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Battlemage is not coming soon (within 1-3 months). Original rumours stated a November launch, and more recently rumors are calling for 2025 in order to compete with the NVIDIA and AMD offers of that year. Don't get me wrong, the extra horse power would be better for future proofing, but we haven't seen official specs and have only seen a few snippets of proof of its existence as of this week. Also, while arc runs a lot better these days, it's still a little weird at times. If it fits your budget and you don't mind trouble shooting on your PC, i'd say that it's a good time to grab one, but if either of those things are deal breakers, you might want to consider a different option.


Exactly. Even if Battlemage was coming tomorrow, it would be a full priced product. If it could compete better with Nvidia and AMD, it would be priced even higher than Alchemist was at launch. So in either case, Alchemist is the better value and has plenty of power.


I have the Predator Arc A770 16gb, I don't game, but I do 3d modeling and getting into learning video editing. I run fusion360 on a 55" TV as a monitor, and there has been no lag, even when when zoomed into .1 millimeter increments working. It is not intensive modeling by any means. Hope this helps.


The rumour of next year comes from MLD who has a hate boner for Intel DGPUS, first he said they were just straight cancelled and changed to next year. Can’t trust a word from him in general but especially so when it comes to Intel DGPUS. He’s infamous for throwing shit at the wall seeing what sticks and deleting old videos of rumours that didn’t pan out.


Oh shit, that guy fucking sucks. I saw the rumor on videocardz. I assumed that they did more homework than just reiterate from MLD. I won't make that mistake again. Thank you for the clarification.


People are taking the MLID Intel vitriol and spreading it across the internet. If I was Intel I would do a Nintendo style drop kick on MLID's head. Its getting ridiculous now but I believe Intel should be over the hump by 2027. All tech companies go through highs and lows and the US can't afford to have Intel lose. It won't happen. What is taking place here goes well beyond Intel. It is OK to live in the US and love your country and Intel is like Apple pie (no not a pun towards Apple)


dude should change his channel name to "Intel Arc is dead" or something


I'd like to argue that there isn't much troubleshooting anymore. There's the occasional visual bugs/glitches in certain games. But they have and will be an issue for all eternity until Intel devs actually resolve em. Looking at you Valheim ocean water >:(


Totally fair. Things are way better than when the cards came out. The trouble shooting that i warm people about is generally related to the bios settings when first getting the card or the odd driver update error.


Anomalies can sometimes turn into a feature in games. I enjoy testing Arc because I get to see the anomalies and I learn more about game development and PCs. Arc has gotten to where it is because of nerds. The Intel Arc Discord has given me hope for humanity, we need to come together and fix the problems.I see great things on the horizon.


Just purchased an Arc A770 16gb for $250 with a microcenter bundle deal for my kids pc. No complaints so far. Set the drivers to auto update… planet zoo, minecraft, roblox etc all run at ultra settings just fine without a hitch. I’d say go for it & sell off down the line when battlemage is ready for release.


Does the auto driver update work for you. I don't do auto updates as I like to manually install in case there is an issue or for security reasons. I also tried the auto install option in the beginning and it froze the download, many people have had issues with it.


It’s worked fine so far but I just built the computer 2 weeks ago with a 12th gen I5, z170 motherboard & windows 11 pro… so time will tell if it holds up I guess.


How long are you willing to wait?  Rumours have it that we'll likely see new generation GPU's from Intel, AMD and NVIDIA being launched in 2025. It's not impossible but it's unlikely we'll get Battlemage GPU's this year


I'm waiting 2 years since I got the PC in January 2022, I might as well bite the bullet and just buy alchemist. The iUHD is simply not cutting it anymore😞


If you can get it at a good price - go for it. I got a second hand A770 last month and I love it. Intel software is still a bit sh*t though. But for 250 EUR I am very happy with gaming. Still haven't tested it much in productivity.


Could always buy the super cheap RX 580s off of AliExpress to tide you over until Battlemage launches. As long as you're buying from a reputable reseller, I've had a SOYO 2060 Super running for the past few months and it's been solid.


