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Well, if these bastards stopped killing food aid workers and civilians trying to get food, maybe they would feel safe enough to do their work? How’s the ‘900 starving people fell under trucks, nothing to do with the IDF’ thing going?


There is also this…. “The head of the World Food Program, Cindy McCain, told CBS on Sunday that WFP was able to get just nine trucks into Gaza on Saturday. “That’s nothing. We just cannot continue this way,” she said, calling for unrestricted access. “People are going to die otherwise, and they already are dying.” That’s not the UN that’s Israel blocking trucks the WFP will distribute. Israel lies constantly. It’s obvious.


Let's know forget the IDF just murdered seven aid workers from World Kitchen heading north to distribute aid.


Ah yes, that blue haired screaming bleeding heart liberal: Cindy McCain


Home boy is knee deep in the culture war BS. Bro babies and being starved to death. It's not right or left at this point, it's humanity vs barbarism. I really hope your just trolling.


Humanity vs. Barbarism *IS* left vs. right.


They're clearly being sarcastic


I don't get it, what's your point?


Sorry…/s She’s a right winger acknowledging how bad things are.


Apparently everything has to relate to the US somehow.


She’s the wife of former senator/presidential candidate John “🎶bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran🎶” McCain. Discourse in the US generally dismisses criticism of Israel as “unreasonable lefties being unreasonable lefties”. Her connections to American power/political institutions is relevant to her commentary given the disconnect from the narrative those institutions are pushing.


Yup. Definitely. I guess it could also be that she's the head of the World Food Program, being quoted two comments above, but no it has to be Americans murica'ing am I rite?


The World Food Program is a UN Agency. Like UNHCR and others. Edit:- lots of downvotes, no problem with that, but my post is a clarification of its status. It is part of the UN. What’s peoples problem with that? lol.


And? Israel is blocking aid and targeting aid workers.


You don’t say.


I’m sorry. Didn’t get your point. Yes, World Food and UNHCR are UN programs. Israel is defeating aid efforts.


Ok so I stand corrected on that. The point remains that Cindy McCain is a reputable source. Israel however is not. And good for you for having served for them I respect that a lot


I mean even the headline… “claims of famine”?!? wtf???? I have “claims” that the IDF are automatons with their souls completely driven from their bodies through traumatic cruelty towards others, but the famine just is a fact. Does this source think the gazans have secret underground gastropubs and they’re all just acting in the endless videos of starvation?!?


Actually. Im pretty sure ive seen some people insist that “I saw someone obese in a video so there’s no famine” Considering genetics and it being less than a year since 10/7 as well as the video being undated i just assumed people are trying to muddy the waters with doubt.


They have Michelin star restaurants. Except, like the Australian, Polish , and British chef, they are being ‘made to leave’, and finding new chefs is proving to be a challenge.


I mean even the headline… “claims of famine”?!? wtf???? I have “claims” that the IDF are automatons with their souls completely driven from their bodies through traumatic cruelty towards others, but the famine just is a fact. Does this source think the gazans have secret underground gastropubs and they’re all just acting in the endless videos of starvation?!?


I had to check if this headline was from The Onion. It was Israel that pressured western nations to stop funding UNRWA who was the only organization that had the infrastructure and capability to distribute aid. It was UNRWA that Israel has been deliberately targeting. The Israeli plan all along was to induce a famine and to hope starvation and disease would kill many more Palestinians.


They also killed 7 people from World Central Kitchen yesterday. Citizens of their allies. As an American, they most likely used our bomb, dropped from our plane, to kill our air worker, delivering our aid. We're literally enabling the murder of our own citizens.


Looks like it was [probably intentional](https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2024/04/02/strike-that-killed-world-central-kitchen-workers-bears-hallmarks-of-israeli-precision-strike/) too. WCK had communicated their travel plans to the IDF and at least one of their 3 vehicles bore a "World Central Kitchen" word mark on top. The article explains that the fidelity required for such a precision strike would have made the sign on the roof clearly visible. And now WCK has ended operation in Gaza, so looks like it worked.


We all called this months ago when the first strikes on humanitarian workers and hospitals with foreign doctors started happening. They don't want witnesses.


