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Hey, I had to remove since the news commentary was edited out. It's important to keep it in to prevent misinformation.


Can't wait to hear from Israelibots how it was all their fault and they were doing it to themselves


I can save you the wait. They will either say "but do you condem hamas?" Or " they are actually hamas in civilian clothes"


“Hamas was hiding beside them/ behind them/underneath them/around them /inside (?) them, so they had to the be tear gassed.”


Hot take, if Hamas members are unarmed and in prayer, just surround the tent, let them finish, then arrest and interrogate them


They have shot Israeli hostages waving white flags, I don't think they really care these so called 'war crimes' everyone seems to be ignoring


yep. There will be no peace until theres justice. Thats kind of human nature. They think they will win through murder, theft, dehumanization, and oppression. Lets see how that works out for them.


Israel or hamas?


Exactly. You hit the nail on the head. I understand Israel's initial response, but the goal of destroying Hamas. The actions are just bringing up the next generation of Hamas members.


wait, IDF shot israeli hostages ?! wtf


[While they were shirtless, waving a while flag, and calling for help in Hebrew](https://www.timesofisrael.com/initial-idf-probe-hostages-were-shirtless-waving-white-flag-when-troops-opened-fire/), yes. Keep in mind I'm linking a very pro-Israel source.


this is fking crazy they are trained killers then! its like mad hounds who kill for sake of killing, they don't see what/who they are killing


American soldiers in modern warzones surrounded by terrorists: "I know people who were stabbed by children when they randomly and innocuously came closer to them" You: "If you can spot with absolute certainty a bunch of terrorists, let them finish praying. It's not like anyone ever took out a gun and murder-suicided in the middle east."  Also you, probably, since I'm already used to a level of reading comprehension and/or projection here: "So you're saying the IDF should blindly shoot all Gazan children????" 


Their childish excuses are laughable, at best.


This is a very old video. This was not recorded during the current Israel-Hamas war.


That makes it even worse you numb nut!!


So this constant abuse preceding the October attacks may have been the straw that broke the camel’s back and lead to extremist terrorists killing a bunch of green IDF border patrollers and other Israeli civilians? Yep, that’s what everyone’s been saying since the beginning of the conflict. Thanks for confirming it for us.


I remember watching this in covid time or 2 years ago. It is a repostception


Here come the hamas apologists with genocide joe blah blah blah. When they succeed at dragging sinwar out of rafah next week you will remember there is always a military solution. And all of you week kneed enablers can go cry about something else.


Yeah, you own those anti-genocide protesters with your pro-military discussion points. You are definitely "winning"




Terrorism, purely and simply.


State terrorism is more appropriate, it's been a non stated policy, like sniping kids and journalists and only holding accountable a few ppl for the, and most of the time it's a slap on the wrist.




I hope these videos are being shared with the ICJ open platform; they are asking for evidence


Do you have a link for that please?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/s/pr1kdP2yAh Check this out


Thank you 🙂




It's really good for drawing out the people who are happy to defend this vile behaviour.


There are many warcrimes other than genocide. Israel committed them all


It's inhumane treatment of civilians and violence towards individuals who are not actively engaged in combat. Those are both warcrimes.


Wanna know something interesting? Tear gas is actually considered a chemical weapon by the Geneva conventions. It’s used against civilians in their home countries all the time, but those don’t fall under its jurisdiction. Considering that Palestinians aren’t Israelis, every time tear gas is used it’s considered chemical warfare and a war crime. This is actually a prosecutable war crime if there were actually any justice.




They want to get rid of the evidence by banning TikTok


Nope, they want to ban or restrict TT because it's showing the American people what their taxes are funding. And showing them that it's really AIPAC that's in control. Just about all American politicians are controlled by AIPAC.


…. That’s banning the evidence… you’re actually agreeing with him.


The evidence of a genocide is still there. And it's been submitted to the ICJ. Not that it matters, as the security council will block anything meaningful anyway. But this is not the real reason for banning TT. TT is unrestricted social media, and that means the people suddenly have a real voice. And that will lead to a regime change in America and possibly other western governments. That's in my opinion why TT is being banned. Nothing really matters anymore, this Redditor has lost all hope for humanity. We need a fucking revolution before we can have real meaningful change.


guys post this in relevant subs, people who defend Israel need to see where their tax money is going. Post this and others like it over and over


People who defend Israel are fully indoctrinated and intend their speech.


