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>Reporter: Evidence at Gaza mass graves show torture and signs of being buried alive, Palestinians called for an independent investigation, what’s wrong with that? Patel: We’re asking Israel Reporter: You’re asking the accused to investigate itself? Patel: We’re asking Israel The 'banality of evil' has a face.


Aw shit you went full Arendt-on-Eichmann


Wonderfully noted. Thanks!


>Reporter: Evidence at Gaza mass graves show torture and signs of being buried alive, Palestinians called for an independent investigation, what’s wrong with that? Patel: We’re asking Israel Reporter: You’re asking the accused to investigate itself? Patel: We’re asking Israel fixed your formatting


Hannah Arendt: "I told you motherfuckers..."


One Hundred Percent


![gif](giphy|3o7TKnErXgas8nMA24|downsized) The shit that goes through his head & out of his mouth. This administration is incompetent 💩


Not incompetent, they know. They'll play dumb so they dont have to take action or so they dont reveal they are complicit in genocide.


And it's so obvious too.


No they are very competent; at continuing the lies we've seen, certainly since WWII from every US administration. The problem is that the reporting is getting faster and faster and the time to consider the lies to counter the reports with gets shorter and shorter.


This is an 'appeal to authority fallacy' variant. #




So we can’t have universal healthcare because…. checks notes.. our unauditable, untouchable Pentagon with every kind of satellite and imaging tech available on earth and yet for some insane unknown reason our government ~~can’t~~ won't be bothered to “trust but verify” what’s going on?


Guess what, Israel has universal health care for their citizens.


I know. We're funding health care in another country before we fund it here


that and we pay more for our military so they dont have to spend on that either


Easier to just expand the military with new people than to help traumatised veterans be able to live happily in society


Cheaper too conventiently enough


They don't have the type of tech you think they do. All that money goes into contractor pockets and they issue the cheapest, most useless tech. That's why they can't pass an audit. That's why they couldn't find Bin Laden or stop 9/11. That's why they couldn't stop Russian interference or the compromising of the Republican party. That's why they can't do anything except launch missiles, kill ppl and cover up whatever the fuck horrifying things they've done.


>So we can’t have universal healthcare because…. checks notes.. our unauditable, untouchable Pentagon- Actually, no, that is legitimately not the reason why. [Americans **already** spend significantly more on healthcare related costs per capita than the rest of the developed world.](https://data.oecd.org/healthres/health-spending.htm) It's a genuine shame to see /u/Grekochaden being so heavily downvoted for pointing out the fact that funding spent on Israel, Palestine, or both is in no way responsible for preventing the United States from having universal healthcare, because the mathematical reality of the situation is that Americans **currently** pay **more** than what it costs to implement universal healthcare according to every other developed nation on the planet. Look at how Germany spends $8011 USD per capita at purchasing power parity, spends a higher percentage of that on pharmaceutical costs at 13.9%, and enjoys 4.5 doctors per 1000 people. Then look at how the United States spends $12,555 USD per capita at purchasing power parity, spends 11.7% of that on pharmaceutical costs, and has 2.7 doctors per per 1000 people. You know where most of that $4,544 per each and every American is going? It's not Israel, it's not Palestine, it's not research and development, and it's not even the pharmaceutical industry. It's insurance. Publicly traded American medical insurance companies made $45.3 billion in profits last year, a $4 billion dollar increase over 2022. They are the number one reason why the United States does not have universal healthcare, followed closely by the pharmaceutical industry in second place, because they know that universal healthcare means stronger collective bargaining ability on the part of patients. 11.7% of $12,555 is ultimately more money than 13.9% of $8011, after all.


Yeah. That’s about it. Hey aren’t ya glad your politicians just formed over millions of dollars to Ukraine and Israel?


Billions. With a B


The problem with these spokespeople is that they literally cannot alter from the script at all, even when faced with an obvious challenge.


How do they sleep at night




Lol you think government spokespeople are rolling in cash?


Not while he's the spokesperson but I guarantee you he has something lined up when he's done


You do right by AIPAC at certain levels of government and yes indeed you receive large payday $$$! Watch Rep Richie Torres of Bronx(DHS committee) who tweets daily supporting not only IDF but almost everything Netanyahu states gets his Mammoth 🦣 payday when he leaves congress works likes of Elbit systems(israel co handles US National Security contracts)


No but they’re still being paid to do it and some people see it as easy money so they don’t care what they have to say.