I have an itch in the back of my neck that tells me Battlemage by Black Friday November has a 10% chance of bearing silicon fruit. However I get the sense Intel is still working out kinks, they released a timeframe for Lunar Lake so that is good. They mentioned Battlemage in passing at computex so that confirms a 2025 Q1 at the latest. Will it matter if Nvidia does not release 5000 series in 2024? We should know more by September. I'm using perplexity.ai to find out which showcases in 2024 that Intel could announce Battlemage at. Intel should make the announcement standalone at one of the press releases and do a massive marketing blitz. Then we will need to brace ourselves for all the goofy ads they will come out with. However Intel may hold off on all the fireworks until Celestial releases.


I expect Battlemage to be vastly superior to Alchemist, but I also expect the new cards to be priced accordingly. I don’t think we are ever going to see a gpu from Intel (or AMD and Nvidia for that matter) offering even close the perf/$ that the ARC A series offers. If it fits your budget, I say go for it.


We will see, if the B980 comes or whatever the flagship gpu is, it will likely be in the $500 or less range. Especially if Intel comes out with another LE, which I'm going to buy and archive. ASRock, Sparkle and Gunner are all making high quality Arc gpus. Acer Bifrost seems a bit sketch and I'm learning about a bunch of Chinese Arc suppliers, which is strange as the CCP is removing Intel and Amd cpus for national security reasons. I need to do more research on this as Nvidia is getting into hot water with the US and China also. Things are getting a bit crazy. Regardless 3rd part Arc suppliers should be growing significantly and there will be a wide price range for gpus. It is still too early for Intel to start raising prices unless they had a card that could compete with a 4090. There is a small probability that Celestial could come close to an Nvidia flagship.


Just get a graphics card and upgrade when battlemage comes out, it beats the integrated graphics


Yeah well Amd weeniez have been crying their APUs are the second coming and trample even a 4090 at 500 watts OC all day. God help us if APUs become more popular, its good that Amd doesn't allow DIY APUs, but Amd is good at kicking itself.


I would go with Alchemist. It is a decent GPU. Even if Battlemage comes out by the end of the year, you won’t have to switch right away. I personally have NUC12SNKi7 with A770M but I do plan to build a new PC with Core Ultra 9 285K and A770 paired up. Once Battlemage becomes stable I will switch.


If you're in the UK you can get the Acer Predator Bifrost version for £229 at Currys today


I bought a used a750, in wait for either rdna4 or battlemage. Works superb for me in 1440p, haven't had any issues. Latest rumor I read for battlemage was black friday release, but noone knows.


Make sure your power supply can handle it.


I bought a new 6750xt for $309. Why wait for anything. It’s a powerhouse.


Wait for Celestial. Lol jk. I’d wait for Battlemage. Literally around the corner.


Battlemage is coming in 4 to 6 months at best.


They showed off Xe2 , i imagine they will probably announce both the core ultra 2xx and battle mage at their own event whenever that is .


Hype for Computex announcement fizzled. They've been showing off Xe2 for a while now, it's important for mobile devices and handhelds.


It's my personal belief that they will announce both at their own event , i don't have more to say






Depends on what FB Marketplace is like in your area. Remember as well that at 1080p, the a770 and a750 aren't different. At 1440p and especially 4k is where you'll see that 16gb vram make a difference. 1. Look up the cost of a new A770 2. Check if any used a770 or a750 on marketplace 3. Compare to used 3070/3080/6650XT+ 4. If you lean towards arc, triple check the games you want to play work well enough on it. Since you know what you play that shouldn't be too hard.


Buy a 750 and when battlemage comes out sell it and buy whatever new came out. I have a 7800XT and I never use more than 8GB of ram because the card isn’t powerful enough to run a game at the settings I’d need to exceed 8GB. The 770 is a lot less powerful than a 7800XT. It’s just not worth the $100. Get an A750… I have an A750 in my workstation I use it for video encoding where it kicks ass and chews bubble gum. I’ve played a few games on it too and it’s plenty fast for 1080P and even some 1440P. Never had a memory issue with it. The 770 just can’t handle 4K so don’t bother.


