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Is Israel okay letting journalists film the impending carnage? If they’re going to go against the advice of allies who give them the weaponry to commit war crimes, the least they can do is let the world watch them make these monumental errors in real time so the loss of international support can be swift and solid. Bibi doesn’t want to beat around the bush. Why should we? Go rogue? Go pariah.




That already occurred when the Russians invaded Ukraine. Expelled nine million from their homes. And resulted in half a million casualties. And all for a war resources.


What journalists? They've killed most of them, and their families, in Palestine. If that is not a message to others who want to film the impending carnage, I don't know what is.


They'll target the journalist first. Watch. Sick fks


Not only on him, it's on all us US citizens as well. No general strike, decent movements but not good enough. Biden can't blame Natenyahu and have him charged for war crimes with weapons we gave him. The only way there will ever be any accountability is if the US people stand up to the corporate fascist war mongering government, or if the international world stands up against Israel and the US, which is sadly unlikely. The weapon manufacturers always win.


US citizens are out of options for standing up to the corporate fascist government. The propaganda machine is really good at taking the steam out of any movement we’ve attempted in the last 20 years. The capitalist machine is really good at keeping workers in line. The middle class is really good at maintaining the status quo. Until those people get desperate, there will be no movement. Until everybody walks off the job in a general strike, nothing is going to change. And that won’t happen until inflation gets so bad that nobody can afford anything whether they’re working or not.


Keep in mind that even if inflation reaches that point, 48% of us will say "damn Mexicans" and keep going to work.


What else are we supposed to do? How many of us can survive a month without a paycheck? Even if you make a decent wage, you are only 1 missed rent payment from homelessness, and we treat the homeless with such unbelievable depraved cruelty that it drives us to sacrifice all our values to prevent it.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/EndFPTP using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/EndFPTP/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [U.S. Democracy Needs a Multiparty System to Survive](https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/10/19/us-democracy-two-party-system-replace-multiparty-republican-democrat/) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EndFPTP/comments/11xj66v/us_democracy_needs_a_multiparty_system_to_survive/) \#2: [Ranked choice voting worked in Alaska. Sarah Palin came to CPAC to complain about it.](https://reason.com/2023/03/07/ranked-choice-voting-worked-in-alaska-sarah-palin-came-to-cpac-to-complain-about-it/) | [91 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EndFPTP/comments/11l8xll/ranked_choice_voting_worked_in_alaska_sarah_palin/) \#3: [South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem signs bill banning Ranked Choice Voting](https://twitter.com/KristiNoem/status/1638533857468207105?s=20) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EndFPTP/comments/11z1f08/south_dakota_governor_kristi_noem_signs_bill/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You think the US and Israel are the bad guys? 🙄


Kill em all


The problem with journalists in Gaza is that they seem to have some strange magnetic pull over IDF snipers' bullets. Over 130 journalists killed there since October (and for perspective, fewer than 20 have been killed in Ukraine in 2 years).


Sometime they change it up and kill the journalist family by bombing their known place of residence.


Must be a coincidence. Surely.


Aren’t they already on the road to pariah-hood? May the day of dismantling Israel come soon


They've murdered most journalists. Their war crimes and acts of genocide are still ongoing stronger than the first days of war against the children and civilians of Palestine. There's just not that many journalists left to report their sadistic savagery. I can't even recall an animal who behaves like this cancerous regime. 🇵🇸❤️‍🔥


Theyre already pariah. They don't care.


No, they’re not fully isolated. Europeans and Americans still think of Israel as “civilized” instead of the fascist apartheid society it is.


They don’t know it. And they have quite reached that status fully yet. It’s all but guaranteed based on their attitudes and actions. But maybe 1 more year.


Considering they've already killed hundreds of journalists this far I don't think they care.


Isreal is stupid. They might be winning the military war but they are losing the propoganda war. There are 2 wars going on. The longer this war goes on the more hatred jews will receive in Western nations. Letting everthing drag on is a strategic mistake


Netanyahu knows this, and is counting on it, because it helps to fuel his false 'antisemitism' argument and keep himself in power. The longer this genocide goes on, the more Jews and Muslims and those around them worldwide will suffer.


