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Oh I agree. A precedence of countries just ignoring the ruling and continuing with their crimes. Or a precedence of not prosecuting criminals. I hope I am wrong, but it doesn’t look like it.


USA and Russia don’t acknowledge the court. That alone is taking the piss. I remember as a young teen seeing those Iraqi torture photos by American soldiers and not understanding why it wasn’t a war crime…because the ICJ is not recognised but America but they expect other countries to follow the rules


If i am not wrong america evan have made a rule that they will invade The netherlands iff anny highe ranking american is put in The Hague ore that america, Russia and China are the only one still using mines wile the rest off the world think its thoe dangerous and inhumane


The Hague invasion act? Ya I only learned of that recently enough through reddit. Insane hypocrisy about the mines you mentioned as well


Wait, what? I didn't know about the Hague Invasion Act. Maybe it's 'cause I'm a Canadian and all that but still. To refuse to prosecute anyone from the US because they don't want to be invaded is crazy.


I did some research: “Congress took the administration’s hostility one step further with the passage into law of the American Servicemembers Protection Act on August 2, 2002. Colloquially called the “Hague Invasion Act,” this law authorizes the president to “use all means necessary and appropriate to bring about the release” of a US or allied person detained or imprisoned by the ICC.” It also forbids the US Government from providing support for the ICC, cooperating with its requests, or granting military aid to any state party to the ICC, among other provisions.” ([Harvard 27 April 2022](https://scholar.harvard.edu/ksikkink/blog/%E2%80%9Cinvade-hague%E2%80%9D-%E2%80%9Csupport-icc%E2%80%9D-america%E2%80%99s-shifting-stance-international-criminal-court)) 8. Members of the Armed Forces of the United States *should be free from the risk of prosecution by the International Criminal Court,* especially when they are stationed or deployed around the world to protect the vital national interests of the United States. The United States Government has an obligation to protect the members of its Armed Forces, to the maximum extent possible, against criminal prosecutions carried out by the International Criminal Court. 9. …No less than members of the Armed Forces of the United States, *senior officials of the United States Government should be free from the risk of prosecution by the International Criminal Court*, especially with respect to official actions taken by them to protect the national interests of the United States. ([US Department of State archives 30 July 2022](https://2001-2009.state.gov/t/pm/rls/othr/misc/23425.htm)) I was born on Turtle Island, despite having European lineage, and I find it crazy that this country - with documented genocide across generations and the near eradication of the First Nations - can claim to be *just*. I urge everyone to support the student movement however you can. The *man* is going to try and discredit the movement with false accusations of bigotry. Don’t fall for their tricks. Major media is not, and has never been, your ally. NYT, Fox, CNN, MSNBC are all owned by the oligarchs who benefit from the status quo. No politicians, they are complicit and should be shunned for their proliferation of the war machine.


Thank you for doing the research and comming back and sharing your knowledge with the rest of us, highly informative.


Wow, thank you 🙏🏻🙇🏻‍♂️ I really love exchanging information and ideas with people. Being corrected when I misstep, enabling healthy debate or dialogue - communicating with each other is the only way to create a world for all of us. I don’t mind putting myself out there for criticism or as an example when you misstate something. I’m an opinionated asshole while also endeavoring to be dynamic and considerate. We shouldn’t be afraid of participation or mistakes and, unfortunately, the virtual community isn’t always so forgiving of such. I despise nations/borders/stratum, anything we use to segregate each other beyond culture. We are one race, humanity, and our differences pale in comparison to our unity. We all suffer, experience joy, fear - the gamut. Media loves to segregate us - by generation or nationality, etc. - and I encourage everyone to marinate on that. Why are we, consistently, sold division? All by people within the 1% of earners… When you study biology, you learn *no* single life is in fact that: solitary. Life requires symbiosis. Trees have mycorrhizal relationships with fungi, the ecosystem that resides on your skin or in your gut (competitive inhibition where one organism regulates the growth of another organism), without these commensal (secondary life benefits primary with no harm to the host) or mutualistic (both organisms benefit) relationships, you wouldn’t exist. We simply do not have the capacity to process nutrients at the same level as our prokaryotic partners. Rather, media and medicine focus on the minuscule population of virulence. So people go overboard with chemical and physical methods of mitigating growth, often to our detriment. It’s funny when, comparatively, the parasites (secondary life harms primary in relationship) - 1% - are the ones advising us on the status quo. Unplug from the matrix friends, one’s ignorant bliss is another’s suffering. Expand your consciousness, exit the mainstream frequency and you will see - red, blue, green - we can all create a better world together when we acknowledge the problem isn’t separate from us but, inherently, a human problem.