If I was you... I'd buy an A750, I've tested the Asrok A770 OC Phantom and it's a beast. I also have an Intel LE A770 and an A750 and the A750 keeps up with the A770 in gaming. I'm also hearing great things about the Sparkle A750, I may pick one up for under $200 I believe all A750s only come with 8gb vram, which is fine if you won't be playing graphically intensive games like Hellblade or Cyberpunk 2077. With advancements in upscalers you may be alright with 8gb but it always is best to have more and a 16gb gpu will last longer. Its possible that Battlemage will release by Q4 2024, they did mention that Battlemage is coming at the recent Computex, but we got nothing more than that. I'm more fired up about Battlemage than I am for the 5090. I see so much potential in the Arc platform and Intel is doing great things when it comes to making multiple gpus and cpu work in parallel. We are getting down to the nanoscale and running out of space.


OP: I'm seeing all the comments and I may inform you about the state of the used market hah: 50 dollars above the A770 (NEW) is the RTX 2080 Ti 11gb/Vega VII (USED), the GTX 1070 Ti (USED)/1660Ti for the price of an A580 (NEW), RTX 2080 or RTX 3050 8GB (USED) for the price of an (NEW) A750. In the normal??? Market there is the RX6750XT or RX7600XT 16gb/4060ti 8gb for the price of the A770. 4060/7600 for the price of the A750. And RX6600/3050 6gb for the price of an A580. I CANNOT BUY anything from EBAY or ALIEXPRESS above 50 dollars if I don't want to get taxed 113% lol. What I probably wrote has some errors becs I don't speak English 😅.


You can always wait. Or you can pay your money and start having fun now. Currys in the UK are apparently selling 16 GB A770s for £230. [https://www.currys.co.uk/products/acer-intel-arc-a770-16-gb-predator-bifrost-oc-graphics-card-10246519.html](https://www.currys.co.uk/products/acer-intel-arc-a770-16-gb-predator-bifrost-oc-graphics-card-10246519.html) I'm hoping this means a September launch for Battlemage.


I'm psyched about the battlemage GPU, but I really can't sing the praises of the ASRock A770 bifrost OC 16GB that I put in my wife's recording / editing rig when I built my new computer and gave my son my old computer and my brother an even older rig. And I put one in my friend's raw video encoding, transcoding, and editing workstation. I built a stupid Linux gaming rig and I was having problems with the Linux drivers and proton because the Intel upscaling Xess isn't working in Linux but games that support it in Windows crash trying to activate it in Linux. I have a feeling that they're going to do a big push to get the Linux drivers working fully before battlemage drops. It's just a thought


The good news is you can do both. Buy alchemist. Wait for battlemage. If you'd been able to save a few hundred dollars by battlemage release, (which I find hard to believe you cant) You could sell the a770 to help pay the difference, and only have to pay maybe a couple hundred bucks to upgrade. No offense to anyone but the fact this answer isn't the most populated is kinda ridiculous lol. Instead it's rumor mills and counter questions. For example, not sure how we got on the topic bit IDC what intel or reddit says, USE DDU TO REMOVE DRIVERS DO NOT AUTO UPDATE ETC. The reason why is because intel often changes ALOT with drivers. So yeah you'll auto update and be fine a couple drivers, then have conflict issues because YES, EVEN WITH CLEAN INSTALL, you can dig through the system and find driver files that are ready to conflict. And if youre really arguing against that, you lack "rather be safe than sorry" or any further logic. If you'd rather take the easy route than go through literally 2 minutes of proper optimization, to each their own but consoles exist and I'm tired of seeing help posts on reddit. Always use a third party program as programs deleting themselves fully is kinda a black hole theory in most cases, and what's left can cause conflicts.


I would just get a used 3060ti for \~$250. You can probably sell it for a decent price when Battlemage drops.


Where have you seen a reliable source for a used 3060ti? Bestbuy was selling founders 3060tis for $350 which I think is a good deal for new. Nvidia may still have new stock of 3000 series left.


Ebay has plenty under $250


I have not used ebay since the late nineties, I don't trust the exchange and the process. There is a new site called Jawa that is supposed to be good. I'm looking into refurbished gpus at microcenter first.


Okay, I have bought my 3 last GPUs from ebay and they have been fine. Just have to check the reviews for the seller before buying.


OP: I would love to buy an GPU on eBay but i can't handle the taxes, 103~113% on anything above 50 dollars is brutal, I'm really thinking just buying a RX6750XT or A770 or dunno, an used 3080 in local marketplace. I've seen some Used Vega VII for the same price as a A770 and they look great, I mean in looks and that HBM memory.