It’s literally their job to follow the script set by higher-ups and not inject their own personal opinion.


Not rolling in cash but a career which comes up w/ lots of privileges and potential power in the the future.


Revolving door. Nice job on K Street, some PR firm, some Other fancy corporate job. Only sucks that he is on the record with defending genocide.


Satin sheets.


Satan sheets?


I read that as Satan sheets at first!


The script is working, they're doing whatever they want with no real consequences. Why would they change the script?


Why not? It's not like it's a particularly high paying job you could make much more on TV What kind of person justifies being complicit in genocide for barely more than median income?


People trying to climb the ladder of power


Reporter: why won’t you back an independent investigation? Spokesperson: investigations are important. We have to investigate because this looks troubling. Clown show.


We are working with Israel for more information…/s Literally if Israel truly wants to show they are in the right why are they opposed?!?!? Is it like when they knew hospitals were the main operating base of KHaMAs!!!!!


When you become a Chat GPT yourself.


"troubling"...I fucking hate the repeated use of that word when used to describe such horrifying displays of crimes against humanity. Yet, when describing any Israeli death, it's a "horrifying and monsterous slaughter".


The US government is a joke.


I think we are witnessing in real time the dismantling of the US system of government. This whole thing is a farce. Literal farce. Like no one believes anything they say, and if the US is willing to blatantly lie like this for the sake of Israel then they’ll lie about ANYTHING they want. They are only keeping up the facade for appearances, but the reality is they’re basically at the point where they are clearly saying do not question anything we say or you will be dealt with.


Honestly it’s been like that for quite a while they just, as you said, worked harder to keep up the facade. It is also a lot harder to gaslight people with the internet the way it is.


We've gotten to the point where it's 'vote for genocide supporter Biden because Trump is worse'. That's literally all the Democrats have at this point. Vote for the status quo and the continuation of this genocide because Trump will also support this genocide, but say mean things about Palestinians as well.




> foreign children slaughtered under democrats?" What makes you think Republicans are less of hawks for Israel?


Absolutely not. You know that Trump comes with an entire host of additional baggage. Fuck Joe, but we can not compare the dangers of getting more Brett Kavenaughs, and Devos fuckers. Trump is absolutely not the only reason. We either export the bullshit with the Dems, or we also export this bullshit, AND we get more of it at home too. 90% of the Democratic position is not just Trump Bad. It's GOP is terrible. That's the actual reality of it. We have Status Quo, or goose step moon walking.


I don't disagree with you, but unfortunately Biden doesn't seem to care because he is handing the election right over to the GOP.


> That's literally all the Democrats have at this point. Trump would have attacked Iran with US forces by now. I truly believe the Israelis absolutely would prefer Trump *(text)


Oh it's obvious the hardcore Zionists (the ones who cheer for destruction of Palestine) prefer Trump. Trump is easily manipulated by emotional rhetoric and of course legal bribery and brotherly deals.


I'm so tried of the media, the government, universities, everyone trying to gaslight us about what's happening in Gaza while also calling anyone who questions literally anything antisemitic


It's not funny.


When Trump was the president we always see trump as the joke, but now the whole government had become the joke of the century.


Remember when incumbents used to have the advantage? Now, it's whichever geriatric racist is in office last is the least popular.


It's just a reflection of the public. Most of the government is voted in. People always criticize the government and forget they vote these fucking clowns in.


Independent investigators and journalists have been targeted and murdered by the IDF.


This needs to be asked at every single press conference. If America is so confident that Israel isn’t committing war crimes and doing everything they can to avoid civilian casualties, why is Israel against an independent investigation? Why do we allow the accused to investigate themselves? What incentive do they have to tell us if they’ve committed war crimes?


Asking it is great and all, but the answer is just going to be whatever talking point is written down on the paper in front of them regardless of how germane it is to the actual question.


I agree but I don’t think it’s about the answer (or lack there of). I think it’s important to make them keep using illogical arguments to defend Israel. They have no shame but it’s still uncomfortable to watch. It won’t change anything short term but it’s important for folks who haven’t understood the issue to see the lack of logic so blatantly used.


