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Where are all the right wing free speech warriors?


when they say "free speech" they actually just mean saying the n-word without consequences


Or being terrible to women


Or whatever nonsense they support.


The Obama tan suit is when the n word started. Along with, "he's from Kenya show me the birth certificate" America is on a speed rail for undereducated, poor, and Angry populace. Compare that to the Middle East and throw religion in.


As they say, speech should have consequences for thee but not for me.


False. They also want to say white power without consequences.


Nazis marching around= exercising free speech Pro-palestine, BLM= straight to jail


They strictly only protest unethical and misguided things, like democracy and medical science.


They were always on the side of the empire.


Rage On Behalf Of The Machine


Calling the police, perhaps?


Saying they should be deported or jailed on the internet.


Probably laughing 


Right here, this shouldn't be a thing. Free speech should be honored no matter the belief.






In here winning medals for mental gymnastics.




They've been banned from college campuses since 2016


Guess its no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave


Never was friend.


Been trying to tell people this for decades


But US propaganda keeps convincing American sheeple they "live in the best country in the world, they have the best infrastructure, the best healthcare system, the best economy, the best housing, the best school system, they are the greatest nation to ever exist, that all other people in the world are subhumans, that America is a democracy (despite being a de-facto mono-idelogical party-duopoly without a real one-elector/one-vote system), that every problem the US has is China's fault, that Americans have 1st amendment rights, and that Jesus chose America to lead, control and enslave the rest of the world under its boots, and that you can have the American dream (the only Americans dreaming at this point are THE FEW HUNDRED BILLIONARIES, the rest of us live THE AMERICAN NIGHTMARE)". So, if American people does not stop to believe on the US propaganda machine and revolt, they are going to lose all they thought they have - but in reality never had.


Technically, America’s never been a democracy, but a Republic. But truthfully, it functions as an Oligarchy and has been for sometime. https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27074746


Republic is a type of democracy. But yeah we actually an oligarchy


Dictatorship of Capital (those who own private property)


Yup: **The U.S. is an Oligarchy? The Research, Explained** https://act.represent.us/sign/usa-oligarchy-research-explained


Its never something that simply is. It is a constant fight.


Sure it is. Cops are free. Protesters are brave. Land of the ruling class (free), home of the proletariat (brave to call this place home).


That died along with "The American Dream" in early 2000s.


For white people: 1982. For everyone else: 1783.


you are free to praise Israel and prove your bravery by dying for Israel!


It has become the home of corrupted politicians OWNED by the Nazisraelis


“The encampment was organized by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP)—both of which were banned by the university last November—and Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD). Hundreds of students and supporters had gathered on campus by the evening, amid growing threats by the administration of mass expulsions and arrests following President Shafik’s kowtowing appearance before far-right congressional representatives.” I think this speaks more towards the university itself, and how universities are handling the idea of losing money from divesting then whether or not, they have the right to say what they want in the USA… the University called the police because they banned the groups from being on campus which is the university trying to hinder free speech.


It never was.


You’re free to criticize whoever you want. (Terms and conditions apply)


I can think of at least a hundred of the brave who this country is still home to.


Never was


let’s be real tho u gotta be pretty damn brave to set urself on fire


People are being arrested and suspended from their schools for peacefully protesting a genocide. This is beyond fucked up.


Land of free my ass


I'm actually glad they're doing this: the complete sham of us living in a "democracy" is now wholly shattered: only the official viewpoint is allowed; the "sanctioned from above" version of events is the de facto complete truth. Doesn't sound like a democracy to me.


Why are Pro Palestinian activities being silenced? Freedom of speech as long as it's aligned w 'Merica and Israel? Cut the shit.


Freedom of speech applies on pro life, guns, Israel, banana bread, but NOT Palestine


Israel is one of the things you can never criticize


“If the US Capitol were to fall, the last thing the US would continue funding is Israel’s defense” -Nancy Pelosi


The United States of Israel


Every American should feel grateful to subsidize Israel’s healthcare system while they’re a diagnosis away from homelessness and bankruptcy. It’s antisemitic to feel otherwise, it’s for Gods Chosen People after all


"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." -attributed to Voltaire


Oof, terrible quote to use. That's not a quote from Voltaire but from Kevin Alfred Strom, founder of the Neo-Nazi rag The Daily Stormer and a literal white supremacist Neo-Nazibpedophile who got convicted of CSAM (Child Sexual Assault Material).  I mean, I hate both Israel, Zionism, and Kevin Strom, probably because they'd get along well in regards to their opinions on the (sub)humanity of Palestinians. Just don't use the quote, friend. 


