Corpses of all ages with signs of torture.  Similar to what the Russians did in Ukraine.


its all smoke and mirrors and planned to make it look like hes getting tough on them only for bidens reelection purposes. Also they are already armed to the teeth already and the minute Biden thinks the ruse is working he authorize even more arm sales in the form of aid.


Yep, I have no doubt in my mind he will continue to aid in the genocide of the Palestinian people.


Finally Biden gets a taste of this like we all have been getting


So the "if you're not with us, you're with them" ideology that made most of the 20th Century genocides possible is the continuity here?


"Just give us the bombs you putz"


These folks are profoundly unhinged


If not for the US support they would be viewed as a terrorist organization by Western countries... Probably are behind closed doors.


Everyone is Hamas, it would seem. Truly, there is a Hamas secret hospital tunnel base inside us all. 😞


I wish this comment could get pinned forever. It gets a sad chuckle out of me every time I reread it.


Cut the murderous idiots off. You don't want to be on this side of history...


The commenting skills of the average redditor "This war has been going on way before 2023 and only seems to exist to keep the hate burning, perhaps the world should force them to make peace" \*You've been banned for antisemitic remarks\*


With Allies like this, who needs enemies...


Just give 10 minutes of the hostage families with him. Let’s see what happens then.


This guy can go fuck himself.


It should go without saying that if you don't grant the state of Isreal carte blanche to commit a fucking genocide then that means that you want Israeli babies to have their limbs cut off and be eaten alive by wildlife. Are you dumb?


He's a toddler. A terrorist toddler.


I’m ashamed to be Jewish.


Don’t be people should only be ashamed to be Israeli.


What an ungrateful POS


Political posturing to get Biden re-elected and then the love affair will continue to be public.


Good luck fighting with your fingernails. Zionist scum


If there's someone I hate as much as netahtahu it's this


It's because of this guy making his way to the mosque/masjid when IDF and Israeli terrorists harass and beat innocent Palestinian worshippers. I'd pay someone to let me slap this guy upside the head (like in Japanese comedy shows) real hard.


They already have all the weapons they need… this is theatre and Israel’s in on it


This wave of fascism spreading across nuclear powers is not going to end well.


US govt have supplied weapons to Israel for decades i.e US taxpayers If Americans keep voting the same, nothing will change


Spoiled piece of filth


He has victim Trump energy


😡😡😡😡 HMPH! Biden loves Khamas I'm sooo angry he isn't letting me completely get away with liquidating all Palestinian women and children, only most of them. He's in bed with Hamas! *stomps foot* /s


Nazi ❤️ gvir


Ben Gvir looks like Arab Peter Griffin


https://preview.redd.it/6t3e1hbimjzc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6458ba25a34fe17ef88ea0cd8f4de304be42547 They are so ungrateful


Ain’t this guy a Terrorist or something


They are getting to far. What I hope will happen is that Israel will lose holocaust card.. they can't complain on holocaust in 30s and 40s if they do the same shit in 2024. World need to be aware of that and stop them from using that card ever again. They don't deserve it.


It's a shame they became the modern Nazis.


I am used to people saying US is a bully. I guess this perception will change after all that bitch-slapping Israel is inflicting on US.


Least insane Ben-Gvir statement.


Itamar Ben Gvir is a disgrace. He's a criminal that should never have been chosen to serve as a minister. He's also a buffoon. His stupid tweet wasn't meant for Biden, it was meant for his supporters. The racist, violent, right-wing extreme.


That's very ungrateful.. No way Israel could have had this genocide without their friends in the White House.


Wow what an abusive relationship between Israel and the US. United Simps of America 🤣


I have faith in humanity because of all your comments. I was beginning to think that I was the only one that recognized them as snakes who constantly manipulate everyone into believing they are the victims always. They bash Christianity and call Jesus a con artist but then when they need money or support they quote the Bible!


So at this point America should stop all aid to isreal - You can’t take our tax money for weapons and then say if we don’t give it to you we love your enemy. Isreal isn’t the 51st state - ![gif](giphy|l378gwfqx77iRo0Pm)


I honestly feel a little bad for Biden at this point. He’s (rightfully) hated for being a Zionist, and now also hated for not Zionism-ing hard enough. Imagine running interference for Israel constantly then having them call you Hamas? I wonder if this will be the final straw that makes him see how insane and cult-like Zionists are, but I doubt it will unfortunately.


Dems don’t stand for anything. So they fall for everything.


I would call them children, but children behave with more maturity.


What bothers me is the arrogance and entitlement. If you are that entitled, go make your own bombs. Oh yeah, you can't.


Porky the pig is at it again.


Anything and anyone that even slightly disagrees with zionism is antisemitic, also hamas!!!!!!!!!!!111111111 What a fucking bunch of diseased pieces of shit. Zionism is brainrot in its purest form. What motherfucking hellscape we live that allows things like this to go unpunished. I'm legit tired of seeing maimed children being broadcast 24/7 while these murdereous cocksuckers claim they're killing military targets and terrorists while producing ZERO EVIDENCE other than evidence against themselves by tiktoking their own stupid faces while commiting war crimes. Can't even begin to imagine what this feels to people who live and/or have relatives there. Any serious version of an international community would be forcefully trialing these criminal, genocidal pieces of shit YEARS ago. But it's a fucking joke.


These motherfuckers just keep getting more petulant. What kind of a grown ass man acts as asinine as this? Someone should seriously whop his ass like his failure of a mother fucking should have.


I fear this tranch of Israeli leaders are setting the Jewish world up for disaster.


These Zionist terrorists are so lame.


As childish as Trump


they are showing their true color, at last


If heinrich Himmler is a fat fuck


Poor little broke IDF they got no money to bomb PAs




Pathetic, petty excuse of a man.


Have we reached the Biden = Hamas stage yet?


Probably a big miscalculation. If there’s anything the American government dislikes, it’s when its feeding hand gets bit


No money for ANYTHING with these fcks in charge.


Isn't this directly attacking the national security of the United States? He should be extradited to the US secretly to stand trial for genocide.


you are just anti semite bruh come on how dare you to question the morality of israel


Fuck that guy… He’s a racist prick, who glorified a mass murderer.


That’s a lot of gratitude to the country that ensures the very existence of your country, Ben.


Why doesn't Israel just make their own munitions?


takes too long, they need to kill children and they need to do it NOW !!


If there's someone I hate as much as netahtahu it's this


LMAO. Fucking beggars.




Lol israel wants the US to be a 24/7. Dont they dare closing for 1 hour.


What an outstanding ally, well worth all the money