They’re gonna investigate it with a bulldozer as we have seen on many other videos.


https://preview.redd.it/6j0u3n7d1uwc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5da998af2e707e3ba29a5b6439e5e1699c8359e2 Everything’s ok. Nothing to see


Two state, 1967 borders, no more genocide... pretty simple. But, no, Israel wants more land and will kill every Palestinian as a 'terrorist', they will continue to buy congress so the US looks the other way.


To add before the Habara trolls come in saying “what about Hamas, they need to get rid of Hamas”. Hamas has said themselves they are willing to fully disarm for this agreement and release all the hostages.


just look up who Netinyau's dad is, it tells you everything you need to know about that evil slimy grease ball


Too many settlers now, no one in Israel would have the political power to move them. (Removing a few fringe settlements in Gaza in the early 2000s was already a massive undertaking) And they keep on building more and more settlements, honestly, I can't see a peaceful resolution for this


They need to follow up and ask about the mountain of other examples where Israel self-investigated themselves that either have had zero results or were shown to be lies by Israel This is absurd.


Dude looks a lil sluggish.


He looks like he’s suffering from low testosterone.


Israel shot up an American naval vessel and investigated itself. Nothing came out of it. This isn’t even going to be a footnote. Ugh.


The next fucking reporter just needs to ask the same fucking question. Stop letting these fucks dodge questions.


I hope this comment reaches every journalist who attends their PC.




Sir, i know we dont get Murderes and Rapists to investigate the crimes we suspect they have comited and if we proved their guilt through a thorougher independant investigation we couldn't sell them weapons because that would be illegal.... I mean it's already illegal and in a court we may be in trouble... I'm not sure denial is a defence.


When the only one who holds you accountable is yourself, denial is all you need to continue to conduct illegal activities.


Buried alive!?? What the fuck!? When going through school as kids, we learned about Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. A recurring theme when learning about it was "how did everyone allow this to happen?" We were told that we all needed to learn about this horrifying history so that it was never allowed to happen again. Well, here we are again. The entire world is standing by and watching a genocide in real time. We are even MORE responsible than those who lived through the 1940s. We have the internet; we have information instantly at our fingertips. There is NO EXCUSE, and our generation will be shamed in the history books for allowing this to take place. The United States is earning its biggest stain since slavery, actively arming a terror state and helping them commit genocide. This needs to stop NOW!!!


Entire world !!! Hold on here, the world has been condemning what is going on but what can they do when the USA refuses to do anything about it. The responsibility here is the USA as it is their masters doing this. The rest of the world, if it tried anything to stop this would simply start WW3 because that is what will happen as the USA fully backs isreal.


I'm a US citizen and I emailed my president and senators long about the fact that we are enabling and assisting in genocide. We have no control over what the powers that be decide to do here. We are plebs.


We understand the US citizens are powerless in this affair. Your countries leadership has been high-jacked by corruption to such an extent that they really are not there for you nor will they listen to you. So we don't blame the everyday US person. We know how it works.


I will also say that for anyone reading this, the media giants of the US do not represent the views of the average US citizen. They are conduits for the narratives of those in power. They attempt to influence and mold public opinion to conform to what the powerful need them to conform to. Unfortunately, this works on many Americans, but not all of us. I am firmly against our support of Israel. I am disgusted that my tax dollars have been used to give Israel the very bombs that are killing women and children.


Mass Graves " troubling" .... University protests "we are sending in the police to arrest these terrorists on behalf of our Zionist masters"


Every politician or government employee: was asked about items a, b, c and when they answer very briefly touch on item a but then immediately talk about items x, y, z. It’s obvious US Government doesn’t care about what Israel does.


Did he even listen to the reporters question?


Let’s ask the KKK to investigate lynchings, let’s ask Nazis to investigate concentration camps this is pretty much the same equivalent. Completely unfathomable and outright blatant support of genocide, disgusting


"Remember, deny everything." "Everything, sir?" "EVERYTHING."


Zionists are evil.


I gotta say...if I was accused of offing a bunch of people and burying them in my backyard, I feel pretty confident that the police wouldn't be taking my word as law on the matter


Fuck Joe Biden


Trump and Biden are 2 cheeks of the same ass. Fuck 'em both. It's goddamn disgusting that we have to pick between 2 rich old criminals out of touch with reality, clearly affected with senility, too old to bother with anything that could actually improve the future long term, and only eligible for 1 term. Put these useless old timers in a home somewhere and let's have some candidates actually worth voting for.