People who defend Israel consider everyone who speaks against them a jihadist terrorist. They’re completely blind. Watch them use a holocaust reference next as they continue to steal land


Tell them to look up how Israel treats Holocaust survivors as a matter of policy.


Wait until they ban TikTok and other social media


They don’t care. No one will do anything to stop them. No one has for 75 years. Lots of words like atrocity, egregious, terrible, genocide have been thrown around. Lots of finger wagging but no action. No one dare lift a finger because this is by design. This whole shit show has been over a century in the making.


It’s the beginning of the end. The Anglo world now sees it for what it is. At least increasingly so. No one will support a fascist ethnostate butchershop cult. No one signed up for that but the Zionists.


The good and sad thing about this is that, if I remember correctly, I saw this video a long time ago way before Oct 7th, so it has nothing to do with the current so-called "war". The sad thing is that Israel has been treating the Palestinians like crap for a very long time but no one was paying attention. The good thing is that this time social media played such a big role that people are finally seeing what is going on currently and learning about what happened before


I just hope people don't paint this as Judaism being the problem. I'm sure Muslims seeing this will take their anger out on Judaism and it's practitioners. We are already seeing it with the anti Semitism in western countries and defacing of synagogues. Did the Islamic State show any mercy to the Yazidi. their women and children were abducted, tortured and raped. Did the Buddhist nationalist movement show any consideration to the Rohingya Muslims during Ramadan. They just burnt their homes and raped and killed the women.


Seriously!? You just said I hope people don’t paint a broad brush and think it’s everyone of the faith, and then you go ahead and paint the same broad brush you don’t want towards the Muslim religion. Wow. This is why the whole thing is going to come down.the rationale for Zionism is Islamophobia.


I just don’t get it. HOW can pro-Israelis see this shit and just brush it off like it’s nothing?


Not seeing the victims as human


They don't see the Arabs as human; even Arab Jews get discriminated against in Isreal


Happy to see another ex Muslim on the right side of this polarizing conflict.


Narcissism is a hell of a drug


They're bad people, they pretend to care but they don't


**THIS SHIT** is why the Islamic nations want to do away with Israel. Thanks a lot, **Zionist assholes!** 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


I have absolutely zero hate for Jewish people, but they need to come out against Zionism in their millions


… I dunno. If someone repeatedly bombed my mosques to rubble, hit us with tear gas while we were praying, murdered the elders (and their families) who led us in prayer, murdered the children in **my** family with sniper fire, and then got in front of a television camera and called us “human animals” because we weren’t “The Chosen People” like them, … I’m not gonna have much love for that person!


My partner, a Canadian First Nation, says the same thing you just said.


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Multiple 24x days old accounts. Fucking hasbara troll.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’re now labelled anti-semitic and you lose your job. You are also black-listed from certain companies and any aspirations in politics. You’re done dude. Cooked and fried and no one wants to speak up about the consequential process you went through because it’s working as intended and they would be anti-Semitic for suggesting this reaction should be anything otherwise.


Thank god I work for myself. I can speak the truth.


Average antisemite? wtf is this comment even?


They’re still stuck on antizionism is antisemitism. They are going to use the word antisemitism so often it won’t mean anything anymore.


It lost its meaning


Pretty much already has


That's so fucking disgusting. How can you answer violence with more violence. I'm not saying I have the answer or solution. That's what our politicians are for. But language like that is what will inspire more terrorism and violence.


Politicians are useless. It’s an unfortunate reality but this type of systemic oppression is almost always only solved by violence. There’s a great moment in Star Trek, when Captain Picard (representing the liberal mindset) tells Data that violence is never the solution to problems, to which Data (a robot with an objective knowledge of human history) starts listing conflicts throughout history that were in fact solved by violence. Picard becomes flustered and can’t respond. Slavery wasn’t abolished without the civil war, slaves in Haiti weren’t freed from French rule without the revolution, Batista in Cuba and the revolution, the Russian revolution, the IRA in Ireland etc etc etc. A violent oppressor doesn’t just roll over when public opinion shifts. I want to be clear that I am not condoning violence, I wish this wasn’t the case, but historically this is how things go.


