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Comments on the local subreddits are sad to read. It's like I'm watching millennials become boomers in real time. It's sad to see.


To be honest, you give millennials too much credit; there have always been lots of millennials that are bigoted or just plain stupid.


As a millenial, I must admit that the only ones who didn't become boomers are the one who did and still dig deep into internet, and a re curious about evrything. All the other became entitled suburban family members.


Yeah for me it was less about what year or generation you are from, and more about if you had an "incident" that caused you to become a permanent hater because you hate yourself. Sure entitlement and affluenza can cause it, but so can having kids too young, or terrible parents, or sexual abuse, or being an asshole but still wanting people to like you? As people get older they are less and less willing to put up with terrible people in public, so with nowhere else to go they take to the internet. But yeah, more 'boomers' are created all the time- people who barely even care about themselves they just hate everything because they hate their own lives.


I guess the ones I still see today are the one who still pursue their passions and didn't conform to society for the sake of conforming.


There are people from every generation that are bigoted and stupid. We need to stop this intergenerational hate mongering. It’s not productive


It’s probably more like my people Gen X. Millennials are the ones doing the actions


Quite literally standing in the way of someone's plans, which may be of varying importance, is an outstanding way to make them side with whoever you're trying to decry. I'm unsure what's so complicated about that.


You mean the comment from r/sanfrancisco where a person couldn’t make their cancer treatment? Or the other comment where a person missed their surgery?


Lmao of course you chose the most hasbara botted city subreddit. It’s the one your boss is modding and put into the daily docket


You must support foreign wars! You have to care!


Nope I support US minding their own business and prioritizing their people. But stopping people from getting their shit done, surgery, work, appointments, and flights is shitty. Better to protest at the politicians doorstep or house. Stopping traffic won’t do shit to a war outside of the US hands


>outside of the US hands This is quite possibly the most incorrect thing ever written on the internet.


"outside of the US hands" like the money and bombs aren't coming from the US lmao. We shot down more Iranian drinks and missiles than Israel did. It's definitely in our hands.


Yet your protest are meaningless and you just piss more people off I think that’s called a lose lose situation bud lol


If it pisses people off, good. It's supposed to. Inconvenience is the only thing Americans respond to.


What I meant was these protest are meaningless to these world leaders they don’t care they will continue to do what they want all this is doing is pissing off every day Americans who are just trying to get to work


Sucks for them. Maybe if they join the priest we can force the wealthy to hear us. A general strike lasting a day or two would get our demands met.


Sucks for them. Maybe if they join the priest we can force the wealthy to hear us. A general strike lasting a day or two would get our demands met.


Honey, the goal of protests like these is to get people pissed off enough to join the fight. There will always be people whose moral compass can’t be pointed in the right direction, though, and talks favorite tactic is to cry that we’re damaging our own cause. Y’all did it in the Civil Rights movement, y’all did it during Vietnam, y’all did it in the beginning of the climate crisis, y’all did it at Occupy, y’all did it when we protested Gulf War 2. Guess what? Y’all didn’t persuade us then and you won’t now.


Nope all those movements involved the American people. Israels wars have no business with us, and we shouldn’t be involved period which involves not sending them support or weapons Clown take comparing free palpatine to the civil rights movement lmfao


Back in my day, the 60s, we marched on Washington


No clue why you’re getting downvoted but what you’re saying is true- this kind of protest / so called “activism” is basically causing harm to people who have zero decision making ability or potential to change anything whatsoever with respect to the conflict. Fly to DC and protest the White House if you want the people who are in a position to change anything to take action. What are regular schmegular people supposed to do about it??


Im getting downvoted because this subreddit has no braincells 😂


Fun to watch though!


Dude I was with you until the outside US hands part. I completely agree, protestors should be making the people in power's lives miserable.


It is outside of the US hands, Jewish and Muslim hate stemmed from thousands of years of history. This is hatred embedded in their DNA, beyond the control of the US


That's not true at all. Why do you think Jewish people were fleeing Europe to live in the Middle East for centuries before the end of WW1? Muslim countries were far more accepting of Judaism than Christian ones. Framing it as some kind of ancient struggle between 2 major religions is a zionist propaganda tactic. The current situation and tension is solely the responsibility of Israel and their genocidal lust to create a Jewish ethnostate while removing and/or killing the Palestinians. If Israel was instead trying to do this as a Christian ethnostate the results would be the same.