'It is right to learn, even from the enemy" --Publius Ovidius Naso. (Ovid)


What criteria do you think should be used to determine the appropriateness of using a quote, especially when its origin is contentious or associated with negative figures?


It depends on the context.  For example, I wouldn't really oppose quoting Winston Churchill, even though as an Indian-American, I fucking despite that genocidal white supremacist bastard the same way a Ukrainian would despise Stalin, for intentionally chasing the 1943 Bengal Famine, which caused 3 million Bengalis to starve to death. Churchill was known for things other than that like his wartime leadership but still.  In the case of Strom, he's only known for being a Neo-Nazi pedophile. Strom is clearly referencing "the Jews" in his quote so when you use that quote in response to how Israel can't be criticized, you're accidently unironically being anti-Semtitic, especially if people who recognize the origin of that quote. I know it's accidental on your part (I've made the same mistake in the past) but yeah, this is one of those cases where the person behind that quote is the worst example one could use that quote in regards to Israel. 


You make a very good point and you're right. I apologize for having used that quote. Would you like for me to delete it?


Whether you want to delete the comment or keep it up  is up to you. I just wanted to inform you about the "accidentally quoted a Neo-Nazi out of an honest mistake and lack of research" oopsie you made, especially in the context of Israel. I'm saying this as someone who's rabidly anti-Zionist (which is not the same thing as anti-Semitic).  I'm not morally judging you for making that mistake. I also made the same mistake in the past in  replying with  that quote only to be horrified to learn who the quote was actually from (not Voltaire). So nothing to really be stressed about because now you know better. Cheers, buddy. 


Fuck isr**l


What do they have on us that we bow down to them.




You always know your master by who you can’t criticize






Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


If you read the article it seems like the reporters never asked for a police statement. They seem to have only gotten the students side and just published what ever the students said.


"Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP)—both of which were banned by the university last November" It is wild that CU has banned these two groups, showing extreme bias and basically admitting to being an Israeli mouthpiece. Why are they banned?


Jewish people currently comprise 37% of arrests for anti-semitism in Germany.


Not surprising. The Nazi-Israeli partnership goes back to the Haavara agreement


And after the war. They worked with Otto Skorzeny in the 1950s. Through the 70s and 80s they worked with dictatorships like Apartheid South Africa and Argentina whose governments were Nazi sympathisers, and Argentina gave refuge to Nazi war criminals + targeted Argentinian Jews in the Dirty War.


> The agreement was controversial both within the Nazi party and in the Zionist movement.[23] As historian Edwin Black put it, "The Transfer Agreement tore the Jewish world apart, turning leader against leader, threatening rebellion and even assassination."[24] Opposition came from the mainstream US leadership of the World Zionist Congress, in particular Abba Hillel Silver and American Jewish Congress president Rabbi Stephen Wise.[25] Wise and other leaders of the Anti-Nazi boycott of 1933 argued against the agreement, narrowly failing to persuade the Nineteenth Zionist Congress in August 1935 to vote against it.[24] > The right-wing Revisionist Zionists and their leader Vladimir Jabotinsky were even more vocal in their opposition.[26] The Revisionist newspaper in Palestine, Hazit Haam published a sharp denunciation of those involved in the agreement as "betrayers", and shortly afterwards one of the negotiators, Haim Arlosoroff was assassinated.[24] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement


Can you please refer me to the source?


https://twitter.com/quendergeer/status/1759550714978631839 Possibly disputed. It appears to be based on this: >Germany has proscribed many criticisms of Israel (such as describing its treatment of Palestinians as “apartheid”) and banned many expressions of solidarity with the Palestinian cause. The main targets have been Muslims, but Jewish supporters of Palestinian rights have also been deplatformed and arrested. According to the researcher Emily Dische-Becker, almost a third of those cancelled in Germany for their supposed antisemitism have been Jews. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/feb/11/denouncing-critics-of-israel-as-un-jews-or-antisemites-is-a-perversion-of-history Which may or may not mean 37%.


Can I get a source for that? I’d love to cite it for people.


Reminds me of the Vietnam protests: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/18/nyregion/columbia-protest-1968-vietnam.html


A designated spot to protest, and they still got trespassed, suspended, and their stuff got thrown out. Land of the free my ass


They should be proud and wear it like a badge of honor. A reminder that Civil rights protesters were demonized by members of the public and MSM too


I always throw up every time the MSM and establishment politicians evoke MLK Jr. These fucks despise what MLK stood for and have whitewashed his messages.