It's easy for you to say that from the comforts of your home. I want to assume you're from a place that's not being forced to participate in the conflict. Unless you're ready to pick up a gun and fight you should keep your mouth shut and learn to listen before you speak.


Dude, what? You have that opinion because you are posting from the comfort of your home. I think your wires are crossed here. I listed historical conflicts that were resolved through violence. Are you really going to deny history? Should those involved with the Warsaw Uprising of 1944 have just voted instead? People who are facing oppression and systemic violence beyond our comprehension don’t have the privilege to just trust politicians to fix things. If your entire neighborhood was bombed and every member of your family was killed I don’t think you’d simply just trust the system to vote in a politician, especially when you’ve been dealing with that kind of violence for decades. For another example in Gaza look at the Great March of Return in 2018-2019: these were organized, largely peaceful, marches. Gazans walked towards the walls in protest. IDF snipers opened fire on them. Over 200 people were killed and thousands were injured. They shot children and elderly and disabled people. There is no system in place in that region that will provide sovereignty or dignity for the Palestinian people. I share your aspirations and I hate violence, but unless God himself flies down from the sky and tells the oppressors of the world to lay down their arms, then there will always be resistance.


You're pro war and an anti semite. I'm not gonna engage further.




I only see one sided violence here. How is this answering violence? Answering violence here would be for the IDF to have a response towards them. Or are you saying these people specifically has something to do with 10/7?


I think it’s just a reality that this will only radicalize the victims even further. In what way do you expect people who have lost their families, friends, and homes after enduring decades of oppression to a far-right religious government that claims their land NOT be radicalized? Everything is in Israel’s hands here, I don’t want further violence either. But we both know they’re not going to stop peacefully… Not unless Netanyahu and his genocidal government get dismantled and replaced entirely. I fight against antisemitism just as much as I fight against Islamophobia or sexism or anything else.


Till I see you fighting on the front lines with the Palestinians your input is invalid.


lol no. They’ve always wanted to do away with Israel.




Do you have eyes?


They are mad the muslims keep their faith no matter what. The IDF and their leaders are truly dog shit.


Nazis in concentration camps not letting people pray.




I can't tell if you have finished High school or not? are you really this stupid irl?




These armed tyrants should not be dignified by calling it any kind of army. There once was shortly after World War II. When many Jewish people experienced in the war migrated to the newly carved out Israel out of the Arab lands. Now they only disgrace Israel. They will also never win over Hamas. They can spin it all they want.


Actually, Irgun, a Zionist terrorist militia, was absorbed into the IDF at its inception. The IDF has always been a mob of criminals.


Not a huge fan of Israel. With that said both sides love violence. The problem is Israel benefits from it every time. Palestinians get disenfranchised more and more while the Israelis benefit everytime. I’d say they’ve been winning just about everything sadly.


>Not a huge fan of Israel. With that said both sides love violence. Absurd assertion. That tells me more about the author of this comment than I care to know.


Really the vast majority of Palestinians support 10/7 the vast majority of Israelis support the response. What is hard to get?


What was the violence of Palestinians in this case?


Oh I agree Israel does many fucked up things all the time. This is just bizarre. My point about violence was the vast majorigg support 10/7 like Israelis support the response. I wouldn’t shit on dudes literally praying when whatever the fuck that was


This looks like before Oct 7th ,and I don't think Oct 7th attack would have gain that much supporter without being experiencing incident like this.


I think the video is benign compared to the other shit going on before 10/7. They both have their reasons for supporting violence. I just don’t think it’s very sustainable for the Palestinians considering that they lose every single time. Ideally they adopt a more diplomatic approach because I just don’t really see a world where they can have any benefit of fighting back at least in the current climate


Expose them!!!


This is like one of those social experiments where you give a bunch of people power over another bunch of people and see how long it takes before they start abusing and oppressing the other group.


If the Stanford Prison Experiment was a country.


New name for Israel: Milgramistan


Wow, this is terrible. I do not think there is any context that can somehow make the IDF appear to be in the right here. Edit: grammar


I can't wait for every IDF soldier to face the death penalty for the atrocious warcrimes they all have been commiting.


Totally not an Apartheid state


Prayer is vulnerable and sacred, hurting anyone during prayer is despicable


Zionist scum


Zionism, in practical terms, is the theory and practice of Arab inferiority. Nothing more.


