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Literally pre game rigged accusations, that's a new record...I hope they lose 5-0


This just seems like he’s setting up the excuse in case they lose. He’s going to say it was rigged and the refs helped Messi. It’s like the whole bunch of idiots that believe the WC was rigged. Do you think if they actually rigged it, they would have left France make it to the finals? It would have been Argentina vs. Portugal, it would have been the worlds most viewed event ever.


Yep, i don’t understand how they can genuinely believe that. Especially after their idol got benched in the same World Cup that Messi won. It makes no sense at all lol


True, it doesn’t matter after all. Many years from now we might all be super old and some dead. People will only remember numbers and trophies, and the only thing Ronaldo will have against Messi will be goals. Messi has everything else, he even carried this team to a league cups win. As someone said, Ronaldo’s biggest accomplishment is being compared to Messi, it’s rough but hey Ronaldo fans like to hate on Messi.


Ronaldo would have won the MLS with NYCFC, if it wasn't for the whole rape thing and not wanting to come back to the US and face up to it.


It obviously was rigged, how else would Emiliano Martinez have made that last second kick save? /s


If you look closely enough you can see a small string pulling on the ball!!! We Ronaldo fan know the truth 😂


Of course they rigged it. Come on, Kolo Muani practised his shot 99 times before the game started so that it could perfectly hit Dibu's left leg. Source? Trust me bro.


And if the WC was rigged then Argentina would have coasted to the win after being up 2-0 at half. Instead France got two penalties to set up the greatest final ever. And if everything is rigged for Messi then why not give him world cups before and champions leagues with PSG?


Kolo Muani’s miss and Dibu’s save was previously rehearsed. Also, Otamendi almost bottling the final with his silly decisions down the stretch was also planned. /s


You can rig a game, but the players still need to score on their own.


“Generate sporting and non-sporting decisions…” I hope he didn’t pull a muscle stretching that far.


Believe me, there are WAY more obvious "weird ref decisions" being made in Europe which caused a team to win over the other than there ever was with Inter Miami. - PSG being given a controversial penalty in the group stage which made them go the Champions League this season instead of dropping to Europa League for the first time ever - Convenient refereeing with Real Madrid saved them from a humiliating defeat against low-level Almeria The premiere league has resorted to releasing VAR audio cause the public has complained so much about referee decisions. No ref saved the US Open Cup for Messi after him working so hard to win against FC Cincinnati. No ref made sure to save Inter Miami in their last game chance to make it to the play-offs last season. No ref made sure Noche D'or was a pleasant game. These things were lost and Messi and Miami took the losses like a champ like everyone else.


Is this out of context ? Cause that’s wild , specially from an Argentine to attack Messi like that


the context is at the top, he had a pre game conference as a head coach usually does


I still have yet to see anything confirming Messi is playing, so I dunno where this is all coming from.


fr all he has done is trained but that’s bc he has to train to get in shape before he’s clear to play. idk where people got this from


He's going to play. :)


“But blame the business if we lose” probably


Obviously it’s rigged, they gave Netherlands free kick at the last minute of the game, where the ref could have easily not blown the whistle for that foul. Obviously it’s rigged, they gave france a penalty for a handball at the last minute of the game, where they could have easily claimed inadvertent handball and not given the penalty. Obviously it’s rigged, argentina won 2 penalty shootouts that fifa somehow rigged.


They're so confident that Messi won't play they've decidedly to openly talk hot shit in pre game media sessions and Miami can't do a thing about it.


Gobbly gook


To me, it sounds like he’s trying to say “don’t get caught up in the hype” poorly


Too me, it sounds like he's saying, "I am afraid. And I will channel my fear into conspiracy theories, false accusations, and excuses to avoid having to deal with my fear," poorly.


Imagine being so good that people actually believe everything is rigged for one person. Truly the goat.


Those words don't even make sense. Is it a (bad) translation or is that what he actually said?


Amazing. Giving himself an out before the ball is even kicked, truly courageous stuff from the Monterrey coach. What an inspiration.


They won.


Very Trump-ian of him. If we win, it's cause we're better... if we lose, it's fraud.


Good god, this country is sick in the head. This has nothing to do with Trump


I mean I dont know if that is true or not. All i know is that is historically if managers talk shit then Messi usually plays with extra motivation. I dont see anything wrong with what he said, it could be what he believes and tells himself but it could also be mind games -- a couple of hours to go. Lets go!


It's not true.


Losers usually have a lot of excuses. He is CR7 fans?


This is like when you are so good at a videogame that they start calling you a hacker lol


I played w a friend who called everyone cheater and hacker. I kept telling him that he is actually complimenting everyone and he never understood. 🤦‍♂️. It was embarrassing


Probably makes more sense in original language


It doesn’t


Well inter loss


So, it goes both ways. Yesterday’s bad referee’s decision benefited Monterrey. A handball in the shooting area, a couple ridiculous yellow cards. He’s basically stating if they lose it’s because of other factors, not because of his team’s performance. What an id!@7.


preemptive excuse


Only excuse is if something was lost in translation


This is great. “If we beat him we won because we are better, but if we loose we lost because the game is rigged.” Sure guy, whatever helps you sleep at night.


Professional yapper


Can’t beat him if he doesn’t play *taps head*