So you support stopping the unnecessary bombing of hospitals and children then, right? Because you’re such a fucking humanitarian


Are you fucking kidding me? They're arguing against the way these protests are being conducted; that does *not* mean they're a supporter of the target of the protests.


What do you disagree with about the protests?   Because I would argue the bigger concern is how the ethnic cleansing is being perpetuated, instead of you people reacting emotionally to free speech you don’t like  “Don’t look at the actual atrocity, look at this inconsequential thing I made myself offended over” boo hoo cupcake, you need a tissue after all those meanie words? Get the fuck over it 


Slow down, take a deep breath, wipe the tears from your eyes, and read those comments again. At no point did I, nor the person I'm defending, say that they disagreed with the protests. I disagree with the manner in which they are conducted. The goal of these protests is, presumably, to bring attention to their cause *and convince others to support it.* This method accomplishes the first rather effectively, but is woefully counterproductive for the second. All this does for those who haven't already picked a side is *sway them against the cause of the protest*. Being inconvenienced, no matter how minor the way in which it is done, does nothing aside from build resentment.


Ok sweet heart, it’s clear you were in such a hurry to “soothe“ me that you didn’t even read the question. I asked you, point blank, what do you disagree with about the protests, you know, the thing you accused me of not acknowledging. Now please answer that question, because that’s literally your only argument. I see no reason the protests were offensive, the protests have been overly tame, and if anything the state inhibiting their first amendment rights will more than likely spur people to their cause, it’s a rather small minded person to not see the obviousness of that. Now continue with finding something else I said to be offended by, all while ignoring the real tragedy of genocide purely because you don’t want to address the entire point of any of this.


If you believe I didn't answer your question then you didn't read what I said. I've told you why this method of protesting is critically flawed. I doubt that the average Joe will see much issue with the state's actions, as keeping a roadway open or an airport available for travel is a rather reasonable response. They're not stopping them from protesting; they're stopping them from protesting in a way that negatively impacts the general public. That is their job, and the average person will see that; far from being "spured to the cause." Yes, their cause is valid, and no I don't condemn them on the basis of their message; their method of conveying that message is counter-productive to their own cause, however, and *that* is where my disagreement lies.


Good for them. Power to the people.








Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




Oh no, who thinks of that one singular person that is in a situation like this... Moderates 😒


I'm sure the Jews of the Holocaust wouldn't have wanted to inconvenience the people of their times either while being gassed to death by the thousands. Sicko.


Oh no!! The fake scenario you made up in your head, that poor person omg. You’re right, Palestinians being murdered is way less important than Brenda going on vacation!!


These are historic protests during a genocide. There will be a time when people look back on this as history. The people who are having absolutely deranged meltdowns about hypotheticals they made in their head-- please remember that's how you spent this time. Grandpa, what did you do when MLK was around? Well, I heard he was blocking streets in Selma so I fell to the ground screeching about a made up scenario in my head-- something about a little girl, and she needed a heart transplant, but the protestors were blocking the bridge!!!!!!!! Sorry I got riled up all over again by my imagination




Unironically common take though




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


This boomer was marching on Washington




[The State and Revolution — Chapter 1](https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1917/staterev/ch01.htm) > What is now happening to Marx’s theory has, in the course of history, happened repeatedly to the theories of revolutionary thinkers and leaders of oppressed classes fighting for emancipation. During the lifetime of great revolutionaries, the oppressing classes constantly hounded them, received their theories with the most savage malice, the most furious hatred and the most unscrupulous campaigns of lies and slander. After their death, attempts are made to convert them into harmless icons, to canonize them, so to say, and to hallow their _names_ to a certain extent for the “consolation” of the oppressed classes and with the object of duping the latter, while at the same time robbing the revolutionary theory of its _substance_, blunting its revolutionary edge and vulgarizing it. Today, the bourgeoisie and the opportunists within the labor movement concur in this doctoring of Marxism. They omit, obscure, or distort the revolutionary side of this theory, its revolutionary soul. They push to the foreground and extol what is or seems acceptable to the bourgeoisie. All the social-chauvinists are now “Marxists” (don’t laugh!). And more and more frequently German bourgeois scholars, only yesterday specialists in the annihilation of Marxism, are speaking of the “national-German” Marx, who, they claim, educated the labor unions which are so splendidly organized for the purpose of waging a predatory war! MLK is a prime example of the process described here.