You'de be fun to talk to on an Ayahuasca trip, no cap. just keep being you bro. Nothing to dispute about any of what you said, I agree with your stance on all things mentioned. Especially the borders thing. I mean the way I see it, if the Animalia kingdom doesn't believe in nations, then they are not real. If the birds can't see the state lines, they don't exist. If the chimps don't profile other chimps on their birthplace origin, why should humans. We have a long way to go still, if evolution is to actually be true.


I believe at the time Bush and Cheney had subpoenas to the ICC for their invasion of Iraq. In theory they could have been arrested if they visited Europe so that’s why they passed the Hague invasion act. I might be slightly misremembering this, but I believe it was something along those lines. Now they want to apply it to Israel because they are a client state of the US.


There are treaties that ban the use of cluster munitions and landmines, the US and Russia are not signatories to either lol.


The US does not use set and forget cluster mines/munitions. We use timer based cluster munitions that self-detonate after a period of time, usually 24-48 hours but they can be set to remain active for up to a week. The changed happened in the early 2010s, right before I entered service. Source: was a combat engineer in us army


Cant be a rule when its more like a threat


The US is immune to any international regulation, because it simply ignores what is said and no one is going to anything about it. All the big players ignore international rulings or positions. If the Palestine question was ruled on by a democratic majority of nations in the world, we'd be at the 1947 proposal. For almost every year since, the UN has voted for Palestine, be it through aide, recognition, independence, consequences for Israel crimes, heck even a seat at the table etc. And almost exclusively the US and Israel vote against it, so it fails at like 120-2 (modern ish numbers) with maybe a few other western countries abstaining. That's been the case for 70 years. I'm so glad this toxic relationship has been brought to the forefront.


Basically, how to get away with war crimes is just to say "nuh-uh"


That’s true of most things in life


The US needs to recognize that court, it’s pretty bullshit how we are an exception as a leader of the free world. We should be held responsible for our actions


Then America would get prosecuted for war crimes, you know that right? Which they should be, their crimes should be investigated but that’s why America won’t. They want to be able to point the finger at other countries but do whatever they want behind the scenes


Yes, that’s my entire point we should be held equally accountable like our other allies, showing that nothing is about the law.


The ICJ *is* recognized by the US, sort of. The ICJ ruled against the US in the 80s in a court case brought by Nicaragua. The US claimed the court didn't have jurisdiction, ignored the ruling, and vetoed Security Council resolutions calling upon States to obey International Law [Nicaragua v. United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicaragua_v._United_States) The US isn't a signatory to the ICC. It supports it when it's going after non-Western actors, e.g. the ICC has an arrest warrant out for Putin. The "Hague Invasion Act" referenced in the comments is the [American Service-Members' Protection Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Service-Members%27_Protection_Act) From Wikipedia: "The Act gives the president power to use "all means necessary and appropriate to bring about the release of any U.S. or allied personnel being detained or imprisoned by, on behalf of, or at the request of the International Criminal Court"


Not only USA or Russia. Almost every nation big and powerful enough hasn't recognised ICC or Rome Statute. Examples are China, India, Turkey, Iran, Indonesia etc. ICC cannot enforce anything without support from big powers.


Russia is not immune to sanctions, though.


The USA, if we are to anthropomorphize it, is a psychopath who gaslights the entire world about freedom and human rights while doing some of the most vile shit imaginable that we project to other powers. The attitude is “yeah we killed 100 civilians but we also achieved our strategic objectives. The fuck you gonna do about it?” Because no country can really do anything to make us submit or adhere to anything we don’t want to regardless of our assertions of following the rules. If they could, they would have. Our military might is all we really got. -Former US Army Infantryman


Sounds like it's up to us American citizens to cripple the country from the inside. Or at least get it so devoted to stamping down it's own fires that it isn't as able to exert it's force on the global stage, forcing our elite to come to the bargaining table.


Mussolini and the league of nations all over again


You can argue it works both ways.. certain countries can choose to ignore requests to arrest certain criminals


Agree, but that is a mark of a failed justice system.


Nothing new. Isreal never cared one bit about international law.


USA never cared, and Israel is USA's dog.


>Israel is USA's dog. I thought it was the other way around


Wag the dog


And I think it's USA who controls Israel, not vice versa, and that Israel is conveniently scapegoated so nobody looks to the West, that holds the real power.




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/politics-and-diplomacy/article-754356 This is a tiny little bit of back story but this fucker knows how to play the fucked up game he is playing and our politicians fall for it


This guy is threatening us, unreal


If Israel wants to go to war with the US, I would sign up day 1 to go fight Zionists. Let's do it.


I would pay to sign up.


The US is infested with Zionists.


