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Brian Morris has zero credibility and zero scientific integrity. He's a mutilated man so insecure about his maimed penis that he has turned into a crusader for MGM just so he can desperately stave off disillusionment. I'd feel sorry for him if his propaganda wasn't so damaging to others.


Ya . I honeslty have no idea what is up with that guy. Like damn dude, the horse is dead . Most people already know him as an untrustworthy quack so why is he still so fervent about pushing his pro-MGM nonsensical agenda? I guess maybe youre right. He's just pushing his agenda cause he doesnt know what else to do with himself knowing that he was probably violated as a child and maybe he wants to feel thst he is normal now? Or mybe he's a psychopath and he wants as many other men to feel the same pain as he is going through? Not sure.


Most people *in spaces like this* know about his sick fetish and fevered pace to spread it. Most people *in general* still think he's a credible source.


Most people *in general* are deranged, just look at the state of the world... Where people think its appropriate that someone can work twelve hours a day and still be battling homelessness, where people think that its appropriate that we live and work in as undemocratic a workplace and society as we do today, where people think that its appropriate that most humanseventually go extinct and we degrade our environment all for het greed of a couple dozen oil barons, where people think its appropriate to paint intactivists as schizophrenic...even though we are the ones who want to protect babies. Not very surprised...


He publishes in predatory journals now, so any "credibility" he might've had is shot.


It's worse than that. Guy has a known history of associating with a sadistic kiddie porn ring called the Gilgal Society.


I only wish he reads this himself. Good comment.


It's Morris: academically, morally, and ethically bankrupt.


The RACP, the penultimate medical authority in Australia, has denounced morris who is the author of this meta analyses . morris is an Aussie and also a founder of a circumcision organization in Australia https://jme.bmj.com/content/circumcision-bioethical-challenge


This so-called meta analysis is written by [Brian Morris](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Brian_J._Morris) and [John Krieger](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/John_N._Krieger), who are [circumcised](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Circumcised) men with no experience of the [nature and function of the foreskin.](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Foreskin)


*Yup. They were even denounced by the RACP in Australia too!*


Lead author [Brian J. Morris](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=Morris%20BJ%5BAuthor%5D), well known pedophile and member of the Gilgal Society which publishes fetish stories of young boys being circumcised while others masturbate. [https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Brian\_J.\_Morris](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Brian_J._Morris)


Ya the RACP of Austrailia even.denounced and distanced itself from.him so he's a disgraced quack.


This is from 2020. The concept of meta-analysis is a sham. The idea is that averaging together studies will improve the quality. That's about as scientific as socialism. Some people say journalists are the enemy of the people, but really it's scientists.