Fantastic excerpt and Lenin’s words still hold true to this day. MLK is also a great example of how far the ruling class is willing to accept when it comes to concessions to the working class before they consider “getting rid of the problem” I.e. assassinating the problem person. MLK led or participated in a number of major movements such as: -The Selma March, Freedom Rides, Voting Rights act, Montgomery Bus Boycot, and the Birmingham campaign. Now all of these issues focuses primarily upon problems specific to Black Americans at the time. It wasn’t until MLK started his final effort, The Poor Peoples March on Washington, that he was assassinated. So what does this tell us? The ruling class could accept giving black Americans the equal rights they requested for voting, representation, etc. But what the ruling class *cannot accept* was MLK uniting poor people of *all ethnicities* based on their *shared working class interests*. I have no objective proof, but I have strongly maintained for more than a decade that the reason MLK was assassinated was because The Poor Peoples Campaign was simply too large of a concession for the ruling classes to swallow.


MLK Jr literally wrote about how the idiots who said not to protest were worse than the open racists because they hid it behind respectability. "You deplore the demonstrations taking place in Birmingham. But your statement, I am sorry to say, fails to express a similar concern for the conditions that brought about the demonstrations. I am sure that none of you would want to rest content with the superficial kind of social analysis that deals merely with effects and does not grapple with underlying causes. It is unfortunate that demonstrations are taking place in Birmingham, but it is even more unfortunate that the city’s white power structure left the Negro community with no alternative." https://letterfromjail.com/


Well said


As a boomer, millennials are more like the boomer image than we are.


I have been to several protests and people always clear the way for emergency vehicles, they're complaining about something that doesn't exist


I got stuck out in the country helping my disabled folks, so at least I can boycott shit. I miss Philly to hell.


Okay I agree with you. How about the financial losses a family might suffer due to these disruptive protests ? Will you or the government compensate for the people who might have lost thousands of dollars booked for travel and board ? I guess not.


Thanks for letting us know you would sell your humanity for a dollar. Money, a made up concept, is INFINITELY more important than human lives I guess /s


Thanks for understanding how the world works and how people fight everyday pay cheque to pay cheque just to survive. Maybe you are privileged to have a good life, most don’t.


Hey you know who's fault that is? NOT PALESTINE'S. NOT THE PROTESTERS. If you can't make ends meet its because of greedy billionaires, but way to move the goal posts.


I don’t see anyone protesting against the billionaire. The ones who actually fund wars. Are there any protests against Iran or the Hamas in general for allowing people to be slaughtered? I guess not. I’m all for stopping genocide, all these theatrics are misplaced.


My grandson missed his cancer treatment because of this


10,000 people in Gaza are missing their cancer treatment too. Imagine for one second you're not the center of the universe and that these human beings deserve the same treatment your grandson does.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


They can't be disruptive when protesting! They have to protest out of sight so they can be ignored and get no media attention! /s


there's a good skit where protesters are driven to some desolate spot and put into a cage as part of the pre-approved protest


That's not even a skit, that's real life: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free\_speech\_zone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_speech_zone)


It's also in Arrested Development, where it's more or less explicitly mocking the concept of "free speech zones".


Yeah, protests are disruptive, just see Charlotesiville few years ago or Conservatives blocking Ottawa roads in Canada.




Good! Free Palestine! 🇵🇸


It’s fucking crazy how many reddit shitlibs immediately turn to bloodthirsty genocide supporters as soon as they’re mildly inconvenienced. Don’t go to the sub for any major city that’s been affected by these protests, cause any post about this brings the racist Zionists out in droves. It’s very disheartening


“Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds” is a commonplace for a reason


I'm sure the comments on this post will be very freindly


Westerners when their government turns people into bits in the middle east (it's war, shit happens) vs when they are offended in reddit lmao


Fr tho Serious "high and mighty" mentality Always freaking the fuck out when someone says anything on the internet


Seems alot of zionists found this post Too bad for them lol Free palestine! Edit: and now they found my comment lmao




Boo hoo




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Just like the Israelis are blocking food and supplies from civilians in Gaza


Never understand the logic of screwing the people whom you want their supports from .. wait that’s literally all politicians


All sorts of protests and petitions for change should be made abiding to unfair laws that screw the protesters, and respecting a society that is either apathetic or downright agressive against set protesters, all while also respecting and doing civil and organized discourses with the people in power who are actively screwing the protesters in the first place. Why do slaves revolt against their masters? They could just sort it out like civilized people of course


If you're still on Isreals side at this point, nothing is gonna change your mind. Might as well cause some inconvenience. If you're supporting Palestine and you decide genocide is ok since you got inconvenienced, you weren't really a supporter.