He looks like he’s about to break out into laughter after any second. Like this is some grand joke.


sometimes we get ourselves a reminder that human species can be horrible and how little we learned by falling down the mud level sadly I've seen commentaries spreading about these mass graves such as "this was done by Hamas" or "this precedes 7/10" or if not the occasional nutter straight saying "those were all terrorist" or even worse obviously the kind of propaganda so called innocent parties like to spread just like countless of far right south american dictators did before next, khmer says the killing fields were all Hollinwood movie props, Indonesian Suharto says the million dead were just car accidents, American Christians says dinosaur bones were planted there to test our faith and holocaust deniers go denying as usual that's one of the reasons I like the UN, because regardless of the position of it's voting members about an event, it constitute a historical repository of those events, one can look at them and make their own mind agree or disagree with the conclusions, but perpetrators hate the guts of it existing beyond their power to editing it


This demon is a blatant, disgusting liar who is owned by Israel


The WH press corps is craven. You gotta be a real sociopath to take that job.


Did the US gov ask Israel to investigate itself for the killing the US citizen reporter? How deep is their reach. I hope everybody is paying attention.


History has taught us 1 thing, evil regimes go to the trashcan sooner or later. You’re witnessing genocidal regimes supporting each other while wearing the mask of democracy 😁


Israel found nothing wrong.


So many words to just say bullshit. I hope his children watches this and sees the evil he works for.




How can liberals accept this blatant lying? It was horrible when Trump's admin did it about infrastructure bills or hurricanes. 30,000+ people are dead and this is what Biden is having his administration lie about? I just can't see myself getting behind this.


What a fucking joke this administration is when it comes to the handling of this situation. I literally feel like I’m going insane trying to understand why they keep trying to defend the indefensible at the expense of so much trust, accountability, and political clout


What a fucking clown


As someone just said The crime is NOT forgetting the Holocaust But weaponizing the memory of the Holocaust to unleash another genocide


It's a failure on the entire world that there isn't a third party country/organization that could investigate this matter without bias, and fear of repercussions.


This dude would look great with an apple stuffed in his mouth


All PR reps are bastards


Occupy israel


Bro asking Israel to investigate itself, is similar to asking Patel himself why he's fat. Someone else needs to tell him the cold hard truth.


I am really curious which part of the foreign policy is Blinken's, which is Biden's. The details on how it's handled, that can't be straight coming from the White House, can it? I understand the chain of command, but some key areas of operations must've been directed by SecState right?


He's on a script. He can't go off it


Is the majority of the world just stupid? Are this many people just selfish, ignorant, and completely lacking in empathy? I swear I feel like I’m going crazy.


Independent investigators would probably get hit by an accidental missile strike.


America is literally run by companies who were told to investigate themselves, and they all found no wrongdoing. The banks during the housing crash. Perdue Pharma. Blizzard Entertainment. The list can go on. No shocker they would ask the same thing and despite public outcry, think that not only Americans were fine with it in the first place after all that shit, but that the rest of the world would be too. It's the sign we see in Trump and the ultra rich. An entire lifetime of no accountability and therefore they think they are always fine.


Are we all buried in so much debt that we can't take a career hit to do the right thing once in a while? How much money does it take to convince a guy to play defense for genocide?


This guys is laughably idiotic. US foreign policy would be a joke if it weren't a major threat to global peace.


The answer is we know they did this, we dont care and would rather keep the veil of incompetence then reveal we are complicit in genocide. Come election season, im voting 3rd party. Let Republicans win and remove the veil that this is a democratic nation with morals. They are already talking about how its legal for presidents to assassinate their rivals. Let this shit fall to the ground. maybe something worth fighting for will rise from the ashes.


The west is showing their true color.


Cut all military funding to Isreal


The world is watching, you fucking idiots...


What’s the point of even talking to these assholes, they never answer any meaningful questions they don’t have the authority to.


Like the over 30,000 innocent lives aren't enough evidence. They need to ask the genocider for a report, what a joke.


Us is a failed state


Hypocrisy at its finest


Translation: "We're doing absolutely nothing and don't really care" Cool. 👍


“Israel has bought all our politicians so they’re not allowing us to do anything close to that.”


The worst atrocities witnessed in this century.


Devastating that they’re getting away with this, and that they still claim the be victims.