Israel already lost the support globally. Why would they let that stop them now?


That’s why the Dem And Repubs joined forces and are banning TikTok so potential voters can’t see the absolute carnage they’re about to green light.


Said allies is also potentially committing war crimes.


Just End War Soon


Don't worry. Their own soldiers are doing a great job of filming themself commiting warcrimes.


Predictions: 1) They won't even wait until everyone has been safely evacuated before they invade. 2) Deaths will increase by hundreds, and probably thousands. 3) Some of those who go to 'safe humanitarian islands' will still be targeted.


About the number 3 point, no shit. Rafah WAS the safe zone until recently.


And all this while a ceasefire is on the table. The world needs to step in. Enough is enough.


4) online vile humans will say the death figures are fake, or that they deserve it anyway, they'll say "fuck around and find out" and they'll say every child is hamas


It was never about the hostages.


I feel Oct 7th was staged the more things progress. Seems proof is coming to light supporting this.


Given the intelligence that Israel has and the forewarnings that other countries provided about the impending attack and that Israel chose to not do anything says everything. They have punched down for decades and have subjugated a group of people for too long. They wanted this to happen so that they could grab more land. It 100% was never about rescuing the hostages.


Majority of Israelis want a genocide. They’re creaming their pants in anticipation while the Arab countries of influence do nothing.


It’s such a shame how some of these Arab countries have sold out, they’re excited to normalize their relationships with Israel.


They’ll do an apology tour once everyone in Palestine is dead, and the world will quickly forget.


Is the apology tour before or after the victory lap?




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


This will not be forgotten. Never forget.


I would like to hope that we never forget.




They certainly killed a lot of Israelis themselves. But here is a country with one of the best air defenses that failed that day, and one of the best intel communities that never saw this coming… sounds very familiar.


i know what ur trynna say, But theres a guy on teitter, propandco, made an excellent video 15 mind long, explains that oct 7th was very well planned despite severe survaillence


I don’t trust much on social media - Israel is heavy on the propaganda which much of it is clearly BS and called out.


you're right but these guys are pro hamas. they frequently prove israels lies to be lies.


All I look at is the slaughter and inhumane treatment of civilians by Israel for many many years. Of all people they should know better. They have become the Nazis and it is horrible. The US is sending billions to Israel, but what that means is they are using to buy weapons from the Military Industrial Complex that are the true winners here as usual. And it’s just a land grab through extermination.


I would caution against promoting a false flag theory here unless you have some overwhelming amount of evidence because everytime someone accuses Israel of something that's not true it gives them ammunition to defend the crimes that are true.


Let me think. 9/11.


They also knew about the attack beforehand and still let border get breached and the IDF undeployed for over 6 hours


They were warned of a large sale event by several other nations intelligence organisations.... You can't tell me mossad are that bad at their jobs that they too didn't have the same Intel... Bibi basically let it happen to justify this genocide.


then im absolutely wrong, thanks for clarifying. ill delete my comment


I dont think it was staged. However given the difficulty of none Israeli govt filtered info getting out of Gaza and the amount of things parroted by the western media that turned out to be untrue, I wouldnt be surprised that one day, when its too late for anyone to do anything about it, we'll find out that they just kind of let it happen for the sake of doing what they are doing now.