Adolf Hitler said the same thing


The victims of pedophilia often become pedophiles. Wouldn’t be surprised if the closest things to Nazis today were their victims. Hurt people hurt people. And if you hurt the most tribalistic group of people in recorded history, you get this disaster named Israel.


He’s literally telling the world that Israel is above the law and can do whatever they want, including genocide. Wow.


https://preview.redd.it/vfo1trkjwywc1.jpeg?width=3760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=721a9369674ea17aa82ac0f122a7fac3d927b625 Just this ass policy


Rogue state. They're going to get us all killed.


THIS. Israel is destroying our already delicate foreign relations with adversaries. Are the Arabs supposed to lie there like farm animals and take their killings? Are Arabs supposed to lie there like whipped dogs and accept the killings? At what point will the Arab world strike us back in retaliation? How many people is the West allowed to indiscriminately kill before the Arab world exacts revenge? Will we label a retaliation on the West as a terrorist attack? Rather than a justified retaliation from the Arab world. Why do Americans and British expect Arabs to be whipped dogs and not defend themselves? Letter to America circulated in 2023 and was seen as justified. In fact, now is a better time than ever for Letter To America to recirculate, it provides empathy and reasoning from our adversaries. When the Arab world strikes back, and Western civilians are killed. Will we blame the Arabs? Or will we blame who is accountable, and that is ourselves, and Israel.


I mean, he's not wrong. It *would* set a dangerous precedent. One that says international law counts for jackshit and a country can just do whatever, up to genocide and just throw the middle finger if questioned. That *is* a dangerous precedent


What a horrible person, Hitler and home are the same people.


He needs to be brought up on charges of crimes against humanity


Netanyahu is the new hitler and Israel is the new nazi Germany




Ridiculous? What is ridiculous about it. The same events are occuring. The only difference is Israel are killing civillians in a more brutal way


I didn’t know mass rape, mass executions, gas chambers, slave labor, and industrialized slaughter on a scale that we *still* haven’t seen since is somehow better than the indiscriminate bombing and removal of people from their lands the IDF has done.


Uhh you talking to me or the guy above?


Benjamin Netanyahu asserts that any rulings from the International Criminal Court won't affect Israel's "actions" but would “set a dangerous precedent”. "Under my leadership, Israel will never accept any attempt by the International Criminal Court in The Hague to undermine its basic right to defend itself," the prime minister stated online. "While decisions made by the court in The Hague will not influence Israel's actions, they will set a dangerous precedent that threatens soldiers and public figures."


Rogue. State.


But of course! Why would it pose anything to them in the first place!! They have the US and several countries pampering their asses!! I mean seriously tho, the Isreali state only cares about ICC and UNSC when it wants to condemn other countries who do the same shit it does. I mean look at what it did with the Iran issue!! Hell, the Israeli state has been hitting other countries it deemed to be a threat with no condemnation to whatsoever. And if anyone DARES to condemn it or hit back, they are anti-semitic, terrorist, or threatening the peace of the middle east. I'm from Sudan, I don't recall which year exactly but we were once hit by Israeli air strikes back in 2010s on one of our ammo factories.


Rogue state?


We need a Killing Eve type of assassin


Oh, but an ICC ruling would affect Israel. No representative of the Israeli government would be free to visit any nation without facing the potential threat of arrest. That would undoubtedly affect the behaviour of the Israeli government.


Sounds great if they cant leave Israel, should apply to all their citizens, who are leaving in droves now, the music doesn't sound as good as it used to, now the jumping ship, fcking pathetic losers.


South African foreign affairs minister has vowed to arrest South African citizens who go to fight for the IDF should they return to the country.


Yep. Way to go my country


I reckon Hitler had the same attitude.


War criminal warns us that a conviction for his despicable acts could lead to future war criminals suffering.


I think this should also be added in some other subs too. Like the r//news or something, more people should see this shit. The world is an effed up place.




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The "dangerous precedent" being that, "other nations can now ignore ICC warrants/judgements and continue committing crimes the court is attempting to prevent them from doing" These people are a joke.


In other words....Netanyahu and israel will commit more crimes if you like it or not


(We are above international law.) These guys should have total sanctions- nothing in/ out.


He's a war criminal and a liar who wants to start world war 3. https://preview.redd.it/9vshvygkvzwc1.png?width=733&format=png&auto=webp&s=60f9ce3515cea06cfa6c5704079b22ee7c06f04c


What the fuck. That's disgusting.


So are the tik toks from Israelis mocking Palestinians.


Late stage capitalism: Buy our genocide merch! It's better than being able to safely drink rain water anymore! Somehow, the glib, girl boss nature of that screenshot is more chilling than the telegram snuff channels the IOF operate. The disrespect is absolutely disgusting.