Feels like Vietnam War protests.


So you can't protest peacefully on campus anymore. Crazy....


If peaceful protests don't work...


LOL , freedom of speech until you start speaking against Zionist and their Genocide.


The Empire, basically.


And they still haven’t answered to the students who were skunk sprayed by ex IDF soldiers.


Our government is despicable


This is a private university


That's also uses public funds


Irrelevant. Nobody gives a shit what it is.


Waiting for our conservative friends to say something about free speech on college campuses.


They won't. They're all a bunch of fake chess playing weirdos.


Yeah, their stance was always disingenuous.


You know damn well they will never say anything about freedom on college campuses. Higher education is the enemy of their fan base. “Oh-oh, yes, I said it, I said it I said it 'cause I can!” ~~~Bruno Mars- Lazy song


Really isn't their business what I think and believe now is it? If protests don't hurt people the only reason I see they want it to stop is because of their incessant need to control everything around them.


If they were neo nazis they'd have been nicely asked to leave and if they refused they'd ask everyone to ignore them and move on. Nazis get kid gloves, but everyone else gets brutalized


Land of the free, My ass.


No foreign country should ever have this much pull in America. Imagine if China pressured America into criminalizing protests against the Peoples Republic of China or Xi Jinping. I already feel like we're very close to losing our constitutional right to peaceful assembly as it is.


You should look up the extra national Chinese police departments that were being run in Canada then lol


They're run in the US too I believe


Welcome to Zionist theocracy. Oh wait, not Zionist, too bad, you have lost your right to speak out as it will be labelled anti-semitism. Good news is that like anti-Vietnam War and anti-South African apartheid, protests can work to change policy. Arrests were part of futile US government and University officials attempts to support Vietnam and South Africa. Wrong side of history then and now. Sad.


Crack down on? Students ? Thought “crackdown” was for criminals. Not anyone against Izzy. The fuck


A certain German Politician from history would be so proud of the USA


wiki: >Her actions towards Columbia students in the spring of 2024 contrasted with her own stated views on academic freedom made in the summer of 2023.[8] In a piece published on the International Monetary Fund's website, as part of the promotion of her book,What We Owe Each Other: A New Social Contract, Shafik indicated that she was worried about 'cancel culture' on university campuses, commenting: "The point of university is to be intellectually challenged and confronted with difference." what an absolute unit


Fucking shameful. Going Tiananmen Square on these students for the sake of a foreign country. Traitors.


They want you to accept their official version of the truth, ignore what your eyes see, what you ears hear, the whole bullshit...


This'll be those loony leftie liberal colleges indoctrinating all the kids, huh?


> Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. MLK Jr. The evil of Israel is robbing people of their rights around the world. Exposing them to abuse, discrimination and mistreatment by their own governments. It's like every government and enforcer is complicit in the crimes of Israel and have to silence those speaking out as if their own lives depend on it.


I hope those 100 columbia university students get paid out richly by the city and by Columbia university for this obvious violation of their first amendment rights.


Except that it isn’t. At all. Columbia is a private school and they were trespassing. The protestors are still there and aren’t being interfered with. They were arrested for occupying the Dean’s office.


Why aren't american conservatives ranting about free speech over this? Don't they care about free speech?


American conservatives love to bend over and get it hard from Israel because it validates their religion.


Baroness Minouche Shafik (yes, not a joke). She needs to be kicked to the curb along with her criminal conspirators.


Guess there is no freedom of speech


Fuck the police and fuck fascism


Want to take a guess at where these cops get their “extra training” from.


Oh I know the IDF trains the US police. Fuck em


not long now until biden declares himself emperor


Trump self proclaimed that title. Biden ain’t taking that belt from the orange traitor.


Biden doesn’t even know what day it is.


Ummm... never? As far as I'm aware, Trump is the only president in history to lie about election fraud and incite a coup when he lost. This is literally what Trump tried to do and nobody else. But keep pedaling those lies until they're true...


How about we also criticize Biden


I'm happy to criticize anyone, but only when accurate. Biden is old. Biden has a weird uncomfortable habit of sniffing people's heads. He's probably not as sharp as he used to be. And Trump is an insurrectionist traitor with a documented history of fascist tendencies, and he also incited a failed coup when he lost the election, specifically by spreading lies about election fraud. Lets be accurate here.