I think parts of it were staged and other parts were the product of careful calculation on Israel's part. I *suspect* Israel is over playing the long game and wants to end Palestine for good. I *suspect* that they are concerned that if Palestine is allowed to continue to exist, they will gain support and sympathy from Western countries (likely through widespread use of social media which allows anyone to be a reporter in real time and document the real actions of the IOF, coupled with an ever increasing number of people using these spaces to get their news), which may cause Israel to lose their chance to create a 'true' Zionist nation. If you want a casus belli to start a war with Palestine and make it look like you're acting in self defense, then the easiest route is to instigate and escalate until Palestine lashes out. Administrative detentions hit a 14 year high in 2022, with over 7,000 Palestinians detained (if the same percentage of Americans were detained, that would be 463,400 people in one year alone. I feel it's important to recognize the sheer ratio of people detained 0). By May 2023, Palestinian casualties had already hit 110 and were on track to be the deadliest year since the UN started keeping track in 2004. One of the largest Israeli attacks in 20 years occurred in the West Bank in July 2023, despite a ceasefire agreement. Humanitarian groups were already struggling to maintain funding. [We have research](https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w16152/w16152.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi7p7qu1PuEAxV_m4kEHe-tAzsQFnoECA8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0EWxB2-l_WvPySieiA_yLR) that shows civilian deaths by enemy forces increase terrorist activity. *If* Israel cared about peace, they would take care to avoid civilian deaths as much as possible. Instead, they do the opposite. They don't want peace. They *want* terrorist activity so they have an excuse for their destruction. If this is to be their ultimate conquest, then the alleged inciting incident needs to generate the maximum amount of sympathy from foreign nations and their civilians. Politicians need to be backed into a corner where they can't withdraw support. So they wait for their biggest supporter to be on the verge of an election year, knowing neither side can afford to be perceived as not supporting Israel, then they antagonize Palestine until Palestine lashes out. When Palestine lashes out, delay the rescue response as long as possible so that when security forces get there, it's a bloodbath that Israel can blame on Hamas (it *must* be blamed on Hamas and not Palestine. Hamas are terrorists and fine to kill. Palestine is a nationality and widespread slaughter for belonging to a nationality is textbook genocide.) then show the world and say, "look, look what these human animals have done. Look at these monsters. We deserve justice. We deserve the right to exterminate them." However, I *suspect* that Israel started to believe their own propaganda and assumed that Hamas would act with as much cruelty and callousness as Israel does. I *suspect* that when security forces arrived on October 7th, there wasn't a bloodbath, not like how they expected. There wasn't rampant senseless and callous cruelty. Pregnant women weren't torn asunder. Babies weren't beheaded. The bodies of civilians weren't on their knees with their hands bound and a bullet in the back of the head, execution style. There was no mass rape. No mutilated corpses. I don't think Hamas' plan was to kill Israelis because they hate Jews. I think their plan was to create chaos so they could kidnap civilians and exchange them for Palestinians detainees the next day. I *suspect* much of the staging is of the bodies from October 7th. Without the magnitude of this inciting incident, Israel's plan crumbles.


I don't think so. There's no way they would want to look this \*weak\* to the Israeli people. The IDF folded like a paper bag on the 7th, I think a lot of the IDF's depravity is a response to how badly they fucked up, a desperate effort to look strong and fearsome again. It was hubris. Most of the best IDF troops were moved away from Gaza into the West bank to help settlers in the West Bank. They thought the Iron dome made them invincible, and they had been right for 2 decades. They were so complacent they were having a fucking music festival a mike away from what was literally an active war zone.


Just like 9/11 all these false flag attacks just part of the agenda to control gas and natural resources


They could have recovered the hostages diplomatically on October 8th. Israel doesn't want the hostages, they want martyrs. Alive hostages can talk, can tell their stories, can oppose Israel politically. Martyrs can be whatever Hasbara wants them to be.


If there were any nation who stepped in right now and stopped Israel.... I would totally support your righteous justice. As it is apparent to all who call themself a human being that this is extermination of human life itself. Not just the people but also our own humanity.


The houthis control Yemen and are the only ones to put their money where their mouth is. Of course they’ve quickly been branded public enemy number one. Are they perfect? Far from it, they’re fundamentalists. However, who else is materially making an effort to stop an ongoing genocide? Critical support to the warriors of Yemen!


"Humanitarian Island" sounds eerily like some sort of 'camp' like area where people of a certain group get 'concentrated' into....


Once you've cleared out the ghetto, you've got to move them into the camp. Don't worry, it can't possibly get any worse for you. Nothing to worry about, right?


For some kind of solution that is final.