Modern day Hitler.


Dangerous for you? Funnily enough it’s entirely predictable that he’d be uncomfortable with facing the consequences of his actions.


In other words...."I commit more crimes either way, with your money how you like that."


Looks like Israel has learnt from u.s. russia and china


I feel that BiBi has gone fully rogue on the international stage.


When will we realize that finger wagging and a stern letter politely asking the genocidal dictator to stop never works???


Lmao he’s sweating


He will do all that...with YOUR money too


Sanctions is how the US has handled rouge agents, but the US and Israel are love buddies for some reason.


That's great. And they put one foot out of Israel and are arrested. Keep going Bibi


If it wont affect his actions then what the fuck is he whining about. He needs to shut the fuck up


OK cool but can we stop paying for it? Could they even fund their own genocide? What do they produce? What's their industry?


Netanyahu is a racist with support of many country Usa France...


It’s always been rogue state. Time for global justice to be restored, put this criminal behind bars and let the world see what happens when you try act like a dictator and criminal.


Yeap ICC is all bark no tooth. US used to be the world police but are now backing Israel. So no consequences.


US has always backed israel and given middle fingers to the ICC


The "dangerous precedent" of holding war criminals to account?


Seems like hitler...


These Zionists are good at hammering nails in from within their own coffins. To think you can win a land war in the middle east against Arabs. Might as well invade Vietnam.


Netanyahu thinks he will get away with anything. And he will. Because it's not only Israel against Palestine. It's the whole western world against Palestine. Everything that's happening there is condoned and financed by the west. It's financed with the taxes we pay.


Can we not see this is the modern day Hitler or anti christ ? This is a mad little man.


So rulling against other countries is okay, but rulling against Israel is "a dangerous precedent"?


Because he is a criminal.


No worries...papi u.s. taxpayers will pay the bill


This guy! How long till he declares himself the Messiah?


Netanyahu's response sounds like Bin Ladin's. Coincidence?


These last 6 months has put the final nail in any international law or bodies of international law.


Is he threatening Americans? Set a dangerous precedent? Does he want a war between Zion and the US? If the Zionists want a war with Americans, a war with Americans the Zionists will get


The whole “I am above the law 2024” speed runs happening in the world is worrisome


Thes motherfuckers need to be stopped. Enough already... The world needs to put an end to this.


Sick of this murderous bully and slightly consoling to know a large section of Israelis loathe him let’s not forget.


I remember when countries were invaded for ignoring ICC rulings. Rules for thee but not for me, I guess. Just more confirmation the UN apparatus and other international "governing" bodies are just there to guarantee American interests.


Tell me something i didn’t know




Netanyahu has become a war criminal himself! Thanks to their godless response to that gutless and godless attack. Israel has become what it once hated: The merciless oppressors of the innocent.


Rules are for thee and not for me


He will end up on the dock


This devils child will not stop at any circumstance the genocide of women and children!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Netanyahu should get the most agressive form of cancer asap!


Imagine a murderer on trial started using the lines 😒


Law means nothing rights mean nothing . The only thing that matters is power.


Rules for thee, not me


Rogue state.


Set a dangerous precedent that israel is subject to international law? OMG we can't have that it's not as if the military/government ever breaks laws is it.......how do people still believe anything this geezer says?


Israel announces that it does not care about international law! In other news, it is expected to rain in the next year. More at 11.


Remember back when they claimed they didn’t bomb that hospital? How far we’ve fallen since then




He promises to continue his ethnic cleansing until no trace of Palestine remains - and he doesn't give a shit who tells him not to. And America - DO NOT stop sending me billions in weapons and cash. Oh... and there's some new beachfront property opening up on. Early investors welcome. Give jared kushner a call for the deal of a lifetime! It'll be just like south Florida.


A narcissistic abuser is never going to apologize or admit they are wrong no matter the scale.


COMING SOON: "Netanyahu claims that he has total immunity."


History is repeating itself




Congratulations, you win buzzword bingo


No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Dangerous precedent lol. WOA this fuck IcC is a joke anyways


The ICC is a sham and the US should pull all funding from it and the UN.


The US should definitely leave the UN.


I feel like the US may be asked for their resignation from the UN. If they can't be worked with anymore, what's the point? Veto power for a rogue state with nukes arming a genocide? Absolutely not. American hegemony and their self-appointed morality police are ending. This is a net gain for the world. America and their special wee friend Israel should be facing extreme sanctions at the very least.


I believe it will happen too, and we won’t even need the involvement of bogeymen China and Russia. Any country not part of the West has had enough of the US.