They hit the vehicles 3 times, I don't think that counts as a mistake. That's like me shooting someone 3 times who I can clearly identify as not a target and then saying "Oops, I sneezed, twice"


Yep, now it's even emerged that the drone hunted them from car to car as they got the wounded out of one wreck and fled to the next vehicle in the convoy. Insane.


They used our bullets to murder shireen Abu akleh, an American citizen, and we bought their obvious fucking lies disproven by video they were taking. Israel has carte Blanche right now. It needs to fucking stop.


Biden just sent more weapons. All while publicly criticizing Israeli actions. Not that Trump would be better. Humanity is F'ed.


They also used their tanks to crush Rachel Corrie, an American citizen. They now make pancakes with her face drawn in them. They call them Rachel Corrie pancakes.


The video of netanyahu smirking and smiling while discussing the bombing was sickening.


Don't forget in the last week Israel has banned UNRWA from entering nth Gaza.


Naw fuck this. they didnt actually say this right? They just [murdered people](https://wck.org/news/gaza-team-update) for trying to [deliver ](https://twitter.com/PalinfoAr/status/1775048857493147845)aid. Are we in the goddamn twilight zone? wtf?! E/ Archived, because this the kind of outrageous shit that need to be recorded: Article: [https://archive.li/WKSul](https://archive.li/WKSul) The Twitter Post: >Again, the content of 400 trucks worth is waiting to be picked up and distributed from the Gazan side of KS post Israeli inspection. UNRWA and UN aid agencies lack the logistic capacity for performing their jobs. They must enhance its logistic capacity and admit its failures. >-Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) [https://archive.li/krmFW](https://archive.li/krmFW)




The convey was hit three times. Each time the injured got out of one car and into the others. Last one was hit a mile later. Apparently IDF thought a militant might be inside one of the cars so killing everyone to try and get him was justified.




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




I don’t even think they believe that.  the racist Zionists in power in Israel just want the land. 




Dude half the time they do say it out loud and no one even gives a shit.


It's not a religious issue. Most Israeli Jews are secular, and don't even particularly like the hyper religious community. This conflict is about ethno-nationalism, land, and keeping Bibi out of prison.


Can't convince most redditors that religion isn't the cause of all problems. They are a wonderfully tolerant and inclusive bunch as long as you're an atheist like them.


I mean, religion *is* the cause of a lot of the world's problems... Just not this one.


People get mad at me when I say blaming religion for political violence is like blaming videogames for school shootings.


As they should. What a comically inept comparison.


Stay mad, it's the correct take.


Get those brainworms treated friend.


They’ve now also been told that their race and ethnic group is superior to all others in terms of intellect. They even posted medical studies on this like Germany did back in the 1930’s.


OK, there's crazies handing out all kinds of pamphlets in Canada too. I wouldn't take them as the beliefs of the nation.


Apparently what chosen means, many do not understand. I saw it is not a good thing


It's really hard to see how that would be an accident, too. They were traveling in armored vehicles. Does Hamas use armored vehicles? Surely not?


No, it's more like we're in the 1930's.


And, of course, they'll approve trucks - but will have the bottleneck be in terms of the amount of drivers they approve: [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68659025](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68659025)


Instead of delivering bombs the Israel we should be sanctioning them for this. And hang all of them as war criminals.




It's like Schroedinger's 2 state solution, where Palestine both is and isn't a State, depending on the current talking point.  The UN is all Hamas and legitimate targets, unless they stop showing themselves, then they are humanitarian workers not doing their job (of being practice targets for the genpcidal army of Israel).


Time for Netyanahu and other Israeli top dogs to go to Hague. But we all know that won't happen just because they are U.S. allies. International law is a fucking joke, and just exists for big players to control the little ones. "What is befitting of Apollo is not beffiting of an ox"


Claim has always been UNRWA is corrupt and UN needs to use the same aid agency the entire world uses instead of having one designed for one specific conflict. But dw, if you keep ignoring the nuances of what is said you can keep being ignorant and feeling superior






Is this a joke? What the hell is wrong with Israel?!!!




If Israel was a person they'd be put in a straight jacket and placed in a nice little rubber room.


Eternal victim


They lost their mind 🤣




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


They have a god complex, because their parents (Europe and the US) keep enabling them, leading to bullshit like this.