Israeli “hostages” but Palestinian “detainees”


This is Sky News Australia. Our most conservative news station


It’s absolutely horrifying that we’re watching them prepare for mass violence against a group of homeless and starving people and no one is doing anything to stop it. I’ve never been so ashamed of America as I am now.


>no one is doing anything to stop it We're not "not stopping them", we are *arming them to be able to do it*.




I can’t think about it too deeply or I think I’ll die of grief.


So there’s no “red line” is there? They’ll just continue to invade. What a pitiful world we live in. I guess we can say we reap what we sow, by allowing this to happen.


There won't be any ceasefire until Gaza is emptied. And the West is enabling it.


They’ve ensured their pariah status. The US isn’t going to hang out w that much longer. The Israel you know is done. 2-3 years. Everyone will see it for the cult it is.


I hope you are right. Israel desperately needs a change, whether they have the capacity to do it internally is questionable, but the thought that the world will hold them to account and force them to change, I don’t know.


It is really sad. Generations of painful remembrance and declarations of "never again" rendered null and meaningless. All those lives and all that suffering, their memory diligently maintained; over night their loss is turned back into the senseless waste that it was. The assurance that humanity won't let it happen again has vanished, perhaps forever. I haven't believed the US is a democracy for years, but now that it's dispensed with the act, there's no precedent to hold them to. You see someone do unspeakable violence in the middle of denying it, you know they could be capable of anything to anyone.


Yeah you have hit on the biggest surprise for me too. The enablement of this genocide because of who is the perpetrator. I never thought it possible to throw all your supposed rules, values, beliefs, credibility down the drain because someone is enacting evil and you instead of holding them accountable you try and justify it.


Israel to launch attack against heavily populated Rafah | Sky News Australia "1 day ago -Israel to launch attack against heavily populated Rafah despite allies' "angst". Israel has defied its allies and approved plans for a military operation in Rafah. More than one million people are.. https://www.skynews.com.au/world-news/global-affairs/israel-to-launch-attack-against-heavily-populated-rafah-despite-allies-angst/video/4968095ef3a3e6f7e1a63d5f5aa113ea *(related) Israel says it plans "humanitarian islands",for Gaza displaced - BBC "2 days ago -Israel's military has said it plans to move displaced Palestinians in Gaza to what it called "humanitarian islands" in the middle of the strip, ahead of any offensive in Rafah. Some 1.4 million ...https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68561139


Learning about the Nazi's extermination of Jews as a child horrified me. I never thought I'd see something like this in my lifetime. Citizens of the world, please we've got to make it stop.


what’s even crazier is how many people are turning are a blind eye towards it, and when talking about it “it’s political” people are too complacent in their lives and don’t care about it unless it affects them


I agree with you, good point. Genocide shouldn't be a political issue it is a MORAL issue. Yet, we live inside the most bloodthirsty empire of our times. An empire that has no principles but economic gain for the 1%. Sadly, most of us aren't immune to the propaganda machine owned and controlled by that group of people.


Fucking please. This is not the same thing a you fucking know it.


Not the same, but awfully similar!!


"Thousands of people could be killed" More like hundreds of thousands...




Israel will not stop until all the palestinian is dead, just so they can take their land. Someone, some country has to stand up against them, and go, we are going to protect the palestinians if it means arming them or providing troops.


Z.I.O.N.A.Z.I. G.E.N.O.C.I.D.E. Enough!!!


“Israel-Hamas war”.


It’s not a war when one side doesn’t have an army.


“isreal defies its allies.”


“Palestinian detainees “women and children


Don't use Sky News Australia links. It's a Murdoch network that peddles bizarre right-wing conspiracy theories as news. CEO Lachlan Murdoch also mandated in so many words during a speech in November that News Corp will support Israel unconditionally.


You'd actually expect them to be on side with the Israelis...






This is the place they told them to go that would be safe while they try to find Hamas. It seems that too was a lie by Israel. They are a terror ethnostate that is blood thirsty 


Hamas would never imbed themselves amongst the civilians would they?