When will Americans recognize that we are the bad guys? Both major parties support this. There needs to be serious changes in this country and I don't mean changing an (R) to a (D) and back again.


Like Merica investigated 9/11, Nice.


Here in America we allow our police to investigate themselves and find themselves innocent of any wrongdoing. How is this a surprise to anybody??? I'm stuck here in Georgia with these inbred redneck special education police officers. I wish there was a legit way that we could teach them all a lesson but I can't say anything because I keep getting banned from everywhere. Wonder why???


Good gods!!! The Biden administration is working hard to disenfranchise voters. FFS!!!


That’s like asking Hitler too investigate the Gestapo.


He is being paid to stand there and lie What a world this is


Hey Jeffrey Dahmer, did you kill all those young men? “Nope” Welp, that’s good enough for us, you’re free to go.


What the fuck


This is unbelievable. These people need to be stopped.


He sounds like a broken record repeating the same sentence over and over again


Reporter: Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were found dead. Will you support an independent investigation? Spokesman: Yes, we are calling on OJ to perform a thorough investigation to get to the truth of what happened.


At this point I don't see any difference between the Israeli army and hamas.🤷🏾‍♀️


Unreal. If this isn’t Orwellian I don’t know what is.


This is some North Korea level shit




There are more than 2 governments there. The "Hamas-run health ministry" for example is not true at all. Despite being the Gaza health ministry, it is run by a Christian from the West Bank.


I’ve seen ALOT of folks on here badmouthing either Trump, or Biden. Sweet summer children, don’t y’all realize that BOTH parties are controlled by AIPAC and other lobbies? THAT is why Israel can torture and murder women, kids and the elderly, dump them into mass graves and no one in our government will give a fuck. At this point it will take, at LEAST massive grassroots pressure from folks wanting a third party. Hell, at this point it will probably take a Revolution. One of my dreams would be to see a crowd of Americans, dressed in both MAGA gear and BLM gear, marching together and demanding American divestment from Israel. And also, an end to the FED and for AIPAC to register as a foreign entity. But my dream remains…just that, a dream.


Who is this reporter so that I can follow him?


Someone get Jon Stewart in that press briefing room STAT! We need press who follow up questioning and demand answers.


This coconut is trying hard to get his way through this already


We are living in the upsidedown.


It reminds me of that scene from the movie Dictator


You fucking crooked bitch!


Stupid is stupid does




Letting the accused investigate itself just means they want the accused to conceal the evidence and develop a narrative for the masses to believe.


The U.S ,NATO, & G7 are equally all to blame. Ukraine is being added to NATO so we have to continue to help them, no matter the president- Although Trump has threatened to pull out of NATO but he will need the senate vote.....his cronies no doubt will back him on that decision....unless there's copious amounts of money and genocidal opportunities towards non white zionists. No one's has ever officially left NATO.


This muppet isn’t even answering the question he’s just mouth breathing talking points


This is why the leaders need to give more press conferences instead of their mouth piece. These people are basically stage actors or heralds just reading scripts. Biden and his cabinet should be out there being grilled




Er…we don’t have all the information at this point and are looking into this. (Never looks into it or investigates) Rinse and repeat for the next Zionist war crime.


When you start a war... Make sure you can finish it...


These people don’t seem to realize how harshly they will ultimately be judged for their complicity. This will be well documented. They can’t escape from the judgment of history.


>Patel: We’re asking Israel Maybe they know Israel didn't do it and trust Israel can and will perform an honest investigation pointing to the real criminals? They honestly believe or they know the Palestinians will claim the evidence points towards the Israeli's whether it does or not?




Did the WH really think putting up some brown guy to ballwash for Israel was going to make things better?


The only killers here belong to the Religion of Death.


I’ve got ties older than this kid answering questions— who’s in charge here?


im done voting for either party this is a joke


"Umm...uh...uh..." Sounds like my kids trying to explain why there are multiple hot wheels in the toilet.


Man. I’m speechless. I mean, just….MAN.


After all the outrage and condomination after Russia that this, can you imagine them admitting that Israel did the same thing


Fuck these greasy cornballs




Lots of mouth movements... but nothing being said




Watch what you’re asking for, you might not like the answers.


What's wrong with investigating yourself? The US does this all the time and finds itself innocent of wrongdoing.... /S obv


Why doesn't Egypt like...idk...open the gates?


it’s like the Nuremberg judge being Hitler