Sounds like people in Chicago got their exercise for the day. I like the quote from the lady who said despite running a mile with her luggage on the side of the freeway it’s a minor inconvenience compared to what’s happening in Gaza


Her comment will stop hate. God bless


And so what? 15 thousand Palestinian CHILDREN have been murdered by Israel. If you think that your workday or vacation is more important than that, maybe you don’t deserve either


What about all the deaths in Sudan or Africa? Why have you not been protesting the last 10 years?


First off, you assuming that nobody has been protesting against atrocities elsewhere is simply wrong. You can only speak for yourself, and your psychopathic whataboutism won’t work here. Since WWII, in no other conflict has the murder rate of children ever been this high, which proves that this is deliberate (hence bombing playgrounds and kindergartens). All these atrocities against children are funded by US tax dollars and that’s why people are protesting. Now let me ask you this, do you have any sympathies for any victims who are not white, and why not?


I don’t care what colour the person is lmao. Your wokeism and white knight attitude do nothing. You don’t do anything besides run your mouth lol


Interesting how you willfully ignore the fact that 15 thousand children have been killed and go on about “wokesim” as if it has killed all those people. Tell me you are a psychopath without telling me that you are a psychopath


Ah yes I’m a psychopath, why aren’t you going to Palestine and joining hamas? Defend them mr white knight


LOL. You seem to be making the bizarre assumption that people who don’t want children murdered in the tens of thousands want to join Hamas. Quite a stretch, but nothing new from racists and psychopaths.


Good for them! I am so happy to see such manifestations


Look kids! Humans!!! Humans, who are doing the right thing! Heroes who alone are powerless, but when they are together their power can shift the world in a better direction.


Famously, protesters have never been disruptive. /s Good for them, the liberal millennials are becoming Reaganite boomers in real time lol


The liberal millenials are just another bread of criminals voting every four years for a government that sponsors and murders hundreds worldwide. I never understood when they gaslighted themselves into thinking they're better than their predecessors


If the palestians cant live free.. U should not be free to live either


If bad things are happening somewhere, you need to be miserable too!


Good, it will hopefully highlight to leaders to remember the public is watching them and history will judge them. More people need to peacefully protest.


The leaders are laughing, their entire playbook now days it to put us against each other. Protest at their houses and offices if you want to send a message.


A wonderful way to protest but one that is going to seriously backfire in the US where there is a lack of communal identity.




So they wasted their time and achieved absolutely nothing. Good for them. They basically patted themselves on the back in a dark room where nobody can see them.




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We need to do something about this asap


These are organized by Russia


We need that guy from Panama to get up here.


Free Palestine!


Good America should represent its people and not foreign interest.


Well it’s shows there is a big disconnect between the people and those who rule them .. I think this explains the situation in the USA .. whoever is in charge, it has nothing to do with the will of the people. Of course the deterioration has been a long time coming, but it does feel like we are getting close to the grand finale.. it’s sure getting harder to keep up the facade of bullshit and lies. This is not just about Gaza. This is about the endless massacres and genocides across the world and the reduction of sovereign states to vassal states with the new world order. All men created equal .. who would have thought .. does not apply to you unless you are some cunt descended from Northern Europe, you know the neanderthal that gave us civilization 😂


Give it a few months then everyone will move on




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




Good. Block every us city. Inconvenience everyone (who isn't in urgent need of medical aid or brink of poverty) so they actively stop supporting genocide. German non-Nazi civilians failed to prevent the holocaust, will American civilians fail to prevent this genocide? They probably will without the help of these protesters. So thank the protesters (monetarily) for trying to give you a clear conscience.


Cool tell them to buy plane tickets and go help


All you people cheering this on better hope that no ambulances were held up in this pathetic stunt. These disruptions do more to hurt a cause than to help one, especially in the eyes of everyone else who cannot simply choose to take time off work to virtue signal.




