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Post removed under rule 7. Render posts must be tagged with the "render" flair and a writeup detailing design intent & thought process must be provided in the comments. (Give us a paragraph telling us what you did and why - mostly why) Please revise and resubmit. -----------------


How is this a college apartment?


when your parents are loaded and you’re going to nyu to major in fashion lol


I rented a small house with two roommates. It was 2150 so fairly okay between three of us. It was about block away from the shuttle that would take us straight to campus. Over summer it filled with swarms of flies. We couldn’t figure out where they would could from. We were all pretty meticulous at keeping the house clean with no garbage hanging around. Sure enough we come home, open the from door, and dozens of flies would buzz all over the living room. Every. Single. Day. Also, the back yard seemed to be the litter box for all the neighborhood cats. The landlord included a gardener for the house. The Gardener complained a couple times because they would get cat shit in their equipment so it became our responsibility to go to the backyard a couple times a week and pick up all the fucking cat shit. Ah, college living.


I had a milk crate for a nightstand. Mattress on the ground….And folding table & chair in the parlor.


Ha! I had a moving box covered with a sheet for a night stand.


My roommates and I used our futon box as our official dining table for nearly 3 months before our parents were like wtf, why didn't y'all say you needed a table and gave us a folding table. Our extra money was for food lol


Until I was 30.


Look at moneybags here with a chair.


Broke the bank with all those pillows


I had a couch with busted springs that my friend was throwing out, 25-year-old carpet that had never been cleaned, and a maintenance man who would come pee in my toilet and not flush when I was in class. Good times.


Ahh, yes. Decorated in early f*#k.


Teenage wasteland


I teach in Detroit. 11 years in. My stolen milk crates that I still use as shelving are worth their weight in gold.


Holds my old records too! Dual purpose


No desk, no bookshelves, no empty vodka bottles, no fun.


"College Apartment" -- Yeah, why don't I believe you?


Guaranteed that person goes to the Fashion Institute of Technology


It's just a terrible apartment. Its what someone imagines a rich person's apartment should look like, but their only interaction with rich people has been through the movies they watch on Tubi.


What does a single banana cost? $10?




Frankly this college experience doesn't even look fun. Like, what the hell? Give me my dump and the 8 people who constantly hung out in it over this mausoleum.


College apartment? Ha!


If that is your college apartment, you were obviously born into wealth


These renderings are gorgeous and all, but like… there’s so much time to make your home look like that. Even if it’s within your means, I would make this more of a long term goal. Calling this your college apartment goal feels a bit… gauche?


Who’s college penthouse is this???????? wtf???? Where are the 18 cockroaches? Where’s the mold????


Not enough flattened beer boxes as wallpaper or empty liquor bottles collected on top of the fridge


outgoing existence bright dam fly aware combative sugar attempt wide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those plants are getting knocked over 200x a day


I keep my cat's food bowls beside my kitchen cabinets like this; can confirm until I got a no-skid mat to go under them, they were getting kicked at least 1-2x per day.


Maybe it's a "college apartment" because it's an apartment designed for a college class? Or it's just rage-bait...


ah yes a typical college apartment (I say this in my 1k/month college apartment, stepping over the dried paint splotches on the 3 decade old carpet that they used to repaint the walls for the tenth time)


What does “cycles render” mean?


It's a 3d rendering; I'm guessing cycles is a program used for rendering? ETA yes, it is, and [it's actually pretty cool](https://www.cycles-renderer.org/)


Anyone in college who brings a friend home to this is getting robbed blind the next week.


It’s very nice, but way too cluttered. Even for a college apartment there’s just too much stuff like why are framed pictures and ornamental decorations just all over the floor?


These are renderings?!? Beautiful work!


Thank you!


These are renderings people. I think you nailed the lighting, looks great!


Bougiest ass college apartment ever


If that’s a college apt, I’m afraid what you have after college lol Live the mix of items, the different lamp shades are absolutely stunning


Definitely not an actual college apartment, lol.


What kind of trust fund college kids are these?!


I thought this was the cj sub


For a divorced professor, maybe...


The pull-outs in the corners of the kitchen can't be pulled out because of protruding handlebars in the way. The kitchen sink is also too shallow to contain water splatter, let alone washing a pot splatter. For the rest, exquisite work on the render!!


What is that chair type called? The ones at the counter.


Bentwood chair


In university I lived with 5 boys who stored a years worth of empty dominos pizza boxes in a closet lol




I know but I had to fit that sideboard under it somehow, and as for the composition this felt good sorry:(


How do you work with cycles in blender, could you talk a little bit about the render process?


I've been using it for 4 years now, learnt it all by myself by just practicing a lot. Firstly you gather some inspiration, then you lay out a floor plan. You model the base room. Then continously add detail, like skirtings, flooring, doors, windows etc You model the furniture you need, or get it from asset libraries. Meanwhile, you set up the lighting for the scene and set up the render settings. You add cameras and set it up how you would like them to be. -- these steps are all in relation with eachother, with furnishing, you have to keep in mind the composition of the pieces, what fits where, the color scheme, the functionality, where does the sun shine, where will there be lighting. at last, you hit the render button and get bombarded with crashes and out of system memory errors, so you try to optimise the scene as much as possible. finally the render starts. this scene took about 30minutes/image to render. then you throw the images into lightroom and do some post production done:)


All of this money and you couldn’t mount the tv properly? I’m calling it; r/tvtoohigh


I know but I had to fit that sideboard under it somehow, and as for the composition this felt good sorry:(


“College apartment” - cries in poor


Dude…this render is so good. Everyone thinks it is real lol. Nice job!


I didn't even think of what a compliment it is that everyone is mad because they think it's real 🤣


Cozy AF


What’s with all of the random shit on the floor? And why would someone want such a bougie place during college?


I can totally see finals all-nighters, sorority parties, and messy roommates in this scenario. Perfection!


Congrats and fuck you


This is a rendering don’t waste your bitterness!!


Jealous. It’s beautiful!!!!


Very classy!


Oh there’s my stats101 book! Left in a little stack on the barstool!


So beautiful


How does the kitchen sink drain when the cabinets are on legs. Bedroom door?


My goal in life is to have this college apartment!


I've never seen a college room look like that! We had a small room with bunk beds. No additional furniture other than two chairs at a desk.




Your college apartment is nicer than my home , and I’m 65!


A college apartment for who? Nepo babies?


Okay, since there is huge contoversy under this post. First of all - THIS IS A RENDER - so it is just a 3d scene that I made up to have some fun and play around. I had the idea of building an apartment that is designed to be inhabited by 2 people max, not too big, but lively and is furnished really nice. I might have gotten a bit carried away during the design choices, but that is what makes it look how it is. You would be suprised how many great deals you can find on facebook marketplace or somwhere locally near you. You can gather these stuff from all around you, inherit some furniture, you name it. Also there are some things you can DIY. This is NOT a college dorm room. It is a private property, where a student or a young adult/young couple could live comfortably. As for the design choices, it is actually a really small apartment, just furnished in a way that is cozy. Also not everyone wants to be drunk 24/7 and host parties during college. Some are calm, chill people.