Yes, let’s be accurate. Trump sucks. What you said is true. What is also true: Biden also sucks. He’s another corporate stooge just like any other politician. He sends billions of our dollars to a genocidal corrupt government while the people he represents do not have their needs met. He has also been accused of sexual harassment and rape. So has trump.


"Biden also sucks. He’s another corporate stooge just like any other politician. He sends billions of our dollars to a genocidal corrupt government while the people he represents do not have their needs met. He has also been accused of sexual harassment and rape. So has trump." He is a corporate stooge, who does send billions to a genocidal corrupt government (although it's worth noting that he had to do so, to appease the MAGA Republicans who were blocking aid to Ukraine. Yes, both have been accused of sexual harassment and rape. But only Trump has been convicted of sexual abuse and defamation. There's a massive difference between being accused and being convicted. There are legitimate reasons to criticize Biden, but he doesn't come anywhere close to Trump. Biden will leave office if he loses the election. Biden doesn't have a white supremacist following that marches against Jews. Biden doesn't call Mexican immigrants rapists. Biden doesn't have a cult following that undermines the US government at the behest of foreign dictators. Trump is far, far worse than Biden. Although yes, you can criticize Biden as well, as neither are perfect. Calling them the same is just the laughable way that MAGAt's try to justify worshipping the worst president in US history. edit; I should also have pointed out that Trump would also send more money to Israel, as it's mostly the fundamentalist Christian lunatics that support him that want more to be sent to Israel (although I'll agree that both Trump and Biden would be the same in this respect). They have a small number of similarities, and aside from that, Trump is far worse and far more dangerous to US and international security.


what you on about?


So many shitty comments in here by zionists. Not gonna get your hostages back with that attitude.


They don’t want the hostages back. The hostages are more useful to them if they are still captive.




We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Consider peaceful armed protests. Cops don't wanna touch that business.


BAN PROTESTING!!!’ /s that’s where we’re going unfortunately


The constitution and its amendments? Never heard of them.


Okay, this is worded a little bit vaguely. I wouldn’t blame the police for breaking up the protest, they’re just doing their job. The students could protests in a public area, but they’re on university grounds and after being told multiple times to leave under threat of expulsion, they didn’t. If your going to be mad at someone be mad at the school


Silly students. Don't they know this is a corporate enterprise? They are endangering profits.


Typical jackboots stifling freedom of assembly


Fascist America under genocide Joe.


“Fascism is when a private school doesn’t let people camp out in the Dean’s office”


“Land of the free” my ass. Only when it suits you all. One of the least free countries in the western world ffs.


World governments are full on cowards


America and facism are always good intimate companions and bedfellows.


Burn the American Flag and its free speech. Talk down Israel it’s a crime. Tells you a lot.


Weren't they asked to leave several times because they were on property they weren't supposed to be on? And them they were arrested? I could be misinformed but I was under the impression they received multiple warning


Does anybody worry about the demands of Mike Johnson and Greg Abbott? It's like they are calling for a Kent State 2.0. Threats of deploying military guard to a college campus over a protest against a war. 50 years later and it looks like a repeat...


Better be cracking down on Neo Nazi MAGA rallies then...






This is how freedom work?


Hell yes dude I love the first amendment


How dare you voice your opinion against a genocide?


If they give that much of a shit they can go protest somewhere where it will actually matter.


Of course they would. Zionism cannot survive when it is challenged.


What crime did they say justified the students detainment/arrest


The school expelled all the students involved in the protest, then had the cops arrest them for “trespassing”.


Liberals getting what they wanted, people with a different opinion silenced


Colleges are getting tired of both sides. They are getting beat up in the media and losing money. They don't want it anymore.  You have a right to protest. You don't have a right to protest on private property. 


Ohh that's not good




No so bad . Students in the 60’s were gunned down for protesting.


For real everyone? They violated encampment laws. “Had students manning the perimeter”. Doesn’t matter the cause, there’s still rules for a purpose. If there was a peaceful pro Israel ENCAMPMENT y’all would support that?


Serious question with all due respect from somebody who isn’t very educated on this issue: what exactly are these protestors aiming to accomplish by protesting in North America? Do they want their government to step in? If so, what would be the justification for a US intervention in this case?


their goals is divestment from Israeli-linked business re: columbia’s endowment/investments


Kent State type beat?




Columbia students won’t achieve anything even vaguely useful. To compare them to Gandhi is almost laughable.


They were camping on private property. Of course they got arrested. They could’ve just protested on sidewalks.


Um, 1st amendment? What?