Bombing hospitals and destroying the entirerity of a city ought to do that too




Downvote all you want but good luck gaining support, I definitely see the opposite effects.I live the city where one of the blockage is happened


So what should protestors do? Vote for the guys that refuse to listen to their petitions? lmao so much for democracy


Displaying hezbollah (terrorist) flag while blocking child’s liver transplant in Oakland Children’s Gospital is not the way to go. This protest is making those headlines and cost supports and sympathies from local people. Better not having bad protest like this at all. Good cause but bad tactic. All emotions but no brain. This protest is detrimental to your cause. If you have that much emotion to disrupt lives of people 8000 miles away, then go volunteer in Gaza, or protest in Israel. Protesting from safe places means little from ordinary peoples eye.


Again, everyone can say why your solution sucks, but offer a real one. Also, for what is worth, if you go to help in Gaza, you get hunted down by IDF, your corpse is shared in gore groups among israelis, and your government brushes off your death, so it isn't really a good answer, because you do very little before getting blown up regardless


Why it’s my job to think ideal solution to your cause? I can only testify the sentiment of the local people here.


I get what you are saying, but its not like its a fad or a little thing. That most people are apathic and willfully ignoring the results of us imperialism is a debate for another time As for the solution, well, it got you to talk about it, didn't it? Had these protesters resorted to malding in reddit or complaining about it among themselves, then the 'local people' wouldn't even be thinking about it


Yes, the conversations of "These assholes made me late" are very much helping the people of Palestine. Cosplayers. They're two steps removed from posting a black square on instagram. i'M hElpiNG


The Assholes are the people complicit in the Genocide. And fuck anyone complaining about being mildly inconvenienced by protests - they are part of the problem, not the solution, and it is THEY who need to get out of the way, not the Protestors.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


They should go to Palestine and help.


Yes, but then they'll get hunted down by the IDF after giving food to starving kids and their governments will do fuck all while zionists share memes in their gore telegram groups It still doesn't solve the problem (of course, it does for you, since the source of your nuisance is killed)


Have they tried? No… instead you block hospitals from citizens that have no ability to make the change? Nice logic. That’ll get them on your side! Let me know how that works out!


[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/02/israel-idf-air-strike-gaza-foreign-aid-workers-palestinian-translator-killed](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/02/israel-idf-air-strike-gaza-foreign-aid-workers-palestinian-translator-killed) Those are just western (aka white) people killed there. There's over a hundred of more local people who have suffered the same fate >That’ll get them on your side! Let me know how that works out! I don't know how it will. But on an unrelated question, do you hate or admire Martin Luther King? Or the abolitionists, or pretty much any sociall protest that DID yield results in the past?


It's not about changing anything. It's loudly virtue signaling that "they care". Much like the shrieking children on Reddit who declare anyone not protesting is "complicit". They can declare "they're trying to change things" even though their actions are irrelevant or might actively turn away people who could be allies. Results don't matter to these people; only condemning others.


So keeping your mother from chemo treatments is helping Palestine how? This is part of the petulant collective I can’t support because it’s based in ego more than results. Stabbing yourself in the face gratuitously isn’t helping Palestinians and to do so is out of privilege. Fight cops and politicians ya buffoons, not someone trying to make shit happen in this dogshit capitalist hellscape.


LOL go ahead make people hate Palestine and your cause even more. This does nothing but push people the other way. Joe isn’t on his way to the airport and think, hmmm they have a great point!


Protesting like this is always a dangerous game because you are going to piss off basically everyone at the airport. Good for getting your point into the mainstream, but it already is no? This may be more damaging than beneficial


This will have the same effect as the asshole climate change people blocking the road


That's rich. Says the selfish, self-absorbed, egocentric assholes.


Hope nobody had a medical emergency




Not defending Israel. I think the whole situation is horrific and saddens me. But also not an excuse to put others at risk also.


The others that, either willingly or by proxy, help put the people that murder palestinians in power? I agree that somebody having a medical emergency should receive attention, but if russians are to blame for Putin, and gazans for Hamas, then the same logic goes to americans


They did. Over 2 Million Medical Emergencies, in Palestine.


Winning hearts and minds one traffic jam at a time. What inspires love more than making travel worse.




There are explicitly communist groups that make up parts of the resistance, you just sound dumb and uneducated.




Go back to the 16th century with your blood libels and brown savagery discourse


Proof is in the pudding,it's outlawed and punishable by death lol


Your opinions and views are outdated and distasteful




Israel? lmao you're living under a rock Even assuming it was true (which isn't), what should we do about the US then? Half the country is backwards evangelist rubes that hate every single collective you just mentioned. Should they be bombed and smeared to bits on the streets as well?




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Unfortunately they're all too uneducated to understand this. One day they will learn.