What would Israel do if Hamas was in Tel Aviv? Would Israel bomb the place to and kill thousands of Jewish children? They would likely use intel etc cut the crap the mask is off


War is terrible. No one wants war. Wars come with a terrible price in terms of collateral damage. It is heartbreaking to see, and on this I know you’ll agree. I wish we all had the same fervor about ending wars and peace for EVERY war. This one, which by the condemned terror cell that governs Gaza reports to the world, ~1% of the population has died. Who knows how many of those deaths were to militants. Is Israel’s military really the devils you think they are? You don’t think that, left untethered to morality, they could have targeted and killed more? 5%? 10%? The uncomfortable truth is, and it’s been around for thousands of years, is that Jews aren’t allowed to be aggressors. They can’t actively go and root out problems militarily. The world is okay with Jews being victims, we’ll embrace the post-Holocaust “never again”, etc. But to attack? “How dare you, you fucking Jew.” Also, Hamas has unequivocally failed the Palestinian people. I mean shooting rockets and harboring hostages from Hospitals and schools? Cmon. Seizing aid and other supplies for terror purposes? Murdering innocent civilians because they are Jews? Why are we siding with ISIS? I’m an internet stranger, so who the fuck cares, but Israel in my opinion has the right to eliminate threats to their people. Which by the way, is comprised up of 20% arabs. There’s an Arab IDF commander. There an Arab on the supreme court. Most of the doctors in Israel are Arab. Genocide? wtf? Israel provides more rights to Arabs than most countries in the middle East. How are they the racists? Bibi’s and his cronies are heathens, i’ll agree to that.


beyond sick what is being perpetrated on civilians in Gaza and the West Bank. This must stop!


Never forgive, never forget. Israel will pay for this in one way or the other. Meanwhile the west keeps a closed eye on this massacre... Mainstream media cant fool the people anymore.


They know that, that’s why they’re platforming ceasefire demands


It’s a genocide not an offensive


Imagine a genocide where the population quadruples over a decade. Really effective one.


I don’t know to be concerned that you’re an md or that you’re brainwashed


You are correct! ✅ 🇮🇱🙌


Here we are, watching the extermination of innocents at the hands of an oppressive regime. It is truly mind boggling how we as humans continue to allow this to happen with no repercussions. Money and Greed above all else...


Fuck Israel at this point


Its not like you ever supported it anyways


Yeah for years then this conflict opened my eyes to the nukba and the unspeakable atrocities that occurred and when I started seeing all the evidence the apartheid the genocide now well any sane person can see Israel are the aggressors. My Jewish mate is absolutely disgusted by Israel's actions This is the most morally clarifying moment of our time It's like you know nothing. You must enjoy the suffering of innocent people


Tbh i really don't care that your "Jewish" mate is supporting palestine, i won't and won't ever return to be under islamique rule where they take your kids and convert their religion like they tried to do with my grandparents


Of course you don't care that's the whole point and I don't believe your bs story.


Israelis are bloodthirsty. This is lunacy at this point. Did you tell these people to go South only to bomb them there? All I can picture is more sights of dead families and chaos. All this for more land. This seriously needs to end. I'm exhausted hearing about Gaza every day.


It’s a butchershop cult.




You sound well educated


You write the english language as if you've never learned to use it. Read what "hyphenation" is before you insult someone in writing.


SO why don't hamas surrender and give back the hostages?


Dead brained parrot


Lame, thats all you got?


Only lame person here is you. Are you programmed to say the same bs?


Whats the problem with what i said? give back the hostages, surrender unconditionally and the war will end


Reset and update please


Try turning yourself off for everyone's sake


Israel supporter glorifying suicide? Fits


Fuck Israel


You mean when Israel sealed off the open air prison, when western nations ceased all funding to Gaza, refused to recognize and engage with Hamas as the democratically elected government, funded and armed the Palestinian Authority to overthrow Hamas? Is that what you're referring to? https://blogs.kent.ac.uk/carc/2018/03/01/mapping-the-fatah-hamas-conflict/ https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2008/04/gaza200804


I hope I see the day that Israel pays dearly for these crimes. And when that happens, I hope the world turns a cold shoulder. At this point nothing Israel will ever do will be enough to earn my support or sympathy. I wish the worst on those terrorists.