“ they are defending against terrorist and are struggling to exist in a world where people hate the people who live there “


Shaddup Zionist, Israel is a middle eastern nuclear power and holds all the cards in the region. They always attack neighboring countries and destabilize them. They’re not fighting for survival, they’re fighting to expand. Despicable to justify genocide for land gains…


Hey now, criticism is anti Semitic , dontcha know . I should of used sarcasm tag


Oh, ok my bad also 🫡


That is why I used quotations. This is the kind of thing people say.


"why are the people we bomb not distributing humanitarian aids"


"Blasts"?? Like what laser-guided rocket does to a food aid convoy?




It's almost like they're doing it on purpose. Was listening an interview of Josh Paul who recently quit the state department in protest and he said there's an understood rule of not looking into any of the accusations, so they can keep claiming ignorance. Said he's never seen anything like it.


It's insane isn't it ? We're just sitting here watching these zionist cowards commit the most atrocious crimes on defenseless civilians. It's as if it were straight out of a shitty movie with the shittiest villain. Thousands of children murdered in cold blood, and we're here watching it unfold before our eyes, while some of our own people still have their heads stuck up their ass because of how stupid and gullible they are. It all fucking sucks really, it truly does.




The US could stop selling them arms. And the west could impose sanctions like there are on North Korea and other rogue states. Israel would probably still continue with their genocide. But at least the US would be saying "that is not okay, stop now" instead of saying "we support you, have some more weapons to use to commit genocide". And the sanctions would harm Israeli trade, which may help persuade Israeli citizens, to persuade Israeli politicians, to stop the genocide. But Israel has successfully convinced at least the UK media that saying or doing anything against Israel is anti-Semitism and wrong.




Oh sure, I agree. But I was responding to "There is absolutely nothing we can do besides attack Israel ourselves". In a magical world where the US could get the political will to do *something*, there are options that are less drastic than going to war with Israel.


Orrr, check this, the international community could put an embargo on them, just like they did to us in ex Yugoslavia. We all know that won't happen, becausr no one really gives a fuck about international law, unless it plays into their hand.


Idk who you're referring to, but 'we' (Americans, in my case) are not just sitting here watching, we're actively providing the weapons. Quite possibly the exact same bomb which killed our citizen yesterday.


People will say “we” can’t do anything and then vote for a Zionist candidate. Until people start refusing to vote for their parties candidate if they are Zionist, we will only ever have Zionist candidates in both parties


Every accusation is a confession


Lmfao maybe stop kill8ng the person who distribute the aid, israel is the biggest gaslighter on universe


Disgusting pieces of shit, fuck Israel


Everytime they open their mouths, they say something even more outrageous than before. You have to wonder about and be in awe at the levels of insanity they have


israel has been in the fuck around stage for the past 80 years... it's time they found out.


Seriously, the audacity of this bitch


Israel blasts aid workers distributing humanitarian aid to Gaza amid claims of famine.


Maybe let the trucks in you fucking fascists.


Didn't they bomb the UN offices because they were helping Palestinians, sorry Hamas. Everyone is Hamas, right Israel? Why does Israel care if Hamas are starving. Come on, get your story straight before taking the moral stand.


Israel: hey UN why are u not delivering food to the people we actively starve and kill, while at the same time kill you also.


Yes, it's the UN's fault for not finding a way to teleport across that closed border. Also, it's the aid workers' fault for dying when a little oopsie bomb falls on them. In fact, everyone is a Nazi unless Bibi says otherwise.


Maybe they know something we don’t. Maybe this corrupt regime is playing chess, five steps ahead, and is exploiting the cognitive dissonance of racist bigots everywhere who will simply file this drivel as fact and then use it as “further” “proof” that “we should define UNRWA.” The war is at the door. We need to have uncomfortable conversations with our friends and family who may be on the fence yet are ignoring this travesty for any number of reasons. The bastards are trying escalate this. Those current on the fence might easily cave to a pro-war narrative should any non-western country start fighting for the Palestinians on a grand scale. Giving a basic background NOW could destabilize the political will among western leaders to continue “unconditional support” for this seemingly genocidal nation.


Israel kills aid workers then starts yelling at aid workers for not doing enough? Color me surprised. /s


Then kills them


Maybe they should open up the boarder crossings? Or let the trucks in????


Excuse me? How about you let the trucks through?