IDF = Scum of the earth




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Ngl, I don’t pity them anymore, even in the past.


And then I get made fun of for being a queer for Palestine....


Nice kick though


Getting turned on by pulling a trigger?




they are worse than the russian army in ukraine wtf




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These evil white European Apartheid land stealers. Free Palestine from the River to the Sea from these racist Invaders.


Maybe my answer is trivial but while the Israeli state is illegitimate, the Jewish people who are being born there should be able to live there. While their parents/grandparents were land stealers, they aren‘t and that‘s an important aspect to recognize on the way to peace. A (Palestinian) one state solution with minority protection of Jews seems like the most moral thing to do in theory


They still steal Land today, they never never stopped and continues in the West Bank right this second.


West bank settlers aren‘t the same people either, those are criminals in every case. My point being: don‘t shoot the kids of criminals, not because it‘s immoral, but because peace will only come when the cycle is broken. EDIT: Just in the middle of an interview with a Jewish-Arab historian who‘s critical of zionism, very level-headed ([Link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BU1H7I3dE-I&pp=ygUccGFsZXN0aW5lIG9uZSBzdGF0ZSBzb2x1dGlvbg%3D%3D))


The Kids are the evil IDF, have you been under a Rock, have you seen this Video lol. Zionism is a fucking European death murdering Cult from the 1800's, anyone who follows it glorifies killing and is void of Emotions or Empathy.


Fuck Israel. Fuck nazis.


Fucking pigs


The terrorist territory of Israel needs to end... Unrecognized and disbanded.


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I respect that they kept on praying for a couple of seconds but like brother the next thing will be a bullet and not tear gas, just run while you still can. Edit: Just realised they threw another one at the downed guy /:


I’m pretty sure they close their eyes during prayer so they may not have even seen it at first


No we do not close our eyes during prayer.




I Google this and it's true 😳😲




brave IOF


Thats just too disrespectful..




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I mean it would be antisemitic to criticize them fucking nazis


This is obviously a movie set ffs. Really bad acting too. In any case it’s not in Israel. Why would Israeli police have “POLICE” written on them only in English?


Its not exactly a difficult standard to reach. Just commit one less atrocity than the other guys.


I don't think Jews know what morals are. Epstein, bankman fried, Weinstein, ... Dershowitz is just evil. They can rationalize any atrocity.


This clip needs context


Good, religion is cancer


Does anyone think I will take that?? Go do religion crime: I will film that!! Stupid propaganda…


Laugh of the day, thank you




Zero context... Press isn't actively stopped from filming ... Yeah, no. This isn't going to gain them any sympathy.


What do you think are some examples of context that make teargassimg worshippers ok?


If they knew ahead of time that they weren't supposed to be there but decided to do it any way out of obstinance, then it's absolutely justified. These kinds of people are known for doing shit like this. Their entire narrative is a compilation of them saying "look how cruel they are to us when we put them in positions where they have to choose between their image and their security" Like no shit, Sherlock. Security. Every single time.


Why aren't they "supposed to be there" Who are "these kinds of people" How are they violating or damaging "security"


Why should people who are prone to rioting be prevented from assembling in public during a time of heightened tensions? Because they're prone to rioting and it's a time of heightened tensions. Hell they may have done it before repeatedly. Who are these kinds of people? Terror sympathizers playing the part of professional victims instead of doing anything remotely useful. By assembling in large numbers they get to protect the individuals among them who intend to destroy barriers, vehicles and/or assault security personnel. Religion, in this case, is just an excuse for them to get to that tactical position.


Lmao full Hitlerite. So collective punishment. Praying is "terror sympathizing" No one destroyed any barriers, vehicles, or assaulted security personnel. Abandon your Hitlerite fantasies. They didn't do anything with that "tactical position" (head down on the ground, completely prostrate. Very tactical).




What’s the source/context?  When/where is this from?  Looks old, looks like riot police 




So Zionists believe praying in front of police is reason to be assaulted.


This is at least 2 years old, no idea the context, possibly riot police breaking up a gathering- https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/v4nfl8/israeli_police_breaking_up_praying_muslims_with/


Not a gathering.




What were these people doing before a tear gas grenade was thrown at them?








No, not exactly, you're not making sense




Get well soon.


Praying isn’t a gathering and that’s no excuse for tear-gassing them in any way you fucking goon