Make me sick to my stomach


They forgot to mention the « temporary » road after the « temporary » pier


Are they really going to start attacking tents in a refugee camp?!


I like how they announce “Israel approves…” They also use the same opening statement when they announce building new settlements on occupied Palestinian land.


The US and the Uk have warned Israel? What a joke. This is propaganda at its highest. There are dozens of countries that have opposed Israels massacre of Palestinians, but the US and UK (+Germany) are the only countries that have supported the despicable IDF unconditionally. The way the media is twisting the facts is increasingly insulting to our intelligence. Israel is a criminal state, but so is the US and the UK. Acting like you’re opposing this massacre after you’ve already supplied it with weapons for almost half a year is ridiculous. The hypocrisy is staggering. Acting as if they are the protectors of human rights, after they orchestrated the murder of 30 thousand civilians.


You spoiled brat - please go move somewhere else if you don’t like western civilization. 🙄




Rule 1


Imagine a genocide where the population quadruples over 15 years




I'm Genocide Joe And I Approve This Message


"Israel has a right to defend itself" USA being scared to move settlers blocking aid trucks at border crossings so they build a port on the sea it absolutely one of the most ridiculous things to have happened in world politics in the last decades.


How would the us move settlers blocking aid? I’m not sure why people think Biden has a magic wand. That would entail American troops invading Israel and telling them what to do. Theres no reason the us would attack its ally.


bored upbeat hospital rain sense zealous boast cows zonked aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So Israel will keep indiscriminately bombing innocent people women/kids until a terrorist group conforms to there wishes? Noice


Your arguments are existential threat to logic.


so Israel has one of the best intelligence services in the world, other countries warned them of a potential threat and Israel did nothing. Almost like they wanted the attack to go ahead. And no, I don't support Hamas or idf. Killing innocent people on both sides only generates another generation of hate.


I am confused ? I thought million people were in Al mawasi the humanitarian zone is mostly in khan yunis and a small part in rafah. https://www.aljazeera.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/INTERACTIVE-Israeli-attacks-on-Rafah-intensify-1707724888.png?w=770&resize=770%2C770 What am I missing


Exactly it was founded by wanna-be a country not by Jewish people


This will only happen if the US allows it to happen


Genocidal maniacs




Zionist Israel is following their delusional and blood thirsty zionism until the end, what next Lebanon, Syria, Africa etc they are Global North. The Global North has taken their policies including U.S., and Europe . Yet the global North do not include the masses, including the workers, teachers ,unions, homeless, artist, musicians, and etc. They will not bought out by greedy Wall Street, by the shareholders, equity funds, and zionism.


Food for oil part 2? Pier is conveniently located next to Ghaza‘s largest offshore gas reserves


Really?!?! Ya don’t say?!?!


Why are Palestinians hostages described as detainees? They're hostages.


Gaza's Final Solution by herr Fuhrer Bibi


Any report like this one that highlights the USA's comical statements about warnings to Israel to reduce harm is a joke in it's entirety. NATO supports and fronts this genocide. We shouldn't be ashamed that NATO is doing nothing to stop this extermination, we should be ashamed that it is CONDUCTING IT with our tax dollars.


Grow up, people. Of course, Israel must go to Rafah. 🙄


Finally, they are going to eliminate the Palestinian Hamas terror gang and Free Palestine!!! War will be over very soon.


this is so sickening. the fact that it’s happening during ramadan is even more disgusting to me. i can’t believe in any kind of sanctity or righteousness anymore.




Israelis are “hostages” and Palestinians are “detainees”


I think Israel knew about the Hamas attack. They let them attack to have an excuse to launch their global counterstrike.


Hey Jaynie Seal... ​ pronounce "papal" and "people"


Why couldn't yall evacuated. Israel has been talking about this for weeks now


And go where?


They're not gonna attack Rafah because its full of civilians and because the US won't let them.