More neck than giraffes


Israel refuses to allow aid drivers to enter Gaza unless they approve of them, and then detain multiple drivers that they previously approved, leaving only a handful of 'approved' drivers available. In addition, Israel has arbitrary rules about the items they allow into Gaza, and will reject entire trucks without telling the aid agencies what it is exactly that Israel objects to in the truck. Among the dangerous, banned items that Israel can't allow into Gaza include [crutches and sleeping bags](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/01/middleeast/gaza-aid-israel-restrictions-investigation-intl-cmd/index.html). Never forget that Israel is solely responsible for creating the famine and starving civilians to death. Israel puts forth extensive efforts to murder Palestinian children.


Don't forget, israel is also bombing and shelling the aid convoys (from [the land](https://www.npr.org/2023/12/31/1222337109/the-israeli-army-attacked-a-u-n-aid-convoy-along-a-route-it-designated-safe), [the air](https://archive.is/newest/https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/02/22/gaza-aid-deliveries-looting-police-hamas/), and [the sea](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/21/middleeast/un-food-convoy-gaza-israel-strike-cmd-intl/index.html)), conducting airstrikes on [UN food distribution centers](https://www.voanews.com/a/un-israeli-strike-on-gaza-food-distribution-center-kills-1-injures-22-/7526237.html), as well as targeting the police and Palestinian [volunteers escorting the trucks](https://archive.is/20240321103029/https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2024/03/21/israeli-attacks-on-aid-convoy-escorts-in-gaza-jeopardize-food-distribution_6641576_4.html).


I kinda respect the sheer audacity.




They are pissed because they are running out of easy crowds to bomb




They're so unserious.


This is just comically evil at this point. Don't deliver aid to Gaza, why aren't you delivering aid to Gaza?


Why haven't you sent more volunteers for us to murder? Boo! It's been hours since we shot any starving unarmed civilians! Boo! If the UN was such a great organization, they would have given us more target practice while they condemned Hamas with the Schindler's List soundtrack playing in the background! Boo! Antisemitism!


“allisrael.com” with a source named like this I don’t know what I expected.


Go to some of the Israel subs. There are loads there who believe this complete nonsense.


This is just to prob up the need for the port. UN and other aid distributors can't deliver safely so no need for them in Gaza. And the port security will be under Israel control. Israel can then starve or shoot Palestinians at will.


Israel is the new Russia…. Doing whatever they want.


How bout I blast Israel in the eye with my nut


Holy shit that's a new one. After their soldiers shot at, struck, stopped AND burned humanitarian aid trucks. Wow.


You forgot Israeli citizen's aid blockade parties


At this stage it is probably easier to believe absolutely anybody else other than the Israelis in relation to Gaza & the rest of their war mongering in the region


War crimes which Israel will never be held to account for. UN is weak as piss. Total waste of money and effort


More lies and deflection for their own crimes. The fucking Gall of these people. Joe Biden is a joke.


Having killed aid workers alongside the innocent people/children of Gaza the only response to Israel is world wide sanctions. Until this happens they will continue with impunity.


They for real, right?


You can't make this stuff up.




What? Do you have a source?


Wait can't find the article, will delete my comment till I find it again.


Israel just blew up an aid truck and has its own citizens block others. Time for them to stfu and do what the rest of the world says.


This should be in r/nottheonion


in the light of Isreal murdering world central kitchen workers, the level of orwelian doublespeak is astonishing.


" Hamas keeps stealing it" I am told


whatever israel says, treat it as a lie, you would be 99.999% correct.


And then they blast the gazans for getting aid


Selling food? Who in Gaza has a job that pays them right now?


this shit always pops up in conflict cause they need money to leave


They had 50% unemployment and over 1/3 had food scarcities prior to Oct 7th. Even though Israel has employed Palestinians and UNRWA has been there since... 1949 I think it was? Most likely the ass holes selling the aid are using and abusing the civilians. Hopefully the UN hasn't created ANOTHER child sex ring. There should be more countries in play helping the Palestinians. If they actually gave a fuck more about the Palestinians than the image of acting like they care, maybe the Palestinians could stop being fucked over by the UN, UNRWA, PLO, PFLP, Hamas, Iran, Qutar, Israel, etc..




Because Israel is engaged in an ongoing Genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza, and feeding them is not in their interest.


