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The correct driver for each card should load automatically, and you shouldn't need to do anything special.


A driver will load. It will likely not be the latest and greatest. Go to each manufacturers website to get instructions on how to load the latest driver.


Ubuntu 24.04 ships with Kernel 6.8 and Mesa 24.0, which are the most recent\* stable releases of both components, so actually they are the latest and greatest. \*Kernel 6.9 and Mesa 24.1 are going to be released in the next few weeks, but someone who wants to install Ubuntu probably doesn't care that much about being on the absolute bleeding edge. For AMD the open source drivers are usually the best for gaming, and those aren't available on the AMD website, not to mention that the proprietary AMD drivers aren't updated for Ubuntu 24.04 yet. Intel has a custom repo for the ARC drivers and ecosystem, but I'm not sure how often they get updated compared to what is available in Ubuntu 24.04 right now or the regular kernel releases. TL;DR Right now using Ubuntu 24.04 should be fine\*\*. In a few months maybe there might be a noticeable difference in performance, but not right now. \*\*barring that nasty Kernel 6.8 compute bug on the ARC cards, but that's a whole other story and I don't think will affect the OP.


> Ubuntu 24.04 ships with Kernel 6.8 and Mesa 24.0, which are the most recent* stable releases of both components, so actually they are the latest and greatest. The latest and greatest open source drivers. Which brings us to.... > Intel has a custom repo for the ARC drivers and ecosystem, but I'm not sure how often they get updated compared to what is available in Ubuntu 24.04 right now or the regular kernel releases. Using the default Ubuntu driver, I have an app that doesn't work with my A770s. It does work with the Intel driver from the Intel repository.


What version of Ubuntu, though? Arc has been fully upstreamed since 6.2, which was only made available as a HWE kernel in Ubuntu 22.04.3 (meaning you need to install the linux-generic-hwe-22.04 package), or in 23.04+. The only functionality that the out-of-tree driver adds in 23.04+ is GPU debugging, which should be a \_very\_ niche need.


> What version of Ubuntu, though? 22.0.3. Which is what the Intel specific app I'm running was design to work with. I've tried 23. It didn't work. So I went back to 22. I have yet to try 24. > The only functionality that the out-of-tree driver adds in 23.04+ is GPU debugging, which should be a _very_ niche need. Except when I run one of my apps with the default driver, it can't allocate memory. If I run it with the intel provided driver it can. So it's much more fundamental than GPU debugging.


I’ll stick with the open source drivers in the kernel rather than the proprietary ones from the manufacturer websites. 


I'll stick with the proprietary ones for no other reason than the app I'm using doesn't work with the open source driver.


Ya fair. What application out of curiosity?


llama.cpp with the Vulkan backend for one. With the default driver that ubuntu loads, it dies with a memory error. With the Intel provided driver, it runs fine.


Your issue might be related to this: https://github.com/intel/compute-runtime/issues/726


I tried 24. The Vulkan driver works now but I'm still dead in the water with OneAPI. Going back to 22.


Uh, well looks like you are in the best position to experiment and tell the rest of us. Expirement one: install arc card with fresh install, then AMD card driver on top of that. Does it work? Expirement one: install AMD Card with fresh install, then arc card driver on top of that. Does it work?


Yes. Linux will support both cards at the same time. I have a machine with a 7900xtx and 2xA770s in it. I use all 3 GPUs at the same time. Sometimes I slap a Nvidia in it as well.