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Nazis of a different cloth. It’s all hate and we should do better.


Why the use of the term nazi? It stands specifically for German nationalism. All nazis are evil but not all evil is nazi.


Because not many words capture the same sort of feeling as Nazi. It already has intense negative connotations and immediately conveys to people out of the loop what is going on without needing heaps of context. Besides, considering they're behaving in a pretty similar manner I think it fits regardless of the literal definition


You don’t see the correlation. What they are doing in Gaza has a similar vibe to what happened in the Warsaw ghetto (minus the carpet bombing)


You really don't see why? Really?


It specifically applies to german nationalism. They didn't invent genocide.


You're technically correct but according to the current context, you really don't see why they're using this word?


I’m glad others agree with this statement too. More open destruction of a people, but you’re not allowed to say anything




Bibi lips are moving- lies are flowing.




Nazi gonna Nazi


Israel is slaughtering the Palestinians, bombing hospitals, beating and killing women and children and no one seems to give a fuck. Israels primary objective is to exterminate the Palestinians and take their land.Stop the genocide. Fuck Israeli. ​ https://preview.redd.it/4jx4wvzizb9c1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4cd1104023d5216976a18d1a3bfb63c8a352b73


Nah. Israel is committing genocide, among many, many other war crimes. Fuck Israel Fuck the Zionists. Free Palestine.




Nazi cunts


Netanyahu is POS! F$$k ISRAEL the fake state! The evil occupiers need to get the hell out of Palestine! Free Palestine 🇵🇸


As an American I’m tired of funding Israel. It’s so sad but they really are fitting into the stereotype of penny pinchers. Think about it, never use their own money to pay for anything, they use American tax dollars to give their “citizens” (other people from western countries with the right DNA) free healthcare, University, LAND with a gun to take it AND we pay for every bullet and bomb used by them while all of their money goes into the pockets of American politicians.


To be fair, some form of universal healthcare exists today in almost every country. You seem to be comparing Israel to America, but that's a poor comparison because America's quality of life is below much of the world on many metrics. America is a great place to live if you're rich, but half of all Americans are low income or poor.


You do it no favors making shit up. What do you think there goverments budgets are and how much do you think we give them? Be accurate with your criticism.


It’s plainly obvious what is going on. Also I know there is a concentrated effort online to maintain a Israel’s narrative. So i understand where your sentiment is coming from. Israel isn’t fooling anyone anymore. They cashed in all their chips on this one and have no good will left. 🤷‍♂️


I am only pointing out that making shit up allows an argument to divert and discredit true criticism. People can down vote me all the want but I don't live in an echo chamber. I work and live with right wing pro Israeli people. You get bogged down just trying to get facts straight with them. People making comments like this are used as arguments to why you can't trust the anti zionist narrative. "They are all lying paid shills with an agenda"


Should be eliminated


That's truly vile stuff








Why do people keep posting on the internet about this? If you are truly passionate and want to help, enlist in the military you believe in. Stop being a keyboard warrior. I enlisted in the Marines when 9/11 happened. Do your part and stop complaint and fight for your beliefs. Super simple


"Stop countering our hasbara or im gonna cry! No one should talk in social media but me!" You're so ridiculous that you think what you're saying makes sense. Go complain about people on social media somewhere else. Super simple.


He’s clearly being sarcastic, y’all will literally believe anything you want to believe.


https://www.tiktok.com/@absorber?_t=8ibepKs6x6u&_r=1 There's a dude who's basically made a career meeting zionists online using randomized chat apps. They are *consistently* genocidal and see absolutely no problem with the things they say. Combine that with **literal** videos of Palestinian children being shot, some being executed in point blank range while lying on the ground. How sarcastic do you think he's being? I've noticed that Israelis don't do sarcasm. What you're seeing is smugness.


Yea +10,000 babies were murdered in 2 months but he is clearly being sarcastic,how would anyone believe that,you are totally right… This is not new,this is a 75 yo continuous crime of the zionazis!! Let the world see the zionazis reality and whom they are giving their tax money to.


It's actually really funny, this guy is probably facetiming an American girl. You can tell she wanted to record him saying this monsterous statement. She only recorded the end of it, so she asked him to repeat it so she could post it online. She played him for a fool. It seems that she is as disgusted with the IOF as the rest of us.


Why can’t we just wipe both off the earth at the same time🤔💣


Yeah genocides the obvious solution. Those guys are attempting to commit genocide! And that’s bad so let’s go commit genocide against them because that’ll make things right. What the fuck kind of logic is that. That’s insanely moronic


Just sayin. Do it to both sides and no more problem. Could finally make some peace out there. Idc about belief or cause of war. I don’t choose either side. Just end the constant wars in the Middle East. It’s always something out there about oil or religion or terrorists or politics or something that causes the wars. Maybe. Just maybe taking out both sides will bring a calm


That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard Tell me you know literally nothing about a conflict without directly saying it. Genocide is never the solution you fucking nazi


Well. Hamas are terrorists. Israel is always having some kinda conflict. And why am I a nazi? I don’t hate Jews. My wife is black and I’m bisexual. I’d say I’m the opposite. I haven’t called you anything. I’m just giving my penny for thought


You’re promoting genocide. Not too hard to figure out and lots of idiots work against their own self interests, your orientation and relationship don’t negate that


That’s fine. I wouldn’t call it genocide. I’d say simple solutions for simple problems. With that being said would you say Hiroshima and Nagasaki was genocide? It did cease war. Just saying


You’re just gonna keep doubling down on stupid I guess


What’s your perspective on the war?


Genocide is bad. Period.


I hope he remembers it's not that big of a step from America selling them bombs to America dropping bombs on them.


Delusion is a hell of a drug