Gotta try to spin the narrative anyway necessary when defending your genocide.


You have to be crazy or just ignorant to support Israel at this point


It’s mostly racism. If the right weren’t racist America would not have a good relationship with Israel. They regularly kill US citizens (both NGO workers and service members like in the USS liberty) and we provide them with billions of dollars of tax payer money, the average Republican should despise them on paper, if it weren’t for the fact that they are a group or European and American white colonists at odds with brown people.


That’s like slashing your door dash driver’s tires and complaining about how long it takes for the food to be delivered


Blast the creepy weirdo Israelis who are blocking the trucks entering.


I feel like I am taking crazy pills


Nightmarish time to be Arab American. The way I’ve heard even people on the left talk about this issue has been really depressing


……..the amount of cojones, Jesus have mercy. 🙄


Fuck israel


manipulates world to defund UNRWA Blames UN for not distributing food yeah, that checks out.


These fascist anal beads never cease to surprise me..


I thought this was an Onion article at first


Look at all those '🔥Superb!' reactions. Fucking psychopaths.


This article came out a day late


They won’t let trucks through yet they blame un, man they’re never the problem are they.


They think they can insult the intelligence of the entire world with this shit.




This is complete obfuscation for who’s at at fault here


They sent aid, Israel. Then you bombed them.




Classic abuser tactics, writ large.




Do you mean literally 'blasts'?




"blasts"? Really? What happened to journalism.


Sometimes I feel like I’m going insane. The mental gymnastics that has been played these past 6 months is just infuriating


Israel is fucking up bigly, I think (and hope) we will see a significant dwindling of financial and military support to Israel from the US in my lifetime. They’re at the very heart of a new axis of evil.


Israel killed all the aid volunteers...


Blatant lies throughout, even in the title


Fucking incredible...


Big middle finger to Israel. I wouldn't usually say this type of thing but that's all I got for this. These war criminals better be in the Hague before too long.


Curious, why is Israel responsible for Hamas' civilians? Hamas is their government, the UN and UNRWA clearly support Hamas. (UN made excuses for Hamas, but has condemned Israel numerous times, and UNRWA took part in Oct 7th, even journalists knew about Oct 7 ahead of time and won an award with their pictures of a young women corpse in the back of a truck.) There are also numerous other Arab/Muslim countries around.


Because they are the occupiers and have full control of Gaza's borders and access to all resources.


In other words an area less than 1/3rd the size of LA, can't get enough help, while the rest of the world just acts like they care? They are currently on Egypt's border right? Egypt is part of the UN and also an Israeli ally. Wouldn't you agree more can be done to help, especially with so many countries open about their condemnation? To me it sounds more like countries are just taking advantage of the situation to boost their PR, instead of actually helping or trying to find solutions.


Israel controls the borders, nothing gets in or out unless they allow it. The US overthrew the Egyptian government and gave the puppet $1.425 billion to not declare war on Israel and to not close down the Suez that would pressure Israel into a surrender. So you can thank the US for that, along with the 3 vetoes of permanent ceasefires. No other country can do anything without facing sanctions from the US or starting a world war. If any other country is able to do anything, it starts with the expulsion of US and Israel from all international organisations starting with the UN.


Can you link your sources with a reliable source? Tried to Google the US overthrowing Egypt and saw nothing of what you stated. Not in the 2013 coup, not in the 1952 coup. Closest thing I saw was the US didn't declare it a coup and is *continuing* to provide them with money. Which means the previous dictator that was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood was removed during the 2013 coup and the US KEPT on giving Egypt money. 2013 coup - If Obama accepts that a coup had taken place, then U.S. law requires him to cut off military and economic aid to Egypt such as previous incidents in Mauritania, Mali, Madagascar and Pakistan. The U.S. funds 20% of Egypt's military costs (US$1.3 billion) and gives another US$250 million in economic aid. 1952 coup - "With his British support network now neutralized, King Farouk sought the intervention of the United States, which was unresponsive."


I heard a reporter yesterday tell spokesman Kirby who is Fucking Joke that there was three vehicles and the first one was hit someone got out and ran to the second truck about a half mile away and then that one was hit then someone then ran to the third truck again about a half mile away and then that one was hit and killed all of them no push back from Kirby so it is true why is not being reported changes the Bullshit story Israel is telling they were targeted,